Kiddie Pool 22/05/19

Family fun for the weekend

The younger moviegoers

• Chunky’s Cinema Pub (707 Huse Road, Manchester; 151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua; 150 Bridge St., Pelham, has some events this Friday, May 20, for younger moviegoers. Shrek (PG, 2001) is this month’s“little lunch date” screening, when lights are slightly dimmed, at noon at Chunky’s in Manchester, Nashua and Pelham. Admission is free but secure seats in advance with a $5 food voucher.

All three Chunky’s will also hold a sensory-friendly screening of The Bad Guys (PG, 2022) at 4 p.m., when sound is turned down and lights are up. Tickets cost $5.99 each.

Happy Birthday, Ralph Baer!

• Celebrate the 100th birthday of inventor Ralph Baer, credited with being the father of the video game console, on Saturday, May 21. A program at Arms Park in Manchester will start at noon (with a food truck social hour) and at 1 p.m. feature speakers and presentations, including the unveiling of a new plaque for the sculpture honoring Baer in Arms Park. Starting at 2 p.m. the public will get free entry to SEE Science Center (200 Bedford St. in Manchester;, where there will be family drop-in activities (from 3:to 4:30 p.m.) such as pixel art making and playdough circuits; the FIRST Robotics Team 6763 Fusion from Manchester School of Technology and Manchester MakerSpace will introduce visitors to robots; and Saturday will be the exhibit closing event for Video Game Art Exhibit (the final display day is Sunday, May 22) and an opportunity to speak with the artists, according to the SEE’s website.


• The middle school students at High Mowing School (Pine Hill Campus, 77 Pine Hill Drive in Wilton; will show off their circus skills and tell the story of Winnie the Pooh at the 2022 Hilltop Circus: In the Hundred Acre Wood. The seventh- and eighth-grade students will present their show of juggling, acrobatics and more on Thursday, May 19, at 4 p.m.; Friday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m., and Saturday, May 21, at 4:30 p.m. The event is described as family-friendly and is open to the public; bring a donation to the Wilton’s Open Cupboard Food Pantry and get a free bag of popcorn, according to a press release. Tickets cost $10 for adults, $5 for kids.

• The Majestic Academy of Dramatic Arts (for youth and teens) will presentCharlotte’s Web at the Majestic Theatre (880 Page St. in Manchester;, 669-7469) on Friday, May 20, at 7 p.m.; Saturday May 21, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, May 22, at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $12 for 65+ and $10 for ages 17 and under (plus fees online).

• The Palace Youth Theatre will present The Little Mermaid Jr. on Wednesday, May 25, and Thursday, May 26, at 7 p.m. at the Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St. in Manchester;, 668-5588). Tickets cost $12 to $15 for these shows, which feature performers in grades 2 through 12.

Planting the vegetable garden

Every gardener has an opinion about when to start planting the vegetable garden. Frost-hardy plants like spinach, onions and peas should already be in the ground for most everyone, but tomatoes and peppers? I believe that waiting until June is right for my garden, even if we get no more frost.

Why do I plant later than many others? Tomatoes and peppers like warm soil. In fact, they’d rather be growing in Mexico than Cornish Flat. Yes, you can plant them early, but they won’t grow much. They’ll sit there and sulk. If you can get your hands on a little soil thermometer, check your soil down 3 or 4 inches. If it is 60 degrees or more, fine. Have at it.

Another way to decide when to plant is to ask an “old timer.” Ask someone in your neighborhood when it is safe to plant various crops. If she has been gardening in your neighborhood for the last 25 years or more, her advice is probably excellent.

If you started seeds indoors, your tomatoes or broccoli may be tall and lanky. So tall that they will fall over when planted. The solution? Plant much of the stem in the ground, either in a deep hole for the root ball, or sideways in a shallow trench. Remove any low leaves to make it look like a little palm tree. Then make a hole for the root ball with a 6-inch trench next to it. Lay the tomato seedling in the ground, and gently turn up the top while covering the stem with soil. All the buried stem will produce roots. Broccoli or other brassicas I just plant deep if they are too tall.

