• The final Movies in the Park from Merrimack’s Parks & Recreation takes place Saturday, Sept. 3, at dusk (about 7:30 p.m.) in Wasserman Park. The screening of Sing 2 (PG, 2021) is free for Merrimack residents and nonresidents, according to merrimackparksandrec.org.
Weekend at the museum
• At the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire (6 Washington St. in Dover; childrens-museum.org, 742-2002), Sunday, Sept. 4, is the last day the museum will be open before its annual maintenance period, according to the website. Until then, head to the museum for play windows of either 9 a.m. to noon (through Sept. 4) or 1 to 4 p.m. (through Saturday, Sept. 3). Buy admission for a specific time period in advance for $12.50 for adults and everyone over 12 months old and $10.50 for seniors age 65+. The museum will reopen on Friday, Sept. 16, with Toddlerfest, its annual week of activities and events geared toward the littles. See the schedule of events, including the Saturday, Sept. 17, performance by musician Steve Blunt, on the museum’s website.
• The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center (2 Institute Drive in Concord; starhop.com, 271-7827) has been open daily during the summer and is open from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Sunday, Sept. 4. Reserve admission for an arrival time (between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. or 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m.); admission costs $12 for adults, $11 for students and seniors and $9 for kids ages 3 to 12; kids up to age 2 get in free. Planetarium shows, which take place hourly from 11 a.m. through 3 p.m., cost an additional $5 per person. After Labor Day, regular admission is available Friday through Sunday. And save the date for AerospaceFest on Saturday, Sept. 10, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. This outdoor event is free and features hands-on science activities, live music from Mr. Aaron and more.
• The SEE Science Center (200 Bedford St. in Manchester; see-sciencecenter.org, 669-0400) is also open daily, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (last admission at 3 p.m.) on weekdays and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends, through Monday, Sept. 5. The center will close for annual renovations Tuesday, Sept. 6, through Friday, Sept. 16. Admission costs $10 for ages 3 and up. The center’s website recommends reserving a spot.
• Another museum open this weekend is the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire (27 Navigator Road in Londonderry; nhahs.org, 669-4820), whose hours are Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m. Admission costs $10 for age 13 and over, and $5 for 65+, veterans and active military and kids ages 6 to 12. Kids ages 5 and under get in free and there is a family maximum of $30, according to the website.
• The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St. in Manchester; currier.org, 669-6144) will be open Monday, Sept. 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. — though normally closed Mondays, the museum is open on some holiday Mondays. Admission costs $15 for adults, $13 for 65+, $10 for students and $5 for ages 13 to 17; children under 13 get in for free. Or stroll the galleries for free on Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. as part of Art After Work (the weekly series offering free admission, live music and exhibit tours).
Sensitive fern, interrupted fern, ostrich fern — take your pick
Many gardeners who focus on flowers and flowering shrubs are missing out on a beautiful and easy addition to their landscape: ferns. A few ferns are a bit aggressive and can elbow their way into flower beds uninvited, but most are polite and offer different textures and colors of foliage with little work.
One of my favorite ferns is the ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris). This is a big fern, with fronds up to 5 feet tall. Each fern tapers at both ends, and they arrange themselves like the feathers of a badminton birdie. Its most distinguishing characteristic is a groove like you see in a stalk of celery, up the middle of each frond on the topside. It also produces fronds that turn brown and produce the spores.
In the wild, the ostrich fern prefers moist, shady places, but it will grow almost anywhere that is not bone dry or in full sun. It will tolerate some sun and ordinary garden soil, but rich, moist soil is where it thrives. Ostrich fern will spread by rhizomes, adding about a square foot of territory to each plant per year. They also produce spores that can fly in the wind to expand their territory.
Although you can buy ostrich ferns, you may be able to transplant some from your own property, moving them in from the woods or field to a garden bed. I have successfully transplanted ostrich ferns using a long, narrow shovel called a drain spade or transplant shovel. I push the spade into the soil on a 45-degree angle to cut roots and loosen the soil in four places around it, then push down on the spade to pop the plant, roots and all, from the ground. Best to do on a cool day after a rain, if we ever see one!
Another great fern is the maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum). In the spring it comes up on what look like black wires, then produces almost horizontal fronds that are fan-shaped. In the wild it indicates good rich soil. Books say it does well in moist, shady soil, but I’ve had it for more than 20 years in dry shade. I think once established it is fine in dry shade, but I’d water it for the first year if in dry shade, or in drought times.
Maidenhair fern is commonly sold in nurseries. I have also grown it in a pot on our north-facing deck. In our garden, a plant (or three?) has created a clump that is 8 feet by 4 feet in 20 years, so it’s not a fast spreader.
Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides): Unlike nearly all others, this fern stays green all winter and has very dark green leaves. It grows in free-form clusters and has simple leaves. The leaflets have a little bump (ear) near the base of each frond and are 1 to 3 feet long. In past times, it was commonly used by florists as a green to add to flower arrangements in winter, though that practice is no longer common as whole colonies were used up.
Sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis): This fern has light green leaves that are quite wide. Leaflet pairs are opposite each other (like a bow tie). Top-most leaflets are smooth; others have wavy edges. It is very frost-sensitive, hence the name. It often grows in big colonies, either in sun or shade. Can be a pest in the garden as it spreads by root. It is the only fern that I always pull out if it shows up in my garden as it spreads fast.
Interrupted fern (Osmunda claytoniana): This is a big fern with fronds up to 5 feet long in a vase-like arrangement. It will grow in wet or dry shade. When spores are produced, they interrupt the arrangement of leaflets with smaller spore-producing sections that are not like the other leaflets. But not all plants will have an interrupted section, so look at a colony to find some that do to confirm the I.D. The little leaflets that produce spores get dry and turn brown in mid-summer.
