Treasure Hunt 21/10/14

Dear Donna,

Can you provide me any information on this item? It’s a wood church bank with a slot on the side to insert coins. The bottom has paper that has been torn to reveal a spot to remove the coins. It’s 4 inches by 5 inches and appears to be in great shape. Wouldn’t hold much, though.


Dear Edith,

You kind of answered all your own questions. I’m just going to wrap things up for you.

Your sweet wooden church bank looks to be in great shape. You are right; it wouldn’t hold too much.

Some of these were made in Germany and others in Japan. The age frame is after the 1920s through the 1940s. They fall into a couple collectible categories: one for miniatures and one for banks, and it’s a miniature bank as well.

They were manufactured and have several different printings on them. So there could be more to collect if you’re looking for a fun collection. The value on one like yours in great condition would be in the $30 range.

Treasure Hunt 21/10/07

Dear Donna,

I am trying to figure out this picture postcard. This one and several others similar were among postcards from my gram’s house. Nothing in any looks familiar to me, so my question is, is there a way to find out any information about them?

Anita from Merrimack

Dear Anita,

I can’t know where the postcard photo was taken, but I can try to help by giving you some information. Photo postcards have been around since the early 1900s. Many that are around today were either done professionally or just taken at home and printed on postcard stock. So you can imagine there are many still around today. The value on most is sentimental. Some, though, can be quite valuable depending on the subject.

Common family ones like the one here are of minimal value. I think the only way to find out where and who it was is to show it to as many family members as you can. Hopefully one can give you some information. I always say every old photo should be clear for the next generation as to who and where and when it was taken.

Treasure Hunt 21/09/30

Dear Donna,

Would you know if there is any worth to these Penthouse swizzle strippers? I was cleaning out a house and came across them. I thought they looked interesting and may possibly have value.


Dear Ted,

Wow, and thanks for covering them up! I agree they are interesting.

Your swizzle sticks (drink stirrers) were produced in the 1970s but along with yours many others were made too. So what I found out was they have to be in perfect, not scratched, condition. The clip on the reverse side to hold it onto the glass also has to be there.

Now if all those items are good to go the value is around $5 each. Sometimes interesting is good, and these could make great conversation pieces. Some items are so mass produced, though, and many are still found today, which keeps the values lower.

Treasure Hunt 21/09/23

Dear Donna,

I came across this bag of old clothespins. I believe they were my mother’s. I have no use for them but thought maybe someone would enjoy them. Can you give me a reason not to toss them?


Dear Lynn,

Old clothespins are collectible but I think mostly for decorative reasons. I have also seen them used in many modern craft projects. So I do think that gives you a reason to not throw them away.

The ones you have in the photo would probably be in the $15 range for the bunch. Always be careful, though. If you see one in the mix that has a look you have never seen, it could be an uncommon one and worth more.

Handmade antique clothespins can bring a much higher value to a collector. Common ones like this almost everyone had and used, so there are plenty around for decorating a laundry room or for projects.

Treasure Hunt 21/09/16

Dear Donna,

Can you give me any information on my dog? It was mine when I was growing up so I know it’s old. Any information would be appreciated.


Dear Cynthia,

Your childhood toy is a Cragstan Wacky Dog. It was made in the 1960s in Hong Kong. It is a wind-up toy and should have a key. Once wound up it should have moving parts, eyes, mouth etc. So the original key is an important part, or finding a replacement one would help.

When valuing a toy’s age, rarity and original condition are very important. Even having it in the original box can easily increase the values. So my advice first is to find the key or one that will work to wind it up. If the toy is working I would say the value is in the range of $50 because it looks to be in good condition. The key to its value is the key!

Treasure Hunt 21/09/09

Dear Donna,

Can you help me put a price on these items? They were my mother’s and are just sitting in a cabinet.


Dear Janet,

Pricing Depression glassware can be tough. Each piece, pattern, size, rarity and condition matters. Then you have to consider the market for it at the time as well.

The assortment you sent a photo of are all different patterns, age and colors. What I can tell you from what I see in the photo is a price range of $5 to $10 each. Remember, though, that would have to be with no damage. Cracks, chips, scratches all lower or take away any value.

I am not sure if they still print reference books these days. You used to be able to go into a book store and relax and reference items in a full-color price book. Sometimes this could help you identify each piece and a book value on it. I only recommend this for figuring out what you have. Market prices are always changing and that is what really determines value.