Turtle power

New children’s book helps kids cope with pandemic life

Most people who are stuck at the mechanic’s for three and a half hours wouldn’t use the time to write an entire children’s book. But Kathy Brodsky of Manchester is not most people; when the words “Talula Turtle” popped into her head as she was waiting for her car last November, she took out her iPhone and started writing. The result is How Talula Turned Her Day Around, a newly published children’s book about coping with some of the challenges of Covid-19.

“She’s the cutest little thing who doesn’t like to wear a mask,” Brodsky said of Talula.

Though the waiting room location was unusual, writing stories in a short amount of time based on ideas that just come to her is Brodsky’s style.

“Even though I have no idea where any one of my poems will go, once I get the first four lines, I’m up and running,” she said.

Like all of Brodsky’s books — this is her 16th — How Talula Turned Her Day Around offers life lessons meant to comfort or inspire young kids.

“I’ve been a therapist for 51 years,” said Brodsky, who still sees clients three days a week. “I think being a therapist shows up in my books. … [Or] the books show up because I’m a therapist.”

Talula was born from the emotional impact that Covid has had on the world — a heavy topic made relatable to kids by showing how hard it’s been for Talula to adjust to wearing a mask and being away from her friends.

Discussion questions at the end of her books give kids the chance to talk more about their feelings; in Talula, one of the questions is “How has Covid-19 changed your life?”

“What’s happened with Covid is a huge loss for everybody,” Brodsky said. “It’s a loss of life as we knew it before. … Whenever there’s a loss we go through a grieving process. We’re shocked, then we deny it, we get angry. … Everybody’s just been trying to deal with this loss.”

Knowing she had to get Talula published quickly because of the immediacy of the topic, Brodsky couldn’t use her usual illustrator, Cameron Bennett, who was working on another project. Instead, she turned to her niece, Sarah Zeogas. While Bennett has hand-painted Brodsky’s previous books, Zeogas digitally illustrated Talula.

She and Zeogas worked together to get both the book and a corresponding coloring and activity book published by March. Since then, it’s been used in schools and read aloud during public library story times.

“[My books] have very simple words … but they can be much more than that,” Brodsky said.

The words for the first picture book that Brodsky wrote, My Bent Tree, came to her during a walk, when she noticed that a tree she’d walked past many times before was bent. She started repeating rhyming words to herself on her way home, and the book became a story of a tree that got struck by lightning and is now different from all the other trees.

“It’s for anyone dealing with any kind of difference,” Brodsky said, who didn’t fully realize her own connection to the book until it was done. “My Bent Tree was my story — when I was born I had polio.”

Brodsky never planned to become an author — “I had no idea I could write,” she said — but positive feedback from a poem she wrote in an invitation to her mom’s birthday party prompted her to enroll in an adult education writing class.

Brodsky self-published her first book, Moments in Our Lives, in 2004. It’s her only adult book, a collection of poems, and she’s planning to add on to it and re-release it in the near future. She also has another kids’ book in the works called Stover Learns to Swim, her third book featuring Stover the pig, who learned all about fitness and healthy eating in Stover, and then overcame his fear of staying away from home in Stover Goes to Camp. This time, Stover is afraid of swimming. The story stems from Brodsky’s time as a swimming instructor.

“When I first came to Manchester in 1970, I was the only swim instructor at the YMCA,” she said. “I had a 14-year-old boy [who was afraid to swim], but all of his friends were swimming.”

Though Brodsky has finished writing Stover Learns to Swim, she’s waiting on Bennett to return from abroad so he can hand-paint the illustrations. She hopes to publish it this year.

How Talula Turned Her Day Around
How Talula Turned Her Day Around and all Kathy Brodsky’s books are available for purchase on Amazon or at kathybrodsky.com.

Featured photo: How Talula Turned Her Day Around

Breaking the mold

Nashua to host its second pandemic-era Sculpture Symposium

After a successful rescheduled and pandemic-adapted event last summer, the 2021 Nashua International Sculpture Symposium will resume its traditional time in the spring, with sculptors starting work on Monday, May 24.