Another fern I like is the hay-scented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula). If you have crushed this fern and sniffed it, it smells like fresh-cut hay. It is finely cut and stays just 1 to 3 feet tall. It is one of the few that will grow in a hot, sunny spot such as a west-facing, sandy hillside, though it does grow in shade. It spreads quickly and will fill in an area, making a large colony. It will out-compete weeds and grasses in sunny locations.
Are you interested in learning about ferns? Many guides use lots of technical language that only fern scientists understand. One exception is Identifying Ferns the Easy Way: A Pocket Guide to Common Ferns of the Northeast by Lynn Levine. There are just 28 common ferns in the book, and there are silhouettes of each at the beginning of the book. The silhouettes are divided into six groups based on how the leaves are “cut.” So a quick look will identify most ferns, and the straightforward descriptions quickly confirm which fern you are looking at.
Observe where ferns grow in your woodlands, and try digging up some to put in a shady garden in your cultivated areas. Stop discriminating against ferns and give some a try!
Featured photo: Sensitive Fern. Photo by Henry Homeyer.
Whether or not they are real, aliens will be the talk of the town in Exeter on Saturday, Sept. 3, and Sunday, Sept. 4, during the return of the annual UFO Festival, run by the Exeter Kiwanis Club. The festival celebrates all things alien, with 10 guest speakers, UFO-related activities, and tours to the different sighting locations that make up the Exeter incident.
The festival, which was canceled for the past two years due to Covid-19, is back and larger than ever, said Kiwanis Club president Robert Cox.
“We’re actually celebrating the Exeter Incident, the sighting of the UFO in Kensington,” Cox said. “It’s famous. It’s been published in different books and magazines.”
According to the Exeter UFO Festival’s website, on Sept. 3, 1965, 18-year-old Norman Muscarello was hitchhiking in Kensington, about 5 miles away from Exeter, when he saw five flashing lights. He initially thought they belonged to a fire engine, but when he got closer he saw that they were hovering in the sky.
Muscarello stopped a car on the highway and caught a ride to the Exeter police station. He told the night duty officer what he saw, and they returned to the location where the lights were. They were met there by another on-duty officer. When the three arrived at the wooded area, they saw the red lights attached to a large structure as it rose into the sky and disappeared.
While this is only one of the sightings that makes up the Exeter Incident, Cox said that he felt it was the most convincing.
“You had two police officers that went back out with the kid Norman Muscarello,” Cox said. He said that he’s not a complete believer in UFOs but added that “you have to have a little faith in [the officers’] credibility as well … with the amount of people who have seen this then it’s hard to dismiss [the incident].”
The festival will have a map for visitors to drive out to the different sighting locations on their own, or they can purchase a ticket for a trolley ride that will go out to all the hot spots. The trolley will only be available on Saturday.
Merchandise, like posters, T-shirts, and hats, depicting the famous scene with Muscarello and the two policemen will be for sale throughout the weekend. The artwork for the merchandise was provided by Dean Merchant, a local ufologist and originator of the festival.
A group of 10 expert speakers will give presentations about aliens, UFOs and intelligent life on other planets throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday, Cox said. Saturday evening, there will be a meet and greet and Q-and-A with the speakers.
Kids can make their own flying saucers at the UFO crash site, and there will be hand painting (the Covid-19 friendly alternative to face painting), decorating rocks, and more fun activities for them throughout the weekend.
Cox said he is excited to see this event come back after being on hiatus for two years, and he knows that he isn’t the only one.
“The regular attendees are really anxious to get back,” Cox said. “I think we’re going to have quite a large crowd this year.”
Exeter UFO Festival Where: Exeter Town Hall, 9 Front St., Exeter When: Saturday, Sept. 3, and Sunday, Sept. 4, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Price: Free, with trolley and speaker meet and greet costing $5 and $30 respectively Visit: exeterufofestival.org
Featured photo: Photo courtesy of Robert Cox of the Exeter Kiwanis Club.
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities
• New season of performances and speakers: The Walker Lecture Series, which presents free speakers and performances at the Concord City Auditorium (Prince Street in Concord) kicks off its 2022 fall season on Wednesday, Sept. 21, with a documentary about the theater company The Community Players of Concord. The Players: The 95-Year History of the Community Players of Concord will screen followed by a talkback with Players and the filmmakers, according to a press release. That presentation, like all Walker Lecture Series events, starts at 7:30 p.m. Future shows include Gary Brandt and Jackie Davidson on Wednesday, Sept. 28, with “Singing the Good Old Songs Again”; the Jersey Tenors presenting a rock/opera mash-up on Wednesday, Oct. 5; “Dance with Words” featuring language author Richard Lederer and folk-singing humorist Bill Shipper on Wednesday, Oct. 19; filmmaker Marlin Darrah with “Turkey, Cradle of Civilization” on Wednesday, Oct. 26; Jane Oneail with “Frenemies: The Art World’s Greatest Rivalries” on Wednesday, Nov. 2; the Granite State (Bell) Ringers on Wednesday, Nov. 30, with “A Nutcracker Christmas,” and Handel’s Messiah, which will be presented at St. Paul’s Church (22 Centre St. in Concord) on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 7 p.m. See walkerlecture.org for details.
• Monday at the museum: The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St. in Manchester; currier.org, 669-6144) will be open Monday, Sept. 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. — though normally closed Mondays, the museum is open on some holiday Mondays. Admission costs $15 for adults, $13 for 65+, $10 for students and $5 for ages 13 to 17; children under 13 get in for free. Or stroll the galleries for free on Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. as part of Art After Work (the weekly series offering free admission, live music and exhibit tours). Joel Cage is scheduled to play Thursday, Sept. 1, and the scheduled tours are “Currier New Connections” on the second floor at 5:30 p.m. and the Arghavan Khosravi exhibit at 6:30 p.m., according to the website.
