Screen plays

Theatre Kapow opens new season with virtual performances

Like most theater companies pre-Covid, Theatre Kapow had a very different idea of what its 2020 season would look like. The Manchester-based company was just days away from beginning rehearsals for one of the two remaining shows in its 12th season when theaters were shut down in March.

After months of planning, Theatre Kapow is moving forward with its 13th season, titled “We Can Get Through This,” starting with a series of three one-person plays, each with four exclusively livestreamed performances.

“It was pretty clear early on that if we wanted to continue making theater at this time, we would have to do very, very small shows,” artistic director Matt Cahoon said. “We figured solo performances would be pretty much the safest thing to do right now.”

The series focuses largely on the idea of isolation and other themes that are very relevant to people today, Cahoon said, such as resilience, courage and conviction.

The first play, Feast, which runs Sept. 25 through Sept. 27, is being directed by Cahoon and performed by his wife, Carey Cahoon.

Written in 2019 by Megan Gogerty, Feast reimagines a villain from a well-known work of medieval English literature (you’ll have to watch the play to find out who it is) who is throwing a dinner party to confront society about its acts of injustice.

“Even though it’s telling this ancient story, it’s probably the most contemporary show I’ve ever directed,” Cahoon said. “It speaks very much to the current moment and even about living in the time of a virus.”

The second play, Lauren Gunderson’s Natural Shocks, runs Oct. 23 through Oct. 25 and is being directed by Wanda Strukus and performed by Rachael Longo. Based on the famous “To be or not to be” monologue from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the piece follows a woman, alone in her basement riding out a tornado, as she reflects on other threats in her life.

The third and final play, A Tempest Prayer by Peter Josephson (director and actor are TBD), runs Nov. 20 through Nov. 22 and is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

The plays, which are being shot in a small studio space in Manchester, are full theater productions with sets, costumes, props, lighting design and sound effects.

“It’s still theater, not film,” Cahoon said. “If people were here watching [in the studio], it would look like a regular live theater performance.”

Theatre Kapow “believes fervently” that there is something special about “the immediacy of a live performance,” Cahoon said, so there was no question that the company would livestream the plays rather than pre-record them.

“We’re doing a lot with [film elements], but doing the performances live and in the moment is what makes it theater,” Carey Cahoon added.

“If you go to the movies, you know that no matter what you do as an audience member, no matter what happens in the theater and no matter how you react, the movie isn’t going to change. It’s going to be the same every time you hit ‘play,’” Matt Cahoon said. “There is a tangible difference between that and watching something happening live and in real time. The actor puts out a different kind of energy, and people can feel that.”

The virtual format has posed a whole new set of considerations for the directors and the actors.

For example, Matt Cahoon said, when directing a play for the live stage, he watches the actor and directs the actor’s movements, but for Feast, he has been focusing his direction on the cameras, watching rehearsals on his computer screen so that he can “see what the audience is seeing.”

In many ways, the virtual format allows him to do more with the play than he could if it were being performed on a live stage, he added. For one thing, he has more control over what the audience fixes its attention on at every moment during the play.

“The staging of a play is a big part of the storytelling,” Carey Cahoon said. “It’s different [in the theater] obviously, since the human eye can see [a] wider [area] than a camera can, but in this format we can decide what we want the audience’s perspective [to be], so we’re thinking a lot about the different camera angles we’re using and what those angles mean dramatically.”

Additionally, cameras allow Matt Cahoon to give the audience perspectives that aren’t possible in a live theater, such as close-ups and overhead views.

“It’s really freeing,” Matt Cahoon said. “We [at Theater Kapow] have always prided ourselves on presenting our pieces with unique audience perspectives, and with the cameras, we can stay faithful to that approach, and we’re able to do even more and have a lot of fun with it.”

The virtual format is a unique opportunity for actors as well, Carey Cahoon said. When performing for a live audience in a theater, she said, she has to project her voice loudly to be heard and exaggerate her physical movements to be seen, but in Feast, she can give a more dynamic performance.

