Bailey Lett honored for social justice work
The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire has named Brenda Bailey Lett its 2021 Citizen of the Year. Since moving from Chicago to the Granite State in 1993, Lett has been involved in numerous local and national social justice efforts and co-authored a book, Race Between Us: Racism — A Human Experience, which explores how people from different backgrounds can break down barriers to have honest dialogue about racism. Lett will receive the award at the 15th annual Black New England Conference Awards Dinner at Saint Anselm College in Manchester on Saturday, Oct. 23. Visit for information about the conference and how to attend, either in person or virtually.
What kinds of social justice work have you done in New Hampshire?
I participated with the Outreach for Black Unity in Nashua … and the Manchester NAACP … and in creating the Ujima Collective, starting with [organizing] a commemoration of the death of Martin Luther King … to talk about why he was assassinated. We [held] film festivals and workshops, and worked with other organizations. … I was involved with the Greater Manchester Black Scholarship Foundation … and with the We Are One Festival, which [was created] with the combined efforts of the African Caribbean Celebration and the Latino Festival. I would say that, overall, the work I’ve done has been really [focused on] creating community.
What have you done on a national level?
I’m pretty heavily involved in the reparations movement. … I started out as a member-at-large on the N’COBRA [National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America] board, then became a life member. I was elected as the national secretary and served three two-year terms. Now I’m serving as the treasurer … [until] next year. … For me, reparations isn’t just about getting a paycheck. It’s really about repair … because it’s 2021, and people of African descent are still being treated poorly.
What inspired your book, Race Between Us?
When I was working at the New Hampshire Department of Corrections, a co-worker of mine [Laurielee Woodlock Roy], a woman of European descent, and I … became friends. … She went and did racism training at the People’s Institute … and it was then that she finally understood what racism really is. Then, she told me, she started seeing it everywhere. We ended up writing that book together, which is a parallel of our lives. … We realized that we had very similar lives. … Even though the melanin in our skin was different, we had many of the same issues in terms of being human. The book [centers on] the human experience, and racism as a human experience.
What keeps you going?
What keeps me going is that I’m committed to giving back as much as I can, in love and support of people, and not just people who look like me, but people who are also committed to this concept of truth. … I’ve been very fortunate to have a family that has supported and loved and provided for me; they’ve kept me going, as well, especially my grandchildren … because they are the next generation, and my job now, as an elder, is to support them [in the way that] I was supported, and to instill in them the values that I have received.
What does New Hampshire need most right now in terms of social justice?
I think the biggest need is the truth … and the truth is that, many times, people of African descent are not treated in the same way as people of European descent. … Eliminating racism is very difficult to do when people are not even clear on what racism is … so dealing with the truth, as difficult as it can be sometimes, is the only path.
What can the next generation do to build on the work you’ve done?
My hope for the next generation is that, when you hear a microaggression or someone is saying things in an effort to demean or dehumanize you, whether it’s meant to be taken seriously or taken as a joke, stop it where it happens. Respond with the truth. Be prepared so that, in that moment, you’re able to let that person know in a respectful and positive way that they insulted you, and that you are not to be played with or toyed with, because you are just as valuable and important as they are.
Featured photo: Brenda Bailey Lett. Courtesy photo.