News & Notes 20/10/29

Covid-19 updateAs of October 19As of October 126
Total cases statewide9,74610,397
Total current infections statewide1,0201,002
Total deaths statewide468475
New cases603 (Oct. 12 to Oct. 19)651 (Oct. 20 to Oct. 26)
Information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Covid-19 news

During an Oct. 22 press conference, state epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan provided a public health update on New Hampshire’s ongoing fight against Covid-19, saying that the state has seen about 80 new infections per day on average over the last one to two weeks.

With its updated numbers on Oct. 23, New Hampshire surpassed 10,000 positive tests for the virus since the start of the pandemic in March. Despite this, the state has the third lowest rate of new cases of Covid-19 per capita in the country, according to Gov. Chris Sununu, with the test-positivity rate continuing to be at around 1 percent.

Also on Oct. 23, the Governor’s Economic Re-Opening Task Force released new guidance documents for hockey and indoor ice arenas in the state, following a two-week “pause” that began on Oct. 15 of all indoor ice activities due to multiple Covid-19 outbreaks. All rink staff, volunteers, athletes, referees and coaches are required to be tested for the virus before Nov. 6. The guidance for indoor ice facilities prohibits restaurants, bars and arcades from being used, encourages sneeze guard barriers at check-in/check-out counters, and requires a one-way flow of foot traffic throughout the facility, with specific entry and exit points.

Details of Sununu’s Emergency Orders, Executive Orders, Re-Opening guidance documents and more can be found at

Emergency order violations

Two businesses have been fined for not complying with the governor’s coronavirus emergency orders, and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office continues to get complaints from customers about noncompliance, according to an Oct. 26 report from WMUR. The complaints are mainly about workers not wearing masks and businesses not enforcing social distancing. According to an Oct. 19 press release, Fat Katz in Hudson was sent a notice of violation assessing a $2,000 civil penalty for allegedly bringing karaoke indoors. According to WMUR, New England Flag Football was also fined $2,000 for violations. “We were very clear in writing to those organizations and businesses as to what they needed to do, and they both confirmed with us they understood that and then they proceeded to do different things,” Associate Attorney General Anne Edwards said, according to WMUR. More fines are expected to be issued in the next few weeks as the Attorney General’s Office continues to investigate complaints, Edwards said.

Fire ban lifted

State officials have lifted the ban on certain fires now that some soaking rains have reduced the potential for wildfires, according to a press release. Kindling of open fires is now allowed, as is smoking outdoors in or near public woodlands or on public trails, and permits are once again available for fires greater than four feet in diameter and not contained within a ring of fire-resistive material. Permits are always required for any open burning, according to the release, and can be obtained from a local fire department or at

MediGap shopping

There’s a new free interactive online dashboard to help consumers who are shopping for Medicare Supplement (MediGap) plans, the New Hampshire Insurance Department announced in a press release. The dashboard will allow consumers to find and compare rates based on their gender, age, plan type and preferred company. MediGap policies help cover some health care costs that Medicare does not, including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles, according to the release. The rates on the dashboard are available during an individual’s open enrollment, a six-month period that begins the month the person turns 65 and has Medicare Part A and Part B, though people who are changing plans or want to get a renewal rate can contact specific companies directly, according to the release. Visit or call 1-866-634-9412.

Drought assistance

Low-income New Hampshire homeowners who have residential wells with insufficient or no water because of the drought can get short-term relief and financial assistance with a new initiative from the state’s Drinking Water and Groundwater Advisory Commission and Department of Environmental Services. According to a press release, short-term relief will be available in the form of free bottled water deliveries for people whose income is at or below 80 percent of the area median household income and who have no water due to the ongoing drought. This is a temporary measure to ensure that everyone has access to clean water for drinking and cooking. For permanent drought relief, financial assistance will be available for improving or replacing residential wells, or to connect to an existing community water system. “Given the severity of the drought, recent precipitation has done relatively little to alter drought conditions impacting residential wells in New Hampshire,” NHDES Commissioner Bob Scott said in the release. “Residents still need to take every action to conserve water now and for the foreseeable future.” Income eligibility requirements and financial assistance information can be found at

