Return of the Farmers Markets

Where to shop in the fresh air for this season’s fresh fruits, veggies and more

Most summer markets are open for the season, but they don’t look the same as in years past, with social distancing guidelines in place and no live music or vendor demonstrations. Still, there’s plenty of fresh produce and other local products to be had — find out where you can get them, and what the summer farmers market scene looks like this year.

Also on the cover, how to prepare for a (safe) gathering in your garden, p. 12. Our beer columnist can’t resist an IPA, p.22. And our Music This Week live music listings are back, p. 29.

Making the year ahead in this most unusual coming sports year even more unusual is it’s coming as the presidential ...
Sara Serpa, Recognition: Music for a Silent Film (Biophilia Records) Serpa, a jazz singer from Portugal, has been a fixture ...
Somebody’s Gotta Do It, by Adrienne Martini (Henry Holt & Co., 240 pages) On one hand, Adrienne Martini suffered from ...
Da 5 Bloods (R) Spike Lee blends a Vietnam war movie with a quest-for-treasure movie with Da 5 Bloods, a ...
A look at the socially distant summer market scene You can still get your leafy greens, grass-fed meats and fresh ...
There is no getting around it We can talk about stouts and sours and Belgian-style brews and Pilsners and barrel-aging ...
Thompson organizes Black Lives Matter Nashua As the racial justice organizer for the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, ...
Camp for free Camp CHaD, a program from Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, is registering campers now for the virtual camp ...
I am a racist. It took me 35 years to first say the words and the last two examining the ...
Governor’s updates Covid-19 updateAs of June 8As of June 15Total cases statewide5,0795,345Total current infections statewide1,401984Total deaths statewide286320New cases449 (June 1 ...
Manchester tabletop game developers working on third game Bobby Fowler and Brenda Noiseux, best friends and founders of the Manchester-based ...
How to prepare for a garden party In these times, garden parties are few and far between. But if you ...
Free face masks for Manchester The Queen City Rotary Club will be handing out free reusable face masks as part ...
All quotes are from Gentleman’s Agreement, by Laura Z. Hobson, born June 19, 1900. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) ...
• Get some ’cue: Enjoy outdoor dining with music from Austin McCarthy in an oasis whose opening marks the semi-official ...
Dear Donna, I have a couple of hangers I’m looking to find out more about. They say ‘The Belmar Mfg ...
• Glendi canceled: For the first time in four decades, Glendi, a popular three-day festival celebrating Greek culture through food, ...

Kiddie Pool 6/11/2020

Animal adventure

Sneak in a little learning during your walks through nature. The New Hampshire Fish and Game department have Wildlife of New Hampshire cards available on their website at The two-page color pdfs are on subjects such as “Wildlife of Young Forests,” “Backyard Wildlife of New Hampshire” and “Wildlife of Rivers and Streams” as well as cards for hawks, wild bees, frogs, dragonflies, different kinds of birds and more.

Join a circus

The Flying Gravity Circus based in Wilton will be offering an at-home program called “Circus in a Box” this summer. With two programs (one for ages 6 to 8 and one for 9 to 14) and three weeklong sessions, “Circus in a Box” delivers circus-related materials (such as a puppet stage for the younger group, juggling balls for the older group and clown noses to everybody) in a box and then offers five days of programming for kids to follow at home, according to the website. The cost is $100 and camps run the weeks of June 29, July 6 and July 13. See

Circus Smirkus, the Vermont-based youth circus that has traveled to New Hampshire in past summers, won’t be touring this summer but Smirkus fans can still get in some clowning. Circus Smirkus will present Smirk-O-Vision, an online presentation of six events. A season pass costs $90 or individual events (six are scheduled) cost $15 to $18, according to the website, which lists the shows including “Inside the Circus: Backstage at the HQ” (on Aug. 6 at 7 p.m.), which looks at how they put on the shows each year, and “Inside the Circus: Directors’ Commentary” (July 2 at 7 p.m.). The group is also offering Smirkus@Home programming on subjects including juggling, magic, clowning, contortion and more, with classes for kids as young as 5 and schedules that include one-day classes, weeklong classes or sessions with weekly classes. See

Bee prep

Netflix’s new documentary Spelling the Dream (see page 24 for a review) is all about kids (and their families) competing in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The movie is rated G and might be a good way to inspire kids who are “meh” about spelling but like competition, trophies and the idea of going on ESPN. And, if they catch the Bee bug (or if you are just looking for ways to get kids spelling practice), you can check out the official Scripps app Word Club. It has a paid component, of course, but it offers some free word lists that users can be quizzed on in a variety of ways. The app presents the phonetic spelling, audio of someone saying the word, definition, part of speech and other information similar to what you’d get in a bee.