Potatoes can go in the ground now unless your garden is still soggy. In fact, don’t plant anything in soggy soil. I have a somewhat soggy place for my garden, but I make raised beds, which helps with drainage. I have made two kinds of raised beds: raised mounds (30 to 36 inches wide) or wood-sided raised beds. I use rough-sawn hemlock planks that are a full inch thick and 8 inches wide. Pressure-treated wood is now said to be safe to use in the vegetable garden, but I prefer untreated hemlock, which I find lasts about 10 years.

Potatoes are started from chunks of sprouted potatoes, or from whole, small potatoes. Buy “seed potatoes” at your local feed-n-grain store, hardware store or garden center. Grocery store potatoes are likely treated to avoid sprouting, although organic potatoes are probably fine. Seed potatoes are sold as disease-free, which is important. If you cut large potatoes into chunks, make sure each has a couple of “eyes,” where they will sprout stems. Leave them in a shady, breezy place for a day or two to heal the cuts.

Loosen the soil well and dig a hole with a hand tool. You want the spud to be at least 3 inches deep when planted as the new potatoes need space to grow above the seed potato. Cover with just an inch of soil at first, but then fill the hole with more soil after the leaves and stems are up above the soil level.

Peppers and eggplants I plant as small plants in mid-June. To give them even more warmth at night I sometimes cover them with row cover (a thin agricultural fabric sold at garden centers). And I’ve been known to place dark-colored rocks near some special French hot peppers I grow to store heat during the day and kick it back at night. Peppers and eggplants can be wind-pollinated, but bees help too, so don’t leave row covers on once they start blooming.

Parsnips I plant by seed in mid-June, and they generally take two weeks or more to germinate. Most seeds are good for three years, but you must buy parsnip seeds every year. Like all root crops, parsnips benefit from having loose soil with few rocks (oh, sorry, Vermonters).

Be sure to thin all root crops in early July once they are big enough to grab onto. Give the carrots an inch to start, then a month later thin to 2 inches. You can eat the thinnings. Beets, same thing. And beet greens are delicious.

What about unusual veggies? I like to buy an artichoke plant at my local greenhouse. I have started them from seed, but it is a long process starting in February. Give your artichoke a 2-foot square of space, add lots of compost and a little organic fertilizer, and place it in full sun. Make sure it does not dry out. It will produce one good-sized artichoke at the top of the plant, and smaller ones as side shoots. The foliage is lovely, so you can plant one in your flower garden!

Swiss chard is pretty enough to sneak into your flower beds. Get Bright Lights chard, which has red, yellow and green stems.

Beans come as bush beans or pole beans. Bush beans all ripen over a three-week period and are then done. Pole beans, if you keep on picking them, will keep producing until frost. Kentucky Wonder is the classic pole bean, though Kwintus is my favorite. It’s good eating, even when large.

A word of caution about fertilizers: More is not better. Chemical fertilizers can burn fine roots. And too much organic fertilizer can push growth too fast. Compost is always a good addition to your planting hole.

I never use insecticides in the garden. Their side effects can be awful for you, your kids or pets. Just hand-pick bugs, or spray off little things like aphids with a stream of water.

Featured photo: Beans. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

Return of the Kids Con

A convention for the younger fans of heroes and comics comes to Concord

By Delaney Beaudoin

Emily Drouin’s childhood passion for art and reading led her to a successful career as a children’s comic book artist. As she traveled around the country attending large conventions dedicated to the artistry of illustration and all things comics, she began to notice the lack of events geared toward the younger generation.

“I realized that there wasn’t much for kids to do. So I started teaching workshops at various conventions throughout New England, running kids zones, where I taught kids how to do cartooning and how to create comics.” Drouin said.

in sci-fi character costume, posing with props
Kids Con New England. Photo courtesy of BNH Media.

Drouin’s workshops became so popular that she decided to create her own convention, Kids Con New England, which will be back for its seventh year on Saturday, May 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Douglas N. Everett Arena in Concord.

Kids (and adults) in attendance will get the chance to interact with invited artists through a variety of individually hosted workshops.

Other available activities at the convention include a puppet show, a performance by the father-and-son rock band Clemenzi Crusaders, a sensory station, a magic show by Sages Entertainment, Lego building, Jedi and superhero training, and most popularly, a family cosplay costume contest.

