‘We can’t relax yet’

Where we’re headed with Covid-19

Beth Daly, chief of New Hampshire’s Bureau of Infectious Disease Control and director of Public Health Preparedness at the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, provided an overview of Covid-19 in New Hampshire, from when the pandemic first emerged to what we might see in the coming months. She also answered questions about the Covid-19 vaccine, a new strain of the virus, the flu and more.

Case trends

What did you observe about Covid cases during the summer?

We had very low case counts overall in the summer. … Many states experienced a second wave in cases in the middle of the summer, but we did not; ours remained low. That’s probably attributable to a number of different factors: we closed a number of different sectors in the spring, and by the end of June we were seeing as few as 14 or 15 cases per day. Then, we had a phased reopening and were able to reopen in a safe manner. I think implementing those measures helped to control the outbreak at that time and [prevent] a resurgence of cases over the summer. But, of course, heading into the fall, we did see a resurgence like many other states, and [cases] have now far exceeded what we even experienced in the spring.

What’s currently happening with Covid cases in New Hampshire?

On average, we’re seeing between 800 and 900 cases per day, which, of course, is very, very high, especially in comparison to what we had thought was our peak back last spring. … The increase started at the end of October and has increased on a daily basis all the way through until the middle of December, but over the last week the increase appears to be slowing down and possibly moving toward a plateau.

Were you expecting there to be an increase in cases during the holiday season?

We expected there to be some increase after the holidays because of people getting together, of course, but we can’t specifically attribute any amount of transmission to Thanksgiving, for example, since the rapid increase in cases started at the end of October. … We know through contact tracing that there was some transmission that occurred from Thanksgiving, but by and large, it’s been community transmission in workplaces and community settings. … The increase is probably more of a reflection of people being indoors [due to the weather] and coming into closer contact with each other inside, where there’s not as much ventilation as being outside.

What do you predict will happen with Covid in the early months of 2021?

We can’t make any predictions about what will or won’t happen with Covid-19 … but we’re hopeful that, with the vaccine, we’ll start to see some declines in cases. Ultimately, it’s going to take a large proportion of the population to get vaccinated in order to really keep Covid-19 at bay, but every little bit of immunity being acquired in our communities, either through vaccinations or through infection, does help us prevent future cases of Covid-19.

Covid and kids

What trends have you seen with Covid-19 cases in people under age 18?

We have seen a number [of cases among] children, and that number increased in the fall. However, we have not had a significant number of outbreaks or large clusters of outbreaks in school settings. We think the measures that schools put in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19 really helped to prevent transmission in a school setting. … We see more transmissions occurring outside of school, like from sports teams … sleepovers and birthday parties … and close contact with someone in their household who has Covid-19.

What protocols put in place by schools were the most effective for reducing transmission?

Their protocols and procedures varied widely, but a lot of schools set up staggered schedules for students so that they could reduce the total number of people in the school setting at one time. That was helpful for carrying out social distancing by making sure the desks were at least three feet apart or, ideally, six feet apart. … Many schools also implemented mask requirements for students and staff.

New Hampshire’s response

How prepared was New Hampshire to handle a pandemic when Covid first hit?

We had been preparing for a pandemic for two decades, since the 9/11 funding that came through that gave all states funding for public health and health care preparedness. From that, a lot of relationships were developed and a lot of plans were put in place that suited us very well in responding to the pandemic. We knew what needed to be done and had already worked toward having the capabilities that we knew would be needed.

What has New Hampshire done right in its response to the pandemic?

The partnerships that we had going into the pandemic that we then built stronger our health care associations, medical associations and hospital associations, along with the Emergency Management Agency here at the state and their partners in the local municipalities have been one of our greatest assets. They have been really critical in helping us make sure that, together, we are serving the needs of the frontline health care staff in all kinds of different facilities, and that the public is getting the testing and care they need. The flexibility that the governor has had in terms of declaring a state of emergency, bringing funds into the state and being able to execute contracts quickly has also been incredibly important and helpful.

Is there anything it should have done differently?

