Kiddie Pool 22/07/07

Family fun for the weekend

Farm fun

• Get some family fun, farm-style, at J & F Farms (124 Chester Road in Derry; on Friday, July 8, at their Friday Family Fun event from 4 to 7 p.m., with a petting farm, food truck, live music and $5 per person hayrides, according to the farm’s Facebook post. A Sunday Funday event will feature many of the same attractions from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., a post said, and of course at both events you can load up on farm goodies from the farm stand.

Brand-new play center

• The American Independence Museum (1 Governors Lane in Exeter; has a new interactive space, the Foy Family Children’s Library. The library has a reading nookfilled with books about American history, a dress-up area where kids can wear 18th-century-style clothing, a play kitchen area and historic games. The museum is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission to the museum costs $8 for adults; $6 for seniors, students, educators and first responders; $4 for children 6 to 18 years old; and free for children under 6.

Movie time

• O’neil Cinemas’ Summer Kids Series continues on Monday, July 11 with a 10 a.m. showing of Hotel Transylvania: Transformia(PG, 2022). The movie will also screen on Wednesday, July 13, at 10 a.m. Tickets cost $2 for attendees age 11 and lower, $3 for ages 12 and older, and the cinema is offering a $6 popcorn-and-drink combo pack. See

And for the older crowd that might need a more relaxed movie-going environment, the theater’s weekly Sensory Friendly Flix film on Saturday, July 9, is Thor: Love and Thunder(PG-13, 2022) at 10 a.m., when house lights will be higher and noises will be a little less loud, the website said.

• After a fun-filled day in the sun, relax with Movie Night Mondays on Hampton Beach (next to the playground) on Monday, July 11, starting at dusk. The movie lineup will run through Aug. 29. Bring a chair or a blanket to set up for the free show. The first in the family-friendly movie series is Paw Patrol (G, 2021). For more information and for a full lineup of all the summer shows and approximate dusk times, visit Rain dates are Tuesdays.

• And while you’re not watching a movie you do get to enjoy some movie theater candy at Theater Candy Bingo, which will be held at Chunky’s in Manchester (707 Huse Road) on Wednesday, July 13, at 6:30 p.. and in Nashua (151 Coliseium Ave.) on Thursday, July 14, at 6:30 p.m. The event, described as family friendly and offering chances to win movie theater candy and other prizes, costs $10 per person to reserve a seat ($5 for a food voucher plus the candy). See

Story time!

• Petals in the Pines (126 Baptist Road, Canterbury) is bringing Peter Rabbit to life with an in-garden reading of “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” on Saturday, July 9, and Sunday, July 10, from 1 to 3 p.m. and on Monday, July 11, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Children will get to participate in activities like seed starting and gardening, play in the award-winning outdoor classroom, and pose for a character photo. The event requires registration and tickets are $12 for adult and one child, $6 for each additional child, and infants are free. Reservations can be made at

• New Hampshire Boat Museum (399 Center St., Wolfeboro) is hosting an outdoor story hour for kids ages 2 to 6 on Friday, July 8, at 10 a.m. The Wolfeboro Public Library children’s librarian, Jeanne Snowdon, will read stories and lead kids in a craft. This event is free for one child with an accompanying adult. For more information, visit

Play ball!

• The New Hampshire Fisher Cats run of games against the Hartford Yard Goats continues with games daily through Sunday, July 10 at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium in Downtown Manchester. Games Thursday, July 7; Friday, July 8, and Saturday, July 9, start at 7:05 p.m. and Thursday and Saturday games feature post-game fireworks. Friday is North Woods Law night with a jersey giveway, according to the website. Sunday’s game starts at 1:35 p.m. See

• The Nashua Silver Knights have home games Thursday, July 7, and Friday, July 8, at Holman Stadium (67 Amherst St. in Nashua). Both games start at 6 p.m. and are against the Vermont Lake Monsters. Friday’s game features post game fireworks. See

Katelyn Sahagian

There is a free lunch!

Veggies for the lackadaisical gardener

My father, may he rest in peace, always told me that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Wrong, Dad. I grow at least three tasty vegetables that require no work to speak of: I just plant, mulch and harvest. If you are a lackadaisical gardener and like garlic, rhubarb and horseradish, you are in luck.

