Family fun for whenever
Skates of all kinds
• Remix Skate Center (725 Huse Road, Manchester, 912-7661) has a Little Kids Scoot & Skate roller skating event on the calendar for Saturday, Jan. 4, at 9 p.m. Remix has three-wheeled scooters available, and skate rental sizes starting at little kids size 10, for this beginners’ event. Non-skaters are welcome on the rink. Bring your own safety gear. See for ticket information.
• The ice arena at JFK Coliseum in Manchester (303 Beech St.) has public skate in January on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., and Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. See for more activities and events at the Coliseum.
• Everett Arena in Concord (15 Loudon Road) has public ice skating Sundays from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and Monday through Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., $6 admission (free for age 3 and younger), $6 skate rentals and $5 helmet rentals. See for details and info on other activities at the arena.
Movie day
• Chunky’s Cinema Pub (707 Huse Road, Manchester) will host Little Lunch Dates for Children on Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 11:30 a.m. for parents (or grandparents or guardians) and their preschool children. The screening will be of Little Giants (PG, 107 minutes), which stars Rick Moranis and Ed O’Neill. The movie will be shown with the lights slightly dimmed and admission is $5. Chunky’s says “this is a worry-free lunch without the fear of disturbing others. So come, relax, and enjoy a movie with your little one.” No passes are allowed and there is reserved seating. Visit for more information
Save the date!
• The Majestic Academy of Dramatic Arts will presentDisney’s Beauty and the Beast the Derry Opera House (29 W. Broadway, Derry) on Friday, Jan. 24, at 7 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 25, at 2 and 7 p.m.; and Sunday, Jan. 26, at 2 p.m. The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince under the spell of an enchantress. Majestic’s production stars children and teens of The Majestic Academy of Dramatic Arts under the direction of Becca Antonakos-Belanger with musical direction by Emily Benjamin. Tickets range from $12 to $16. Call 669-7469 or visit
• The Concord Community Players Children’s Theatre Project’s Winter Vacation Theatre Camp for young actors ages of 8 through 14 of all experience levels is open for registration with half of the slots already filled, according to their website. The day camp runs from Sunday, Feb. 23, through Friday, Feb. 28, and registration is only possible by mail, according to the same website. The play will be The Story of Hansel and Gretel. The performance on Friday, Feb. 28, will be at 6:30 the Concord City Auditorium with the day for camp attendees involving tech and dress rehearsals as well as a pizza party for cast and crew. Registration is $215. Visit for more information.