Opening day for new show

Nashua playwright’s production comes to the Concord stage

At the Hatbox in Concord, the community theater troupe Lend Me a Theatre is preparing the first production of The World Was Yours, by Nashua playwright William Ivers. Matthew Parent, director of The World Was Yours, said he was extremely excited to bring this play to life.

“It’s a great story about the value of art and what people think of art and whose opinion about art is right or not,” Parent said. “It’s this debate, and you can extract that to be about anything, not just art.”

This isn’t the first of Ivers’ plays to be produced, but it is the first time Lend Me a Theatre has produced an original and independent text.

In the play, three artists compete for the same grant: aging art professor Adley Schwartz, his young student Joy and guerilla graffiti artist Z-Jones, according to a press release. Watching the action from the ether are Bob Ross, Salvador Dali and Andy Warhol, the release said.

Parent, who is a new member to Lend Me a Theatre, said having an original play be his directorial debut is extremely exciting. He said it’s incredible that he is allowed a chance to put his own spin on the text, to work with the Ivers to realize his vision, and to work with actors to breathe life into characters that have never been portrayed before.

Even though this is the first performance of The World Was Yours, Parent said there is a very good chance that it won’t be the last. This show will have a reading done in New York City, and it has gathered interest from the Royal Court Theatre in London.

“It’s unusual for a community theater or nonprofessional theater to do new plays,” Parent said. “Usually they do shows that have been published and done before. In that respect, [The World Was Yours] is brave.”

The World Was Yours
What: Original play by New Hampshire playwright William Ivers produced by Lend Me a Theatre
Where: Hatbox Theatre, 270 Loudon Road in Concord
When: Friday, Feb. 3, through Sunday, Feb. 19, with shows on Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.
Tickets: $22 for adults, $19 for seniors and students
More info:

Featured photo: Courtesy photo.

The Art Roundup 23/01/26

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

Stories of ballooning: Hear the stories of balloonists who explored New Hampshire skies in the 19th century at the presentation “Lighter Than Air” on Thursday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire (27 Navigator Road in Londonderry;, 6699-4877). Leah Dearborn, the museum’s assistant director, will discuss balloonists such as Eugene Goodard, Thaddeus Lowe (an aeronaut for the Union Army during the Civil War) and others, according to a press release. “Early pioneers of local skies took to balloons and other lighter-than-air vessels for a host of reasons. Some were intended to pursue military reconnaissance and scientific inquiry, while others were simply daredevil stunts designed to attract a crowd,” the release said. Admission costs $10.

Paint night: Katrina Reid will lead the “Bearly Winter Paint Nite” at Chunky’s Cinema Pub (707 Huse Road in Manchester; on Friday, Jan. 27, at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Reid brings the materials and the know-how to teach the art of painting, according to the website. Admission costs $35; reserve a spot online.

Call for art: The Lakes Region Art Association is looking for pieces for its upcoming exhibit “Love, Passion & Chocolate,” which will run Thursday, Feb. 2, through Friday, Feb. 25, at the Lakes Region Art Gallery (120 Laconia Road, Suite 300, in the Tanger Outlets, Tilton), according to a press release. An artists reception will be held Saturday, Feb. 11, from 4 to 8 p.m. featuring chocolate from Rocky Mountain Chocolate, the release said. The rules for submission: Each artist can submit up to five unframed pieces no larger than 8 inches by 8 inches, artwork music be dry and ready to be bagged, all artwork must be for sale, there is an entry fee of $25 and artwork must be received by Jan. 28 by mail or dropped off on Wednesday, Feb. 1, from noon to 6 p.m., the release said. See

Upcoming auditions for Cue Zero:Cue Zero Theatre Company will hold auditions for its April production of The Wolves, a gritty drama by Sarah DeLappe directed by Erin Downey, on Monday, Jan. 30, and Wednesday, Feb. 1, at the Arts Academy of New Hampshire in Salem. All characters in the production are female/female presenting, according to the press release. Sign up for an audition slot at and those auditioning should prepare a one-minute dramatic monologue and be prepared to read sides on request; callbacks are Sunday, Feb. 5, the release said. Get information about the character breakdowns on the website.