The convention will feature artists from all over the country such as Mark Parisi of the Marty Pants book series, Tim Jones of the syndicated comic strip Sour Grapes, Dave London and Pete Chianca of the comic strip Pet Peeves, and Jim Lawson of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series, in addition to several indie creators.

“Most of … [the artists] are from New England. It’s great to be promoting the local creators and they’re all mostly self-published,” Drouin said.

comic book artist signing copies of comics at convention table
Photo courtesy of BNH Media.

Drouin recruited many of the featured artists and creators by attending national conventions and also through her membership in the National Cartoonists Society. Both Drouin and Dave London of the comic strip Pet Peeves are members of the New England chapter. London has attended the convention in the past and is scheduled to host a 40-minute character drawing workshop on Saturday.

“We’ve had the ability to meet great families from all over New England,” London said. When asked about the importance of events such as Kids Con NE he responded, “It shows kids that if you have a budding talent or interest in art there are many things you can do with it… You don’t have to hate reading because somebody’s telling you to read a chapter book; you can get lost in the world of literature through graphic novels and comic strips.”

In addition to traditional comic book and strip artists, there will also be video game designers such as Jeff Black of “Little j Games” attending. During the convention, Black will be actively experimenting with the help of attendees.

“We’ll be designing an entire game from start to finish during the event and we’ll be giving it away as a print and play to anyone who wants it … with the idea being that this will create something that people will feel invested in,” Black said.

When asked about what she hopes attendees and the comic community get from their experience at Kids Con New England, Drouin said, “To bring the artists community together, but also to encourage the next generation of creators. … It’s great to have … geekdom brings all the geeks together.”

Kids Con NE

When: Saturday, May 21, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: Douglas N. Everett Arena, 15 Loudon Road, Concord

Tickets: $12 online or $15 at the door for general admission (kids 5 and over and adults) $10 admission for seniors and veterans. Kids under 5 get in for free.

More info: See for a complete schedule of the day’s events and a listing of the artists and costumed characters who are slated to attend. Here, according to the website, are some of the scheduled events.

Creative workshops and arts & crafts: The creative workshops work on a first-come basis while seats and supplies last; breaking sketchbooks is encouraged. The lineup includes Cartooining with Tim Jones at 10:15 a.m.; a puppetry workshop with Homeslice Puppetry at 11 a.m.; Mr. Rogers Puppet Show with Alex Jordan at 11:55 a.m.; Create a Comic Strip Gag with Dave London at 12:50 p.m.; Draw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Jim Lawson at 1:40 p.m.; Draw ALong with Scott SanGiacomo at 2:30 p.m.; Watercolor Painting with Sue Greco at 3:20 p.m., and Draw Peanizle with cartoonist Don Mathias at 4:20 p.m. Throughout the day there will be coloring fun, mask-making and a Yoda puppet project (as well as an art contest in the morning).

Activities and performances: Greg Lato’s Create My Own World Concert at 10:10 a.m.; Jedi Training with Calm Passion for age 5+ at 10:40 p.m.; Sages Entertainment Magic Show at 11:30 a.m.; The Clemenzi Crusaders Rock Concert at 12:20 p.m.; Jedi Training with Rising Storm Training Academy for ages 5+ at 1:10 p.m.; superhero training at 1:50 p.m.; a magical sing-along and storytime with fairytale characters at 2:30 p.m.; kids and family costume contest at 3:20 p.m. and the Clemenzi Crusaders rock concert at 4:10 p.m.

Featured photo: Photo courtesy of BNH Media.

Kiddie Pool 22/05/12

Family fun for the weekend

Play dough science

• The Ralph Baer Projects Club will hold a Play Dough Circuits event at the SEE Science Center (200 Bedford St. in Manchester;, 669-0404) on Saturday, May 14, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The drop-in lab will explain electrical current and the basics of an electrical circuit, which kids can then create (safely!) with play dough, according to the website, which recommends advance reservations.The event is part of the regular admission to SEE (which costs $10 for everyone ages 3 and up). SEE is open on Saturdays (and Sundays) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays).