I think overall New Hampshire has mounted a strong response to Covid-19. The thing that slowed down our capacity [to respond] was … testing. I think a lot of what has transpired with the pandemic reflects on the existing health care and public health infrastructure in our country. Having stable investments in public health laboratory testing, case investigation [and] contact tracing is important. A lot of these systems have been here for decades but were clearly not funded enough to support us during a pandemic. Now, we’ve ramped those systems up, but it took a while to do.

What are your top priorities right now?

Our focus and attention is on the vaccine right now, and on getting that out to people as quickly as possible. … We also stand ready to be able to open up alternative care sites and work with our health care partners to make sure that, if there is a resurgence that exceeds our health care system, people are able to access care. Hopefully, that won’t be needed, and we’ll keep our case counts where they’re at or, ideally, even lower.

Are we more prepared now, if another pandemic were to come along in the future?

We’re obviously in a much better place to respond to a future pandemic because we’ve done it now; we’ve figured things out, and we’ve learned from it, and we’ll be able to take our experience with us into the future.

The vaccine

What’s happening with the vaccine?

Right now, we’re getting a small amount of vaccines each week, and we’re rolling out Phase 1A, which includes health care workers, long-term care facility residents and staff and first responders. There are about 100,000 to 110,000 people in that group. Assuming we get the vaccines as we’re expecting from the CDC, we should be able to have that group vaccinated by the middle to end of January. Then, in February, we would be able to move forward with the next phase, Phase 1B. We have not shared yet who is going to be included in that group, but we plan to share that information with the public in the next week or two.

When will it be available to the general public?

That depends on how large the Phase 1B group is. For example, if that group has 200,000 people and [New Hampshire continues] to get the same amount of vaccines each week, that could take us into February and March, and we’d be looking at opening up vaccines more broadly to the general public in April. … It also depends on just how much vaccine we’re going to get. We expect that we’re going to get more and more over time as more formulations become available, but there are still a lot of unknowns that make it difficult to predict the trajectory of when we’ll be done [vaccinating] the 1.3 million people in New Hampshire.

How is it being distributed?

There are two formulations available right now: Pfizer and Moderna. Both require two doses. For Pfizer, you would get the doses 21 days apart, and for Moderna, you would get them 28 days apart. … In order to vaccinate everyone, the plan is to leverage everyone who’s able to provide vaccines in our state in all of our different settings. That will include a combination of hospitals, health care providers, pharmacies and state-run sites that we’re opening up to assist with the vaccinations and make sure that we can reach everyone.

A new strain

There’s been talk of a new strain of the virus. What’s going on with that?

We’re following [updates] coming out of the United Kingdom, where they are investigating a potential new strain of the Covid-19 virus that is emerging there. This is something that can happen with viruses. The virus can recombine and have different proteins on the surface of the cell that cause it to behave differently. You can detect these changes through molecular testing of the viruses themselves. In this case, [the U.K. is] reporting that [the new strain] is more transmissible [but] does not appear to be more severe.

How concerned are you about the new strain?

It’s certainly something we’re keeping our eye on. We don’t know what will happen with that strain and if it will continue to circulate or not, so all we can do is monitor it. Fortunately, the same prevention measures for the [original] Covid-19 virus social distancing and mask use work for the other strain as well.

The flu

Has influenza been a problem this year?

We’ve seen very little flu activity in our state. In fact, we haven’t confirmed any influenza in our public health laboratory. We’ve heard that there have been some detections of it by rapid tests in the community … so it’s out there, but it could be out there in a very sporadic way. It’s certainly not widespread or being detected frequently right now in our population. … The flu and Covid-19 are transmitted in similar ways, so we think a lot of the measures that we’re taking to prevent Covid-19 spread social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks could also be helping to protect us from influenza and other respiratory illness and keep those cases down.

Is it still important to get a flu shot?

Absolutely. We typically recommend that everyone six months and older get the vaccine to protect themselves from influenza, which is also a serious respiratory virus that we don’t want people to get. We have people die from it every year in our state. We also don’t want people getting influenza and getting hospitalized, because that’s going to increase the pressures that are already put on our health care system due to Covid-19. Keeping people out of the emergency room and doctors’ offices and from being hospitalized will help our whole health care system be able to better respond to Covid-19.

