A little dirt, a little risk

Learning and fun on Head’s Pond Trail in Hooksett

By Dan Szczesny

[email protected]

I can’t think of a better word than feral to describe my daughter’s love for the outdoors, so for now, I’m going with that.

We’ve raised Little Bean to be as unafraid of the traditional challenges of nature as possible. Mud. Wind. Snow. Dirt under the fingernails. All fair game.

The constraint of goal-setting when on the trail can often stifle exploration. The mountaintop will always be there, but hey, look at that cool rock! That sort of thing.

There’s a whole line of child psychology, in fact, that studies a developing field called Risky Play. Remember when you were a kid and you spent basically the whole day outside, unsupervised, doing things that adults today would be horrified to learn you were doing? Well, folks like Mariana Brussoni, a professor at the University of British Columbia, remembers. She says it was good for you, and a little of that today would also be good for kids.

The Head’s Pond Rail Trail runs along a 1.7-mile section of the famous Portsmouth and Concord Railroad line. Between 1847 and 1861 the line connected New Hampshire’s Seacoast to Concord. Photos by Dan Szczesny.

Risky Play done in the context of a relatively safe space is “really a fundamental way for them to figure out the world — how the world works, how their body works,” she says.

This was on my mind recently during a hike with Little Bean along the Head’s Pond Trail in Hooksett. This amazing little jewel of a rail trail sits right off Route 3 and is built along a 1.7-mile section of the old Portsmouth and Concord Railroad line, which dates back to 1847. Back then, it connected the coast to the capital and ran right through Hooksett. Today, it’s a super fun family hike during any season. Flat. Wooded. Water and rocks all over.

We love this trail, in part because it’s the home of Sheep Rock, a huge glacier erratic that looks like a sheep head, and a rock that we included in our Field Guide NH Rocks That Rock. On this trip, we were thrilled to have a crew from New Hampshire Public Radio accompany us to the rock.

All that was great. Except for the ice. And except for the fact that my daughter wanted badly to engage in Risky Play, the one thing we taught her to do and the one thing I wished, just this once, she wouldn’t!

How would this group of professionals with microphones and an itinerary react to my daughter taking great running head starts and sliding on the ice on her knees, screaming at the top of her lungs? How would they react to her being distracted by a cool branch or an icicle in the middle of asking her a question about rocks?

Well, pretty well, it turns out.

To their credit, the crew took their cues from Little Bean, letting her lead in her own way, letting her be a little crazy because sometimes crazy just means joyful and joyful is OK.

Push too hard and you’ll lose them. Keep them boxed up and they won’t come back. Let them be in a little bit of controlled danger to find their own footing.

There’s a more universal lesson here as well about the power of creating your own story, of building memory and self-worth. There’s lots of places to do this, but hiking with kids, I’ve found, lends itself best to forging bonds, building a history and boosting confidence.

But you need to be patient. And you need to exist in the same space as your kid, not the other way around.

We reached our destination that day, and by the time Little Bean sat atop that rock shaped like a sheep, her knees were filthy, her hair was a tangled web and she had bruises on both elbows. In other words, it was a good hike, and more importantly, it was her hike.

Featured photo: The author’s daughter sits atop Sheep Rock, just off the Head’s Pond Rail Trail in Hooksett. Sheep Rock is listed in the NH Rocks That Rock 25 field guide, a collection of the state’s most famous and historic rocks and boulders. Courtesy photo.

Kiddie Pool 22/02/24

Family fun for the weekend

High-flying show

• The Grand Shanghai Circus will show off their acrobatic feats in shows at the Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St. in Manchester; palacetheatre.org, 668-5588) this Saturday, Feb. 26, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 27, at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $24.50 to $54.50. Search “Grand Shanghai Circus” to see clips of their shows featuring aerial acrobatics, juggling and more.