Drug disposal

Last week, the New Hampshire Hospital Association, the New Hampshire Department of Education and the Foundation for Healthy Communities partnered with the Public Health Networks and the Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative of New Hampshire to distribute 25,000 prescription drug disposal bags throughout the state, according to a press release. In the past few months, 50,000 of the Deterra Drug Deactivation disposal pouches, donated by RALI NH, have been distributed as part of an effort to educate families on safe medicine storage and disposal practices. Making sure prescription medications are securely stored out of the reach of children and safely disposing of unused or expired medications can help prevent drug misuse, the release said. Find take-back locations at

At a press conference in Concord on Monday, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it is awarding more than $12.3 million to agencies in New Hampshire to help protect children and families from lead-based paint and home health hazards, according to a press release. The week of Oct. 25 through Oct. 31 is Lead Poisoning Prevention Week.

Free meal boxes that include 12 pounds of produce, 5 pounds of meat, 5 pounds of dairy and a gallon of 2-percent milk will be distributed to families in need on Saturday, Oct. 31, from 9 to 11 a.m. at SNHU Arena in Manchester, according to a press release. The food is being provided by Granite United Way, in partnership with the YMCA of Downtown Manchester, Southern New Hampshire University and the Manchester School District.

A socially distant groundbreaking ceremony for the new location of Family Promise of Southern New Hampshire is scheduled to be held Thursday, Oct. 29, at 3 Crown St. in Nashua. The renovated space will provide transitional housing to more than 25 families, which is double its current capacity, according to a press release.

The darker side of NH

Windham author Renee Mallett ( has penned a number of books and articles on New England’s folklore, legends, ghosts and hauntings. She talks about her newest book, Wicked New Hampshire, where she explores some of the Granite State’s darkest history.

How did you start writing about odd history and paranormal encounters?

It all kind of happened accidentally. I was writing a travel article about the bed and breakfast where the Lizzie Borden murders happened. It’s been turned into this lovely little inn, and it’s supposedly haunted. … When I went to go write the article … there was this sort of psychic who … walked me through the house, and it was just so interesting and fascinating. … So, after I wrote this sort of quirky travel article about it, the publisher actually contacted me and said, ‘Do you think you could write a whole book of ghost stories?’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, absolutely.’ And they said, ‘What city do you want to focus on?’ and I said ‘Manchester.’ I have no idea why I said that. It just sort of came out. So my first book was Manchester ghosts. It was popular, and it was so much fun to write, so I just sort of kept on writing them.

Have you always been interested in the paranormal?

I’ve always been interested in history and folklore, and that’s sort of the fun thing about these ghost stories. A lot of times they share parts of history that you wouldn’t normally learn about. Usually the things that make it into the history books are about generals and wealthy landowners, but a lot of these ghost stories actually tell about the day-to-day life of everyday people.

What kinds of stories are in Wicked New Hampshire?

I’ve spent so long researching and writing about the paranormal side of New Hampshire, and all the time I would find these really amazing stories and scandalous bits of history … so I wanted to collect all of those things in one kind of quirky and fun book about the darker side of New Hampshire history. We have a lot of characters and quirky people in our past. We have scandalous authors. … We have H. H. Holmes, who is known as American’s first serial killer, and a lot of people have no idea that he was born and bred here in New Hampshire. … We have witches, like Goody Cole. … I tried to pick a variety of stories. I didn’t want to focus on just one kind of wickedness or one point in history.

So, do you believe in ghosts?