“I can be much quieter and do more subtle things and things with more nuance,” she said. “I’ve really enjoyed the ability to explore a wider range as an actor.”

Carey Cahoon said she “spent a lot of time being bothered” about not being able to perform for an audience in person, but she has a different outlook now.

“I’ve realized that you can still create that shared environment,” she said, “because even though we can’t be in a shared space anymore, we can still be in shared time.”

Theatre Kapow’s 13th season: “We Can Get Through This”
Feast – Sept. 25 through Sept. 27
Natural Shocks – Oct. 23 through Oct. 25
A Tempest Prayer – Nov. 20 through Nov. 22
When: Performances are on Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m.
Where: Livestreamed online; ticket holders will be sent the link to watch the show
Cost: $10 per streaming device
More info:

Featured Photo: Carey Cahoon as Agathae in Feast. Photo by Matthew Lomanno.

Playing the field

Shakespeare comes to the Fisher Cats Stadium

See Romeo and Juliet as you never have before during “Shakespeare in the (Ball)Park” on Sunday, Sept. 20, in Manchester. Cue Zero Theatre Co. will perform the bard’s classic tragedy at the Fisher Cats’ Northeast Delta Dental Stadium, with a baseball-themed twist.

Though the concept seems like one that would be created with Covid safety and social distancing in mind, artistic director Dan Pelletier said, Cue Zero had actually planned the event pre-Covid as part of its Guerilla Shakespeare Series, a series of staged readings of Shakespeare plays done in unconventional venues.

“‘Shakespeare in the Park’ is a regular theater staple all over, so I just thought ‘Shakespeare in the (Ball)Park’ would be something different and fun,” Pelletier said. “Then, when Covid hit, things were being canceled left and right, and we thought, ‘Can we still pull this off?’ and the Fisher Cats said, ‘If you still want to do it, we will.’”

Actors will perform in the middle of left field facing the Stonyfield Pavilion, where the audience will be seated in tiered swivel seats normally reserved at games for private groups.

“They’re the best seats in the house, basically,” said Tyler Murray, Fisher Cats broadcasting and media relations manager. “It’s a cool and unique place to see a play.”

“It’s kind of neat, because having the audience above the actors almost gives it that amphitheater feel, similar to how Shakespeare plays were traditionally performed at the Globe in England,” Pelletier added.

The Pavilion, which has a total of 165 seats, will be able to safely accommodate around 100 people for the play, Murray said. Ticket holders from the same household will be seated together, with at least six feet of distance between them and the rest of the audience. Masks will be required while moving around the venue but can be removed while seated.

“We’re expecting this to be a small event,” Murray said, adding that there are still a number of tickets available.

The play will keep the original Shakespearean text, but in a comedic tone that is more in line with a farce than with a tragedy, Pelletier said, and portrays the play’s “extreme and emotional” characters more as “tragic clowns.”

“When you really break down the plot of Romeo and Juliet, it’s kind of ridiculous,” he said. “A 16-year-old and 14-year-old meet on Monday, think they’re in love, and by the end of the week, an entire town has been torn apart because two teenagers thought each other were cute.”

Baseball iconography will be incorporated through the costumes and props. The play’s feuding families, for example — the Montagues and the Capulets — will be Boston Red Sox fans and New York Yankees fans, respectively, and will don fan apparel. Juliet’s suitor Paris will wear a New York Mets jersey; Prince Escalus, who seeks to keep the peace between the Montagues and the Capulets, will be dressed as a baseball umpire; and the Apothecary will be a ballpark vendor selling popcorn, peanuts and poison.

Wiffle ball and Nerf bats and baseball gloves will be used as rapiers and daggers.

“The stage combat style is a little bit Looney Tunes and a little bit Three Stooges,” Pelletier said. “We’re keeping everything as goofy and fun as possible.”