Photo courtesy of

Quality of Life 20/6/11

Gala success

The Humane Society for Greater Nashua moved its annual fundraising gala online and surpassed its goal by raising more than $105,000 during the May 31 event, according to a press release. The livestream production featured an auction as well as entertainment, and more than 2,000 viewers tuned in. The Humane Society also delivered 82 Party Boxes that were ordered ahead of time to people in the Greater Nashua community. Those people got to enjoy a 1920s themed box with a meal from Mcnulty and Foley Catering and a bottle of wine from Incredibrew, plus treats for the humans and their pets.

Comment: “I thought this was the best event I have experienced in all of my years in nonprofit management,” President and CEO of the Humane Society for Greater Nashua Doug Barry said in the press release.

No city fireworks

Both Manchester and Nashua have canceled their fireworks this year due to concerns about large gatherings and social distancing, according to WMUR. Manchester’s fireworks, which are usually held July 3 at Arms Park, were canceled by the Manchester aldermen at a meeting June 2, with the initial vote tied 7-7 and Mayor Joyce Craig breaking the tie. Nashua voted June 4 to cancel its show, according to WMUR, and other towns like Andover and Portsmouth have canceled theirs as well.

Comment: There is still hope — as of June 9, Merrimack had canceled its Fourth of July parade but not its fireworks show, according to the town’s parks and recreation webpage, and no official announcement has been made to cancel Concord’s fireworks, or fireworks at Hampton Beach.

Know & Tell

The Granite State Children’s Alliance is getting support from local celebrity Seth Meyers, who appears in a new video for its Know & Tell program, which urges people to know the signs of abuse and tell authorities when they see it, according to a press release from the alliance. The video also features clips from local health care workers, Gov. Chris Sununu, Senators Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen, and kids of all ages urging adults to help keep kids safe by knowing that anyone over the age of 18 is required by law to report suspicions of abuse and neglect.

Comments: Find the Know & Tell video on YouTube at

QOL score: 63 (the score is temporarily suspended, but QOL will still be keeping tabs on New Hampshire’s well-being each week)

What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at [email protected].

2020 graduates

What they missed most, plus hopes for the future

It has been a strange end to the school year for all students, but especially seniors, many of whom missed out on fun celebrations and saying goodbye to all of their classmates. We talked to a few 2020 college and high school grads (and the mom of a kindergarten grad!) about what they missed most and what their hopes are for the future.

Alycia Ashby
Senior at Manchester School of Technology, which moved its graduation ceremony to June 20 at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium. Alycia will attend Colby-Sawyer College in New London in the fall.

Ever since the fifth grade I have been working toward this moment. Walking across the stage. Grabbing my diploma. Shaking the hands of my admin and educators. Seven years later everything has changed. … I can’t help but marvel at the fact I may not walk across the stage. The Manchester School of Technology was my second home, my happy place, one that I had taken for granted. … I miss going to school. I miss my friends. I miss learning from a physical teacher teaching in the classroom. … I will never get the time back or the experience but one thing I know moving forward is I need balance. … Recent unfortunate events have allowed for many of us to find ourselves again. As we get back to our lives, I hope I can hold on to the me I have found and never take for granted my happy places.

Jessica Aviles
Jessica’s daughter, Evangeline, recently completed kindergarten at Jacques Memorial Elementary School in Milford. On May 29, Jacques hosted a special drive-through “sendoff” reverse parade to commemorate the conclusion of the school year.