Let’s start with horseradish: It’s in the broccoli family, and once planted, it will never ask anything of you. Yes, it does slowly expand the patch of ground it claims as its own, so you may want to dig some up each year and make horseradish sauce. But if you plant it bordering a lawn on one side and a barn, house or path on the other, it won’t travel far.

The roots of a mature horseradish plant will grow deep, probably all the way to China. So when you dig it, some will always be left in the ground to come back. I have extracted roots longer than 18 inches. The plant is tall, easily 3 or 4 feet, and the leaves are wide and a bit coarse-looking. Not a particularly pretty plant. And although it produces little white flowers, it doesn’t produce viable seed. You can start it from a scrap of root you get from a friend at harvest time.

The sauce can be very powerful or more mild, depending on how you make it. Wash the roots with a scrub brush, then peel with a potato peeler. Chop into chunks under an inch in size, and put in a food processor or blender. A cup of chunks will make all I need for a year. I blend the chunks with half a cup of water or so. It takes a few minutes of blending to get it to the right consistency as this stuff is fibrous and tough to break down. Don’t overheat your blender, so stop and start.

horseradish plant in garden on sunny day
Horseradish is a big plant. The roots can be used to make a spicy condiment for sandwiches. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

If you want mild horseradish add a third of a cup of vinegar pretty much right away. If you want it hot (which I do), wait a few minutes after blending, then add it. The mix should be spreadable with a butter knife and juicy. Store it in a glass jar, preferably with a plastic lid. Metal lids rust and dissolve from the fumes in less than a year.

The fumes when blending are powerful, so don’t get your eyes and nose by looking into the blender. You may even want to do the job outside on the deck.

Rhubarb is a wonderful vegetable, even if old-fashioned. Like horseradish, it is a forever plant that once planted should provide you with treats for the rest of your life. You can buy a plant or get a friend to divide and share some roots. Some rhubarb has red stems, others green stems. They taste the same, but I like the red color. The leaves contain oxalic acid and are not edible.

Since rhubarb is going to live forever, I recommend adding lots of compost and some slow-release organic fertilizer at planting time. If dividing rhubarb, early spring is the best time to do it, but anytime is all right. It grows best in full sun, but as a leafy green it will thrive in part sun, too.

I like making rhubarb punch as an early-summer refreshing drink. Pick a few stems, and cut into one-inch chunks. Add an equal amount of water, and boil until the rhubarb is falling apart. Sieve through a colander or sieve. The add water — a cup of fruit will easily make a quart of punch, or even two, depending how you like it. Add sugar to taste and serve cold.

rhubarb plant in garden
Rhubarb does best in rich, moist soil but will grow most anywhere. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

Garlic should be planted in October, and it is ready to harvest in July. This year mine started to blossom in late June, sending up curly stalks called scapes that are edible and decorative. I will resist picking any bulbs of garlic until mid-July or later so it can reach maximum size. But don’t wait too long; if you do, the outer layers of leafy material that cover each bulb will start to break down, and it will not store as well.

OK, I looked at mine today and did see a few weeds I should pull. But it really is essentially a work-free crop. I plant cloves 3 inches apart and 3 inches deep in rich, compost-containing soil. Full sun is best. Once planted, I mulch it heavily — up to a foot of fluffy mulch hay or straw. Over the winter it will pack down to just 3 or 4 inches. In the spring the leaves will grow right through the straw, but weeds do not.

Garlic stores well in a cool, dry place. By now, some of last year’s garlic is starting to sprout in the kitchen. I have made garlic powder by drying it in a food dehydrator, then grinding in a coffee or spice grinder, but normally I just store it. I have read that one can freeze it, too, but haven’t done so yet. Don’t store it at room temperature in oil — as a root crop there is always the possibility of getting botulism.