Fun with pool noodles

• The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire (2 Washington St. in Dover; childrens-museum.org, 742-2002) is open Tuesdays through Sundays, with sessions from 9 a.m. to noon all six days as well as from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. Admission costs $11 per person, $9 for 65+ (no charge for children under 1). On Thursday, Feb. 24, catch the second day of the Pool Noodle Workshop with Homeslice Puppetry. At 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., the museum will host a virtual class by Eric from Homeslice and provide materials so kids can make a puppet to take home, according to the website, which says the workshop is included in admission to a Thursday session. The website describes the project as being good for ages 3 and up with a grownup to help. Or head to the museum on Friday — both Feb. 25 and March 4 have “Science Friday” programming on the schedule. Reserve admission for the museum online.

Science outing

• The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center (2 Institute Drive in Concord; starhop.com, 271-7827) is open daily through Sunday, March 6, with sessions from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. There will be four planetarium shows daily, according to the website, which recommends purchasing timed tickets in advance. Admission costs $11.50 for adults, $10.50 for students and seniors and $8.50 for kids ages 3 to 12 (admission is free for children 2 and under; masks required for visitors over the age of 2). Planetarium show tickets cost $5 per person (free for children 2 and under); see the website for the schedule of planetarium shows.

• Though normally closed on Mondays, the SEE Science Center (200 Bedford St. in Manchester; see-sciencecenter.org, 669-0400) will be open Monday, Feb. 28, as well as Tuesdays through Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Purchase reservations in advance via the website (masks are required for all visitors age 2 and up); admission costs $10 per person ages 3 and up.

Winter fun

McIntyre Ski Area (50 Chalet Court in Manchester; 622-6159, mcintyreskiarea.com) has holiday hours: The lift is slated to operate daily through Saturday, March 5, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Sunday, March 6, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The snowtubing Bonneville Thrill Hill hours are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 1 to 3 p.m., 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., 6 to 8 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. daily through Saturday, March 5. See the website for daily updates on weather and ski conditions.

• NH Audubon is holding a “Winter Woodland Wander” on Tuesday, March 1, at the Massabesic Center (26 Audubon Way in Auburn; nhaudubon.org, 668-2045). A $15 ticket covers a family of four. During the hour-long program, attendees will hit the trails in search of tracks and other signs of wildlife, according to the website, where tickets can be purchased.

• Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum (18 Highlawn Road in Warner; indianmuseum.org, 456-2600) is holding a Snow Snake Winter Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 26, and Sunday, Feb. 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Learn to play the Abenaki outdoor game Snow Snake, featuring a wooden snake. The outdoor event, which is free and open to the public, will also feature a used book sale. Admission to the museum itself costs $9 for adults, $8 for seniors and students, $7 for children 6 to 12 and $26 for a family of two adults and children under 18.

Seed shopping

A few ideas to get you started

When I was a young man my mailbox was often blessed with seed catalogs at this time of year. Now? Not so much. Back then I pored over them. I drooled over the listings. I wrote checks for small amounts and mailed them off to the companies offering the best-sounding varieties.

Now? Most seeds are sold online. Yes, my favorite feed-and-grain store, some hardware stores and the local food coop still sell seeds over the counter. And I do get a few catalogs in the mail. But seeds are largely sold through the internet.

One company that still sends me a catalog in the mail is called “Seeds from Italy” (also at GrowItalian.com). I’ve been following this company, which is based in Lawrence, Kansas, since a friend of mine bought it in 2011. His son, Will Nagengast, just took over and I called him to chat a bit after I got his catalog.

According to Will, the American palate is just discovering bitter vegetables. Italians, however, have been eating and enjoying those distinct flavors for a long time. So they feature many vegetables that are not commonly sold by other seed companies; they market seeds from Italy.

One I have tried is Cima di Rapa or broccoli raab, which I often see in cooking magazines, but not at the grocery store. It is unpleasant unless cooked, but cooked it is much like broccoli. It does not form a big head like broccoli, however — it’s all side shoots.

Do you like arugula? They sell five kinds, including a wild arugula (which can seed in if you let it). Then there are a dozen kinds of radicchio, including a pink-leafed one (Radicchio del Veneto) that Will says is very popular. Never grown radicchio? It can be eaten raw in a salad, or fried with bacon and shrimp, or put in a stir-fry or soup. Grilling or cooking it makes the flavor sweeter. Most varieties are red-leafed and round, but some are elongated like romaine lettuce.

