State’s Largest Readership and Circulation
More than 284,965 people read the Hippo from all over southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts.
The Hippo covers art, entertainment and quality of life in New Hampshire’s southern tier. Hippo provides southern New Hampshire’s active adults the only dedicated food, music, movie and arts coverage. Hippo also offers ideas for family fun and information about children’s activities as well as coverage of New Hampshire’s great outdoors.
To inquire about placing an ad, contact the advertising department at (603) 625-1855 Ext. 26 or email [email protected]. Please note that our advertising staff may be out on the road, so please leave a message and someone will return the call as quickly as possible.
Top 5 reasons to advertise in The Hippo

5. Quality content.
Hippo offers quality content that attracts active, smart readers interested in the arts, outdoor activities, events, culture, food, music and entertainment. Advertisers benefit from being connected to such a well respected publication that covers areas of interest that readers care deeply about. We see content as key for successful advertising. Our content is produced by an award-winning staff with one thing in mind: What do active adults in southern New Hampshire want to know about? Our editorial team is judged by one metric: the size and quality of our readership. We maintain a very clear line between advertising and our coverage so readers know and feel they are getting great content created for their needs and their needs only. This is great for advertisers who want a sophisticated audience and like the positive feeling readers bestow on advertisers in Hippo. Our readers not only like our paper, they love it.
4. Strong readership and circulation.
Hippo’s readership and circulation has stayed steady over the years — while many daily newspapers have seen readership and circulation numbers drop by double digits. We attribute this growth and our continuing success to the quality of our content and easy access to our publication. This wide distribution makes it convenient to pick up a copy of the paper. We’ve gotten so good at distributing the paper that we offer our distribution services to other publications.
3. 30 percent penetration.
Reach 30 percent of all adults within a 25-mile radius of New Hampshire’s largest city, Manchester (Zips 03101, 03102, 03103, 03104, 03109). In some of the more affluent towns such as Bedford (Zip 03101), Merrimack (Zip 03054) and Amherst (Zip 03031), Hippo reaches more than 60 percent of adult residents, according to MediaAudit.
2. Huge readership.
284,965 non-repeated readers over four issues according to the Circulation Verification Council (CVC) American Research Group (ARG) 2015 polls. Hippo gets its readership numbers from two annual polls it conducts over the phone to more than 1,000 New Hampshire and Massachusetts residents. Hippo’s one issue readership averages 120,600 people, another 164,365 or so people read less frequently, but at least one time in a four-week period, according to CVC and American Research Group. This is common in single copy publications, such as Hippo, whose circulation isn’t delivered to the same homes and businesses as traditional daily newspapers and magazines and is another advantage of Hippo’s model.
1. Desirable demographics.
Active, educated and affluent, Hippo readers get out more, spend more and care more about their local community than non-readers.
Hippo median reader – 43
Southern New Hampshire resident median – 47
Hippo median reader – 60% women; 40% men
Southern New Hampshire resident median – 51% women; 49% men
Hippo median reader – $82,000 annual household
Southern New Hampshire resident median – $60,000 annual household
Hippo median reader – College degree
Southern New Hampshire resident median – Some college
Keep great company and join our growing list of advertisers. More than 500 local businesses regularly advertise in the Hippo.
American K9 Country
Angela’s Pasta & Cheese Shop Brady Sullivan
Catholic Medical Center
Common Man Companies
Cotton Restaurant
Currier Museum of Art
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical
Deja Vu Furniture
Elliot Hospital
East Side Plaza
Firefly American Bistro
Granite State Candy Shoppe Granite State Naturals
Haywards Ice Cream
LaBelle Winery
Manchester Community College McIntyre Ski Area
Nashua Community College
New Hampshire Technical Insitute North Side Plaza
Palace Theatre
Palmer Gas Red
River Theatres
Renew Medispa
Sanford Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Smiles By Design
SNHU State Farm
The Bakeshop On Kelley Street
The Big One
The Flying Goose
The Granite YMCA
The Hudson Mall
Tupelo Music Hall
Viking House
YMCA of Greater Nashua
And more!
Hippo is broken down into modular ad sizes:
Full Page
1/2 Vertical
1/2 Horizontal
1/4 Horizontal
1/4 Vertical
1/4 Horizontal Strip
1/8 Vertical
1/8 Horizontal
9.25(W) x 10.626(H)
4.5625(W) x 10.4385(H)
9.25(W) x 5.1567(H)
4.5625(W) x 5.167(H)
2.188(W) x 10.4385(H)
2.2188(W) x 5.1568(H)
4.625(W) x 2.2159(H)
9.25(W) x 2.5471(H)
2.2188(W) x 2.5159(H)
Mechanical Specifications
HippoPress uses a PC platform. Please email ads to [email protected]. Acceptable Formats: .pdf (200 dpi), .tif (PC format, 300 dpi), .jpg (400 dpi). We do not accept ads in Word, PageMaker or any other non-conforming programs. HippoPress only accepts PMTs or camera ready slicks electronically. Color advertisements should be CMYK. The Hippo runs a line screen of 90, please compensate for a 15% dot gain.
Advertising Standards
HippoPress will not run ads for anything it deems inappropriate for its audience, including but not limited to ads for sexual services. The publisher reserves the right to reject any ads for any reason.
Pick-up Locations:
During COVID-19 social distancing, our pick-up locations changed. You can find The Hippo at most grocery stores and in our street boxes.
Retail outlets, all major Supermarkets, Restaurants, workplaces, apartment complexes and street boxes in Manchester, Nashua, Bedford, Goffstown, Hookset, Auburn, Milford, Merrimack, Hudson, Derry and Londonderry. Below is a list of towns the Hippo is available in:
There are lots of ways to advertise!
Ask us about our newsletters, inserts, brochures and rack cards, mailers and marketing distribution, social media, website,
signage and other print services!
Hippo Advertising Personnel can be reached: 603-625-1855
Charlene Nichols
Advertising Sales Manager
603-625-1855 Ext.126
Alyse Savage
Ad Representative
Roxanne Macaig
Ad Representative
603-625-1855 Ext.127
Space: Noon on the Friday prior to Publication
Material: Noon on the Monday prior to Publication
Frequency Discounts
Frequency Discounts available on runs of consecutive ads
Non-Profit Discounts
Non-Profits may qualify for additional frequency discounts. Political organizations, universities, hospitals, and large non-profits do not qualify for this discount.
Agency Discount
Some agencies may qualify for gross rates. Please call for more information. The discount only applies to qualified agencies that submit page-ready ad work and conform to AAAA standards and practices.
20% surcharge to guarantee position
Every Thursday. Almost all papers are picked up by Saturday morning.
Audited By Circulation Verification Council