The event is one of several events and exhibits related to celebrating what would have been the 100th birthday of Ralph Baer, the Manchester resident who is credited with creating the first prototype of a video game, the website said. A Ralph Baer birthday celebration will be held Saturday, May 21, in Arms Park in Manchester (from noon to 2:30), with activities at SEE from 2 to 5 p.m. See the SEE’s website for details.

See the show

• Dav Pilkey fans: Head to the Capitol Center for the Arts (44 S. Main St. in Concord; for Dog Man: The Musical, based on the comics of George and Harold (in the books by Dav Pilkey), a live musical about the titular hero. The show will come to the Cap Center on Saturday, May 14, with performances at 1 and 3 p.m. Tickets cost $15 per person or you can get a family four-pack for $50.

• The kids of the Bedford Youth Performing Company will present Descendants the Musical, a musical production based on the Disney Channel movies about the children of Disney villains and heroes, on Saturday, May 14, and Sunday, May 15, both at 1 p.m., at Goffstown High School. Tickets cost $17.50 for adults, $15 for students and seniors. See for more on the dance, theater and music school and for links to the group’s social media, where you can find information on purchasing tickets.

Little gardeners

The New Hampshire Audubon’s McLane Center (84 Silk Farm Road in Concord;, 224-9909) will kick off its Buds & Blooms Series for kids and families — a “compilation of six in-person public programs intended to introduce participants to the magic and wonder of our native plants and pollinators,” according to the website — with “Beginner Botany” on Saturday, May 14 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The event is free but registration is required. The website says the material is best suited for children ages 4 to 12 and the first program will include exploring the McLane Center’s Pollinator Garden and a scavenger hunt.

Get out and play

The YMCA Allard Center of Goffstown (116 Goffstown Back Road in Goffstown) will hold a Healthy Kids Day on Sunday, May 15, from 1 to 3 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, according to the YMCA’s Facebook post about the event, which said it will feature a bounce house, archery, a low ropes course, crafts, a book fair, snacks and more. Call 497-4663 for more information.

Fairies & gnomes

• The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire (2 Washington St. in Dover; 742-2002, is holding its first ever Fairy House & Gnome Home Spring Celebration this weekend, Friday, May 13, through Sunday, May 15. On Friday, bring a homemade fairy house or gnome home to drop off at the museum to display in Henry Law Park starting Saturday. Or visit the museum to make a packing peanut gnome or fairy house or a paper mushroom hut (and participate in other fairy-related activities and crafts). The fairy and gnome fun continues on Saturday and Sunday, when you can check out the houses brought in and displayed in the park and the museum’s Play Patio (and make your own to add at the natural material building station). Visitors to the museum can take part in more fairy crafts and activities and check out special performances scheduled for the weekend: on Saturday, May 14, it’s Lindsay and her Puppet Pals at 11 a.m. or 1:30 p.m., and on Sunday, May 15, Musical Arts Dover will do a short Fair Ballet performance at 10 a.m.

Admission costs $11 per person, $9 for 65+ (no charge for children under 1). Reserve a spot and pay online in advance; the museum is open on Fridays and Saturdays with sessions from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. and on Sundays with a session from 9 a.m. to noon. (The museum has mask-required and mask-optional sessions; see the website for details.)

Save the date for: Winnie the Pooh at the circus

The middle school students at High Mowing School (Pine Hill Campus, 77 Pine Hill Drive in Wilton; will show off their circus skills and tell the story of Winnie the Pooh at the 2022 Hilltop Circus: In the Hundred Acre Wood. The seventh- and eighth-grade students will present their show of juggling, acrobatics and more on Thursday, May 19, at 4 p.m.; Friday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 21, at 4:30 p.m. The event is described as family-friendly and is open to the public; bring a donation to the Wilton’s Open Cupboard Food Pantry and get a free bag of popcorn, according to a press release. Tickets cost $10 for adults, $5 for kids.

Bulbs, shrubs and trees

Spring blooms I love

Spring has teased us this year. She comes, she goes; warm sunny days are followed by high winds, cold rain and even pellets of ice. But the spring flowers persist, starting with those dainty white snowdrops that appear reliably in early March for me. Let’s look at a few — bulbs, shrubs and trees. Perennials I will do on another day.