Whatever you plant in the garden will reward you well beyond the work it involves to grow. To get good results do these things: prepare the soil well, and add compost. Provide plenty of sunshine, even if it means planting in the front lawn. Water regularly in hot times, especially early in the season. Pick your veggies when they are small and tender — that’s when they will taste best. And lastly, don’t let the weeds get ahead of you. Never let weeds blossom and distribute their seeds. Mulch is an easy way to keep weeds at bay, particularly if you put down a few sheets of newspaper under the straw or hay.

Featured photo: Garlic scapes can be sauteed and eaten, or put in a vase like flowers. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

Hillsboro Summer Festival returns

Fun times to support firefighters

By Katelyn Sahagian

[email protected]

Hillsboro Summer Festival is back for its 32nd year, celebrating the firefighters and community that started it all those years ago.

“The event has evolved a lot in the past 32 years,” said Katherine Charette, the co-chair of the Hillsboro festival committee. “It started out as something put on by the fire department and had different events to raise money for the community and their organization.”

Back when it started, Charette said that there would be Fireman Musters, or competitions between fire departments. Back in the day, firefighters would work to see who was fastest at unraveling hoses and winding them up again, do obstacle courses, and compete in other tests of their skill. Charette said that firefighters from across the country would come to compete.

Now, the event is filled with local artisans selling their wares, live music performances, carnival rides and games, and an impressive fireworks show. Even with the changes, the festival still honors firefighters.

“This is our second year back since having that time off from the pandemic,” Charette said. “We have the most events we’ve ever had for every single age.”

Hillsboro Fire Chief Kenny Stafford said that while the event is time-consuming for him and his volunteer firefighters, who set up and take down everything for the event, he is glad that it brings the community together.

“It brings people to town, and this weekend shows you exactly who we are,” Stafford said. “[The festival] shows what our town is all about.”

Charette said that she wanted to try to make the festival as low-cost as possible so that families could plan to have fun throughout the day without breaking the bank. Besides the $25 wristbands that gain access to all the rides, the only other part of the festival that costs money is donating to the fire department for parking.

From pie and cupcake eating contests to a warrior obstacle course, Charette said, “it’s all free and a really great event for the whole community.”

For Stafford, seeing the community recognize the sacrifice and dedication of his firefighters is what makes the event special.

“It’s awful nice to have someone come up and say, ‘Thanks for all you do,’” Stafford said. “We couldn’t do what we do if we didn’t have that support.”

Hillsboro Summer Festival

Where: 29 Preston St., Hillsboro
When: Thursday, July 7, from 6 to 10 p.m.; Friday, July 8, from 5 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, July 9, from noon to 11 p.m., and Sunday, July 10, from noon to 5 p.m.
Price: $10 per car, $25 for rides wristband.
Events include:
• Friday, 6 to 8 p.m. — Cub Scouts host the mobile basecamp (with gaga, archery, bb range and more)
• Friday, 6:30 p.m. — 5K Road Race (register in advance or onsite at 5:30 p.m.)
• Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. Superbug performs
• Saturday, noon to 4 p.m. Warrior Obstacle Course
• Saturday, 1 p.m. Women’s Skillet Toss
• Saturday, 2 to 5 p.m., Interactive Juggling
• Saturday, 10 p.m., fireworks
• Sunday, noon, Hometown Parade
• Sunday, noon to 2:30 p.m., Car and Truck Show
• Sunday, 1 p.m. 10-and-under cupcake eating contest
• Sunday, 2 p.m. Pie Eating Contest
• Sunday, 2 to 4 p.m. Mary Poppins Balloon Artist
More:, 464-0377

Featured photo: Photo courtesy of Katherine Charette of the Hillsboro Festival.

Kiddie Pool 22/06/30

Family fun for the weekend

Shows galore

• O’neil Cinemas’ Summer Kids Series starts on Monday, July 4, with a 10 a.m. showing of Trolls: World Tour (PG, 2020). The movie will also screen on Wednesday, July 6, at 10 a.m. The series continues through the week of Aug. 8, with a new family-friendly film screening Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Tickets cost $2 for attendees age 11 and lower, $3 for ages 12 and older, and the cinema is offering a $6 popcorn-and-drink combo pack. For movie times, visit

