Dear Donna,
We have accumulated inherited Christmas balls and other decorations from family. It’s time now for a new look, so we’re looking to see if there is a market for these. Thanks, Donna, for your feedback.
Dear Colleen,
Old Christmas-related items are very collectible, from 100 years old through the 1970s and even some modern ones as well.
As long as your hand-painted Christmas balls are in good condition paint-wise and have no broken pieces or cracks you shouldn’t have a problem finding them a new home. The more unusual the design and the more intricate detail the better.
The value of Christmas balls like yours is a few dollars each and up. So you have a little treasure there. Should be in the $200 range for the lot.
All the family memories, though, are priceless!
I hope this gave you some help and you find all of your collection a new home.