Snowdrops (Galanthus spp.) bloom with white blossoms on short stems in early March, but seem a bit depressed, I think. They always turn their faces down to the ground. I have some “double” snowdrops that really are gorgeous, but I only see their extra petals when I bend down and turn their faces up. Probably not worth a dollar a bulb, which is what they cost. Snowdrops tend to naturalize, becoming more numerous each year and moving out from flower beds and into the lawn.

After the snowdrops come Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa luciliae). These are cheerful blue, pink or white flowers that look up to look at me. Sometimes I think they wink at me, saying, “Hey dude, look at us. We are spring.” I mainly grow the blue ones. These naturalize well, spreading quickly.

Related to Glory of the Snow, but more intense in color and attitude, are Siberian squill, most commonly referred to by their scientific name, Scilla (Scilla siberica).They are a deep purple, and their faces point down, looking at their sneakers.

Along with those flowers come a bright yellow one, Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis). These are low-growing, upward-facing flowers with five to eight petals (actually sepals, but who cares?). Like the others, they tend to spread and increase in number. Order some now, along with the others mentioned, and plant them in the fall.

You know crocus, but you might not know that there are 80 or more distinct species of crocus. Some are very early, others bigger and later. Go online and look at all the varieties. These are good for early pollinators hungry for pollen and nectar.

Daffodils are mildly poisonous to rodents and deer, so they avoid them. Mine are now in full bloom. There are 13 classes of daffies, each quite distinct. Tulips are flavor treats for deer, and rodents love the bulbs. So maybe you should grow them as potted flowers. Or take your chances. Having several cats will help tulip bulbs survive, and a dog will keep the deer away. My favorite is ‘Maureen,’ a 24- to 28-inch-tall late bloomer, but I love them all!

Most trees do not have showy blossoms. Why not? Most are wind-pollinated, so do not need to attract pollinators with flashy blossoms or great fragrances. You might never have noticed the blossoms of pines or oaks or maples. Actually, you must have seen red maples (Acer rubrum) bloom. They are early, one of the first trees to blossom. The blossoms are small and fuzzy in appearance. But there are so many blooming at once, you will notice them if you hike in the woods in April.

But of the showy trees, the best in my opinion is a hybrid magnolia called ‘Merrill’ or ‘Dr. Merrill’ (Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merrill’) named after the Director of the Arnold Arboretum at Harvard in 1952, but actually bred by Karl Sax. It blooms reliably for me in the last week of April and into May. The blossoms are double, fragrant, and 2 to 3 inches across.

This week my leatherwood bush (Dirca palustris) is in bloom with heart-stopping beauty. It is a small native shrub that blooms in dry shade for me. It has lovely gray bark much like beech trees and yellow blossoms that appear before the leaves. The blossoms are small and elegant, and almost seem to glow. It is not a common shrub for sale in nurseries. Mine has upward-growing branches in a vase-shaped arrangement. I love it and visit every day when in bloom.

Then there is February Daphne. Well, maybe it blooms in New Jersey or Virginia in February, but it blooms in April for me. It has lots of small pink-purplish stemless blossoms up its branches. It is highly fragrant. It is only 3 to 5 feet tall and wide, and rarely needs pruning. It is native to Europe and Asia, not here, and is said to spread by seed distributed by birds. But in 20 years I have never seen a volunteer on my property. Some people react poorly to the sap, and the berries are toxic if eaten by humans. It likes a part sun-part shade spot.

Perhaps a better shrub to choose would be a fothergilla, which is native and early. There are two species, Fothergilla major and F. gardenia, also known as dwarf fothergilla. It has wonderful white bottlebrush flowers in May and best of all, it has fabulous fall foliage color. Red, orange, purple and yellow leaves on one plant! It is not a fast-growing plant, and rarely needs pruning.

Another early bloomer and a great producer of berries for birds is small tree or large shrub called shadbush, serviceberry or by its scientific name, Amelanchier spp. I see them blooming along the roadsides in May, nice small white blossoms that remind me of wild apple blossoms. It has nice gray bark, and they often grow as multi-stemmed plants. I have a few, but the fruit is eaten by birds before I ever get to it.

Featured photo: Winter aconite blooms about the same time as snowdrops. Courtesy photo.