• The Belknap Mill (25 Beacon St. E. in Laconia) continues its kicking off its Kids in the Park Summer Series on Monday, July 4, with live production ofSleeping Beauty by professional acting troupe Impact, will have an hour long runtime, and will begin at 10 a.m. A prince must work with a good fairy to wake up the princess and save her kingdom from the sleepy spell it was put under, according to the website. Attendance is free. The line-up of events includes storytimes, live dance, nature events and more. See

• The Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St. in Manchester;, 668-5588) begins its Children’s Summer Series with magician BJ Hickman, Tuesday, July 5, to Friday, July 8. Hickman, a Manchester native, is a member of the Academy of Magical Arts, Hollywood Magical Castle, and the International Brotherhood of Magicians, according to the website. His one-man shows are filled with comedy, audience interactions and mystifying illusions, the website said. Showtimes are at 10 a.m. on all days and 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday through Thursday. Tickets cost $10.

Fairs for the crafty

• Artisans from across New England will be selling their homemade goods at the Hampton Falls Liberty Craft Festival, in the Hampton Falls town common (4 Lincoln Ave.) this weekend. There will be more than 75 juried artisans selling everything from custom smartphone cases and handmade beef jerky to decorative throw pillows and paintings. The festival will run Saturday, July 2, deom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, July 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. See

• Celebrate Independence Day with American-made and handmade products at the Gunstock 4th of July Weekend Craft Fair on Saturday, July 2, and Sunday, July 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Gunstock Mountain Resort (719 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford). More than 90 artisans will be selling carefully crafted goods, including cedar wood furniture, wildlife photography, gourmet oils and vinegars, New Hampshire maple syrups, and much more. The event is rain or shine and free to attend. Leashed dogs are welcome. Visit

Children’s Museum fun

The Children’s Museum (6 Washington St., Dover) has a whole host of activities for families to do in July. Every Tuesday and Saturday at 11 a.m., the Learning Garden will have Edible Education to help teach children about healthy food options and what is healthy for the environment. Wacky Art Wednesdays will run at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. every Wednesday of July. Kids will get to create a unique art project that fits the museum’s weekly theme. Every Thursday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. is World Culture Thursday. Kids will do a craft, play a game, or make some art that celebrates a different culture from around the world. Science Fridays will have curious kids conducting experiments that launch into larger lessons about different topics in science. All of the programs above are drop-in and are included when families sign up for playtime at the museum. For more information visit

Pick your own

• Have big berry fun over the long weekend at area pick-your-own strawberry farms. In last week’s (June 23) issue of the Hippo, Matt Ingersoll and Jack Walsh took at look at this year’s strawberry harvest, including a list of farms where you can pick your own or just buy berries and get right to the shortcake eating part of your day. Go to and look for the e-edition version of last week’s issue; the story is on page 22.

• Pumpkin Blossom Farm’s annual U-Pick Lavender is slated to start Wednesday, July 6 and will run through Sunday, July 24, at the farm at 393 Pumpkin Hill Road in Warner. Participants will receive sanitized picking supplies and will get instructions on how to bundle their freshly cut flowers. Picking is daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bundles will be discounted on Monday through Thursday, costing $10; Friday, Saturday and Sunday the bundles will cost $12. Visit or call 456-2443.

Time to tackle those early summer chores

Weeding the garden is only the beginning

With the advent of summer, it is time to buckle down and get a few jobs done in the garden. In the vegetable garden it’s time to thin out extra plants that are crowding each other. In addition to carrots and beets, others like rutabagas, kohlrabi and parsnips that are started by seed in the ground may need thinning.

Carrot seeds are tiny, so we don’t often plant them one by one. Instead we tend to sprinkle them and, by gum, most of them grow. I maintain that thinning carrots needs to happen by the Fourth of July, so get to work. If they are really close together, you may want to use scissors to cut off the extras at the soil line to avoid pulling up carrots you are trying to save.

I like to be efficient at whatever I do, and that includes keeping a relatively weed-free garden. Many weeds quickly mature, flower, and produce seeds. Your job is to keep them from producing seeds or crowding out your plants.