“Last year, we were able to provide a model for a safe, community-oriented program within a pandemic setting,” artistic director Jim Larson said. “[Having a model] that easily met all of the safety requirements, combined with the amazing and exciting artwork we saw produced, meant that we were excited to try [the symposium] again this year, even while we’re still within a pandemic scenario.”

Started in 2008, the Nashua International Sculpture Symposium was inspired by the Andres Institute of Art International Sculpture Symposium, a similar event held in Brookline every fall. It is the only international sculpture symposium in the U.S. that is held in a city, with the sculptures being placed on public property.

“More public art — and more accessibility to public art — is the name of the game,” Larson said

The symposium invites three experienced sculptors to spend three weeks in Nashua, creating outdoor sculptures for permanent installation in the city. Historically, it has welcomed sculptors from all over the world, but with the pandemic increasing restrictions on international travel, the symposium will, for the second time, feature three sculptors from the U.S. Aside from the discrepancy it creates with the event’s name, Larson said, the absence of an “International” component, though not ideal, doesn’t diminish the impact of the symposium. There’s even an upside, he said: Hosting U.S. sculptors allows Nashua to “build connections with local and somewhat-local similar-minded organizations and artists,” ultimately strengthening the arts community in New Hampshire.

“What’s really exciting about inviting local artists to the symposium is that the resources we collect through grants and donations to support our artists stay right here in our community through that artist and their work,” Larson said.

The sculptors — Gavin Kenyon from New York, Sam Finkelstein from Maine, and Nora Valdez, from Boston, Mass., originally from Argentina — are all mid-career, Larson said, and were chosen based in part on how the symposium could benefit them and their artistic growth. Finkelstein, for example, has worked in stone for many years but has never made a large-scale piece because he lacks the studio infrastructure needed to move thousands of pounds of stone; and Kenyon, whose 20 years as a professional artist has consisted mostly of commission work and private projects, hasn’t had many opportunities to create public art or art in the public domain.

“We’re supporting them and providing what they need to make work that they couldn’t or wouldn’t otherwise,” Larson said.

This year’s sculptors have been challenged to interpret the theme “Introspection” through their pieces — a theme that has emerged in many artists’ work during these pandemic times, Larson said.

“Artists have been isolated in their own studios, more productive than ever, but not having as much dialogue … about their work and ideas, so, in that way, art has become very introspective,” Larson said. “[For the symposium,] we want to keep art within the context of that introspection while bringing it back out into the public realm.”

Working from cast concrete, white marble, red granite and Indiana limestone, all three sculptors have planned figurative pieces depicting elements of the human form. But, as symposium president Gail Moriarty can attest, it’s not uncommon for sculptors to find new inspiration once they’re able to physically engage with the installation site and materials.

“They come with ideas that they’re ready to begin working on, but nothing is finalized until they [start working],” Moriarty said. “It’s really cool to see how those ideas manifest themselves, because we’re never quite sure how they will.”

The sculptors will work six days a week, Monday through Saturday, outside The Picker Artists studios on Pine Street from Monday, May 24, through Friday, June 4, and relocate to the installation site on Saturday, June 5, where they will resume working for one more week. As always, the public is encouraged to stop by the work site to observe and interact with the sculptors, so long as they wear a mask and keep a safe distance.

This “constant viewership and dialogue” surrounding the sculptors while they work is just as integral to the symposium as the sculptures that are produced, Larson said.

“[The way in which] artists physically enact their intentions on their work becomes part of the piece, and being able to watch that makes it easier to engage with the piece of art,” he said.

Moriarty recommends visiting the work site multiple times over the course of the symposium to follow the sculptures’ transformation.

“The materials look different every single day,” she said. “It’s always exciting to come back and see how much they’ve changed.”

The finished sculptures will be revealed during a closing ceremony (not open to the public, but it will be videoed and available to watch online) on Saturday, June 12. The sculptures will be installed collectively in the courtyard at the corner of Church and Court streets in downtown. A quiet, low-traffic space that branches a block off Main Street, the site enables an “intimate viewing experience” of the sculptures, Larson said.

“It’s not like looking at the pieces on Main Street, where there’s traffic whizzing by,” he said. “This is a place where someone can have their own personal time with the pieces.”