Welcome “Still: The Art of Still Life” Twiggs Gallery will go from Wool to Still this September. The exhibit “Wool: Contemporary Fiber Art Exhibition” will be open at Twiggs Gallery (254 King St. in Boscawen; twiggsgallery.wordpress.com, 975-0015) through Friday, Sept. 2. (The gallery is open Thursdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from noon to 4 p.m.) Catch the exhibit before it ends and read Hippo’s story about the show on page 14 of the June 9 issue (go to hippopress.com to find the e-edition).
On Saturday, Sept. 10, the new exhibit “Still: The Art of Still Life,” a contemporary art exhibit that will feature seven New England artists working in a variety of media, will open with an artist reception from 1 to 3 p.m., according to a press release. That exhibit will feature the artists Caleb Brown, Shela Cunningham, Bess French, Marcia Wood Mertinooke, Barbara Morse, Shawne Randlett and Marlene Zychowski and will run through Saturday, Oct. 29.
• Sing! The Souhegan Valley Chorus is inviting interested singers to join them as they open their fall season Tuesday, Sept. 13, according to a press release. The chorus is an auditioned community chorus whose members range in age from high schoolers to seniors and have a wide range of abilities, the release said. The chorus performs a variety of music, from classical to modern, and holds two concerts a year, the first of which is in December. The chorus rehearsals are held on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 10 Union St. in Milford, from September through December. The first two rehearsals of the fall season are open for new members and registration starts at 6:30 p.m., the release said. See souheganvalleychorus.org.
• Majestic-opoly: Support the Majestic Theatre at Majestic-opoly, the theater’s 17th annual auction and performance fundraiser, scheduled for Friday, Sept. 23, and Saturday, Sept. 24, at 6:30 p.m. The evenings will feature silent auctions, raffles and refreshments as well as performances from the Majestic’s adult, teen and youth actors, according to the website. The events will take place at the Majestic Theatre (880 Page St. in Manchester; majestictheatre.net, 669-7469). Tickets cost $20 per person and are available for purchase via Majestic’s website.
• September shows: The Seacoast Artist Association (130 Water St. in Exeter; seacoastartist.org, 778-8856) will hold a reception for its new shows on Friday, Sept. 9, from 5 to 7 p.m. The association’s new “Body of Work” exhibits, which focus on the works of a specific artist, are the photo exhibits “Close to Home” from photographer Dennis Skillman of East Kingston and “The Seasons of Light and Color” from photographer Dave Saums. These exhibits will be on display through Sunday, Oct. 2. Also on display through the end of the month is the show “Autumn Splendor,” a theme show featuring multiple artists. The gallery is open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.
• Art about Ukraine: New Hampshire Art Association artist Barbra Mata will present an exhibit of paintings titled “Russia’s Illegal Invasion of Ukraine” at The Art Center (1 Washington St., Suite 1177, in Dover; theartcenterdover.com, 978-6702) in September and October. Mata is a mixed media abstract painter living in Newmarket, and her work reflects the brutality of war, according to a press release. An artist reception will be held Saturday, Oct. 15, from 6 to 9 p.m. The Art Center is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• ARGHAVAN KHOSRAVI Artist’s surrealist paintings explore themes of exile, freedom and empowerment; center female protagonists; and allude to human rights issues, particularly those affecting women and immigrants. The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St., Manchester). On display now through Sept. 5. Museum admission costs $15 for adults, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, $10 for students, $5 for youth ages 13 through 17 and is free for children age 12 and under and museum members. Current museum hours are Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Monday through Wednesday. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.
• “PIXELS, WOOD, CLAY” Two Villages Art Society presents an exhibition of work by artists Tony Gilmore, Rick Manganello and Caren Helm. The Bates Building (846 Main St., Contoocook). through Sept. 9. Gallery hours are Thursday through Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m. There will be an opening reception on Sat., Aug. 13, from noon to 2 p.m. Visit twovillagesart.org or call 413-210-4372.
• BARBARA MATA will display her paintings in an exhibit, “Russia’s Illegal Invasion of Ukraine,” at The Art Center in Dover (1 Washington St., Suite 1177, Dover; nhartassociation.org, theartcenterdover.com) Thursday, Sept. 1, through Monday, Oct. 31.
• THOM HINDLE The Art Center (1 Washington St., Dover; theartcenterdover.com, 978-6702) presents “Images of the Past: The Thom Hindle Collection” from Saturday, Sept. 3, through Friday, Sept. 30, along with an An Evening with Thom Hindle, an in-person book signing on Saturday, Sept. 10, from 6 to 9 p.m., celebrating Hindle’s newest release, Dover, New Hampshire Through Time Volume Two. The collection, according to a press release, is “an insightful, historically significant exhibition dedicated to the rich history of Dover, New Hampshire, and surrounding areas.” Hindle has taught classes at UNH and is a past president of Dover’s historical society. He’s perhaps best known as a local photographer, the release said, with a longtime photography business on Atkinson Street in the Garrison City. The exhibit features photographs Hindle reproduced from original glass negatives representing the works of never-before-exhibited local and Boston-area photographers. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
• “MANAGING MISCELLANEA” The Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy (11 Tan Lane, Exeter) hosts “Managing Miscellanea,” an art exhibition that draws from the gallery’s “undefined” collection. It centers around questions of defining and maintaining collections, and showcases unseen works from the storage vault, including works by Roy Lichtenstein and Robert Motherwell. The exhibition runs through Sept. 24, available for viewing during the gallery’s normal hours: Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free but reservations are required. For more information, visit www.exeter.edu/lamontgallery.
• “MEMOIRS OF A GHOST GIRLHOOD: A BLACK GIRL’S WINDOW” In the exhibit on display at the Currier Museum of Art (50 Ash St. in Manchester; 669-6144, currier.org), “artist Alexandria Smith has created an immersive multimedia environment using wallpaper, paintings on wood, found objects and sculpture. It will be accompanied by an original site-specific composition //windowed// by Liz Gre,” according to the website. Museum admission costs $15 for adults, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, $10 for students, $5 for youth ages 13 through 17 and is free for children age 12 and under and museum members. Current museum hours are Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Monday through Wednesday.