Initially, our whole family was feeling uncertain about everything going on. My dad is a dialysis patient so we are used to self-quarantining when we get sick, but never expected it to be for this long. I reached out to fellow mom friends and was grateful for the constant communication from Jacques. … I expected remote learning to be like homeschooling. It was not at all! The most challenging part for Evangeline was being away from her teacher, Miss Casey, and her first set of classmates. For me, it was finding a balance of time and a schedule for her and her sister, Adalaide. [Evangeline] told me her favorite part was that I try to make learning fun, like Miss Casey. … For the fall, we plan to consider the advice of health officials along with Jacques and the state. I expect that Covid-19 will still be around, along with the usual concerns, and we will just have to take extra healthcare measures. We plan to learn and grow from this experience.

Katherine Buck
Communication and politics graduate of Saint Anselm College in Manchester, which has postponed its commencement ceremony. A livestreamed celebratory event for graduates was held on May 16.

Preparing for graduation this year has been a lot different than how I initially planned it at the beginning of the year. I remember talking with my parents trying to decide where we would want to go to celebrate after graduation and how we wanted to be with the families of my roommates one last time. … My roommates and I were looking forward to being able to take those celebratory pictures … with our diplomas in hand, like so many past. … My future plans were to enter into my career. Although this has not changed, it has become increasingly difficult during this time. I remain hopeful and vigilant in my job search and actively work to not be discouraged while looking for jobs.

Samantha Burns
Senior at Merrimack Valley High School, which will have its commencement ceremony on June 13 at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon. Students and their families will remain in their vehicles throughout the ceremony and will drive around the track, crossing the finish line to signify their official moment of graduation. Burns plans to attend New England College in the fall.

I have been preparing for graduation by making sure I have everything in line as far as [school] work goes, and picking out what I want to wear is a big part. Obviously, graduation is not going to go the same way I expected it to go. I am going to miss seeing the faces in the crowd as each of us walk down the aisle in our caps and gowns, but I believe that our graduation is going to be unique and one that we are all going to remember.

Julissa Castro
English graduate of Nashua Community College, which has moved its commencement to Sept. 26.

This semester was an adventure for me with online classes and working from home. I took six classes this semester so I could finish in time for graduation, which became more challenging when we switched online. … Thankfully, I have been able to manage my time and balance classes and work, and I was able to finish all of my classes with higher marks. … After graduation, I was going to spend my summer volunteering in Honduras, and then I was transferring to a four-year university to finish my bachelor’s degree. I’m attending John Cabot University in Rome. … Now, I have decided to defer for a semester so I could still be able to volunteer once the quarantine is over.

Hope Cataldo
Elementary education graduate of Rivier University in Nashua, which has postponed its commencement ceremony.

I sat down at my computer at the beginning of April and wrote my commencement speech without knowing if I’d ever give it. … I feel with every ounce of my being the desire to be back at my school, my home, with the people who mean the world to me. … At the start of the school, I was so ready to graduate. And now, all I want is to be back. … Before this pandemic began, my plans were the same as any college graduate. I was excited and ready to start my job search. I was going to live in Nashua, at Rivier, working with some of my favorite people. I was focusing my job search mainly in the Nashua area, as I have truly found a home here. Yet once the pandemic hit, that changed. … I conducted my job search in northern New Hampshire and Vermont, where I live. I accepted a job teaching fourth grade in Vermont, which I am so excited about. … I find myself upset when thinking about what could have been, so instead I focus on the positives. I am home, with a family that supports me unconditionally. We are all safe and well and doing our best to continue to be.

Shaun Collupy
Science in Business Management master’s program graduate of Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, which has postponed its commencement ceremonies, with a new date TBD.

At the beginning of the school year, I envisioned planning for graduation to consist of hugs and goodbyes to my friends, professors, and colleagues, spending last moments in my favorite places on campus, and celebration. Come April, preparation for graduation primarily consisted of ensuring my coursework items were completed on time and virtual goodbyes by way of phone calls and video conferences. What I was looking forward to most about graduating was having the opportunity to cheer on my friends and colleagues as they receive their diploma on Commencement Day. … My plans before the pandemic were, and still are, to begin my career with a Boston-based tech company. Although the initial plan was to start my journey [at the company’s headquarters], I am grateful to have committed to an employer who cares about their employees’ success and is providing me with the tools and resources I need to start my journey on time and remotely. I am excited for the physical office location to reopen and [to] have the opportunity to build relationships with my co-workers in person.