14th annual Nashua International Sculpture Symposium
Opening and closing receptions:
The opening reception will take place on Thursday, May 20, and the closing reception will take place on Saturday, June 12. Neither event is open to the public, but both will be videoed and available to watch online.
Visit the sculptors: Sculptors will work Monday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., outside The Picker Artists studios (3 Pine St., Nashua) from Monday, May 24, through Friday, June 4, and at the installation site at the corner of Church and Court streets in downtown Nashua from Saturday, June 5, through Saturday, June 12.
More info: nashuasculpturesymposium.org

Featured photo: A previous Nashua International Sculpture Symposium. Courtesy photo.

The Art Roundup 21/05/20

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

Howling Wolf by Francine Poitras Jone featured in “Alnôbak Moskijik Maahlakwsikok: Abenaki People Emerging from Ashes” exhibit. Courtesy photo.

Celebrating Abenaki culture: “Alnôbak Moskijik Maahlakwsikok: Abenaki People Emerging from Ashes,” an art show and sale presented by Two Villages Art Society, Abenaki Trails Project and Vermont Abenaki Artists Association, is on view now through Friday, May 28, at the Two Villages gallery (846 Main St., Contoocook). The show features traditional and contemporary art created by tribal members of the Abenaki people and their community partners, including beading, pottery, birch bark building, fabric art, basketry, print making, painting, jewelry, painted gourds and leather work. “We are excited to amplify the voices, culture, history and present experiences of the Abenaki people … and provide professional development to Abenaki artists,” Alyssa McKeon, Two Villages president, said in a press release. Twenty-five percent of the art sales will be donated to the Abenaki Trails Project and Vermont Abenaki Artists Association to help further their mission of raising awareness about present-day Abenaki people and culture. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday, from 1 to 5 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit twovillagesart.org.

Excellence in NH literature: The New Hampshire Writers’ Project is accepting nominations for its biennial New Hampshire Literary Awards now through Monday, June 21. The awards recognize recently published works written about New Hampshire and works written by New Hampshire natives or residents. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children’s picture books and middle grade/young adult books published between Jan. 1, 2019, and Dec. 31, 2020, are eligible. All entries will be read and evaluated by a panel of judges assembled by the NHWP. Visit nhwritersproject.org/new-hampshire-literary-awards.

Youth art on mental health: In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, the Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest Celebration will take place on Thursday, May 20, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Tupelo Drive-In (10 A St., Derry) and virtually via livestream. Now in its third year, the contest invites middle school and high school students in the state to submit original artwork that expresses their experiences with or observations of mental health. “Art lets children express themselves in a way that they may not be able to do in a conversation,” said Michele Watson, family network coordinator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness New Hampshire Chapter, which co-sponsors the event with the New Hampshire Office of the Child Advocate and other mental health- and youth-focused organizations throughout the state. “It’s good not only for them to be able to share their voice, but also because it gives [adults] a better understanding of what they are feeling.” The celebratory event will feature an on-screen display of all 43 works of art submitted this year. Ten finalists chosen by a panel of judges will each be awarded a framed certificate and a $250 cash prize, and the audience, including those watching the livestream from home, will have a chance to vote for their favorite of those finalists to win a People’s Choice Award. Additionally, there will be information booths for around a dozen local organizations involved with youth mental health, as well as a series of presentations by guest speakers, including mental health awareness advocate and former New Hampshire Chief Justice John Broderick; 10-year-old New Hampshire Kid Governor Charlie Olsen, whose platform is childhood depression; and Dr. Cassie Yackley, a specialist in trauma-informed mental health care, discussing the importance of art in mental health. Visit sites.google.com/view/magnify-voices and facebook.com/magnifyvoicesexpressivearts.

A family issue: The New Hampshire Theatre Project’s Elephant in the Room Series, in partnership with the Seacoast Mental Health Center, presents a reading of A Wider Circle virtually over Zoom on Thursday, May 20, from 7 to 9 p.m. Written by local playwright and social studies teacher Mary Ellen Hedrick, the play centers on the family of a woman in the aftermath of her opioid overdose death. There will be a panel discussion on the opioid crisis’ effect on families with Hedrick, Rebecca Throop of Seacoast Mental Health Center and other opioid addiction and recovery experts following the reading. The event is free, but registration is required. Visit nhtheatreproject.org.