Other Cue Zero auditions on the horizon include for Be More Chill, which is based on the novel by Ned Vizzini, and the CZT Lab Series productions Empathy and Join, original pieces. Auditions for Be More Chill, which will be presented at the Derry Opera House on Friday, June 23, through Sunday, June 25, will be Wednesday, March 8, and Thursday, March 9, at the Arts Academy of New Hampshire in Salem. Auditions for the Lab pieces, which will be presented in August, will be Sunday, March 12, also in Salem. See for all the details and to sign up for auditions.

• “Winter Frost” winners: The Seacoast Artist Association announced the winners of its “Winter Frost” show, which can be viewed through Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Association’s gallery at 130 Water St. in Exeter (the gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m.), according to a press release. Martin Lamon of Stratham won Best in Show for his painting “Winter Sunset” and Mark Leavitt won the People’s Choice Award for his watercolor “New Snow in Vermont,” the release said.

The Seacoast Artist Association’s next show is “Let Me Show You What I Love,” with a dropoff for local artists to submit their works on Saturday, Jan. 28, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (see the rules and find the application at, the release said. A reception for that show will be held Friday, Feb. 10, from 5 to 7 p.m.

Painting and photography: The new exhibit by Center for the Arts in New London will open Friday, Feb. 3, at Bar Harbor Bank and Trust (321 Main St. in New London) as part of the Center’s First Friday Gallery Stroll. The show, “Where Painterly Art and Photography Converge,” will feature 15 paintings and one sculpture displayed with photographs used as reference images, according to a press release. The exhibit will hang at Bar Harbor Bank for three months, the release said. The exhibit will feature the works of 12 painters and four photographers, the release said.

The February First Fridays from the Center for the Arts ( will run from 5 to 7 p.m. and include four other galleries: the New London Inn with the work of Kim Schusler, the New London Barn Playhouse Fleming Center Gallery for Contemporary Art, the Tatewell Gallery and the Candita Clayton Gallery; the Blue Loon Bakery (open from from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.) also features the work of Susan D’Appolino, the release said.

Sculpture: 3S Artspace (319 Vaughan St. in Portsmouth; will feature the architectural sculptures of Frank Poor in the exhibit “Relics,” which opens Friday, Feb. 3, and runs through Sunday, April 2. There will be an opening reception on Feb. 3 from 5 to 8 p.m, according to a press release.

Music at the Andres
Support the Andres Institute of Art (106 Route 13 in Brookline;, 673-7441) with a night of music from the Soggy Po’ Boys on Sunday, Feb. 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Institute’s welcome center. General-admission tickets cost $25; a five-seat table in the first row costs $200 per table, according to a press release. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served before the show and a cash bar will be available, the release said.

Circus with a Chance of Meatballs:The High Mowing School middle schoolers (Pine Hill Campus, 77 Pine Hill Drive in Wilton;, 654-6003) will show off their circus skills with their show Circus with a Chance of Meatballs Thursday, Feb. 16, at 4 p.m.; Friday, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 18, at 1 p.m. Admission is a suggested donation of $10 for adults, $5 for children; bring a donation for the Wilton’s Open Cupboard Food pantry for free popcorn, according to a press release.

• “Comic thrill ride”: That’s how the Community Players of Concord describe their production of The 39 Steps, a comic riff on the 1935 Alfred Hitchcock movie, which will run Friday, Feb. 17, through Sunday, Feb. 19, at the Concord City Auditorium (2 Prince St. in Concord). Tickets cost $20 for adults and students, $18 for seniors. The performances are slated for 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday, according to a press release. See for tickets.

Music at the Andres: Support the Andres Institute of Art (106 Route 13 in Brookline;, 673-7441) with a night of music from the Soggy Po’ Boys on Sunday, Feb. 19, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Institute’s welcome center. General-admission tickets cost $25; a five-seat table in the first row costs $200 per table, according to a press release. Light hors d’oeuvres will be served before the show and a cash bar will be available, the release said.

The faculty presents: The Manchester Community Music School’s Faculty Performance of “Chanson d’Amour” featuring Harel Gietheim on cello and Piper Runnion on harp has been rescheduled (it had been slated for Jan. 19) for Thursday, Feb. 23, at 7 p.m. at the school, 2291 Elm St. in Manchester. Admission is free but pre-register at to attend in person or online.

A winter oasis

Concord Garden Club holds 20th annual Art in Bloom

Every year the Concord Garden Club celebrates the winter with its Art in Bloom event. This year’s show features 23 bouquets inspired by the creations of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen.

