New burger place downtown
A frustrating afternoon as a broke musician was a turning point for Ian Tufts, the creator and owner of BAD BRGR in Manchester.
“I had a fast food shake melt into the floorboard of my truck once,” he said. “I couldn’t get it out for the life of me.”
The lesson? Fresh, high-quality ingredients are really important. If you can’t dissolve it with cleaning fluids, you probably shouldn’t be eating it.
Or, in the case of BAD BRGR, serving it.
Tufts, a long-term passionate musician and burger fan, described the food and atmosphere at BAD BRGR as something that would appeal to someone like his younger self: “Burgers, fries, shakes, and rock ’n’ roll! I love being on the creative front; there’s a certain magic that comes from it.” This is a spirit that encapsulates burgers as much as music, he said.
This struck home to him during this month’s Taco Tour, when his restaurant had barely opened officially yet.
“We had live music playing the whole time, and non-stop service for four hours straight,” Tufts recalled. It was exactly the vibe he was looking to create. “We’ve got a young staff,” he said, “and keeping it cool and working together was great. We had people telling us that we had the smoothest service.”
BAD BRGR’s Manchester location is its second one, launched on the success of the first BAD BRGR, in Hampton Beach, which he opened three years ago. “This is 2.0,” Tufts said, adding that plans are in the works for additional locations.
BAD BRGR’s menu only offers seven or eight types of burgers.
“We like to keep it simple,” Tufts said. “Too many options paralyzes people. It takes away from the specialness. We’re always shooting for clean, specific flavors. To me, they’re like stars; I don’t want to muddy them up. I’ve always been a burger guy — a broke-musician-burger-guy — so I took notes of all my favorite burgers and combined the high points.”
What he ended up with was a type of burger sometimes described as a “smash-burger” — where the burger patty has been pressed thin onto the griddle at the start of cooking to give it a seared crust. This was something he didn’t even know was a thing.
“I’d never heard of smash-burgers,” he said, “but I started with what kind of burger I wanted, reverse-engineered it and ended up in the same place.”
The buns are grilled in butter, but after that BAD BRGR’s Build Your Own option lets customers decide exactly how their burger ends up.
“People like what they like,” Tufts said, but added that overwhelmingly, the most popular burger they serve is the eponymous BAD BRGR. It was conceived as the perfect messy, post-gig burger for hungry, tired musicians. “It’s our meanest, late-night burger,” he said. “It’s liquidy-cheddary, with jalapeños. It’s our most popular, our namesake.” To get around the inconsistency of fresh jalapeños in New Hampshire, they use pickled ones, which adds a vinegar-y bite to cut through the liquid cheddar.
Tuft’s favorite burger, though, is the Belle, which comes with peaches and bacon. “I used to make this for friends, and they were always blown away,” he said.
And, of course, the shakes, which BAD BRGR calls milk slushes, are all-natural. “We won’t serve any plastic shakes here,” Tufts said.
1015 Elm St., Manchester
Hours: Sunday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to midnight