• “THE PEOPLE’S SCULPTOR: THE LIFE AND WORKS OF JOHN ROGERS” Exhibit celebrates the art of American sculptor John Rogers, who came to Manchester in 1850, and explores the influence that Manchester had on Rogers’ life and work. Presented by the Manchester Historic Association. On view now through September. Millyard Museum (200 Bedford St., Manchester). Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission costs $8 for adults, $6 for seniors age 62 and up and college students, $4 for youth ages 12 through 18, and is free for kids under age 12. Call 622-7531 or visit manchesterhistoric.org/millyard-museum.
• ART ON MAIN The City of Concord and the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce present a year-round outdoor public art exhibition in Concord’s downtown featuring works by professional sculptors. All sculptures will be for sale. Visit concordnhchamber.com/creativeconcord, call 224-2508 or email [email protected].
• “COLORS OF AUTUMN” This September show for New Hampshire Art Association members runs through Sunday, Sept. 25, at the Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery (139 State St. in Portsmouth; nhartassociation.org). An opening reception will be held Friday, Sept. 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. The gallery is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, from noon to 5 p.m.
Fairs and markets
• CONCORD ARTS MARKET The juried outdoor artisan and fine art market runs one Saturday a month, June through October, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Market dates are Sept. 17 and Oct. 15. Rollins Park, 33 Bow St., Concord. concordartsmarket.net. Visit concordartsmarket.net/summer-arts-market.html.
• NASHUA PUBLIC ART AUDIO TOUR Self-guided audio tours of the sculptures and murals in downtown Nashua, offered via the Distrx app, which uses Bluetooth iBeacon technology to automatically display photos and text and provides audio descriptions at each stop on the tour as tourists approach the works of art. Each tour has 10 to 15 stops. Free and accessible on Android and iOS on demand. Available in English and Spanish. Visit downtownnashua.org/nashua-art-tour for more information.
Workshops and classes
• STAINED GLASS The League of NH Craftsmen — Meredith Fine Craft Gallery (279 Daniel Webster Hwy., Meredith) will host a beginner’s stained glass class with juried artist Susanna Ries on Sunday, Sept. 11, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The class will have students cutting, copper foiling, soldering, and framing a stained glass panel in one day. Basic stained glass construction will be taught and students will go home with a finished piece ready to hang. Students should bring cork board, scissors, masking tape, an apron, latex gloves, safety glasses and covered shoes. Tuition is $55, with a $35 materials fee paid to the instructor on the day of class. Pre-registration is required by Sept. 4. To register, visit meredith.nh.crafts.org or call 279-7920.
• STORYTELLING WORKSHOPS Monthly workshop series hosted by True Tales Live storytelling showcase. First Tuesday (except November), from 7 to 8:30 p.m., virtual, via Zoom. Registration is required. Visit truetaleslivenh.org for more information.
• LES MISERABLES presented by the Seacoast Repertory Theatre (125 Bow St., Portsmouth; seacoastrep.org, 433-4472) teen company from Aug. 25 through Sept. 4, with showtimes on Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $25 for students and $30 for adults.
• DISNEY’S THE LITTLE MERMAID, the season-opening musical at the Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St. in Manchester; palacetheatre.org, 668-5588), will run Friday, Sept. 16, through Sunday, Oct. 2. The shows run Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m., with a show also on Thursday, Sept. 29, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $25 to $46.
• TITANIC THE MUSICAL Presented by the Manchester Community Theatre Players. Manchester Community Theatre Players Theatre, located at the North End Montessori School (698 Beech St., Manchester; manchestercommunitytheatre.com, 327-6777). Showtimes on Fri., Oct. 14 and Oct. 21, and Sat., Oct. 15 and Oct. 22.
• TRUE TALES LIVE Portsmouth-based storytelling showcase. Monthly, last Tuesday (no shows in July and August), from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Shows will be held in person (Portsmouth Public Media TV Studio, 280 Marcy St., Portsmouth) starting in April, and returning to the Zoom format for the winter, starting in November. Each month’s showcase is centered around a different theme. The series is free and open to all who want to watch or participate as a storyteller. Pre-registration for attendees is required for Zoom shows but not required for in-person shows. Visit truetaleslivenh.org and email [email protected] if you’re interested in being a storyteller.
• ORCHESTRAL SHOWCASE “NATURE & MYTH” at Seifert Performing Arts Center (44 Geremonty Drive, Salem; 893-7069) will run Sun., Oct. 16, at 2 p.m., and Sat., Oct. 22, at 7:30 p.m. Featuring sounds from Beethoven, Walker, Grieg and Sibelius. Presented by New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets range from $5 to $30 for in-person seating. Visit nhpo.booktix.com.
• HOLIDAY POPS at Seifert Performing Arts Center (44 Geremonty Drive, Salem; 893-7069) will run Sat., Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m., and Sun., Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. Featuring Christmas carol sing-alongs and classical and popular holiday favorites, as well as an appearance from a special visitor from the North Pole. Presented by New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets range from $5 to $30 for in-person seating. Visit nhpo.booktix.com.
• WINTER SERENITIES at Seifert Performing Arts Center (44 Geremonty Drive, Salem; 893-7069) will run Sat., Feb. 18, at 7:30 p.m., and Sun., Feb. 19, at 2 p.m. Featuring Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis (by Vaughn-Williams). Presented by New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets range from $5 to $30 for in-person seating. Visit nhpo.booktix.com.
• DRAWN TO THE MUSIC: MUSICAL TALES at Seifert Performing Arts Center (44 Geremonty Drive, Salem; 893-7069) will run Sat., April 15, and Sun., April 16, at 2 p.m. Featuring Stravinsky’s Petrushka, the music for a ballet about puppets that come to life. Presented by New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets range from $5 to $30 for in-person seating. Visit nhpo.booktix.com.