“It’s not all paintings, textiles, pottery,” said club president Nancy Betchart. “It’s interesting to see the creativity and to see what people use to come up with arrangements.”

Betchart’s own project was inspired by a birch tree lamp with a red and orange shade. Betchart said that she and her partner took a few hiking trips in preparation to mimic the lamp with their vase, covering the glass holder with birch tree bark and arranging a colorful bouquet in the vases.

Other projects florists have selected for inspiration in years past have been hand-sewn clothing, pillows, woodworking and more. Betchart said it’s not just about capturing the visual representation of the craft, but it could be the color palette, the textures or even the feeling that it evokes in the club member.

The hardest part of the show, after selecting a craft, is sourcing the flowers for the arrangement, Betchart said. The wintertime makes it challenging to find the vibrant blooms and specific flowers the arrangers might be looking for. Betchart said she’d seen club members use flowers from a grocery store in a pinch.

“Garden club members aren’t professional florists,” Betchart said. “It’s just a lot of fun. It’s a way to develop a new friendship and just an opportunity to be creative.”

One of the most creative displays Betchart ever saw, she said, was when a garden club member created a flower cushion to match a throw pillow. She said the florist copied the design and texture of the craft, and it was something she never would have thought of.

Each bouquet will be on display next to the item that inspired it. The display will have a plaque that tells viewers what flowers and techniques were used in the making of the bouquet, and a sign explaining the item that inspired it.

Garden club members who participated in creating the bouquets will be at the gallery for the opening day, Thursday, Jan. 26, at 1 p.m. to talk about their creations and why they were inspired by the crafts they chose.

“It’s a nice way to encourage people to see some creative things and to get out and mingle and see the nice crafts artisans are making,” Betchart said.

The Concord Garden Club’s Art in Bloom
Where: 49 S. Main St., Concord
When: Thursday, Jan. 26, 1 to 5 p.m.; Friday, Jan. 27, and Saturday, Jan. 28, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Featured photo: Art in Bloom photos courtesy of Nancy Betchart.

The Art Roundup 23/01/19

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

Opening weekend: The Palace Theatre’s new show The All New Piano Men opens Friday, Jan. 20, at 7:30 p.m. The show features the music of Billy Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Freddy Mercury and is an original production of Carl Rajotte, artistic director at the Palace (80 Hanover St. in Manchester;, 668-5588), according to the website. The show will run through Sunday, Feb. 5, with showtimes on Fridays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 2 and 7:30 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets start at $25.

Last chance to see the show: It’s the final weekend for Scene Changes, a play about a traveling theatrical production,at the Hatbox Theatre (270 Loudon Road in Concord;, 715-2315). The show runs through Sunday, Jan. 22, with showtimes at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets cost $22 for adults and $19 for students and seniors.

A trip to the Pond: The Seacoast Repertory Theatre’s production of On Golden Pond wraps up this weekend with shows Thursday, Jan. 19, at 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Jan. 20, at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 21, at 2 p.m. Tickets start at $37 (plus fees). The Seacoast Repertory Theatre is at 125 Bow St. in Portsmouth. See

Printmaking on display: The Art Center (1 Washington St. Suite 1177 in Dover;, 978-6702) has its “Worldwide Printmaking Exhibition” on display now through February. The exhibit features works of more than 40 artists from 11 countries, according to a press release. The gallery is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. An artist reception will be held for the exhibit on Saturday, Feb. 11, from 6 to 9 p.m.

CATS: Young Actors Edition
See the brief adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical made just for younger actors — CATS: Young Actors Edition — at the Derry Opera House (29 West Broadway in Derry) Friday, Jan. 27, through Sunday, Jan. 29. Presented by the Majestic Academy of Dramatic Arts, the shows will run Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 7 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $13 for 65+ and $10 for 17 and under. Call 669-7469 or go to for tickets, which are also available at the door before the performance, according to a press release.

Craft for gardening: ManchesterMakerspace(36 Old Granite St. in Manchester; has a class called “Woodshop 101 — Cedar Plant Box” scheduled for Friday, Jan. 20, from 1 to 5 p.m. or Saturday, Jan. 28, from 1 to 5 p.m. Registration starts at $150. Go online to register in advance.

