Treasure Hunt 25/03/20

Dear Donna,

I have a question on whether they still make the houses for incense like this. I can remember the tiny log cabin they went into. I found these at a consignment store. Any insight helpful.


Dear Carrie,

I’m smiling because years ago someone wrote in about the cabin. You can still find the older log cabin for the incense and even now they are made. Try looking at a White Mountains gift shop or even a New Hampshire rest area. Buying a newer one would probably be in the $10 range. To find older ones could run a bit more. But they are out there — you just need a treasure hunt! Thanks for the smile, Carrie, and good luck with your search.

Treasure Hunt 25/03/13

Good morning, Donna,

I am wondering what is the worth of these dishes and if you are interested or know someone who would be. Doing thorough cleaning and these have been stored over 20 years.

Thank you!


Dear Carol,

Mass-produced large dish sets from the 1930s and 1940s seem to have made it through time, most only being used during holiday occasions and the rest of the time being stored in china cabinets.

There are many different companies and patterns. 24kt gold designs are not uncommon and this doesn’t seem to affect values. So many were made that the value usually is in serving pieces. All need to be in perfect condition with no chips, discoloration, cracks etc.

In today’s use anything that’s not microwave safe is not welcomed often. Using china cabinets seems to be a thing of the past as well.

With all this, Carol, I would say the value of a set like this would be in the $50 range. But finding a market could be tough. Most people, like yourself, are always cleaning out!

I hope you find a new home for them.

Thanks for sharing.

Treasure Hunt 25/03/06

Hi, Donna,

I enjoy your column in the Hippo and am wondering if you would have any insight into a piece of artwork I own. It is an artist’s proof by Irving Amen (see pictures with signature) called ‘Rythms’ (first “h” is missing?) but I cannot find a similar picture anywhere online. I am wondering if it ever went beyond an artist’s proof.

If you have an idea of what it might be worth, or who I could talk to if this isn’t your department, I’d appreciate it.

Much thanks!


Dear Adele,

Art being a really specific field, I did some research and educated myself.

Artists’ proofs were done of the original just as limited editions. Unlike limited editions there were not many made, and this makes them more valuable. Some proofs can have color changes and items just a bit off from an original, which can also give them a higher value.

It’s tough to determine values on proofs without comparing them to other proofs from the artist. Even then there can be a difference in values from one proof to another, depending on subject and exactly how many proofs were made.

I found lots done by Irving Amen in the range of $100 to $300. Not many duplicates out there either. This could be why you didn’t find an original.

Adele, I think that to be certain, I would contact a large auction house that sells artwork. Possibly Bonhams Skinner in Massachusetts — they have specific departments just for artwork. This way you will know for sure.

I wish you luck, Adele, and hope I gave you insight. Thank you so much for sharing and giving me some education too.


Treasure Hunt 25/02/27

Hello, Donna,

My question is, does anyone have a use for these old keys? My wife said I should ask before I throw them away.


Dear Van,

I’m not saying this without a chuckle. Your wife is right! Antique keys can be very useful and even collectible.

My suggestion to you would be to bring them to an antique shop. The value of a lot like yours won’t make you rich. But they can be so helpful to people who have antiques, for unlocking furniture pieces, boxes, etc. — besides having a decorative and crafters market as well.

When I had my shop we always had a key box under the counter. Often we were asked to see if we might have one to help open something. We would lend them out and many times came back successful.

So, Van, sometimes the value on them can be priceless to someone who needs one. A value to you should be in the range of $10 to $15 for the lot.

Thanks for checking with us first!

Treasure Hunt 25/02/20

Dear Donna,

I recently picked this up and fell in love with it. There is no information on it or markings. I am wondering if you can give me any help on age or value. Not looking to sell it, just curious Thank you for any information.


Dear Deb,

Let me start off by saying it always makes me smile to hear of people enjoying older items.

Your pin is considered costume jewelry. Costume jewelry is made to have an expensive appearance to it. It can be tough to identify without a maker’s mark. Signed pieces usually bring higher prices, all makers varying. Also sometimes older pieces are made the same way today so it can be tough.

Looks like your swan pin is a mixed metal with silver tone finish. I think it’s safe to say 1960s range. Could even be a bit more modern as well.

The value is in the range of $10 to $15 but if you love it priceless!

Thank you for sharing, Deb, and enjoy your pin.

Donna Welch has spent more than 35 years in the antiques and collectibles field, appraising and instructing. Her new location is an Antique Art Studio located in Dunbarton, NH where she is still buying and selling. If you have questions about an antique or collectible send a clear photo and information to Donna at [email protected], or call her at 391-6550.

Featured Image: Courtesy photo.

Treasure Hunt 25/02/13

Hello, Donna,

Have enjoyed your column for years in the Hippo. The photos will show a carving of some type that my grandfather bought back from France during WWI in 1919. It appears to be ivory or marble. It’s approximately 5 inches in diameter. The frame is a dark hardwood with a curved glass top. Any idea on rarity or value?



Dear Gene,

Thank you for reading the Hippo and my column.

What you have is a Victorian era (last part of the 1800s) carved meerschaum in a convex glass frame. Meerschaum is a form of clay that was used for lots of smoking pipe carvings.

Your carving is of a religious subject and most ones I found to compare it to ran in the $200 range. I found some in a higher range but on average the ones marketing were in that range. Some of the meerschaum carvings that had other subjects and details also brought more. Value depends on the condition of the inside carving, glass and frame.

Thank you for sharing and I hope this helped.

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