• SPRING POPS: HOLLYWOOD IN AFRICA at Seifert Performing Arts Center (44 Geremonty Drive, Salem; 893-7069) will run Sat., May 20, at 7:30 p.m., and Sun., May 21, at 2 p.m. Featuring Grammy Award-nominated African musician Mamadou Diabate on the balafon, a xylophone-like instrument. Presented by New Hampshire Philharmonic Orchestra. Tickets range from $5 to $30 for in-person seating. Visit nhpo.booktix.com.
Open calls
• THE RHYTHM OF NEW HAMPSHIRE SHOW CHORUS Women’s a cappella chorus is looking for female singers in the region to join. The group, an affiliate of the North American singing organization Harmony, Inc., performs a wide variety of music, including Broadway musical songs, patriotic songs, pop, jazz and seasonal pieces, for community and veterans’ events and private functions. Rehearsals are held weekly on Thursdays from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. at the Marion Gerrish Community Center, 39 W. Broadway, Derry. Masks are required for singing, but both vaccinated and unvaccinated singers are welcome. Visit rnhchorus.org or email [email protected] for more information.
The newest exhibition on display at Manchester’s Currier Museum of Art is steeped in a rich history. “Gee’s Bend Quilts,” with five quilts on display,illuminates a distinctive style of art developed by Black women in Gee’s Bend, a small community south of Selma, Alabama. The quilts were acquired with the help of the Souls Grown Deep Foundation.
“Our collection ranges in time period from more historic quilts to contemporary quilts,” said Kurt Sundstrom, senior curator at the Currier. “To put the quilts in context, we included works from our permanent collection, including quilts from New England in the 19th century, and a contemporary quilt by Faith Ringgold.”
Gee’s Bend, an isolated rural community, gets its name from landowner Joseph Gee, who established a cotton plantation there in 1816 where 17 enslaved people lived and worked. After emancipation, many remained in the area as sharecroppers, according to information online from Souls Grown Deep, the foundation that helped organize the Currier exhibit. In the 1930s the family of a merchant who had given community members credit came to collect, taking tools, food, animals and seed. The land was then sold to the federal government, which employed a new project, called Gee’s Bend Inc., which sold tracts of land back to the inhabitants. This allowed the Native American and African American communities to have control over the land, which was, at the time, incredibly rare.
“Put in context, it becomes evident that the Gee’s Bend quilts are of incredible quality and aesthetic importance,” Sundstrom said. “As far as design and skill level, they were far more developed than any other quilters at the time. They’re among the greatest quilt makers in America.”
The tradition of Gee’s Bend quilts began in the 19th century as a way for Gee’s Bend women to keep themselves and their families warm in subpar living conditions, and over time developed a distinct and wholly original style, likely influenced by both Native American and African textiles, according to Souls Grown Deep’s website. The tradition remains alive and well, and in 2003, 50 quilt members founded the Gee’s Bend Collective, owned and operated by the women of Gee’s Bend.
In 2015, three Gee’s Bend quiltmakers were the recipients of the National Heritage Fellowship, awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts.
On the Currier’s exhibit, Sundstrom was equally effusive.
“Part of our mission as a museum is to represent the great art production centers of the world. A lot of museums have not paid attention to the work that minority groups have done, and we want to make sure that we don’t fall into that trap,” Sundstrom said. “It is without hyperbole that we can say these women are some of the most visionary artists of the 20th century.”
Gee’s Bend Quilts Where: Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester When: Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., running until 8 p.m. on Thursdays Tickets: $15 for adults, $10 for students, $13 for seniors, $5 for ages 13 to 17, and free for kids under 13 More info: call 669-6144 or visit currier.org
Featured photo: “Housetop” variation, 2004 denim and twill, 81 x 74 in. by Louisiana Bendolph (b. 1960)
From cider doughnuts at your local farm stand to those with unique toppings and fillings, we set out to find spots in southern New Hampshire where you can get them fresh. Where specified, we’ve also highlighted where you can get some of the wackiest doughnut flavors.
Did we miss a spot in southern New Hampshire that offers its own freshly made doughnuts? Let us know at [email protected].
Greater Concord
Abby’s Cafe 17 Bridge St., Henniker, 428-4455, find them on Facebook @abbyscafe When are the doughnuts fresh? Every Saturday morning at the cafe, from its 7 a.m. opening until they sell out. Is there coffee? Hot and iced coffees and espresso drinks are available, sourced from White Mountain Gourmet Coffee. Flavor offerings: Flavors include chocolate-frosted, maple-frosted, strawberry-frosted, vanilla-frosted, glazed, chocolate-glazed, Boston cream, cinnamon sugar, blueberry-glazed and lemon-frosted, as well as apple-filled and apple cider doughnuts available seasonally. Doughnut adventure: Butternut crunch and chocolate butternut crunch are two of the more unusual flavors, using a “secret” recipe for the crunch topping, according to cafe owner Abby Reed.
Carter Hill Orchard 73 Carter Hill Road, Concord, 225-2625, carterhillapples.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Cider doughnuts are made fresh most days and are available daily. The farm stand is open every day, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., now through Oct. 28. After that, hours will be daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call ahead to find out whether cider doughnuts are still available.
Chichester Country Store 257 Main St., Chichester, 798-5081, chichestercountrystore.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Chichester Country Store’s “famous” apple cider doughnuts are made fresh daily. Two miles north of the Epsom traffic circle, at the intersection of Route 28 and Main Street, the shop is open Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. They also have several wholesale accounts and are a regular featured vendor at the Concord Farmers Market, held on Capitol Street on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Is there coffee? A self-service hot coffee station features locally roasted coffees from Port City Coffee Roasters and Lucas Roasting Co. Flavor offerings: Regular apple cider doughnut flavors include plain, sugared, cinnamon sugared, maple-frosted and chocolate-frosted. Doughnut adventure: Usually on Fridays at the shop, as well as during the Concord Farmers Market, Chichester Country Store offers specialty doughnut flavors, like candied maple walnut, chocolate frosted with Reese’s Pieces, and a “campfire” s’mores doughnut topped with chocolate drizzle and a toasted marshmallow.