New dates set for Miriam premiere

After being on hold for more than a year, Miriam: First Woman Prophet is ready for the stage. The Manchester Community Theatre Players’ Second Stage Professional Company will present the musical’s world premiere, originally set to run in March 2020, Friday, May 21, through Sunday, May 23, at the MCTP Theatre (North End Montessori School, 698 Beech St., Manchester). The show will be open to a limited live audience and livestreamed for a virtual audience.
The musical follows the biblical story of Miriam, a prophetess and the sister of Moses and Aaron, from when she was a young woman who rescued Moses from the river when he was a baby, to helping lead the Israelites out of Egypt and through their 40-year journey to the Promised Land. It features a book co-written by local playwrights Alan Kaplan, MCTP artistic director, and Tom Anastasi, MCTP vice president, and music by Debbie Friedman, a prolific Jewish singer-songwriter who recorded 22 albums of Jewish liturgy music that has been adopted by churches and synagogues throughout the world.
According to Kaplan and Anastasi, the idea for Miriam was born out of a conversation between Kaplan and Friedman while they were chaperoning a Jewish history youth trip in Israel in 2002. Friedman, who admired Miriam as a spiritual role model, told Kaplan there were no musicals that centered on a Jewish biblical woman. Knowing that Friedman’s musical catalog contained a number of pieces about notable women from Jewish history, Kaplan volunteered to write the book for a musical about Miriam that would feature Friedman’s music. When he returned home, he invited Anastasi to co-write the book, and they and Friedman collaborated on the musical until Friedman’s death in 2011.
Kaplan and Anastasi spent the next several years acquiring the rights to Friedman’s discography and consulting experts on the Bible and on Friedman’s music to ensure that the musical was biblically accurate and that the songs they selected fit the story. They recruited internationally known composer Or Oren to arrange Friedman’s songs for a four-part vocal harmony and full orchestra to give the musical more of a Broadway feel.
Miriam is a full-scale production with a 17-person cast, high-tech digital scenery, elaborate costumes and more.
“Many people know parts of the story, but being able to experience it live with music … and choreography … will make for an unforgettable night,” Anastasi said in a press release. Showtimes are on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $20 per person at the theater or $20 per device for the virtual show. Visit manchestercommunitytheatre.com or call 327-6777



• “ALNOBAK MOSKIJI MAAHLAKWSIKIK: ABENAKI PEOPLE EMERGING FROM ASHES” Art show and sale presented by Two Villages Art Society, Abenaki Trails Project and Vermont Abenaki Artists Association. Features traditional and contemporary art created by tribal members of the Abenaki People and their community partners, including beading, pottery, birch bark biting, fabric art, basketry, printing making, painting, jewelry, painted gourds and leather work. On view now through Friday, May 28. Two Villages gallery (846 Main St., Contoocook). Gallery hours are Wednesday through Friday, from 1 to 5 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit twovillagesart.org.

35TH ANNUAL OMER T. LASSONDE JURIED EXHIBITION The New Hampshire Art Association presents a group art show featuring works in a variety of media by NHAA members and non-members. NHAA’s Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery (136 State St., Portsmouth). On view now through May 30. Call 431-4230 and visit nhartassociation.org.

DUO ARTIST EXHIBIT Features oils by Jim Ryan and watercolors by Lorraine Makhoul. On view during May. Seacoast Artist Association, 130 Water St., Exeter. Call 778-8856 or visit seacoastartist.org.

• “GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION THROUGH CUT AND PASTE” City Arts Nashua and The Nashua Telegraph present an exhibition featuring the works of Meri Goyette, including statement collages and collectible greetings cards that she crafted from paper, fabric and glue during the pandemic. On display in the windows and lobby of the Telegraph offices (110 Main St., Suite 1, Nashua). Now through June 11. Visit cityartsnashua.org.

• “TRANSFORMATIONS: NATURE AND BEYOND” The New Hampshire Art Association presents works by digital artist William Townsend. Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce Gallery, 49 S. Main St., Concord. On display now through June 17. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit nhartassociation.org or call 431-4230.