I’m ordering seeds for a winter squash Will recommended: Butternut Rugosa. He says it is much larger than the Waltham butternut I normally grow: up to 30 or 40 pounds! He said it keeps for up to four months in a cool, dry place. He oven-roasts them and then freezes most of these big squash. Will uses the sweet, creamy meat for making homemade ravioli.

Fruition Seeds in the Finger Lake Region of New York State was started in 2012 by Petra Page-Mann and Michael Goldfarb. They are fully organic farmers, and most of what they grow are heirloom seeds, but they have developed a few varieties themselves through their breeding program. They encourage their customers to save seeds and use their own. I called Petra recently to see what they have added to their seed line.

August Ambrosia is a short-season watermelon that Fruition developed over a six-year period in collaboration with Cornell University. They tested it each year with visitors to the farm to get just what people wanted: sweet, juicy melons that, even if planted in June, will produce ripe melons in August. The rinds are thin and the seeds are small. Petra told me on the phone that you can eat the seeds — or have fun spitting them!

“Food is so social. Growing and sharing food is how we remember to be human,” Petra told me. So she welcomes visitors to the farm, and shares her food — and her fantastic enthusiasm — with her visitors. And she learns what appeals to her customers, which is good business.

Fruition sells seed for two interesting cabbages: Kalibos is a deep purple cabbage, cone shaped, with big hips. According to the website, it is best as a fall cabbage; sow in early or mid-July for best results. You can seed them in six-packs in early July and transplant them into the garden in early August at two-foot spacing. Harvest them in October and November to get heads of optimal size and sweetness.

Mermaid’s Tale is a cross between Kalibos and early green cone-headed cabbage. Each one is unique in color, shape and flavor: lime green to emerald with lavender to burgundy veining. Sharp or subtle flavor.

Another specialty of Fruition Seeds is their “Hope is a Verb” dahlia. Each seed is unique and each flower is different, made from innumerable crosses of dwarf and semi-dwarf collarette-style dahlias. Petra explained to me that dahlias have eight sets of chromosomes, and consequently have many ways of expressing their genes. The plants are 2 feet tall or less, with blooms 1 to 3 inches across. She said they are fabulous for short seasons and lower light conditions. I shall start some.

Lastly I shall order Spotlight Snow Peas from Fruition Seeds. Some will be green, some purple, some mixed colors. They are very early (or late if planted in early August for a fall crop), very sweet, and 3 feet tall or less. Petra says they taste great and only take 52 days to harvest!

Every company has something unique and wonderful. Buy your seeds now, as some seed companies will sell out before summer. And if you haven’t tried starting seeds indoors, I’ll tell you about that next week.

Featured photo: Hope is a Verb dahlia. Courtesy photo.

Kiddie Pool 22/02/17

Family fun for the weekend

Lunch with the gnomes

Take the “little” in your life to the “Little Lunch Date” at Chunky’s Cinema Pubs (707 Huse Road, Manchester; 151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua; 150 Bridge St., Pelham, chunkys.com) on Friday, Feb. 18, at 11:30 a.m. featuring the 2011 movie Gnomeo & Juliet (G). The movie features the voices of Emily Blunt and James McAvoy as star-crossed lovers from the red- and blue-hat having gnome societies, respectively. Admission is free but you can secure a seat in advance by purchasing $5 food vouchers.

Theater with the Marches

Get the antics of Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth in Little Women, the Broadway musical as performed by the Palace Youth Theatre, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, and Wednesday, Feb. 23, at the Rex Theatre (23 Amherst St. in Manchester; palacetheatre.org, 668-5588) at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $12 for kids ages 6 to 12.

Winterfest with the neighbors

If you are looking for some fun and an excuse for a drive, Lowell is holding its Winterfest during the evening on Friday, Feb. 18, and on Saturday, Feb. 19, at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium (50 E. Merrimack St. in Lowell, Mass.). The event runs from 5 to 10 p.m. on Friday and from noon to 10 p.m. on Saturday, according to the event’s Facebook page, which lists plans as including entertainment, food trucks, a soup competition, an arts market, a youth mural competition, ice skating and family activities. See lowellwinterfest.com.

