owner of Glimpse Gallery
Meme Exum is the owner of Glimpse Gallery in Concord, whose mission is to uplift artists in the community. The gallery holds six shows a year with six artists for each show. Curator Christina Landry-Boullion shows her art in each exhibition as well. The current exhibition, which runs until Sept. 9, has its last reception on Saturday, Aug. 24, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Glimpse Gallery asks that those interested in attending RSVP through their website. Visit theglimpsegallery.com.
Explain your job and what it entails.
I own and run a small fine art gallery in downtown Concord, New Hampshire. I scour Concord, and ultimately New Hampshire, [for artists] who are looking to get their name and their artwork out to the public. I’m not a traditional gallery, I don’t have constricting contracts or commission structure. All day I’m constantly on the phone and doing email…. The best part is viewing all this incredible new art.
How long have you had this job?
I’ve had it in tandem with other jobs, whether you equate that to a side hustle or the one I had the longest, for 12 years.
What led you to this career field and your current job?
I love art. … I want to be immersed in an arena where I’m constantly seeing cool, new art, and this is the best way to do it. I have a leader personality so I don’t mind doing the admin and the business structure of it….
What kind of education or training did you need?
I have a college degree in political science with a minor in international affairs and ultimately hard-life experience was what taught me everything I know now to run the gallery. Everything from my stint waiting tables to doing administrative work to my marketing career for high-end architecture.
What is your typical at-work uniform or attire?
Fabulous dresses and heels. My outfits are my art. …. It’s super fun, energetic, accessible….
What is the most challenging thing about your work, and how do you deal with it?
Keeping up with correspondence, and I try to approach it with humility because I always want to answer and I want to give timely responses and answers to people that are really being vulnerable by presenting me with their art.
What do you wish you had known at the beginning of your career?
That time is more valuable than money.
What do you wish other people knew about your job?
That humility is an important facet…. I am learning every day…
What was your first job?
Working at a consignment shop for women’s clothing in Atlanta, Georgia. On the weekends I also did Baskin-Robbins, so it was a twofer.
What is the best piece of work-related advice you’ve ever received?
It would go back to the Baskin-Robbins job and Mr. Hauk [the manager] telling me to focus and listen … that’s the best piece of advice.
—Zachary Lewis
Five favorites
Favorite book: Sapiens by Yuval Harari. It is such an incredible book.
Favorite movie: The Fisher King with Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges.
Favorite music: Hans Zimmer. He does those incredible movie scores.
Favorite food: Popcorn cooked in a pan (not microwave popcorn).
Favorite thing about NH: The wildlife. I’m very geared toward nature. I’ll brake for snakes in the road.
Featured photo: Meme Exum. Courtesy photo.