Cordell “CJ” Drabble
Senior at John Stark Regional High School in Weare, which will hold its commencement on June 13.

I had initially planned on all my immediate family coming to graduation to see myself and my close friends they’ve watched grow with me graduate. Now I am bringing just my parents. … [I] am just fortunate we are having a graduation, period. … My future plans haven’t changed. I am still going to be attending Army basic training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri this July, and returning home as a New Hampshire National Guard soldier.

Emily Gamache
Senior and class vice president of Campbell High School in Litchfield, which will hold its commencement on June 12. She plans to attend the University of Rhode Island in the fall.

There are many events that I have planned in the past and at the beginning of the school year which are much different from how we have to plan events now. At the start of the school year we could hold in-person meetings [and] talk to different teachers for help while in the building. … Now, everything needs to be thought out in a certain form. We need to make sure people are six feet apart, there is no interaction between different families and friends and there is a certain number of people on the field. … I have attended different graduations in the past and there has always been a powerful energy throughout them. There are so many emotions, hugs and pictures at every graduation. I never thought much about being able to hug my friends until it is now something I am no longer able to do.

Ridge Gonzales
Senior at The Derryfield School in Manchester, which will hold an on-campus commencement ceremony with social distancing guidelines on Aug. 1.

I am looking forward to an in-class graduation in August. It has been very different from beginning to plan to graduate at the beginning of this year. For starters, I think there’s less closure with the physical spaces that students correlate with school. For me, this means I can’t even remember what room my last class was in, [and] I never got to say goodbye, knowing this is the last time I’m going to sit down at this exact library table. I was definitely looking forward to the actual graduation ceremony where everyone is dressed up all nice and there’s a multitude of pictures with family and fellow students. To me, it’s pretty magical knowing that all those people have supported you all for this one last event. … My independent senior project was originally [to] visit different workspaces of people who work in business. However, this changed into Zoom and phone calls, which is still amazing, but not as immersive as I would’ve liked. Beyond high school, I was planning to find a good summer job, but some places are not hiring or even open yet. In regards to college, I’m just hoping I can be there in person for the fall.

Trey Haynes
Senior at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, which will hold a virtual graduation ceremony on June 14, streamed via Facebook live.

I was looking forward to [having] a last day with all my teachers and friends, but it was spent in front of a computer screen. … I also looked forward to hanging out with my friends and going on trips but those will have to be postponed. I still plan on going to college, although it might be online for the first semester, which isn’t what I expected to do. I plan to major in biology at NHTI.

Samantha Jette
Communication graduate of Saint Anselm College in Manchester, which has postponed its commencement ceremony. A livestreamed celebratory event was held May 16.

The last months of senior year [are] usually filled with traditions and activities to commemorate the ending of a great four years. When Saint Anselm closed in March, that meant that a lot of these traditions that my classmates and I have looked forward to would not happen. … While it was difficult to be home knowing I was missing time with my friends that I wouldn’t get back, I am lucky to have had such great experiences at St. A’s over the years. … The pandemic has definitely made my post-grad job search more challenging. At the beginning of the year, my hope was to have a job secured after graduation. Now that graduation has come and gone, I am realizing this may be more difficult than I expected.

Morgan Kidwell
Graduate of Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, which has postponed its commencement ceremonies, with a new date TBD.

I started my senior year off by making lists of what type of career I wanted to have, … where I wanted to relocate to, … and what types of companies I was interested in working for post-graduation. I also had a mindset [of making] every moment of my senior year count, which I definitely did! I was looking forward to … [an] entire day celebrating everything that my friends and I have overcome [and] accomplished over the last four years. We all sacrificed so much, pushed ourselves, and grew into amazing young adults throughout our time at SNHU. I did not have any set plans [for after graduation]. I was still searching for jobs, mostly in Colorado, Texas and Arizona. … I have been actively applying and using connections to inquire about [job] positions, [but] with the current situation in the world, most companies … have completely halted their hiring processes until as late as October. It’s tough, but I have faith I will find the perfect marketing position for me. I am currently doing part-time remote work for my internship … as a digital marketing intern as well as creating a website and curating social media posts for a construction company.