• “RETABLOS RECONSIDERED” Exhibit features works by 12 artists inspired by retablos, the honorific art form of devotional paintings that relate to miraculous events. Twiggs Gallery (254 King St., Boscawen).On view now through June 6. Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Call 975-0015 or visit twiggsgallery.wordpress.com.

• “THE BODY IN ART: FROM THE SPIRITUAL TO THE SENSUAL” Exhibit provides a look at how artists through the ages have used the human body as a means of creative expression. On view now through Sept. 1. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.

GALLERY ART A new collection of art by more than 20 area artists on display now in-person and online. Creative Ventures Gallery (411 Nashua St., Milford). Call 672-2500 or visit creativeventuresfineart.com.

• “TOMIE DEPAOLA AT THE CURRIER” Exhibition celebrates the illustrator’s life and legacy through a collection of his original drawings. On view now. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.



A WIDER CIRCLE The New Hampshire Theatre Project’s Elephant-in-the-Room Series, in partnership with the Seacoast Mental Health Center, presents a reading of the play, written by local playwright and social studies teacher Mary Ellen Hedrick. Virtual, via Zoom. Thurs., May 20, 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Registration is required. Visit nhtheatreproject.org.

•​ FUN HOME The Seacoast Repertory Theatre presents. 125 Bow St., Portsmouth. Now through May 28. Visit seacoastrep.org or call 433-4472.

•​ GODSPELL The Seacoast Repertory Theatre presents. Virtual and in person at 125 Bow St., Portsmouth. Now through May 30. Visit seacoastrep.org or call 433-4472.

QUEEN CITY IMPROV The Hatbox Theatre (Steeplegate Mall, 270 Loudon Road, Concord). Fri., May 21 and June 4, and Thurs., June 17, 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $19 for seniors and students. Call 715-2315 or visit hatboxnh.com.

COMEDY OUT OF THE ’BOX The Hatbox Theatre (Steeplegate Mall, 270 Loudon Road, Concord). Sat., May 22 and June 5, and Thurs., June 24, 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $19 for members, seniors and students, and $16 for senior members. Call 715-2315 or visit hatboxnh.com.

TRUE TALES LIVE Monthly showcase of storytellers. Held virtually via Zoom. Last Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., now through June, and September through December. Visit truetaleslivenh.org.

ROTARY PARK PLAY FESTIVAL Presented by Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative and Community Players of Concord. Features short original plays by New Hampshire playwrights. Sat., May 29, and Sun., May 30. Outdoors at Rotary Park, 30 Beacon St., E. Laconia. See Powerhouse Theatre Collaborative on Facebook or email [email protected].

Visual voices

Youth artwork celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month

New Hampshire youth speak out about mental health through art at the Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest Celebration, happening Thursday, May 20, at the Tupelo Drive-In in Derry and virtually via livestream.

Now in its third year, the contest invites middle school and high school students in the state to submit an original work of art be it a two- or three-dimensional visual art piece, short film, essay, poem or song that expresses their experience with or observations of mental health. The art work is then featured at a celebratory event in May to honor Mental Health Awareness Month and to highlight the need for improved children’s mental health care in New Hampshire.

“I think being able to see what our kids are experiencing in this very visual way can really help us get a better understanding of what they’re going through,” said Michele Watson, family network coordinator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness New Hampshire Chapter, which co-sponsors the event with the New Hampshire Office of the Child Advocate and other mental health- and youth-focused organizations throughout the state.

Upon arrival attendees will be guided to distanced parking spaces. For the first hour of the event, from 4 to 5 p.m., they will be able to stroll the parking lot, masked, and visit information booths for around a dozen local organizations involved with youth mental health.

“Part of bringing [mental health] awareness is letting people know where they can go for resources,” Watson said. “We want to make sure that, if they ever need help, or if they have a family member or good friend who might need help, they know where to go.”

Also during that time, all 43 art pieces that were submitted will be displayed on a large screen near the stage. They consist mostly of visual art pieces, Watson said, including drawings, paintings and computer-generated images, with a few short films and poems in the mix.

