Socially Distanced Summer Camp

How Summer Camps are trying to find a way to keep fun in the season.

Camps have been given the green light to open on June 22, but they won’t look the same as years past, with some going virtual and others making modifications to meet safety guidelines — and some not opening at all.

Also on the cover, Game Changer Sports Bar and Grill opens in Londonderry, p. 18. Fire pits are better with beer, p. 24. And stand-up comedy comes out of quarantine, p. 30.

OTR, Lost at Midnight (Astralwerks Records)Well wow, I got back into the Astralwerks system just in the nick of time, ...
Fire pits are having their moment “Want to walk over and have a beer by the fire? The kids can ...
There is nothing quite like a perfectly ripe peach as an afternoon snack. When a peach is tender and so ...
Dear Donna,I have this sign from The Concord Dairy. I’m not sure what to do with it and am wondering ...
One of the many advantages of living in New Hampshire is the accessibility of Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. Would anyone disagree ...
New sports bar and cornhole court opens in Londonderry Bob Carrier and his younger brother Rodney are both avid players ...
With the arrival of June a bit of normalcy is returning to everyday life. Not totally, of course; that’s still ...
Escape rooms go virtual — for free Escape rooms have been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, but some have ...
Eddie Saktanaset of Londonderry is the owner of Muse Thai Bistro (581 Second St., Suite C, Manchester, 647-5547, and ...
Family fun for the weekend Ocean celebrationThe Seacoast Science Center ( is celebrating World Oceans Day (Monday, June 8) with ...
Stand-up comedy comes out of quarantine As live entertainment gradually returns, the challenges for comedians are twofold. First, there’s the ...
Covid-19 updatesOn June 1, state health officials announced that the total number of positive test results for Covid-19 in the ...
How to divide your flowers I spend a lot in plant nurseries. At $10 or more a pop, it is ...
Hooray for history The Hopkinton Historical Society’s Putney Hill Cemetery Walk has been honored by the American Association for State ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Submit your photography: The New Hampshire Art Association is accepting ...
Film Reviews by Amy A singer looking to keep her career going and her assistant looking to start her career ...
By Wendy Williams (Simon & Schuster, 240 pages) The next time you think one of your relatives is weird, breathe ...
How day camps are adapting to new rules Gov. Chris Sununu recently gave the green light for summer day camps ...

Live Summer Music

The Tupelo Drive-In Experience got the live outdoor music party started, and local restaurants are joining in on a smaller scale as they start offering shows alongside outdoor dining — so while most big tours and concert series have been canceled or postponed, you can still get your live music fix this summer.

Also on the cover, Manchester native Tyler Spindel has a new hit on Netflix, p. 6. Get your next dessert from a food truck in Nashua or your next bottle of wine from a new shop on Main Street in Concord, p. 14. And get your puzzle on with all kinds of options, starting on p. 27 in the nite section.

Stuff about things. In 1999, the New Hampshire Supreme Court declared the state’s tax system to fund education ”unconstitutional” and ...
Director Tyler Spindel talks new film, The Wrong Missy Manchester native Tyler Spindel made his Netflix directorial debut in 2018 ...

Ready for a bite?

On the cover
16 Ready for a bite?
Some of the state’s restaurants are reopening for limited outdoor dining, with strict safety precautions in place. Find out how eateries are adjusting to the changes, why some are staying closed, and what dining will look like for customers for the near future.

Also on the cover, sometimes the only way to start your day right is with dessert, p. 20. Sometimes you need to get adventurous with your beer, p. 21. And sometimes you need to mix things up with new puzzles, p. 27 & 29 (let us know what you think about the new additions at!).

Music returns to Penuche’s Music Hall By Michael With limited reopening of businesses in New Hampshire, open air dining ...
By Angie Anyone who enjoys working with clay will find daily inspiration in The Voice of Clay: 365 Quotes ...
By Matt On May 18, New Hampshire eateries were permitted to reopen for limited outdoor dining only, as part ...
A teenage girl from the heart of the San Fernando Valley expands her horizons in Valley Girl, a, like, totally ...

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