Jillian LaBrecque
Senior at John Stark Regional High School in Weare, which will hold its commencement on June 13. She’ll be attending the University of New Hampshire in the fall.

At the beginning of the year … I expected to be preparing for graduation by performing in my last school concert … and spending this last year with my friends that would soon be going to far away schools for military training. Instead, I am now working at a supermarket and spending several hours per week on Zoom calls. … For everything I lost in connection with concerts, performances and prom, I gained in humility and understanding. I finally understood for the first time what it means to have to sacrifice something important. We sacrificed our proms and large graduation ceremonies … for public safety. … I may never get to experience what I most looked forward to, but in reality what I experienced instead will be significantly more valuable to me in the future. So for that, I am very grateful.

Anna Lapadula
Senior at The Derryfield School in Manchester, which will hold an on-campus commencement ceremony with social distancing guidelines on Aug. 1. She will attend Boston University in the fall.

This past fall, I was focused on getting good grades, making it through the year, and being accepted into one of my top college choices. Graduation passed my mind once, maybe twice. … By the time graduation was actually within sight, I wasn’t allowed to be near people nor leave my house for anything other than essential errands. It wasn’t until a week before the original graduation date that it hit me: I don’t get to celebrate what was supposed to be one of the most momentous days of my personal and academic career, and I definitely won’t get to experience it alongside the people that I love the most and have gone through it all with. I wanted to be able to say that I did it. That I survived 15 years of hard work and dedication to my academics in order to create the future that I wanted for myself. I wanted to be able to look at my parents from the stage with my diploma in my hand and tell them that I didn’t let their unwavering support go to waste. I know that walking across a stage seems irrelevant in the light of a burning world, but I still wish I could’ve closed this chapter of my life in the way I had planned to for 15 years. My plan was to maintain my job through the summer, volunteer at local food banks and shelters, finish moving houses, go on a short road trip with my best friend (and fellow senior) as a “last hurrah” before college. … Now … my summer is shaping up to be a lot of solitary and indoor activities.

Emma Montenero
Senior at Campbell High School in Litchfield, which will hold its 2020 commencement on June 12. She plans to attend the University of New Hampshire in the fall.

Since most of my senior activities have been canceled, this part of the year hasn’t been as exciting as it would have been. My school has put together a different version of graduation for us this year, as we need to follow state orders regarding social distancing. … We don’t have to do rehearsals, there will be no speeches … and we can’t take pictures with classmates at our ceremony. These past couple of months have really made me think about what I’m most grateful for and how much I took certain activities for granted. … My class is only 100 students and we’ve all been together since first grade. I’m grateful that we can still graduate together … even though the rest of town isn’t allowed to come and watch.

Rebecca Oswald
Senior at Campbell High School in Litchfield, which will hold its 2020 commencement on June 12. She plans to attend Sacred Heart University in Connecticut in the fall.

Under the circumstances, planning for graduation this year has been different than what I expected it to be. … I am truly so grateful that as a class we do get a live graduation, and though we don’t have a Senior Week or any of the activities that come with the last month of senior year, we do get to spend that time together and cherish those moments. … After graduation, I was going to go abroad in Europe with my grandparents and truly enjoy my summer before I go off to college in the fall. Sadly, due to the pandemic, I have had the trip to Europe canceled.

Erica Royle
Public health graduate of Rivier University in Nashua, which has postponed its commencement ceremony.

Unfortunately, my time on campus came to an abrupt end when students had to move off campus due to Covid-19. I was devastated. I never thought this was how my senior year was going to end. … Although the seniors at my school were not able to celebrate together in person, my school did an amazing job making all the seniors feel loved with virtual ways to connect during these difficult times. … The thing I was looking forward to the most was getting to walk across the stage, receive my degree and getting to celebrate with my friends and family. … Of course, it would have been amazing to celebrate that accomplishment with a graduation, but I still achieved what I set out to achieve, and that makes me happy. … It was always my goal to secure a job immediately after finishing school, and with a lot of hard work, I was able to accomplish that goal. … On May 4, I started my new job as an intensive case manager at Eliot Community Human Services.