Basketball with the Wildcats

Catch the women’s UNH basketball team on Saturday, Feb. 19, at 1 p.m. when they play University at Albany at Lundholm Gymnasium at UNH in Durham. On Wednesday, Feb. 23, the women’s Wildcats team will play New Jersey Institute of Technology at 6 p.m. Tickets to individual games cost $10, $8 for seniors and 12 and under. See unhwildcats.com for details.

Storytime with a snail

The Bookery Manchester (844 Elm St. in downtown Manchester; bookerymht.com) will feature Dashka Slater’s books Escargot and A Book for Escargot, both illustrated by Sydney Hanson, at its weekly storytime and craft on Saturday, Feb. 19, at 11:30 a.m. After the books, kids can make a paper salad. Register for the event online.

Winter musings

Thoughts on having a great garden

This is a good time for all of us to stop and reflect on how we garden. Are we creating lovely-looking spaces but failing to support pollinators, birds and wildlife? What about the environment? Can we do more? If so, how can we improve? Here are a few of my thoughts.

First, I would recommend that native plants dominate our gardens. I’d say 80 percent of our plants (or more) should be native, especially trees. Why? Because they do the best, by far, at supporting wildlife — feeding birds and providing food and shelter for animals. Oaks, the best tree of all for wildlife, support nearly 1,000 species of butterflies and moths. But many species of landscape trees and shrubs are from China or Japan, and many only support a handful of species. All plants are not created equal.

Caterpillars of moths and butterflies feed on the leaves of our native trees and shrubs and are what are fed to baby birds. That’s right, even seed-eaters feed caterpillars to their young because they are full of protein and fat that baby birds need to thrive.

I think we all should avoid chemicals in the garden — and not just the vegetable garden. Rachel Carson taught the world that DDT, a powerful insecticide widely used in the 1950s, was killing off our eagles. But all chemicals used in the garden disrupt natural growth processes — and can adversely affect us, too. Even something as seemingly bland as 10-10-10 fertilizer is only 30 percent fertilizer — the makeup of the rest is deemed “proprietary information.” So we don’t know what chemicals are used in it. And the salts in fertilizer are lethal to many microorganisms.

Even pesticides that are derived from plants would be banned, if I ran the world. Yes, they are listed for use by organic growers, but many of them are non-specific killers. Both rotenone and pyrethrins are “organic” but very toxic to bees, others to fish and toads. I guess I would make you pass a test about the pros and cons of any pesticide before you could buy it! Go to thespruce.com for a nice online evaluation of organic pesticides.

Sure, the Japanese beetles can be pesky. But do you really want your kids and dogs playing on a lawn with pesticide residue on it? I don’t. Plants do fine with organic techniques. Pick off those dang beetles and drown them in soapy water.

Want to make your gardening easier? Don’t let your weeds make seeds. Seeds can last years, waiting patiently for you to decide to go to the beach for a week in August. Then they will germinate and grow like crazy, making you go crazy when you come back and see the gardens full of weeds.

The real solution is to learn to weed properly, have a tool that works well for you, and spend time doing it every day from April to October. We brush our hair and teeth every day, so why can’t we do a little weeding every day? Even 20 minutes six days a week will make a huge difference. The CobraHead weeder is the best tool I know for getting roots out and removing weeds.

This is the time to create some winter whimsy in the garden. Courtesy photo.

What else? Know your own capacity. Don’t have the local farmer plow up your entire back lawn to make your first vegetable garden. Start small, enjoy what you have, don’t work until your back hurts and your hands have blisters. If possible, garden with a loved one or friend. For me, gardening with another is always enjoyable.

And then this: Create biodiversity in the landscape. Put some flowers in with your veggies and veggies in with the flowers. Artichokes or purple kale will look great in your flower bed. Marigolds in the vegetable garden are thought by some to repel certain pests. An acre of cabbage will attract loopers that might not find one or two plants. A biodiverse garden supports more creatures of all sorts, including beneficials.