“The art work just completely impresses us,” she said, “and not just because of the messages that they share but also because of the quality of the art work. A lot of [the artists] are extremely talented.”

Watson said that she and the contest judges noticed “a different tone” in this year’s pieces, with more artists opening up about their personal struggles with mental health.

“In the past a lot of the submissions were focused on awareness,” she said, “but now we’re seeing the [artists] who are experiencing [mental health issues] themselves really expose themselves by sharing their own stories and expressing how they’re feeling.”

The awards ceremony and a series of presentations by guest speakers, which attendees can watch from inside their cars or from their own lawn chairs situated just outside their cars, will begin at 5 p.m. Ten finalists chosen by the judges will be named and will each receive a framed certificate and a $250 cash prize. The audience, including those watching the livestream from home, will then have a chance to vote for their favorite of the 10 finalists to win a People’s Choice Award.

Guest speakers will include mental health awareness advocate and former New Hampshire Chief Justice John Broderick; 10-year-old New Hampshire Kid Governor Charlie Olsen, whose platform is childhood depression; and Dr. Cassie Yackley, a specialist in trauma-informed mental health care, discussing the importance of art in mental health.

The event is often “eye-opening” for the audience, Watson said, as it gives youth an outlet to publicly express thoughts and feelings that they may not have wanted or been able to articulate before.

“Our youth really have a lot to say, and [art] helps them deliver it in a different way,” she said. “Now we just need to listen to them.”

Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest Celebration
: Tupelo Drive-In, 10 A St., Derry, and virtually via livestream
When: Thursday, May 20, 4 to 6:30 p.m.
More info/register: Visit sites.google.com/view/magnify-voices and facebook.com/magnifyvoicesexpressivearts

Featured photo: Youth art from a previous Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest. Courtesy photo.

The Art Roundup 21/05/13

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

The Nashua International Sculpture Symposium returns May 20. Courtesy photo.

The sculptors are coming: The 14th annual Nashua International Sculpture Symposium will commence on Thursday, May 20, with a private opening reception, which will be recorded for the public to watch online. During the symposium, three renowned sculptors will spend three weeks in Nashua creating three outdoor sculptures for permanent installation in the city. This year’s sculptors, all coming from the U.S., are Gavin Kenyon from New York, Sam Finkelstein from Maine, and Nora Valdez, from Boston, Mass., originally from Argentina. The sculptors will work outside The Picker Artists studios (3 Pine St., Nashua) Monday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., from Monday, May 24, through Friday, June 4. They will relocate to the sculpture installation site on Saturday, June 5, where they will continue their work until the closing ceremony on Saturday, June 12.During those times, the public will be able to watch the sculptors work and interact with them during their breaks (masks and social distancing required). The closing ceremony, at which the finished sculptures will be revealed, will take place at the installation site and will also be available to watch online. Visit nashuasculpturesymposium.org.

NH Jewish Film Festival returns: The New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival returns virtually Wednesday, May 19, through Thursday, June 10, with 11 independent foreign films as well as a series of food-themed shorts. The feature films — all New Hampshire premieres — come from eight countries: the United States, Israel, Ethiopia, Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland and Switzerland. They will be released one at a time on different days, each with a 72-hour watch window, starting with When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, a period drama from Germany and Switzerland, on May 19. “Our goal is to bring thought-provoking and enlightening documentaries, fiction films and shorts that you can’t find anywhere else,” festival co-chair Ross Fishbein said in a press release. “We’re delighted to bring some of the world’s best indie films straight to your living room.” Additionally, there will be Q&A events with the filmmakers for five of the films, to be held over Zoom. Tickets are per household and cost $12 per film, $43 for a four-pack film pass and $110 for an all-access pass to all 11 films. The shorts series, which includes five short films, will be free and available to watch at any point during the festival. Visit nhjewishfilmfestival.com.