Gould Hill Farm 656 Gould Hill Road, Hopkinton, 746-3811, gouldhillfarm.com When are the doughnuts fresh? According to Gould Hill Farm owner Tim Bassett, apple cider doughnuts are available every weekend in the fall until the Christmas season. The farm is currently open Tuesday through Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Meadow Ledge Farm 612 Route 129, Loudon, 798-5860, meadowledgefarm.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Hot apple cider doughnuts are made fresh at the farm stand every weekend. It’s open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in September and October, according to its website.
New Hampshire Doughnut Co. 2 Capital Plaza, Concord, 715-5097; 114 Dover Road, Chichester; 410 S. River Road, Bedford (expected September 2022); nhdoughnutco.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Doughnuts are made fresh daily at both locations. The Concord location is open Wednesday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.,; Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Chichester location, which offers online ordering and pickup only, is open Wednesday through Friday, from 7 to 8 a.m., and Saturday, from 8 to 9 a.m. Is there coffee? The Concord location uses Woodshed Roasting Co., featuring a full coffee menu that includes hot and iced espresso drinks. Hot chocolate and hot and iced teas are available. Flavor offerings: Both locations currently offer cake doughnuts, with regular flavors that include vanilla, chocolate, apple cider and several gluten-free and dairy-free options. The upcoming Bedford location will expand New Hampshire Doughnut Co.’s offerings into yeast ring doughnuts, filled doughnuts, fritters and French crullers. Doughnut adventure: According to owner Amanda Baril, doughnut lovers come back for unique flavors like maple bacon and cannoli as well as fun doughnut-themed weeks like Harry Potter and Disney themes.
Greater Manchester
The Bakeshop on Kelley Street 171 Kelley St., Manchester, 624-3500, thebakeshoponkelleystreet.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Flavored doughnuts are available on Saturdays and Sundays only — the shop is open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday. Cider doughnuts are available during the week and on weekends, year-round. Is there coffee? Hot, iced and cold brew are available, from Mill City Roasting Co. of Londonderry. Flavor offerings: Strawberry crumble, Fruity Pebbles, maple bacon, Oreo, s’mores and Reese’s peanut butter cup are among the shop’s most popular flavors, according to owner Denise Nickerson. Other regular flavors include chocolate glazed, maple, strawberry and cinnamon sugar, while for specialty flavors there’s blueberry, pumpkin, lemon meringue and piña colada. Doughnut adventure: Try the peaches and cream — a vanilla bean frosted yeast doughnut topped with peach compote — or the Almond Joy, a chocolate cake doughnut topped with coconut, toasted almonds and a chocolate drizzle.
Doughnuts from Bearded Baking Co. in Manchester. Courtesy photo.
Bearded Baking Co. 819 Union St., Manchester, 647-7150, beardedbaking.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh daily. According to owner Jon Buatti, baked doughnuts and yeast doughnuts are available — he recommended visiting early in the morning to get the best selection. The shop is open Tuesday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ordering doughnuts online for pickup at the shop is also an option. Is there coffee: Hot coffee, cold brew and whipped coffee with coffees from A&E Coffee Roasters are available. Flavor offerings: Doughnuts are regularly rotated out with a variety of flavors, such as cinnamon sugar, maple frosted, and cookies and cream. Doughnut adventure: Try the coffee cake doughnut, topped with a layer of icing, or the s’mores doughnut with marshmallows and graham crackers.
Bird Food Baking Co. Goffstown, birdfoodbaking.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Available to order anytime and available for purchase on Saturday mornings at Hometown Coffee Roasters (80 Old Granite St., Manchester), Apotheca Flowers (24C Main St., Goffstown), Revelstoke Coffee (100 N. Main St., Concord) and the Bookery (844 Elm St., Manchester), as well as at 815 Cocktails & Provisions (815 Elm St., Manchester) on Friday and Saturday evenings. Is there coffee? Each location offers a variety of hot and iced coffees. Flavor offerings: Everything from chocolate frosted and sprinkles to strawberry shortcake, whoopie pie, s’mores, maple bacon, and peanut butter and jelly. You name it and owner and baker Trina Bird has probably done it. Doughnut adventure: Some recent over-the-top doughnut flavors, Bird said, have included chicken and waffles, Monte Cristo and mango sesame.
Bitesize Cafe & Bakery 1461 Hooksett Road, Hooksett, 210-2089, find them on Facebook @bitesizecafebakery When are the doughnuts fresh? Apple cider doughnuts are made fresh daily. Currently the cafe is open every day from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Is there coffee? Single-origin coffees, as well as a variety of handcrafted hot and iced lattes, are available.
The Common Man Roadside Donut Shop 530 W. River Road, Hooksett (immediately off Interstate 93 North), thecmanroadside.com When are the doughnuts fresh? All of The Common Man Roadside’s doughnuts are made fresh daily year-round. The shop is open Sunday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Is there coffee? Coffee is available, as well as warm apple cider, teas and a range of cold beverages. Flavor offerings: The shop specializes in apple cider doughnuts — plain, cinnamon sugar, maple-glazed, caramel pecan, chocolate frosted and coffee cake. Other flavors include chocolate, blueberry, chocolate hazelnut, red velvet, pumpkin and eggnog. Doughnut adventure: During Girl Scout cookie season, specialty flavored s’mores, chocolate mint and chocolate coconut doughnuts are available.
Doughnuts from Flight Coffee Co. in Bedford. Courtesy photo.
