Why get vaccinated?

It seems that many conversations and topics are so controversial these days that we find ourselves avoiding them. Sadly, the topic of the Covid-19 vaccine has turned out to be one of them. If, however, we are going to end the pandemic, we need to have the conversation.

Recently, somebody who is not vaccinated made the argument to me that because I am vaccinated, I should not care whether or not he/she gets vaccinated. Here is why I care. The pandemic will not end until we reach herd immunity, and we will not reach herd immunity until enough of the population receives the vaccine. To assume that we will reach herd immunity by allowing the disease to progress organically throughout the country and world is a foolish and dangerous proposition, one that has already cost more than 600,000 lives in the United States alone.

By refusing a vaccine, people are at high risk of becoming infected with Covid-19, becoming hospitalized, impacting the health care system, and continuing to increase the spread of Covid-19 in our community, our state, and in the United States. When the spread becomes significant enough, the health care system becomes overwhelmed, creating issues for those affected with Covid-19 and impacting people with other illnesses as well. Additionally, if you become infected, you will likely infect others with the virus, if not my grandchildren who are too young to receive the vaccine, then possibly somebody else’s young children or grandchildren, or immunocompromised family member.

Science has provided us with a vaccine that can end the pandemic. These vaccines are safe, highly effective, and readily available at no cost to residents in the United States. The number of myths and pieces of misinformation spreading about these vaccines is mind-boggling. Rather than rely on social media for medical information, can we all commit to finding factual information before making a decision? A good place to start is a conversation with your physician.

Getting vaccinated is an individual choice, but it’s a choice that has a significant impact on those around you. Educate yourself first. Then make your decision.

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