A call for Covid poetry: New Hampshire residents are invited to submit original poems for review and possible publication in COVID Spring Vol. II,an anthology of poetry about the pandemic experience in New Hampshire, to be edited by New Hampshire Poet Laureate Alexandria Peary and published by Hobblebush Books this summer. The anthology is a follow-up to COVID Spring: Granite State Pandemic Poems, published in September 2020, which features original poems submitted by more than 50 New Hampshire writers, providing “a thirty-day snapshot of what life was like in the Granite State in April of 2020” through topics such as Covid-related “job loss, loneliness and love, masks, social distancing, surreal visitors, uncertainty, graduations deferred, grief, neighborly and less-than-neighborly acts, observing the beginning of the pandemic and making projections about the future, recalibrating or confirming what it means to be human, to be a resident of this region,” Peary said in the anthology’s introduction. Youth age 18 and under may also submit original poems to be considered for the anthology’s new youth section. Submit a poem or poems (up to three) by Sunday, May 23, through the online submission form at hobblebush.com/anthology-submissions. Poets will be notified of the editor’s decision by June 15.

Joining together for Portsmouth arts: The All Together Now benefit concert series kicks off Friday, May 14, with singer-songwriter Zachary Williams performing live at The Music Hall (28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth) at 5:30 and 8 p.m. The series is a collaboration between The Music Hall and its fellow Portsmouth arts venues Prescott Park Arts Festival and 3S Artspace to raise funds for the latter two to help them recuperate from the pandemic. The series continues with Rachael & Vilray on Saturday, May 22 (sold out), and Son Little on Friday, June 11, at 5:30 and 8 p.m. Tickets cost $25, $40, and $60. Visit themusichall.org.



DUO ARTIST EXHIBIT Features oils by Jim Ryan and watercolors by Lorraine Makhoul. On view during May. Seacoast Artist Association, 130 Water St., Exeter. Call 778-8856 or visit seacoastartist.org.

35TH ANNUAL OMER T. LASSONDE JURIED EXHIBITION The New Hampshire Art Association presents a group art show featuring works in a variety of media by NHAA members and non-members. NHAA’s Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery (136 State St., Portsmouth). On view now through May 30. Call 431-4230 and visit nhartassociation.org.

• “TRANSFORMATIONS: NATURE AND BEYOND” The New Hampshire Art Association presents works by digital artist William Townsend. Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce Gallery, 49 S. Main St., Concord. On display now through June 17. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit nhartassociation.org or call 431-4230.

• “THE BODY IN ART: FROM THE SPIRITUAL TO THE SENSUAL” Exhibit provides a look at how artists through the ages have used the human body as a means of creative expression. On view now through Sept. 1. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.

• “TOMIE DEPAOLA AT THE CURRIER” Exhibition celebrates the illustrator’s life and legacy through a collection of his original drawings. On view now. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.

• “RETABLOS RECONSIDERED” Exhibit features works by 12 artists inspired by retablos, the honorific art form of devotional paintings that relate to miraculous events. Twiggs Gallery (254 King St., Boscawen). On view now through June 6. Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Call 975-0015 or visit twiggsgallery.wordpress.com.

• “GEOMETRIC ABSTRACTION THROUGH CUT AND PASTE” City Arts Nashua and The Nashua Telegraph present an exhibition featuring the works of Meri Goyette, including statement collages and collectible greetings cards that she crafted from paper, fabric and glue during the pandemic. On display in the windows and lobby of the Telegraph offices (110 Main St., Suite 1, Nashua). Now through June 11. Visit cityartsnashua.org.

• “CRITICAL CARTOGRAPHY” Exhibit features immersive large-scale drawings by Larissa Fassler that reflect the Berlin-based artist’s observations of downtown Manchester while she was an artist-in-residence at the Currier Museum in 2019. On view now through fall. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.

GALLERY ART A new collection of art by more than 20 area artists on display now in-person and online. Creative Ventures Gallery (411 Nashua St., Milford). Call 672-2500 or visit creativeventuresfineart.com.


14TH ANNUAL NASHUA INTERNATIONAL SCULPTURE SYMPOSIUM Three renowned sculptors will spend three weeks in Nashua creating three outdoor sculptures for permanent installation in the city. The public will be able to watch the sculptors work and interact with them during their breaks (masks and social distancing required). Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fri., May 24 through Fri., June 4, outside The Picker Artists studios (3 Pine St., Nashua), and Sat., June 5 through Sat., June 12, at installation site. A private opening reception will be held on Thursday, May 20, and closing ceremony and sculpture reveal on Saturday, June 12, both of which will be recorded for the public to watch online. Visit nashuasculpturesymposium.org.