I am a skeptic. … I’ve had experiences that people who are hardcore believers look at and say, ‘Yeah, you saw a ghost.’ I’m not ready to say that yet. I think I’m still waiting to see that one thing that makes me go, ‘Yes, that’s definitely a ghost.’ But with each book, I’m a little bit less of a skeptic. I’ve seen some weird stuff that I can’t explain. I’ve talked to so many people at these places who do not know each other but have had similar [paranormal] experiences. … Another big thing is ‘orbs’ in photos. A lot of times, if you take photos at a place where there is supposed to be a ghost, you get these fuzzy little dots in the photos. People who are big believers say that’s the manifestation of the ghost, and people who are skeptics say, ‘Well, that’s just dust on your camera lens.’ I will say that, going to a lot of places that are supposed to be very haunted, I get a ton of orbs in my photos, and I’m a pretty good photographer. I mean, my photos have been shown in art galleries. I don’t get those orbs in any of my other photos.

Why are these stories worth telling?

For me, the stories are really about the people. We think of these people who lived so long ago as being completely different from us, but at the end of the day, people today are not that different from people hundreds of years ago. A lot of the stories are about people who made poor choices in spouses or people who drank too much and it affected their jobs. People are people no matter what the time period or the situation.

Who are your readers?

I do a lot of book signings and talks in a year, and I’m continually amazed at how these stories seem to appeal to different people in all different ways. I’ve had everyone from middle schoolers up to little old ladies ask me to sign their books. … I think it’s the local history that appeals to them, because at first they think, ‘Oh, New Hampshire we’re just like everywhere else; it’s not that interesting here,’ but then they’re like, ‘Oh, no, wait. Look at these wacky people who have been here and all these things that have happened.’

What are you working on now?

I’m actually writing two books right now. … I’m writing one book that’s about abandoned towns throughout New England, and that’s been another fun kind of road trip book. … I’m also writing my first true crime book; the Peyton Place novel was actually based on a crime that happened here in New Hampshire, so I’m writing about that.

Featured photo: Wicked New Hampshire

News & Notes 20/10/22

Covid-19 updateAs of October 11As of October 11
Total cases statewide9,1439,746
Total current infections statewide6851,020
Total deaths statewide456468
New cases498 (Oct. 5 to Oct. 11)603 (Oct. 12 to Oct. 19)
Current infections: Hillsborough County349449
Current infections: Merrimack County94160
Current infections: Rockingham County127238
Information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Covid-19 news
On Oct. 15, during a press conference, Gov. Chris Sununu announced that all indoor ice hockey and skating activities in New Hampshire, including public skating at indoor rinks and college hockey practices, will stop through Oct. 29. Over the last two months there have been a total of 158 people in the state associated with ice hockey who have tested positive for Covid-19, from 23 different organizations or teams, according to state epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan. “This includes 117 people that are connected to eight different outbreaks … [and] these outbreaks have likely led to other community exposures, including exposures in schools, businesses like long-term care facilities, [and] social gatherings,” he said. Sununu said the two-week pause will allow state public health officials to work with rink owners and hockey programs to put additional safeguards in place
Later during the press conference, Sununu announced the launch of the Main Street Relief Fund 2.0, which will provide an additional $100 million in funding to the state’s small businesses. The fund is available to all qualified businesses, regardless of whether they already received an award under the original Main Street Relief Fund. Online applications will be accepted through Oct. 30, at
On Oct. 19, Sununu, in a joint press conference with state Attorney General Gordon MacDonald, announced that the State of New Hampshire has filed a lawsuit in the United States Supreme Court against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts over income taxes collected from Granite Staters working from home during the pandemic, calling it an “unconstitutional tax grab.” “Earlier this year, Massachusetts adopted a temporary emergency regulation declaring for the first time that non-resident income received for the services performed outside of Massachusetts would be subject to Massachusetts income tax,” he said.
Details of Sununu’s Emergency Orders, Executive Orders and other announcements can be found at

“Voting Saturday”
The Manchester City Clerk’s Office will open for extended hours, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., on Saturday, Oct. 24, for “Voting Saturday.” According to a press release, residents can use that time to register to vote, request an absentee ballot or vote absentee in person. The last day to register to vote at the City Clerk’s office is Wednesday, Oct. 28, though eligible voters will also be able to register to vote on Election Day, Nov. 3, at their polling location.
Back to virtual
The Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen will go back to meeting virtually after Mayor Joyce Craig cited concerns that at an Oct. 6 meeting too many people in the chamber were not distancing or wearing masks, according to a report from WMUR. She said she’s concerned about the risk it poses for city employees, with two city officials having to get tested for Covid-19, the report said. But Alderman at Large Joe Kelly said he thinks Craig is attempting to limit Manchester residents from weighing in on the city’s consideration of a mask ordinance, according to the report. Public input was still part of the meeting Monday night, though, the report said.

