Dear Donna,
I recently purchased these wondering what they were. I know now they were and are used for holding flowers. My interest is in collecting them now. My question is values on them and where to look for more.
Thanks, Donna,
Dear Ellen,
I enjoyed your email! Nice to see a collection beginning!
Metal painted flower holders like yours have been around for many centuries. They are used to hold flower stems in place inside a vase, bowl or other container. Even today “flower frogs,” as I knew them, are still in use.
The values of them can range from $5 to $10. Some fancier forms can bring much more. What a nice collection to have. As far as finding more, the hunt is on. Look at antique shops, flea markets, yard sales, thrift stores etc.
Ellen, I wish you luck in your hunt for a new collection. Thank you for sharing with us.