Since there will be no curtain, special lighting or set changes, stadium music and baseball sound effects “like what you would hear between innings at a baseball game or while a player is walking onto the field” will be used as a transition element between scenes, Pelletier said.

“I think people will have a really good time seeing how many different ways we can cram baseball things into this 400-year-old play,” he said.

Shakespeare in the (Ball)Park – Romeo and Juliet
Where: Northeast Delta Dental Stadium, 1 Line Drive, Manchester
When: Sunday, Sept. 20, 2 p.m.
Tickets: $10
More info: Visit or, or call 606-4105.

Featured Photo: Courtesy photo.

The Art Roundup 20/09/17

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

Musical comedy at the Palace: The Palace Theatre’s (80 Hanover St., Manchester) mainstage production of Nunsense is on stage now through Oct. 4. When a nun accidentally poisons and kills 52 of her sisters, she and the surviving sisters at the parish put on a variety show to raise funds for the burials. The musical features “tap and ballet dancing, audience participation and comic surprises at every corner,” according to the theater’s website. Showtimes are on Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 and 7:30 p.m.; and Sundays at noon and 5 p.m.; with an additional show on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $39 to $46 for adults and $25 for children. Visit or call 668-5588.

Outdoor violin concert: The Sunday Artists Series’ Concerts on the Green at Canterbury Shaker Village (288 Shaker Road, Canterbury) continues with The Suzuki Strings on Sunday, Sept. 20, from 4 to 5 p.m. The Suzuki Strings is a group of about 25 violinists ages 4 through 17 from all over New Hampshire who have learned to play violin using the methodology of Japanese musician and music educator Shinichi Suzuki (1898 – 1998). The following concert will be The Wholly Rollers, a bluegrass band from Concord, on Sunday, Sept. 27, from 4 to 5 p.m. The concerts will be held on the lawn leading to and surrounding the Village’s Meeting House. Attendees should wear masks and follow the social distancing guidelines by sitting within the painted circles on the lawn. Seating is first come, first served. The concerts are free, with a suggested donation of $10. Call 783-9511 or visit

Portraits with social commentary: The Kimball Jenkins Estate (266 N. Main St., Concord) presents an exhibition, “Life’s Work: Occupations & Identity,” in its Carriage House Gallery now through Sept. 28. It features portrait photography by Maundy Mitchell that explores the evolution of trades and societal views on identity and jobs. Gallery hours are Monday through Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call 225-3932 or visit

Pandemic poetry reading: The Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library presents a virtual reading event for COVID Spring: Granite State Pandemic Poems on Monday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. on Zoom. The poetry anthology, edited by New Hampshire Poet Laureate Alexandria Peary and published by Hobblebush Books earlier this month, features original poems submitted by 54 New Hampshire writers. The poems “provide a thirty-day snapshot of what life was like in the Granite State in April of 2020” and explore topics like Covid-related “job loss, loneliness and love, masks, social distancing, surreal visitors, uncertainty, graduations deferred, grief, neighborly and less-than-neighborly acts, observing the beginning of the pandemic and making projections about the future, recalibrating or confirming what it means to be human, to be a resident of this region,” Peary said in the anthology’s introduction. Visit for the Zoom link to the event, which will be posted on Friday, Sept. 18, and for updates on more upcoming readings TBA. The book is available to purchase at local bookstores, Hobblebush Books (, Small Press Distribution ( and Amazon, and the publisher will donate $2 from every copy sold to the New Hampshire Food Bank to support New Hampshire residents impacted by the pandemic.

Featured Photo: Portrait photography by Maundy Mitchell, featured in “Life’s Work: Occupations & Identity” at Kimball Jenkins. Courtesy photo.