LRGHealthcare announced Monday that it will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. According to a press release, Concord Hospital has presented an offer to LRGHealthcare to possibly acquire Lakes Region General Hospital and Franklin Regional Hospital, as well as the hospitals’ ambulatory sites. LRGHealthcare has spent more than a year trying to find a way to continue its services and stabilize its finances, the release said. The United States Bankruptcy Court will oversee an auction and sale process that will allow other potential buyers to submit offers to acquire LRGHealthcare’s assets, though any transaction will need to be approved by the New Hampshire Attorney General, the Department of Health and Human Services and other regulatory agencies. For now, LRGHealthcare will continue to operate and provide services, according to the release.

’Tis the (campaign) season
Last week, Gov. Chris Sununu earned the top grade for the Cato Institute’s biennial fiscal report card on the country’s governors, according to a press release. The Cato Institute, a public policy think tank “dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace,” according to its website, releases rankings every two years. “It is an honor to receive the Cato Institute’s top grade this year,” Gov. Chris Sununu said in the release. “Through hard work, fiscal responsibility, and smart decisions, New Hampshire is an economic powerhouse.”
Meanwhile, members of the New Hampshire Youth Movement Action, Rights and Democracy and the Kent Street Coalition gathered in front of the Statehouse in Concord on Oct. 18 to “shine a spotlight on Chris Sununu’s record 79 vetoes in the past two years,” according to a press release. The activists believe “Sununu’s vetoes have harmed young and working people in New Hampshire,” the release said.

A new 2,000-square-foot Center for Veterans was unveiled Oct. 13 at Liberty House in Manchester, according to a press release. Liberty House offers sober housing and services for homeless and struggling veterans, and this new center will serve as a gathering space for community programs, recovery meetings, seminars, recreational activities, an expanded food and clothing pantry and more.

O’Neil Cinemas in Epping will host an inventory blowout sale Thursday, Oct. 29, from 4 to 7 p.m. in the parking lot. Since most food items will be expired by the time the cinema reopens, it is offering party-size popcorn for $20, individual popcorn for $5, and candy for $1 during this sale. Cash and credit cards will be accepted but gift cards will not. You can preorder popcorn by emailing; include your name, phone number and order, and it will be ready for pick-up during the event.

Beer distributor Bellavance Beverage Co. of Londonderry will soon be powered by 3,088 solar panels, making it home to the largest rooftop solar array in New Hampshire, according to a press release. The solar panels are expected to generate enough clean electricity each year to offset 1.4 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions or brew 77,000 barrels of German beer every year, the release said.

Drought management

Why the drought will continue, and how to save water

According to the United States Drought Monitor’s most recent data on New Hampshire (released Oct. 6), 21.99 percent of the state is experiencing extreme drought and 73.07 percent of the state is experiencing severe drought. Stacey Herbold, manager of the Water Conservation and Water Use Registration and Reporting programs at New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and a member of the Drought Management Team, talked about how the drought has affected the state and what residents can do to conserve water.

What impact does a drought have on New Hampshire residents?

We see agricultural operations having to work really hard to keep their crops going. … [Residents with wells] may see their well supply running low or going dry, and they may notice that their water has some sediment in it. … [Residents using community water] have restrictions put on their water use, mostly for outdoor watering … and that can range from a total ban on all outdoor watering, to watering on only certain days of the week, to no lawn watering and only hand watering of gardens. … Right now we have 165 community water systems with water restrictions in place.

What caused the drought? Is it due only to environmental factors, or are people also partially responsible?