42ND STREET Recorded live in London. Virtual screening presented by Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord. Now through May 19. $15 per ticket. Call 225-1111 or visit ccanh.com.

•​ FUN HOME The Seacoast Repertory Theatre presents. 125 Bow St., Portsmouth. Now through May 28. Visit seacoastrep.org or call 433-4472.

•​ GODSPELL The Seacoast Repertory Theatre presents. Virtual and in person at 125 Bow St., Portsmouth. Now through May 30. Visit seacoastrep.org or call 433-4472.

DISCOVERING MAGIC WITH ANDREW PINARD The Hatbox Theatre (Steeplegate Mall, 270 Loudon Road, Concord). Wed., May 19 and June 16, 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $19 for members, seniors and students, and $16 for senior members. Call 715-2315 or visit hatboxnh.com.

A WIDER CIRCLE The New Hampshire Theatre Project’s Elephant-in-the-Room Series, in partnership with the Seacoast Mental Health Center, presents a reading of the play, written by local playwright and social studies teacher Mary Ellen Hedrick. Virtual, via Zoom. Thurs., May 20, 7 to 9 p.m. Free. Registration is required. Visit nhtheatreproject.org.

QUEEN CITY IMPROV The Hatbox Theatre (Steeplegate Mall, 270 Loudon Road, Concord). Fri., May 21 and June 4, and Thurs., June 17, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $22 for adults, $19 for members, seniors and students, and $16 for senior members. Call 715-2315 or visit hatboxnh.com.

Dropping a line

Rob Azevedo makes poetry debut

Local radio host, columnist, author and filmmaker Rob Azevedo adds poetry to his list of activities with his debut collection, Turning on the Wasp, recently released by Spartan Press.

The new venture, which he started in April 2020, came as a surprise even to himself, Azevedo said.

“For some reason, I just started getting these poetic lines in my head … and when I get something in my head, it doesn’t leave my head until I do something about it,” he said, “so I just started writing them down.”

While Azevedo has done some creative writing in the past, including the screenplays for six short films featured at the SNOB Film Festival in Concord, and a memoir, Notes From The Last Breath Farm: A Music Junkie’s Quest to be Heard, released by Plaidswede Publishing in 2019, poetry is a literary art form he hadn’t explored since his college days, he said.

“I went from having written maybe 10 or so poems in my whole life to writing 50 poems over the course of four or five months,” he said, adding that his poems now total more than 250.

With modest expectations, Azevedo submitted a few of his poems to the Spartan Press, hoping to get one featured on its website, he said, but the publisher had bigger plans for Azevedo’s poems.

“He loved them and said, ‘What do you think about putting out a book of your poetry?’” Azevedo said. “That [scenario] is unheard of when it comes to publishing — normally, getting something published is a grind … and could take years, so I really hit the jackpot.”

Turning on the Wasp features 80 free verse poems, “perfect for flash poetry,” Azevedo said, at around 100 to 150 words each. They explore a wide range of subject matter, such as love, lust, rock ’n’ roll and social issues, with a tone that Azevedo described as “darkly comic.”

“They could be prompted by a line in a song, something I’m watching on TV, a work of art or something that happened in my own life,” he said. “Whatever [causes] that rush of poetry in my head, I just go with it and dive right into it.”

In the title poem, for example, Azevedo reflects on a near-death experience that he had two years ago, when he was stung by a wasp. He went into shock and stopped breathing.

“It’s all about me getting back at that wasp that almost took me out,” he said.

Azevedo continues to write poetry every morning, he said, and has no plans of stopping.

“I can’t seem to get away from it; I’m hooked,” he said. “It has consumed me to the point where I’m barely writing anything else.”

He has already assembled a collection of poems for another book, which he intends to pitch to his publisher at the end of the summer and, if approved, release in the winter.

“I’m just going to keep writing more and more poetry until this phase of my creative life is over and I move on to a new one.”

Turning on the Wasp by Rob Azevedo
The book is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Gibson’s Bookstore in Concord. Find Azevedo on Twitter (@robazza33) or email him at [email protected].

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