What now?

Is there anything else the New Hampshire public should know as we head into the new year?

Please, keep social distancing, wear masks, exercise good hygiene, stay home if you’re not feeling well and avoid travel. We know people are tired of it, but this is not the time to give up on those precautions. We want to stay strong as we roll out the vaccine. We can’t relax yet.

Featured photo: Beth Daly. Courtesy photo.

News & Notes 20/12/31

Covid-19 updateAs of December 21As of December 28
Total cases statewide37,38841,670
Total current infections statewide6,6885,508
Total deaths statewide656715
New cases5,513 (Dec. 15 to Dec. 21)4,282 (Dec. 22 to Dec. 28)
Current infections: Hillsborough County2,2901,908
Current infections: Merrimack County929609
Current infections: Rockingham County1,5801,264
Information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Covid-19 news

During a Dec. 22 press conference, state epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan reported that New Hampshire had seen an average of 750 to 800 new infections of Covid-19 per day over the last week, numbers that were slightly down from the week before. While the test positivity rate has remained stable, at 9.1 percent as of Dec. 22, the number of hospitalizations has been up, he said. Dr. Beth Daly, Chief of the Bureau of Infectious Disease Control of the New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, also provided an update on vaccine distributions in the state. Over the previous weekend the Moderna vaccine received emergency use authorization and it is now approved for people ages 18 and older. “We received 24,200 doses of Moderna vaccine … here in New Hampshire,” Daly said during the Dec. 22 press conference. “About half … will be distributed to our hospitals … and about half are going to be used to launch our state-run fixed vaccination sites, as well as our mobile teams.” According to a press release from the Governor’s Office, 13 sites across the state — most locally in Concord, Hooksett, Londonderry and Nashua — were set to open Dec. 29 to vaccinate first responders and high-risk ambulatory care providers. It’s part of Phase 1A of the state’s vaccination plan, which includes approximately 110,000 people and is expected to be completed by mid-January. Over the next few weeks, Daly said, state health officials expect to receive approximately 9,000 doses each of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, with the exact number subject to change by the week.
On Dec. 23, Gov. Chris Sununu issued Emergency Order No. 77, an order amending Emergency Order No. 37, which had been issued back on April 28 to temporarily halt the hiring of all full-time and part-time employees of the state’s executive branch for positions that are already vacant or will become vacant during the state of emergency, with a few exceptions, including employees in roles related to combating the pandemic and those working in child protective services. Emergency Order No. 77 adds that all full-time and part-time employee positions may be posted for internal and external applicants, provided they certify in writing that projected federal funds used to pay for the position can support it through the end of State Fiscal Year 2023, or however long the contract period lasts.

Drive-in House session

On Dec. 28, acting New Hampshire House of Representatives Speaker Sherman Packard sent a letter with details of the upcoming Jan. 6 House session to state representatives. According to a press release, the event will be conducted as a drive-in, with all representatives and staff staying in their own vehicles, spread apart across the largest parking lot on the UNH campus in Durham. The New Hampshire Supreme Court has said remote sessions are constitutional, but the House has not yet adopted a rule that allows it to meet remotely, which means it is obligated to meet in person, according to the letter. “Additionally … the anticipated cost in establishing a secure voting mechanism would be in excess of $300,000,” the letter reads. “In the absence of a rule which permits remote participation, such an expense cannot be justified at the present time, nor is it possible to resolve the significant logistical requirements of a remote session given the short timeframe and the unique challenges of the 400-member House.” On Dec. 29, Democratic House members held a press conference in response to the announcement of a drive-in legislative session, and Deputy Democratic Leader Representative David Cote released a statement saying that “This is the New Hampshire Republican Party saying that they are unable to do what the government has required individuals and businesses to do since the pandemic began … by working remotely to protect public health,” and that the plan does not account for Representatives who can’t drive or sit in their car for hours.