Flight Coffee Co. 209 Route 101, Bedford, 836-6228, flightcoffeeco.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Doughnuts are available from open to close every day. According to Flight Coffee Co. owner and founder Claudia Barrett, they are fried in the morning and are either donated or sold out by closing time. Is there coffee? Flight Coffee Co. features a wide array of hot and iced single-origin coffees and espresso drinks, using its own roasted beans from all over the Coffee Belt. Flavor offerings: Doughnut flavors follow the seasons at Flight Coffee Co. — currently they’re offering chocolate-frosted and vanilla-frosted cake and yeast doughnuts as well as Wicked Maple “stuffies.” Two different vegan and gluten-free doughnuts are also available. Doughnut adventure: Flight Coffee Co.’s signature doughnut item is its Mile High Layered Cronut, “a delicious hybrid of a croissant and a doughnut,” as described by Barrett. “The dough is laminated and folded many times,” she said. “Once cooked, the Mile High is rolled [and] dipped in glaze, filled with cream and topped with a seasonal twist.”
Pinard Street Bakery 1 Pinard St., Manchester (inside Charlie’s), 606-1835, pinardstreetbakery.business.site When are the doughnuts fresh? Usually available on Wednesdays from 6 to 11 a.m. Is there coffee? Hot and iced coffee is available, as well as cold brew, specialty lattes and teas. Flavor offerings: Regular doughnut flavors on Wednesday mornings include homemade glazed, as well as cinnamon sugar doughnut holes. Doughnut adventure: Specialty flavors have included Fruity Pebbles and Cinnamon Toast Crunch doughnuts, which were available on National Doughnut Day back in June.
Sweet Love Bakery 20 Main St., Goffstown, 497-2997, sweetlovebakerynh.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh every morning. The shop is open Monday, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday, 7 a.m. to noon; Friday, 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Is there coffee? Sweet Love Bakery partners with A&E Coffee & Tea for coffees and specialty hot and iced teas. Flavor offerings: Regular flavors include chocolate glazed and cinnamon sugar, and weekly specials are offered. Doughnut adventure: Try the Butterfinger doughnut, or the apple cider doughnut with a maple glaze.
Doughnuts from Wild Orchid Bakery in Manchester. Courtesy photo.
Wild Orchid Bakery 836 Elm St., Manchester, 935-7338, wildorchidbakery.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh daily. The shop is currently open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every day except Monday. Is there coffee? Hot drip coffee, iced coffee and specialty espresso drinks are available, with coffee from Hometown Coffee Roasters of Manchester. Flavor offerings: Vanilla glaze, chocolate glaze, Fruity Pebbles, Cookie Monster and maple bacon. There are also gluten-free options, including gluten-free tiramisu, gluten-free Fruity Pebbles and gluten-free Oreo. Doughnut adventure: Try the crème brûlée — a custard-filled doughnut topped with caramelized sugar — or the apple pie, a cinnamon sugar doughnut with an apple pie filling.
I-93 South
Heav’nly Donuts 36 S. Main St., Derry, 216-2831; 125 Indian Rock Road, Windham, 458-2616; 44 Route 125, Brentwood, 347-5178; heavnlydonuts.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh daily. Is there coffee? Each location features freshly brewed hot and iced coffees and teas, with original coffee flavors brewed on site. Flavor offerings: More than two dozen varieties are available, from chocolate-frosted and maple-frosted to blueberry cruller, Boston cream, glazed and red velvet. Doughnut adventure: Try the “Stuft” doughnuts, with flavors that include strawberry, cherry, peach, apple and pineapple.
Klemm’s Bakery 29 Indian Rock Road, Windham, 437-8810, klemmsbakery.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh every morning, available from 7 a.m. on. Is there coffee? Klemm’s offers regular drip coffee and decaf and various flavor options, like French vanilla and hazelnut. Flavor offerings: Flavors range from traditional honey-dipped glazed doughnuts to jelly and vanilla cream-filled. Doughnut adventure: The most popular unique flavor at Klemm’s is the blueberry crunch, a blueberry-based doughnut with a buttercrunch topping.
Mack’s Apples 230 Mammoth Road, Londonderry, 432-3456, macksapples.com The farm market is open daily from 9 a.m to 6 p.m., offering its own freshly made cider doughnuts in addition to a variety of other homemade items.
Sunnycrest Farm 59 High Range Road, Londonderry, 432-9652, sunnycrestfarmnh.com When are the doughnuts fresh? They’re continuously being fried off on the weekends. During apple season in the fall they will almost always be fresh during shop hours. The farm stand opens at 9 a.m. seven days a week. Is there coffee? Regular drip coffee from King David Coffee Roasters of Nashua. Flavor offerings: The farm stand only offers apple cider doughnuts using their own apple cider and applesauce pressed on the farm. They also offer gluten-free doughnuts.
Greater Nashua
Brookdale Fruit Farm 41 Broad St. in Hollis, 465-2240, brookdalefruitfarm.com The farm stand is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Crosby Bakery 51 E. Pearl St., Nashua, 882-1851, crosbybakerynh.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Every morning when they open at 7:30 a.m., Monday through Saturday. Is there coffee? Hot and iced coffee options. Flavor offerings: Everything from glazed and chocolate-covered to jelly and cream-filled. Doughnut adventure: Crosby Bakery features a weekly pop-up series called a “Grownup Doughnut.” Most tend to be inspired by classic cocktails and have a boozy addition. Past flavors have included mudslide, piña colada and orange chocolate martini.
Doughnuts from Donut Fresh Express in Milford. Courtesy photo.
Donut Fresh Express 112 Elm St., Milford, 672-0298, donut-fresh-express-nh.hub.biz When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh first thing every morning. The shop opens at 5:30 a.m. during the week and 6 a.m. on weekends, according to its Facebook page. Is there coffee? Hot and iced coffees, hot tea and various smoothies. Flavor offerings: Regular flavors include glazed, Boston cream, jelly, vanilla cream, maple, chocolate, sprinkles, blueberry cake, coconut and more.