Work out your theater skills: Theatre Kapow will hold its monthly “Training” session, open to participants age 16 and up with any level of experience and working on “acting, movement, improvisation, voice, speech, object work, viewpoints, and more,” according to The session will take place at Studio 550 in Manchester on Saturday, Jan. 21, from noon to 2 p.m. and the cost is $5. Register via the website, where you can also download and fill out the waiver from the website in advance.

Hunchback of Notre Dame auditions: Community theater organization Actorsingers is holding auditions Sunday, Jan. 22, and Monday, Jan. 23, from 6 to 9 p.m. each night for their May production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Auditions will be held at Actorsingers Hall (219 Lake Ave. in Nashua); see for audition requirements, character details and the audition form.

A new place to make stuff

Concord Makerspace finds new home

By Katelyn Sahagian

[email protected]

Since November the Concord Makerspace has been looking for a new home. Now the organization’s president, Jared Reynolds, has announced that there is a new location at 197 N. Main St. in Boscawen.

“We found this building seemed like a great fit,” Reynolds said. “It’s quite a bit smaller but we think that it’ll be good to have more of a compact space. We’re pretty close to our old space, just a few minutes down the road in Boscawen.”

The group left its former space in Penacook due to a leaky roof and other problems, according to the Concord Monitor in a Dec. 5 story. Reynolds said there was another location in Concord that the group had planned to rent, a building with a whopping 60,000 square feet that had sat vacant for 15 years. But while he said that space was interesting, Reynolds added that a lot of work would have been needed to make the building fit for a makerspace.

“That space needed a lot invested in it and we didn’t own it,” Reynolds said. “It just drifted beyond our mission, to revitalize a 60k-foot building.”

The new location in Boscawen is a much more modest 5,000 square feet. There is still a lot to get done with the space before it opens for public use, Reynolds said.

Concord Makerspace is a place for anyone to learn more about working with their hands, said Reynolds. While the location is mainly known for the woodshop and woodworking, there are other tools available for people, including CNC machines, a form of 3D printer.

“Makerspaces are places that provide access to equipment that others might not have,” Reynolds said. “Woodshops in your basement are expensive and not feasible so it makes sense to have shared tools.”

Reynolds emphasized that the makerspace isn’t just for people who are entrepreneurs building their own things to sell, but that most people who come are hobbyists and artists working with wood and other material for fun.

While the makerspace doesn’t have an official day for opening to the public, there are many new things coming to the space. Reynolds hopes for more classes to be offered and to purchase some more high-quality equipment for people to work with.

Last year the makerspace got a state grant to hire its first employee. Reynolds said that having someone working, even if it is only a part-time employee, will allow for more classes at the volunteer-based organization.

“We’re now a more manageable space with a bigger impact,” Reynolds said.

Concord Makerspace
New location is 197 N. Main St., Boscawen. While there is no official opening date, the group is aiming to have everything up and running by March 1.
Call 565-5443 or visit for info.

Featured photo: The new makerspace. Photo courtesy of Jared Reynolds.

The Art Roundup 23/01/12

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

MLK Day: The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St. in Manchester; 669-6144, will hold a free community celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 16, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. New Hampshire artist Richard Haynes will lead a public discussion and mural project (starting at 11 a.m.; the community mural painting will start at noon and go through 4 p.m.), according to a Currier newsletter. Tours will meet in the lobby at 1 and 2 p.m., a reveal of the mural will be at 4 p.m. and there will be a screening of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech in the auditorium at 4:15 p.m., the newsletter said. The Currier will also be collecting new socks, comfortable clothing and personal hygiene items for Waypoint, according to the website.

Also at the Currier: The Currier is slated to start a series of conversations over Zoom examining a piece of artwork from the museum’s collection and exhibitions on Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 1 p.m. (with “Cityscape with Mill” by Tim Portlock). The free 30-minute program, geared to adults, runs Wednesdays at 1 p.m. The Wednesday, Jan. 18, focus is “Boy Holding Grapes and Hat” by Judith Leyster; on Wednesday, Jan. 25, the focus will be “Yellowave” by Jiha Moon from the exhibit “State of the Art 2020: Locate,” according to a museum newsletter. Registration is required and accepted until noon on the day of the event; see

The Sky Within
The Concord Chorale will present “The Sky Within,” a concert celebrating the themes of sky, flight and letting go and showcasing musical styles including works by Brahms, Renaissance madrigals and contemporary works, on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Jan. 22, at 3 p.m. The concerts will take place at South Congregational Church (27 Pleasant St. in Concord) and the Sunday show will also be livestreamed. See for tickets, which cost $20.