Josh Sargent
Art and human development graduate at Plymouth State University, which has postponed its commencement ceremony.

Graduation this year didn’t go as planned. There was no preparation once Covid-19 hit. … The number one thing I was looking forward to about graduating was seeing my mother’s reaction to me walking across the stage. She deserves that piece of paper for supporting me just as much as I earned it.

Rose Speigel
Senior at The Derryfield School in Manchester, which will hold an on-campus commencement ceremony with social distancing guidelines on Aug. 1. She hopes to attend the New England College Institute of Art and Design in the fall.

I had the idea in my head that I would wrap up my schooling, finish final assignments and then graduate among my peers. Now due to Covid-19, I am not sure what day I will graduate. My school has prepared three different dates throughout this coming fall and winter to hold our commencement ceremony, and there is no determining which date, if any, it will be. … I left school on a Thursday in March assuming I’d be there that Friday, but school was canceled and now it’s June. … It felt like all these years would lead up to those special senior moments, and now it’s been cut short. … As far as I know, NECIAD will have classes on campus in the fall. However, if these plans and courses become online only, I will not attend until they are on campus again … because my intent was to work in a studio with all of the art amenities it has to offer.

Victoria Williams
Senior at Manchester School of Technology, which has moved its graduation ceremony to June 20 at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium.

I started off the year as senior class president and looked forward to making this senior year the best one yet. I intended for graduation to be as heartwarming and memorable as possible but now it [seems] like that really isn’t even my decision anymore. … My original plans after graduation [were] leaving the state and going to college, but with all the colleges closing, I honestly doubt that I will actually be able to. I do still intend on doing what I can to get as close to my long-term goal as possible, but I feel like it is not going to be a cake walk.

Kayleigh Zervos
Graduate of New England College in Henniker, which has postponed its commencement ceremony until Oct. 4, during Alumni Weekend.

I took extra classes so I was able to finish a semester early, allowing me to walk this May, but finish my last semester in the fall. … One of the main reasons I wanted to walk early was the fact that all my best friends and boyfriend are older than me [and are] graduating this year. It was definitely disappointing working so hard by taking extra courses for graduation to be postponed. We always have a senior week the week of graduation … so it was really sad knowing that we’ll never get to experience that together. I was really looking forward to … all of us [being] together one last time before entering the big world. My future plans were to finish my student teaching in the fall and possibly get hired at that school to work until the end of the school year. Otherwise, I would just move to Washington … to live with my boyfriend. If schools don’t open in the fall, I’m not sure whether or not I’ll be able to do student teaching with remote learning or have to wait until the next semester.

Lauren Zervos
Senior at John Stark Regional High School in Weare, which will hold its 2020 commencement on June 13. She’ll be attending the Maine College of Art in the fall.

I initially thought leading up to graduation would be extremely stressful. … Instead, the year ended so quickly I feel like it’s not real. Yesterday was March 13 in my mind. Now it’s June. Preparing for graduation has been quite different because we’ve been saying goodbye over video chat instead of … in person. I still am [attending college] but it might be a little different because of the chance that we would have to begin remotely.

News & Notes 20/6/11

NH vigils and protests
As in cities across the nation, demonstrations and vigils related to the killing of George Floyd continued over the last week in southern New Hampshire, as well as in other parts of the state.
On June 2, hundreds of people attended a peaceful candlelight vigil at Stark Park in Manchester that was organized by Black Lives Matter.
Peaceful demonstrations were also held in both Concord and Nashua over the weekend. In Concord, almost 2,000 people attended a Black Lives Matter protest on June 6 that began at Memorial Field, and ended at the New Hampshire Statehouse, according to the New Hampshire program of the American Friends Service Committee, which organized the event along with student leaders of Concord High School.
About 1,200 people joined the Greater Nashua Area branch of the NAACP for a peaceful vigil in Greeley Park in Nashua, also on June 6, according to the Black Lives Matter Nashua Facebook page.
More Black Lives Matter demonstrations are scheduled later this week, including in both Londonderry and Merrimack on June 12. Visit
After the June 2 vigil in Manchester, the Manchester Police Department made 13 arrests (later arresting an additional three people) from a group of people gathered on South Willow Street, most of whom were charged with disorderly conduct and rioting, according to police press releases.
“It’s important for the public to understand the difference between both of last night’s events. The Stark Park event was very well organized and remained a peaceful candlelight vigil in memory of George Floyd,” Manchester Police Chief Carlo Capano said in a statement. “The acts of violence, rioting and disrupting our community in any way will not be tolerated and the two different events should not be confused.”
In a statement released the following day, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig thanked the organizers of the vigil for a peaceful event and the chief for his department’s work.