Pink cars and drive-ins

Change of pace for annual breast cancer fundraiser

The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer movement in New Hampshire is taking a different approach to its fundraising efforts this fall. Instead of its usual community walks, Making Strides will host a series of six socially distanced events, including “Drive-in Experiences” in Nashua, Exeter, Concord/Bow and Manchester and “Rolling Pink Car Rallies” in Laconia and North Conway. Chelsea Paradore, senior manager of community development for the American Cancer Society Northeast Region, talked about what the events will look like, how people can get involved and why fundraising for cancer research is important now more than ever.

What will Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events in New Hampshire look like this year?

We have four drive-in experiences. At the largest one, which is in Concord and will be held in the evening, people can donate luminaries in honor or in memory of someone who has been affected by breast cancer or has lost their battle, and we’ll have those luminary bags lit up as people drive in. There will be a movie screen and a stage set up, so we’ll have a video ceremony; we’ll have survivor speakers; we’ll hear from a researcher; we’ll hear from some of our sponsors and different team leaders; and people will share their stories about how they’ve been affected by breast cancer. Then, after inspiring people, we want to kind of lighten things up and have a little fun, so we’ll have a live band that will play. We’re also asking people to deck out their cars in pink, so there will be prizes for the most spirited car, and we’ll have some other fun games going on throughout the evening. … Then, we have a couple car rallies, which are really more about spreading awareness. … People are asked to decorate their cars in pink and have signs on the outside. … So, it’s not going to be the three- to five-mile walk alongside survivors and caregivers that we would normally be doing, but I think we’ve figured out, this year more than ever, that this isn’t just about a walk; it’s about a movement.

How has Covid-19 impacted Making Strides/American Cancer Society?

It has severely impeded our fundraising activity this year. We’re expecting a minimum of a $200 million shortfall, just in 2020. Essentially, we have gone from a $700 million operating budget to $500 million operating budget, which we had to reduce between personnel and non-personnel expenses. We were sadly forced to eliminate approximately 1,000 staff positions nationwide. The remaining staff have had reduced salaries. Our CEO got a 25-percent reduction in salary. … That’s just the immediate impact; who knows what the next couple of years is going to look like? The scariest part is the impact on our mission. Our hallmark is research funding, and right now that’s in jeopardy. [Covid-19] is going to reduce our ability to fund cancer research by 50 percent in 2020, which is the lowest investment this century.

How does the fundraising work?

It’s actually super easy. When someone registers on our website they get a “fundraising dashboard,” and right from that fundraising dashboard they can email their friends and family, and they can start a Facebook fundraiser, which we know is wildly successful. We also have a fundraising app … which connects them right to their fundraising dashboard. They can take donations by credit card, Google Pay and Apple Pay, and they can take checks, which works just like mobile banking.

How do small community events like these help ACS carry out its mission?

Community events are volunteer-led, so we have a group of volunteer committees at each of these [event] locations in New Hampshire, and they pour their heart and soul into planning these events. Volunteer-led events allow us to save money internally on staffing, and therefore more money is going to the cause. … The awareness piece of it is even bigger, in my eyes. It’s really important to reach people in the community on a local level, to let them know what the American Cancer Society can do, should they ever need to call our number; and to make sure they are getting screened properly, talking to their doctors and taking control of their health.

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Drive-in Experiences
• Nashua South High School, 36 Riverside St., Nashua, Sunday, Oct. 4, 3 to 5 p.m.
• FieldHouse Sports, 12 Tallwood Drive, Bow, Friday, Oct. 16, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
• McDevitt Trucks, 220 Frontage Road, Manchester, Sunday, Oct. 18, 1:30 to 4 p.m.
• Lincoln Street Elementary School, 25 Lincoln St., Exeter, Sunday, Oct. 18, 1 to 4 p.m.
Rolling Pink Car Rallies
• Laconia Middle School, 150 McGrath St., Laconia, Sunday, Oct. 4, 10 a.m. arrival, 10:30 a.m. start
• Stonehurst Manor, 3351 White Mountain Highway, North Conway, Sunday, Oct. 18, 10 a.m. arrival, 10:30 a.m. start
Find registration information for all drive-in and car rally events on Facebook.