Lull Farm 65 Broad St., Hollis, 465-7079, livefreeandfarm.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh every morning at the farm stand, which opens at 7 a.m. seven days a week, year-round. Is there coffee? Regular drip Green Mountain Coffee Roasters coffees are available. Flavor offerings: The doughnuts are all cider, with some rolled in sugar and some just plain.
Moulton’s Kitchen & Market 10 Main St., Amherst, 673-2404, moultonsmarket.com When are the doughnuts fresh? They’re baked off first thing in the morning, right after opening. The shop opens at 7 a.m. Tuesday through Friday, and at 8 a.m. on Saturday. Is there coffee? Moulton’s offers hot and iced coffees as well as specialty lattes and other espresso drinks. Flavor offerings: Featured cake doughnut flavors include cinnamon sugar, chocolate glaze, white icing and plain. Featured yeast ring doughnut flavors include strawberry, chocolate or vanilla icing. Doughnut adventure: Occasionally there are blueberry cake doughnuts, chocolate cake doughnuts and jelly-filled doughnuts. Seasonally, Moulton’s will also offer a pumpkin cake doughnut.
Sweet Treats by Emilee Milford, find her on Facebook @emileessweettreats When are the doughnuts fresh? Chef Emilee Viaud of Sweet Treats by Emilee is a regular vendor at the Milford Farmers Market (300 Elm St., Milford) on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. During the winter months, the market moves indoors. Flavor offerings: The most popular doughnut flavor Viaud offers is maple bacon. She tries to keep flavors seasonal, using fresh fruit in the spring and making s’mores-flavored doughnuts in the summer. Doughnut adventure: According to Viaud, the most unique doughnut she has ever made was a savory everything-bagel doughnut. The base doughnut was unchanged, but the topping featured an unsweetened cream cheese frosting and an everything bagel seasoning.
Trombly Gardens 150 N. River Road, Milford, 673-0647, tromblygardens.net When are the doughnuts fresh? Made fresh every Saturday and Sunday morning. The farm stand opens at 9 a.m. on both days. Is there coffee? Locally roasted coffee from Parker and Sons Coffee Roasting of Peterborough. They also have hot chocolate and, in the fall, hot cider. Flavor offerings: All doughnuts are an apple cider base, especially going into the apple season. The doughnuts can come sugar-coated or plain. Doughnut adventure: Throughout different peak harvest seasons, Trombly Gardens will add fresh fruit in their doughnuts. They do strawberry, blueberry and peach during the summer. Sometimes they’ll also offer maple bacon glazed doughnuts. There are also specialty doughnut options served out of the ice cream window, such as doughnut sundaes.
Toward the Lakes
Brothers Donuts 426 Central St., Franklin, 934-6678, find them on Facebook @brothersdonuts When are the doughnuts fresh? Made at 3 a.m. daily and sold until they run out. Brothers Donuts also regularly delivers to businesses including Dulces Bakery (87 Amherst St., Manchester), Revelstoke Coffee (100 N. Main St., Concord) and the Hooksett rest area on both sides of Interstate 93. Flavor offerings: Doughnut flavors change daily with various specialty options. Doughnut adventure: Brothers Donuts’ specials have included Cinnamon Toast Crunch, cannoli, caramel Twix and strawberry cream.
Cider Bellies Doughnuts 18 Quarry Road, Meredith, 707-9657, ciderbelliesdoughnuts.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Every morning at sunrise. Flavor offerings: Cinnamon sugar, old-fashioned, maple drizzle, baker’s chocolate drizzle, lemon drizzle Doughnut adventure: The shop’s lemon drizzle doughnuts feature a blend of sweet and tart flavors and can be topped with poppy seeds.
Goody Good Donuts 235 Union Ave, Laconia, 528-4003, find them on Facebook @makingholes When are the doughnuts fresh? Made daily at 4 a.m. and sold until 11 a.m. or until they run out for the day Flavor offerings: A wide variety of flavors is offered, including butternut chocolate, maple roll, raspberry sugar, jelly cream, Boston cream and more. Doughnut adventure: Goody Good Donuts offers an Arnold Palmer doughnut, consisting of a lemon and raspberry batter and a glazed shell.
Toward the coast
Donut Love 112 Lafayette Road, North Hampton, donutlove603.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Made daily at 7 a.m., Wednesday through Sunday, and sold until they run out. They’re also available at the shop’s sister location, Comfort Baking Co. (75 Portsmouth Ave., Exeter), which is open Wednesday through Sunday, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Flavor offerings: Donut Love offers a variety of flavors, including chocolate sea salt, maple bacon, Maine blueberry and cold brew coffee. Doughnut adventure: Try the Mama-O doughnut, a pink vanilla doughnut made with the shop’s signature recipe that includes potatoes.
Fresh AF Bakeshop 34 Church St., Kingston, 642-8609, freshafbakeshop.com The Bakeshop is open Wednesday from noon to 6 p.m., Thursday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A post from Aug. 27 said “stuffed doughnuts available Saturdays and Sundays, while supplies last.” Flavor offerings: The Bakeshop offers a “daily rotating menu of sweets & sass” according to the website.
Northwoods Brewing Co. 1334 First New Hampshire Turnpike, Northwood, 942-6400, northwoodsbrewingcompany.com When are the doughnuts fresh? Cruller doughnuts are made fresh every day at Northwoods Brewing Co., according to marketing director Sarah Fenerty. Visit them between 8 a.m. (when they open) and 10 a.m. for the best selection. Is there coffee? Hot coffee and tea are available. Fenerty also recommends trying one of the brewery’s own coffee porters with a cruller. Flavor offerings: Around 15 cruller flavors are usually available daily, including chocolate, churro, maple, lemon and honey. Pumpkin-flavored crullers are available seasonally. Doughnut adventure: Try the maple bacon cruller, usually available a few times a week, or the Almond Joy cruller, loaded with coconut pieces, almonds and chocolate.
Featured photo: A doughnut from Bird Food Baking Co., based in Goffstown. Courtesy photo.