Covid-19 updates
State health officials reported June 8 that the total number of Covid-19 cases in New Hampshire is 5,079. Three additional deaths attributed to the virus were reported on June 7, for a total number of 286, or roughly 6 percent of all cases. The overall percentage of people in New Hampshire who have recovered from the virus has risen to 67 percent, or 3,392 of all the confirmed cases, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services. The percentage of hospitalizations, meanwhile, continues to decrease — as of June 8, just 10 percent, or 492 people, who have contracted the virus in the state have required hospitalization.

Governor’s updates
Gov. Chris Sununu made multiple announcements in the state’s ongoing response to Covid-19 in the past week.
In a June 3 press conference, Sununu gave a PowerPoint presentation on Covid-19 data trends in New Hampshire. The data included ongoing downward trends in both positive test results and hospital bed uses in the Granite State over the last several weeks. However, Sununu predicted the positive test rate will still hover around 2 to 6 percent for at least several more weeks, due to so many people being asymptomatic with the virus.
On June 5, Sununu signed Emergency Order 2020-10, extending the state of emergency in New Hampshire due to Covid-19 for another three weeks through at least June 26. It’s the fourth extension he has issued since originally declaring a state of emergency on March 13.
Also on June 5, Sununu announced the release of several phased reopening guidelines for more business sectors as part of his “Stay at Home 2.0” plan. As of June 5, Seacoast beaches are now open for sunbathing, lounging and other traditional stationary activities. Beachgoers must still remain at least six feet apart from other groups, and parking restrictions are in place to limit the number of people. Ocean Boulevard on Hampton Beach remains closed to vehicular traffic through Labor Day.
Golf courses are now open to non-New Hampshire residents as of June 5. Pro shops have reopened, and two golfers are now allowed in golf carts instead of one.
Several types of outdoor recreational attractions, such as batting cages, disc golf, ropes courses, zip lines, natural science centers, caves, petting zoos and balloon rides were also permitted to reopen on June 5. Attractions that involve larger groups in enclosed spaces, such as amusement parks, water parks, race tracks, tourist trains and indoor attractions, remain closed but will be considered for reopening in later phases, Sununu said.
Beginning June 15, restaurants across the Granite State will be permitted to reopen for indoor dining services. Restaurants in Hillsborough, Merrimack, Rockingham and Strafford counties will be able to reopen at 50 percent capacity, while those in the rest of the state can reopen at 100 percent capacity, provided all tables are spaced six feet apart.
Also beginning June 15, wedding ceremonies in New Hampshire can resume at indoor venues at up to 50 percent capacity, with six-foot distanced tables.
Overnight summer camps in the state will be allowed to open June 28, with several restrictions in place. All campers must be tested for Covid-19 both before and after they report for camp. Campers staying longer than two weeks must get tested a third time. No visitors will be allowed.
Details of all of Sununu’s announcements and orders can be found at

Granite Promise
On June 8, Senate Democrats announced the rollout of the Granite Promise Plan, a package of legislative reforms to help New Hampshire through the relief and recovery efforts amid the state’s ongoing response to Covid-19. The package consists of three legislative amendments, all of which have been or will be heard this week before the Senate Commerce, Health and Human Services and Election Law and Municipal Affairs committees. “The Granite Promise Plan addresses both the immediate needs of New Hampshire workers, families and communities, as well as the long-term impacts of the coronavirus pandemic,” Sen. Majority Leader Dan Feltes said in a statement. “The measures include permanent increases to New Hampshire’s weekly unemployment insurance benefits, funds to shore up our unemployment trust fund, advances worker safety, supports family businesses … and improves computer systems and protections for homeowners and renters.”