Featured photo: Chelsea Paradore. Courtesy photo.

The Art Roundup 20/09/10

DIY art: Studio 550 Art Center (550 Elm St., Manchester) is now offering art-at-home kits, which include all the materials and tools needed for a do-it-yourself art project. Projects include mosaics, succulent plant arrangements, clay jars, fairy houses, mugs and open-ended clay projects. The kits come with step-by-step instructions, accompanying video tutorials or guided workshops by request. Completed clay creations can be dropped off at the studio for firing. Visit or call 232-5597.

Duo display: “2020 Double Vision,” an exhibit featuring work by two New Hampshire Art Association artists, is on display now through Sept. 17 in the lobby at 2 Pillsbury St. in Concord. Both artists create paintings inspired by scenes in New England and beyond. Debbie Mueller’s style uses bold, simple designs with a focus on light and how light affects the shapes and colors within a scene. Marianne Stillwagon’s paintings depict picturesque villages and changing seasons in a contemporary primitive Americana style. “It’s extraordinary how two artists can look at the same scene and create vastly different paintings,” Mueller said in a press release. “We each have our unique vision and way of interpreting our world … [and] our unique viewpoint to our scenes.” All artwork is for sale. Viewing hours are Monday through Friday from 5 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Saturday from 5 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Visit or call 431-4230.

Virtual author events: Gibson’s Bookstore of Concord has two virtual author events coming up. On Sunday, Sept. 13, at 2 p.m. there will be a “Roaring 20s Middle Grade/Young Adult Author Panel” with authors who debuted their middle grade or young adult novels in 2020. Featured authors will include Josh Roberts (The Witches of Willow Cove), Lorien Lawrence (The Stitchers), Cat Scully (Jennifer Strange), Kaela Noel (Coo) and Cathleen Barnhart (That’s What Friends Do). Participants are encouraged to come with questions about the authors’ stories and writing and publishing processes. Then, on Monday, Sept. 14, at 7:15 p.m., Meredith Hall will present her debut novel Beneficence in a pre-publication event. The novel is a story of love and the gifts, obligations, covenants and compromises that come with it. She will be joined in conversation by New Hampshire poet Wesley McNair. The events will be held on Zoom, and registration is required. Visit or call 224-0562.

Sculpture symposium concludes: The 13th annual Nashua International Sculpture Symposium will have its closing ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 12, at 1 p.m., when the public can see the completed sculptures revealed at the installation site, located at the west entrance of Mine Falls Park. It will also be livestreamed at Sculptors Taylor Apostol from Massachusetts, Elijah Ober from Maine and Kelly Cave from Pennsylvania have spent the last three weeks in Nashua creating the sculptures. They will continue working up until the closing ceremony, daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the installation site. The public is invited to stop by during those times to watch the sculptors work and interact with them during their breaks. A map of the 36 existing sculpture sites along with suggested walking and biking tour routes is available at

Last chance for free comics: Free Comic Book Summer, a reworking of Free Comic Book Day in which local comic book shops put out a handful of different free comics every Wednesday, will conclude with its last batch of free comics on Wednesday, Sept. 9. The comics will include The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Splatoon (adventure/fantasy, for teen readers) with Squid Kids Comedy Show; The Incal (sci-fi, for mature readers); and Sue & Tai-chan (a “kitty comedy” based on the Chi’s Sweet Home series, for readers of all ages). Visit for the full list of this year’s free comics and to find participating comic book shops in your area.

Plays by the Lakes: The Winnipesaukee Playhouse (33 Footlight Circle, Meredith) announced in a press release that it has reopened, with a small season of three productions to be performed at the Playhouse’s outdoor amphitheatre in September and October. Or, will run Wednesday, Sept. 2, through Sunday, Sept. 6, and Wednesday, Sept. 9, through Saturday, Sept. 12, at 4 p.m. The historical play by Liz Duffy Adams’ is a fictionalized account of the life of England’s first female playwright Aphra Behn. Tickets cost $29 to $39. Or, will be followed by The Mountaintop, opening on Wednesday, Sept. 16, and No Wake, opening on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Visit or call 279-0333.