One way to control weeds is to keep them from getting the sunlight they need to grow. You can do this by mulching. I spread out newspapers over the soil and cover them with straw, hay or leaves. Four to six pages of newspaper keeps out light, inhibiting weeds. Three or four inches of straw will keep the papers in place. Earthworms eat the paper over the summer, and newsprint is done with soy-based inks, so you are not adding heavy metals to your soil (which was the case years ago).

This method works well on walkways and around big plants in the vegetable garden but is more problematic for onions and carrots, which are small and closer together. I use grass clippings or chopped leaves, without the newspaper, around small plants.

Mulching in the flower garden is good, too. It keeps down weeds and holds in moisture. But beware: Too much mulch can keep rain from reaching the roots of your perennials. An inch or two of ground bark helps a lot, but 3 or 4 inches will keep quick showers from getting water to your plants.

Some gardeners use landscape fabric under bark mulch, but I generally do not. I find pernicious weeds eventually send roots through the woven fabric and this makes weeding very difficult. Landscape fabric can also constrict perennials as they expand over time, choking them.

What about plain old black plastic? I don’t use it. Sunshine breaks it down over time and makes a mess. It also keeps air and water from getting to the soil, which must affect soil microorganisms. Additionally, the plastic ends up in the waste stream, which I want to avoid.

This is the time to prune lilacs, forsythia and other spring- and early summer-blooming trees and shrubs. They set their buds for next spring in the summer, so if you wait until fall to prune, you will reduce the number of blossoms. But don’t take a hedge trimmer and just buzz off a foot or two. Make each cut thoughtfully.

I start by deciding the perfect height and shape for the shrub. I recently reduced the height of some lilacs from 12 feet or more to a more manageable 8 feet or so. I cut back each stem to a place where two branches meet. If you cut any branch to a random spot, the branch may not heal well. It heals best where two branches meet. Try to hide your cuts by cutting bigger branches in places where foliage from other branches will obscure your surgery.

You can also cut back tall fall-blooming perennial flowers by a third to delay blooming and create shorter plants. This is best done in mid-May, but it’s not too late. Sometimes I will cut back the outer stems of a big clump and leave the center stems at full length. That gives me a longer bloom time, and the lower stems help support the taller stems.

Be forewarned: Not all perennials will bloom if you cut them back. I wouldn’t do it for peonies or iris, for example, but anything like an aster will respond well. Experiment with just a few plants at first. Better yet, read Tracy DiSabato Aust’s book, The Well Tended Perennial Garden: Planting and Pruning Techniques. It has detailed advice for most common garden plants.

a watering timer hooked up to 2 hoses
A timer will allow you to water when away. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

If we have a dry summer, you may need to water. Established perennials should not need added water, but your vegetable garden might. I don’t favor overhead sprinklers because they water everything: plants, walkways and weeds. I prefer a watering wand, which is a device I attach to my hose. It is a 30-inch aluminum wand with a sprinkler head and a valve. I can direct the water exactly where I want it. I like a brand called Dramm because the sprinkler head allows fast, gentle watering.

Watering cans are good, too. They allow you to see just how much water you are applying. This is important for new trees, which need 5 gallons a week or so. A sprinkler might seem like it is delivering a lot of water, but may not be.

A watering timer will deliver water while you are away on vacation. They attach to your spigot and allow you to use an overhead sprinkler or a soaker hose. So don’t let your garden dictate your vacation schedule. With mulch and a watering system you can come back from vacation with nothing worse than a lawn that needs cutting!

Featured photo: The first step of mulching as I do it is to put down newspaper. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

Fishing for smallies

Smallmouth bass provide an angling experience like no other

“Make him go where he doesn’t want to go,” fishing guide Mark Beauchesne said as I tried to reel in what could only be described as an aggressive fish on the Merrimack River in Concord a few years ago.

The fish in question, a smallmouth bass, dove under the boat and then suddenly sprinted toward the surface, leaping from the water, shaking its head from side to side feverishly. Then it was diving again in relentless, explosive bursts. It felt like it took all I had to keep hold of the rod, never mind figuring out how to make the fish go anywhere.

But as I reeled it closer to the boat, Beauchesne calmly and expertly slid a net into the water, securing the fish and ensuring this would not be a story of the one that got away.

