Healthy state for kids
The 2021 Kids Count Data Book, released last week by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, ranks New Hampshire second in the United States for overall child well-being. According to a press release from New Futures, a nonprofit that aims to improve the health and wellness of New Hampshire residents, the national report uses data from four domains in each state: economic well-being, education, health, and family and community context. According to the report, New Hampshire ranks first in family and community context, third in overall health, fifth in education and sixth in economic well-being.
Score: +1
Comment: According to the release, New Hampshire moved from second to first in family and community context because the number of children living in single-parent families decreased from 30 percent in 2018 to 28 percent in 2019, and the number of children living in high-poverty areas dropped from 2 percent in 2018 to less than 1 percent in 2019.
Safe state for cats and dogs
For the first time, New Hampshire is a no-kill state, according to the annual pet lifesaving data recently released by Best Friends Animal Society, with no dogs or cats killed in state shelters in 2020. It’s the second state in the country (after Delaware) to reach no-kill status, the release said, with an aggregate shelter pet save rate of 92.62 percent, which factors in the approximately 10 percent of pets who enter shelters and have medical or behavioral issues that warrant humane euthansia. Of the 8,573 dogs and cats that entered New Hampshire shelters in 2020, all were saved, according to the release.
Comment: +1
Score: In 2019, only 76.47 percent of the state’s shelters were no-kill, according to the release.
American pride
The Fourth of July should be a big day in the Granite State — according to a new report from the personal-finance website WalletHub, New Hampshire is the fifth most patriotic state in the nation.
Data compiled included number of military enlistees and veterans, volunteer hours and share of adults who voted in the 2020 presidential election. According to the report, New Hampshire ranked first in civics education requirement, fourth in percentage of adults who voted in the presidential election and sixth in Peace Corps volunteers per capita.
Score: +1
Comment: New Hampshire follows Montana, Alaska, Maryland and Vermont in patriotism, according to the report.
Queen City scams
In the past couple of weeks, Manchester police have dealt with two significant scams. On June 17, they handled a report from an elderly woman who had received calls from a man who said her Social Security number had been used in a drug and money laundering crime in Texas and told her to send $25,000 to a UPS dropoff in Tampa so that they could make sure the money was kept safe, according to a press release. The woman sent the money to the address, but a Manchester detective told the store manager to hold on to the package, and it was ultimately returned to her. On June 22, Manchester police sent out an Amber Alert for a missing mother and her 4-year-old son, who were found safe in the city soon after the alert went out. Detectives believe the incident was a phone scam, where someone calls the victim and says a family member is in trouble, then demands money for the individual’s safe return, according to a press release.
Score: -2
Comment: Both of these scams ended as happily as they could have, but the police remind everyone to be wary of any suspicious calls or requests for money.
QOL score: 77
Net change: +1
QOL this week: 78
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