Dear Donna,
I Enjoy reading your articles in The Hippo. Can you give me some advice?
I just started collecting old bottles. I’m wondering how to get rid of the white cloudiness inside and outside.
Hope you can help.
Dear Eric,
Thank you for reading The Hippo and my column.
I learned a lot myself trying to answer your question. This is what I found.
First, bottle collecting is fun and sometimes can be very financially rewarding, with education.
Cleaning bottles to remove lime buildup and dirt can be a hard, time-consuming job. Well worth it, though, for a clean result.
Here are a few things to try at home:
Soaking them overnight in just a mild soap.
Adding a vinegar mix to the inside.
Using rice as a mild abrasive inside.
Finally — but be careful and follow instructions — using CRL liquid. It’s made to remove lime, calcium and rust.
Never use steel wool or anything abrasive, to avoid scratches to the glass.
Eric, I really enjoyed answering your question. I hope this helped and good luck with bottle collecting and cleaning.