Voter guidance
On June 3, state officials released guidance focused on issues related to voter registration for the September primary and the November general election. Per the guidance, all voters are eligible to request an absentee ballot if they are unable to vote in person due to being sick from Covid-19 or fear they may be exposed to the virus. Voters can contact their town or city clerk or the Secretary of State’s office to request an absentee voter registration package. On June 4, the Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee passed an amendment to HB 1627-FN, titled the Coronavirus Election Protection Act of 2020. “Ensuring fair and accessible elections to every eligible New Hampshire voter is of critical importance,” Sen. Melanie Levesque, a sponsor of the amendment, said in a statement. “It is of everyone’s interest that we do everything in our power to protect public health, ensure free and fair elections, and work with our local election officials as New Hampshire continues to passionately participate in our democracy.”

Photo: A crowd gathered at the New Hampshire Statehouse in Concord June 6 after marching from Memorial Field. Photo by Forest Simon.

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services has issued advisories that cyanobacteria blooms have been observed on Clough Pond in Loudon and Millville Pond in Salem. The department advises the public to avoid contact with water that has elevated cyanobacteria conditions, and to keep pets out of the water as well, as cyanobacteria can produce toxins that pose health risks to people and animals. The advisory was still in effect as of June 9 and will remain in effect until the risk has abated.

The New Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton recently announced the appointment of Paul DeHart of Concord as chaplain. DeHart served in the Army as a German linguist and in the Air Force as an intelligence office and instructor, and he has also worked as a church pastor, high school teacher and hospice chaplain, according to a press release from the veterans home.

A donation collection to benefit Hero Pups will be hosted by the American Legion Post 90 Riders on Saturday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Raymond. People are invited to bring gently used towels, blankets, leashes and crates to the event at 32 Harriman Hill Road. There will be hamburgers and hot dogs, a raffle and Hero Pups in training. Drive-up service will be available as well.

The University of New Hampshire at Manchester is launching a new Master of Science program in Biotechnology: Industrial and Biomedical Sciences, to promote workforce development in the growing field of biotechnology, according to a press release. The program, designed for working professionals and those with related academic backgrounds, will be available for part-time or full-time enrollment, according to the release, and graduates will gain the skills needed for jobs in biotechnology research and development, medical testing, pharmaceutical and biotech manufacturing, and more.

2020 Graduates

The Class of 2020 talks about their unexpected spring and their hopes for the future

High school and college grads didn’t get the senior year fun they expected, with most end-of-year events, including graduation ceremonies, canceled or postponed. We talked to students from the class of 2020 about what their final months of school looked like, what they missed most, and their hopes for the future.

Also on the cover, why dandelions and clovers can be part of a healthy, happy lawn, p. 14. A new food truck makes its debut in Loudon, p. 16. And country musician Nicole Knox Murphy plays live at local restaurants, p. 26.

What they missed most, plus hopes for the future It has been a strange end to the school year for ...
After three long months sports fans got good news last week when the NHL and NBA ok’d plans to open ...
Bird Friend, I Am the Hand (self-produced) Desolate but hopeful hipster-chill direct from Manchester, New Hampshire, here, mainly an unplugged-guitar ...
Country singer Nicole Knox Murphy playing out again After 10 weeks of playing weekly sets from her home in Candia ...
How to have a better lawn Let’s face it: Most of us do not have a lawn that looks like ...
Young artist awarded for virtual replica of Kimball Jenkins Estate Eighteen-year-old Clark Todd was recently named the winner of the ...
Breath, The New Science of a Lost Art, by James Nestor (Riverhead, 304 pages) The pandemic has forced publishers to ...
Principal retires after decades in Manchester After 40 years of service in the Manchester School District, Arthur Adamakos is retiring ...
Carmel Shea of Londonderry is the owner of O’Shea’s Caife & Tae (44 Nashua Road, Londonderry, 540-2971,, a health-focused ...
Animal adventure Sneak in a little learning during your walks through nature. The New Hampshire Fish and Game department have ...

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