Build a compost pile. You don’t have to obsess about the carbon/nitrogen ratio or take its temperature weekly with a long compost thermometer the way some gardeners do. Just add green and brown materials to it in layers. Add some grass clippings to get it heating up and breaking down leaves and dead weeds.

Never add invasive weeds to your compost pile. Things like goutweed or Japanese knotweed, or anything with seeds. Turning a compost pile does add oxygen, which will help the breakdown of materials, but I rarely have time to do so. Don’t be afraid to buy good compost if you don’t have enough.

Think about the size of your lawn. Does it need to be so big? Could you plant some native trees or shrubs? Once established, trees are very little work. They provide shade and cool the air in summer, and fix carbon in the soil — carbon that otherwise would be contributing to global warming.

Add some hardscape to your property: stone walls, a bird bath, some sculpture or a few places to sit and relax. Things that can stay out all winter and look good against the snow are nice — after all, winter is long here in New England.

Grow enough food that you can share some. Go meet your new neighbors across the street or the elderly widow who no longer grows veggies. But don’t just give away zucchini. Grow enough tomatoes, potatoes and garlic to share with others.

Lastly, take a few moments every day to walk through the garden, pausing to look at the beauty, not just the weeds. Find time to sit and reflect on how lucky you are to have a nice garden.

Featured photo: Oaks are pretty for us and food for caterpillars and wildlife. Courtesy photo.

Kiddie Pool 22/02/10

Family fun for the weekend

One bird, two bird

• This Saturday, Feb. 12, and Sunday, Feb. 13, is the Backyard Winter Bird Survey — an excuse to do a little winter bird watching and enjoy both birds and math out in the wilds of your own backyard. Go to the New Hampshire Audubon’s nhbirdrecords.org to download the forms and read the rules for counting birds, which can be done for as long or short a time as you and your fellow bird watchers would like. Along with more than two dozen bird species, the form also asks for the number of red and gray squirrels spotted.

Wildcats basketball

• For those looking for some in-person college basketball, the University of New Hampshire is allowing masked spectators to Wildcats games this season, according to unhwildcats.com. This Saturday, Feb. 12, at noon you can catch the women’s team play the Binghamton University Bearcats at noon at Lundholm Gymnasium at UNH in Durham. On Monday, Feb. 14, catch the men’s team in their game against UMBC at 4 p.m. (the game is a reschedule of the Jan. 2 game and tickets to that game will be honored). Tickets cost $10, $8 for seniors and 12 and under.

Free day

• As with every second Saturday, New Hampshire residents who go to the Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St. in Manchester; currier.org, 669-6144) on Saturday, Feb. 12, will get in for free. See the website for the museum’s Covid policies. The museum is open on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Current exhibits include “As Precious As Gold: Carpets from the Islamic World,” “WPA in NH: Philip Guston and Musa McKim” and “Tomie DePaola at the Currier.”

Also scheduled for the Currier on Saturday: The state’s mobile vaccination van will be on site from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Register to get a shot at currier.org/event/vaccine-van.

Science Friday

• Little scientists can head to Children’s Museum of New Hampshire (6 Washington St., Dover; 742-2002, childrens-museum.org) on Friday, Feb. 11, for another installment of Science Friday. The Friday sessions (which run through the end of April) feature “messy experiments and activities that focus on sensory fun,” according to the website. The events take place at 10 a.m. during the morning session (which runs from 9 a.m. to noon) or at 2 p.m. during the afternoon (from 1 to 4 p.m.). The activities are geared to ages 3 and up with the help of a grownup. To visit the museum, pay for admission ($11 for everyone over 1 year old, $9 for 65+) and reserve a time slot in advance.

Save the date: for JoJo Siwa

The JoJo Siwa D.R.E.A.M. The Tour will come to the SNHU Arena (555 Elm St. in Manchester; snhuarena.com) on Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m. The tour is rescheduled from May 2020 (tickets for that show are valid here) but new tickets are available.

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