While I was certainly pleased with the size of the fish — probably four pounds or so, Beauchesne guessed — it was more the sheer ferocity and energy the fish exhibited when hooked that I’ll never forget.

“Inch for inch, pound for pound, the gamest fish that swims,” wrote Dr. James Henshall in his 1881 book, The Book of the Black Bass.

“They just don’t have any quit,” said Beauchesne, who, in addition to being a fishing guide, is advertising and promotions coordinator at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. “They spend a lot of time airborne. They’re just a very exciting fish to catch.”

The smallmouth bass, also referred to as black bass or a “smallie,” is the most popular game fish in New Hampshire, recently surpassing trout, according to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, which surveys its license holders, Beauchesne said.

“The accessibility that we have to them and with the tackle that’s available here now that’s accessible and easy to use, it just makes it easy for anybody to get into bass fishing,” Beauchesne said.

New Hampshire historian Jack Noon, who wrote the book The Bassing of New Hampshire, noted smallmouth bass were introduced in New Hampshire in 1864 in Rust Pond in Wolfeboro, which is right next to Lake Winnipesaukee. New Hampshire fisheries commissioners began stocking smallmouth four years later, ultimately introducing smallmouths to 140 lakes and ponds in New Hampshire, Noon said.

“The immediate reaction was incredibly positive,” said Noon, who also noted smallmouths had a less than positive impact on native trout populations upon introduction. “Smallmouths were very popular in New Hampshire, as they were a species that could be caught in summer when tourists were present and had leisure time. They were just very important for the tourist season.”

They still are, anglers agree, and the species can be targeted with a variety of tactics.

Stick baits, which are torpedo-shaped lures that mimic small fish, are popular lures for targeting smallmouth, as are soft plastic lures that take a variety of forms, including worms and crayfish. (I caught my smallmouth with Beauchesne right up against a cement piling with a plastic worm the fish hit as it dropped to the bottom.)

While live bait is effective for both largemouth and smallmouth bass, using live bait to target largemouth or smallmouth bass is prohibited from May 15 through June 15. Anglers must use artificial lures during that time period.

“They eat a variety of foods,” Beauchesne said. “Crayfish are common, the young of the year, yellow perch, sunfish, insects are often overlooked. People catch them with frogs coming out of their mouths. They take advantage of available food sources.”

Smallmouth bass thrive in rivers, lakes and ponds, though they prefer hard-bottomed areas, whereas the abundant largemouth bass tends to prefer softer, muddier bottoms, Beauchesne said.

An average smallmouth bass comes in at about 1.5 pounds and 15 to 16 inches. The state record is 7 pounds, 14.5 ounces. That whopper was caught on Goose Pond in Canaan in 1970.

Smallmouth bass are a warmwater fish and tend to be most active when the water temperature is between 55 and 75 degrees. Beauchesne notes rivers tend to stay in that range throughout the summer.

Beauchesne suggested using a 6-foot spinning rod with medium or medium-light action with eight-pound monofilament line.

Noon recalled fishing for smallmouth as an early teenager.

“I was fishing at night with a jitterbug, [which is a type of hard plastic topwater lure that chugs along right on the surface],” Noon said. “You just get a huge kick out of casting it out. It makes this glug, glug, glug sound and then all of a sudden [when the smallmouth hits the lure] it sounds like someone just threw a 20-pound rock into the lake.”

Be Prepared
As soon as you make that first cast, you need to be prepared and ready to handle fish, said Mark Beauchesne, advertising and promotions coordinator at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Beauchesne shared some advice:
Have needlenose pliers handy for removing hooks; don’t be digging them out of a tackle box once you’ve landed the fish.
Handle fish as little as possible; don’t let them flop around on the ground.
If the fish is deeply hooked, it’s better to cut off the line at the hook. It has a better chance of surviving with the hook in its mouth than if anglers cause more damage trying to remove it. “Smallmouth bass are set up to eat fish that have spines, like crayfish and other fish, after all,” Beauchesne said.

Featured photo: Mark Beauchesne with his catch. Photo by Mark Beauchesne.

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