Supreme Court case

New Hampshire has filed a reply brief in the United States Supreme Court in response to Massachusetts’ position that the court should not hear New Hampshire’s case against Massachusetts for taxing New Hampshire residents who work remotely for Massachusetts companies, according to a press release from the Office of the Governor. “Massachusetts’ current position is a far cry from our country’s rallying call of ‘no taxation without representation,’ — which they seem to have forgotten originated in their state,” Gov. Chris Sununu said in a statement. The reply brief argues that Massachusetts is downplaying the seriousness of New Hampshire’s claim in that it contends that the Tax Rule does not impede any tax policy New Hampshire desires to implement, that the Tax Rule maintains the status quo because Massachusetts continues to impose an income tax on nonresidents solely for Massachusetts-sourced income, and that the Tax Rule addresses a temporary problem, according to the release.

Members of the Buntin Rumford Webster Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution gathered at the Old Fort Cemetery in East Concord on Dec. 19 to lay wreaths as part of the annual National Wreaths Across America Day, according to a press release.

It’s time to order from the 2021 State Forest Nursery seedling catalog, which is now available at nh.gov/nhnursery. According to a press release, the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands is expecting an increased demand this year and encourages anyone who wants to plant trees or shrubs in the spring to place orders now. All seedlings are grown onsite at the nursery, located on 16 acres of land in Boscawen.

The 27 men and women from Manchester who died as a result of experiencing homelessness in the past year were remembered during a virtual vigil held by Catholic Medical Center’s Health Care for the Homeless during Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day on Dec. 21, according to a press release.

A new primary care practice has opened in Nashua that will focus on “unhurried and patient-focused health care” for all ages and will help alleviate southern New Hampshire’s shortage of primary care providers, according to a press release. The Altrix Primary Care staff is made up of board-certified nurse practitioners who will offer a full range of primary care services.

Predictions for 2021

Now that 2020 is heading into the history books it seems appropriate to look forward to 2021 and predict with the greatest of accuracy what will happen in the next year. As some of you may remember, in last year’s column I did not predict the worldwide pandemic. I’m hoping to do better this year.

In 2021, I predict we in the Granite State can expect:

• A real blow-up with Massachusetts after the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Massachusetts can continue to tax the income of Granite Staters who work for Massachusetts-based employers but who, because of the pandemic, are working at home (in New Hampshire). The ruling so thoroughly Ps off Granite Staters that we hike the cost of cigarettes. Can we keep them from buying our lottery tickets?

• After discovering that Ghislaine Maxwell, an associate of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, was living in Bradford, N.H., this summer, Granite Staters will be mildly surprised to find that we have another somewhat famous resident living in the state — Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman. Manafort was convicted of tax fraud in 2018 and then recently pardoned. Apparently New Hampshire is the place to go to escape the limelight.

• Hospitality impresario and philanthropist Alex Ray will create his next attraction, Common Man Land, a barn-themed amusement park complete with a hay toss and painting (mostly barns and fences). Interestingly, there is no charge to get in but visitors must complete three hours of manual labor. And visitors love it!

• After losing the NH House, Senate and Executive Council, Democrats reassess their messaging and tactics. First up will be the introduction of Covid-safe hug tunnels (look it up) and then after that less discussion of an income tax and more discussion of legalizing weed.

• Nashua will break ground on its performing arts center and get a surprise artist in residence, singer, songwriter and actor Mandy Moore. Moore, a native of Nashua and avid hiker, decided it was time to climb all 48 4,000-footers in New Hampshire. Go, Moore, Go.

• Bill Binnie, owner of Binnie Media and former owner of NH1, will make a deal to buy WMUR from Hearst. And yes, he’ll bring with him Al Kaprielian. On top of that Binnie will promise to bring back the Uncle Gus Show though reimagined as the Auntie Sarah Show — starring none other than Sarah Silverman.

• Former Manchester School Board at-large member Rich Girard will run for mayor of Manchester.

• UCLA football coach and New Hampshire native Chip Kelly will team up with Greg Landry, also New Hampshire native and NFL quarterback, to open a football-themed destination steakhouse called the Red Zone at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. Come on, you know you would want to eat there.

If any of these things happen, do not call or email me. Just enjoy them.

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