Featured Photo: Debbie Mueller art, featured in “2020 Double Vision” exhibit. Courtesy photo.

Diploma + degree

Career Academy’s inaugural class gets underway

The New Hampshire Department of Education and the Community College System of New Hampshire have created a program that allows high school seniors to earn their diploma and work toward an associate’s degree or certificate simultaneously over the course of two years at no cost to the student. The first New Hampshire Career Academy class, consisting of 12 students in pursuit of degrees in criminal justice, finance and accounting, culinary arts, cyber security and other fields, will begin courses at community colleges around the state on Sept. 12. Nathaniel Greene, bureau administrator for the Bureau of Educational Opportunities and department liaison for the Career Academy, talked about the new educational opportunity.

How does Career Academy work?

It functions kind of like a dual enrollment program, except, rather than the student getting their high school diploma with some college credit, they’ll be enrolled in a full community college program. They’ll do an additional year [of high school] — they’ll be a fifth-year senior — and at the end of the program, they’ll come out with both a high school diploma and a certificate or associate’s degree from a community college.

How is this being funded?

We set it up through one of our charter schools, because the state makes payments to a charter school, as opposed to traditional public schools, which receive the bulk of their revenue from local property taxes, so we don’t have control over what they do with that money. By having a student enrolled in a charter school while taking courses at community college, the state can give the money that it would normally give to the charter school to the community college system instead, to cover the cost of tuition. It’s actually the same amount of money that the state would pay for a student to attend a charter school … so, in effect, there’s no cost to the student. … I think that’s the biggest benefit of this program, by far; it gives our low-income students across the state an opportunity to get their associate’s degree, which will open up more doors for them when they get out into the workforce.

What kind of student would be a good fit for this program?

It’s a great option for kids who have already figured out what they want to do and want to fast-track to that next step of getting a certificate or associate’s degree. … I think the kinds of kids who are going to be attracted to a program like this and going to be successful are kids who are interested in academics, self-motivated and responsible … and understand that this is going to be a challenge.

What will a student’s day look like?

They’ll be enrolled just like any other adult community college student. They’ll attend all of their courses at the community college … including the high school courses they need to get their diploma. … They’ll move through the [degree] program just like the other community college students do.

Would they be missing out on their high school experience?

We set up the program so that students can still take part in the normal things they would do as a senior in high school. If they want to attend their senior prom or participate in extracurricular activities at the school, they can do that. … They wouldn’t necessarily be graduating with their [senior] friends since they have to do that fifth year, but we have suggested that schools let that student participate in the ceremony and walk with their friends. They’ll just be given a blank diploma and will receive their real diploma after their fifth year.

What are some of the challenges students should be prepared for?

One of the things we stress to students and parents is that they’re entering an environment that is not the same as their high school environment. They’re entering the adult world. They’re going to be taking courses with adults, some [of whom] are in their 30s, 40s or 50s. … Things aren’t as structured, so there’s going to be more personal responsibility placed on the student. … There will be some guidance resources, but it’s not the same as the guidance counselor at their high school, and there won’t be access to the same kinds of social and emotional support and services that exist for students within a high school.

How does Career Academy set students up for success?

I think one of the biggest ways is the partnerships we’re creating with the businesses and industries that the students are going into. … We’re working with the [Health Care] Administrators Association for students coming out with nursing and medical degrees. We’re working with a couple different manufacturing companies for students getting degrees and certificates in mechanical engineering, engineering technology, advanced manufacturing and robotics. We’re reaching out to accounting associations for students who want to go into the financial field. … The intent is not only to get kids into the programs, but also to connect them with New Hampshire [employers] who want to hire them and keep them here in the state.

Featured Photo: Nathaniel Greene. Courtesy photo.

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