Two actors, 19 roles: Kari Buckley and Maria Jung play 19 roles — including two best friends — in Is Edward Snowden Single?, a “volcanic comedy about pretty lies and ugly truths” at the Players’ Ring Theatre (105 Marcy St. in Portsmouth;, 436-8123) Friday, Jan. 13, through Sunday, Jan. 29. The show runs Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $27 general admission, $24 for students and 65+.

Mandy Patinkin: Tickets are still available for “Mandy Patinkin in Concert: Being Alive” at the Capitol Center for the Arts (Chubb Theatre, 44 S. Main St. in Concord; on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 8 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $40 through $95 (plus fees).

Hitchcock comedy: The New Hampshire Theatre Project will present The 39 Steps, a comic riff on the Alfred Hitchcock movie, Friday, Jan. 20, through Sunday, Feb. 5, at the company’s 50-seat black box theater at 959 Islington St. in Portsmouth. The show, which is directed by Blair Hundertmark and stars Shawn Crapo and Courtney St. Gelais, will run Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $30 general admission, $26 for students, seniors and veterans. See

Guys and Dolls
The Educational Theater Collaborative (based at Plymouth State University) will present Guys and Dolls at the Flying Monkey Performance Center (39 S. Main St. in Plymouth;, 536-2551) Wednesday, Jan. 18, through Sunday, Jan. 22. Showtimes are at 7 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets start at $25.

Be a jellicle cat: The Palace Youth Theatre will hold auditions for performers in grades 2 through 12 for Cats: Young Actors Edition on Friday, Jan. 20, with sessions at 5, 6 and 7 p.m., according to a press release. “Expect to stay for your entire one-hour audition slot. You will learn a dance and be asked to sing after,” said the release, which instructed auditioners to come prepared to sing a short section of a song a cappella (musical theater or Disney preferred). The show will run at the Palace Theatre in Manchester Tuesday, March 7, through Wednesday, March 15. To schedule an audition time, email [email protected] with performer’s name, age and preferred time. The auditions will be held at Forever Emma Studios (516 Pine St. in Manchester).

Looking for Wolves: Cue Zero Theatre Company will hold auditions for its April production of The Wolves, a gritty drama by Sarah DeLappe directed by Erin Downey, on Monday, Jan. 30, and Wednesday, Feb. 1, at the Arts Academy of New Hampshire in Salem. All characters in the production are female/female presenting, according to the press release. Sign up for an audition slot at and those auditioning should prepare a one-minute dramatic monologue and be prepared to read sides on request; callbacks are Sunday, Feb. 5, the release said. Get information about the character breakdowns on the website.

Camp Encore: The Prescott Park Arts Festival in Portsmouth has announced the dates and productions for its three multi-week summer camp sessions. Session 1, Theatre Creatures, will run three weeks, Monday, June 19, through Sunday, July 9, and feature Disney’s 101 Dalmatians Kids and The Aristicats Kids with public productions Saturday, July 8, and Sunday, July 9 at 11 a.m. Session 2, Stage Folks, runs two weeks, Monday, July 10, through Sunday, July 23, with productions on Saturday, July 22, and Sunday, July 23, at 11 a.m. Sessions 1 and 2 are open to ages 7 to 17. Session 3, Prescott Teens (Teen Musical Theatre Intensive), runs two weeks, Monday, July 24, through Sunday, Aug. 6, with shows Saturday, Aug. 5, and Sunday, Aug. 6, at 11 a.m. See for pricing, including sibling and multi-camp discounts, and to register.

Toy planes and model aircraft
The “Holiday Festival of Toy Planes and Model Aircraft” exhibit has been extended at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire (27 Navigator Road in Londonderry;, 669-4820) through Sunday, Jan. 22, according to the museum’s newsletter. The exhibit features more than 2,000 aviation toys and models. The museum is open Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission costs $10 per person ages 13 and up, $5 for ages 6 to 12 and ages 65 and up; ages 5 and under and veterans and active military get in free, the release said.

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