Wilderness for everyone

Finding access along Manchester’s newest trail

Dan Szczesny

[email protected]

My daughter tears up the brand new All Persons Trail at Manchester’s Cedar Swamp Preserve at full speed. No rock or roots here, nothing too steep, and the hard pack prevents ruts or mud.

In short, this is the perfect trail. And it’s by design.

“Daddy, look at the bench,” she yells after hopping up onto a beautiful sitting space, shaped like a wooden fan. There are six such benches through this 1.2-mile out and back, along with seven points of interest signs.

The Cedar Swamp Preserve is already something of a hidden wonder inside the boundary of New Hampshire’s largest city, but the new all-access trail will certainly become a draw for a different type of nature lover.

According to the Nature Conservancy, the global nonprofit that owns and manages the 640-acre preserve on the city’s West Side, nearly 26 percent of adults in the United States have some type of disability. On average, inside the country’s most populated urban areas, differently-abled folks have an average of 44 percent less park acreage available to them, due primarily to lack of access.

The All-Access Trail aims to change that.

On April 22, Earth Day, the trail was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony that featured politicians, environmentalists and activists from around the state. One of those speakers was Aislinn Graves, a disabilities activist who, along with her husband David, runs a YouTube channel called Wheels in the Wilderness. The channel — part outdoor adventure and part informational channel about mobility assistance hiking — provides “a voice for those in the borderlands between fully able-bodied and fully disabled.”

Graves, a one-time long-distance runner and avid hiker, found her world undone in 1992 after a serious car accident, and then the onset of lymphedema. The couple purchased a mobility scooter and set out on an adventure to get Aislinn back into the wilderness.

“What started out as just a grandma wanting to get out of the house somehow turned me into an accidental activist,” she told me. “But if I can be a voice for the community and if someone is inspired to get up and go chase their dreams and challenge their limits rather than sit home in misery, then that thrills me to no end!”

As for the All Persons Trail, Graves said that the Nature Conservancy has thought of everything. The trail is wide, which makes it easy to maneuver for those in wheelchairs or scooters. The hard pack, even in the rain, prevents getting stuck. And the benches along the way provide resting areas for those with other disabilities. There are also signs and even an audio option. Other improvements that could be made, she said, could be a handicap-accessible picnic area. (The New Boston Rail Trail has an all-access picnic table, for example.)

And the biggest factor preventing more trails like the All Persons Trail from being built?

“Cost is pretty obvious,” Graves said. “And not just cost, but maintenance. If a tree falls, the able-bodied can just step over it. But for someone in a wheelchair, they likely have to turn around.”

Indeed. According to the Nature Conservancy, the trail took three years and $664,000 to complete.

The cost and effort is well worth it, though, Graves said, if for no other reason than to reduce the isolation and depression that some differently abled hikers feel.

“So much of the time, we spend in our head,” she said. “Going for a walk (or a ride) forces you to take a break and just let your mind and body reconnect with nature.”

Meanwhile, my daughter is using the new trail to reconnect to a part of the preserve we’re now able to explore for the first time. She climbs up onto a large rock near the trail, one that suspiciously looks like a kitty head, complete with two pointy ears.

“Cat Rock,” she announces proudly. And just like that, the brand new All Persons Trail has a landmark. Before long there will be many more.

Cedar Swamp Preserve

If You Go

The preserve includes nearly 2 miles of trails beyond the All Persons Trail, providing views of rare flora like the Atlantic white cedar, giant rhododendron, winterberry, cinnamon fern and a large black gum tree. The giant rhododendrons are in full bloom in June. A walk near the Millstone Brook wetlands is a great place to see wetland birds like great blue herons and yellowthroat warblers. In winter, grab a pair of snowshoes and hit the mild trails. The brand new All Persons Trail is a universally accessible trail designed for everyone and intended for use by nature lovers of all abilities and backgrounds.  

Parking and Trail Access

The trailhead to Cedar Swamp Preserve is located along Countryside Boulevard in the Hackett Hill section of Manchester’s West Side. The pull-off, along with about a dozen parking spots, can be found about a half mile south of Hackett Hill Road.

Featured photo: Aislinn and David Graves test out the All Persons Trail with Aislinn’s mobility scooter. Courtesy photo.

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