It’s the increased water use during the summer, coupled with [environmental factors]. … Spring is one of the most important times of the year for recharging groundwater. … We had a really low snowpack in early spring and below-average rain in the spring, so that started us off in a deficit as we went into the summer. In the summer, we continued not to get enough rain to make up for it … and when temperatures rise, a lot of water ends up going to evaporation. … Water use also increases during the summer months because of outdoor watering. … A lot of people turn on their irrigation system and leave it running even when watering isn’t necessarily needed.

What kinds of water systems are used in New Hampshire, and what does a drought do to them?

Approximately half of the state is on their own private residence with well water, while the other half is on some kind of community water system. Community water systems usually have a diverse set of water sources. They may have wells in various areas, surface water sources and backup [sources], so they’re a bit more resilient when it comes to a drought. … Residential well owners tend to have either dug wells or bedrock wells. Dug wells are shallower wells that are in unconsolidated material above the bedrock. During a drought, they’re the first to run low on water, but they’re also the first to recharge when it rains. Bedrock wells are drilled down into the bedrock and receive water from various small fractures, and it takes longer for them to be impacted by low groundwater levels, but they take much longer to recharge. … It could take weeks to months.

How can people conserve water during a drought?

During the summer months, a reduction in lawn watering is the main thing, and not washing down driveways, power washing houses or washing cars with the hose constantly going. … As we move into the colder weather, people really need to focus on how to conserve water indoors. Do full loads of laundry and full loads in the dishwasher. Take shorter showers. Don’t run water while doing other things. Turn off the faucet while you’re brushing your teeth. When you’re doing dishes, fill up a basin rather than letting the water run. One simple thing that people don’t think about is that you don’t always need to have your faucet on full blast. If you’re just rinsing vegetables off, you could turn it on halfway. … Residential well owners need to space out how they use water throughout the day and throughout the week. You shouldn’t be showering, running the dishwasher and doing laundry all at once.

Should people be buying their drinking water?

Not necessarily. The percentage of the amount of water we use for drinking is so small, it doesn’t really make a difference. But if you have a well and you’re starting to see sediment in your water you may want to consider buying bottled water just to prevent yourself from drinking anything like that.

When is the current drought expected to end?

Different outlets are predicting that the drought will improve over the next month but not necessarily go away. We could enter the winter while still in a drought. Then, our next chance for a really good groundwater replenishment won’t come until next spring.

Is water conservation important even when there isn’t a drought?

Yes. It should be practiced every day. Water is not an infinite resource, and it takes all of us to make sure we have the water supply we need … One of the basic things homeowners should be doing is replacing their outdated water fixtures. … [Older] toilets and washing machines are some of the biggest water wasters. … This can also save you money on your utility bills, and [newer appliances] can save a lot of energy, which could save you money on your electric bills.

Featured photo: Stacey Herbold

News & Notes 20/10/15

Covid-19 updateAs of October 4As of October 11
Total cases statewide8,6459,143
Total current infections statewide492685
Total deaths statewide443456
New cases437 (Sept. 29 to Oct. 4)498 (Oct. 5 to Oct. 11)
Current infections: Hillsborough County250349
Current infections: Merrimack County4394
Current infections: Rockingham County91127
Information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Covid-19 news

On Oct. 5, Gov. Chris Sununu issued Exhibit S to Emergency Order No. 29, which had been issued on April 9. Emergency Order No. 29 requires state agencies, boards and commissions t

o submit recommendations to Sununu if any regulatory deadlines should be adjusted in response to the state of emergency. Per Exhibit S, emergency waiver of attendance and leave rules previously adopted by the New Hampshire Department of Administrative Services’ Division of Personnel to provide flexibility to state employees impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic will continue for the duration of the state of emergency.

During an Oct. 8 press conference, state epidemiologist Dr. Benjamin Chan said that public health officials will start to modify the way numbers are reported going forward, focusing “less on the extraneous numbers and more on numbers relative to the current situation in New Hampshire.” Even though the number of new positive test results of Covid-19 has continued to increase over the last several weeks, Dr. Chan said the percentage of positive results relative to all tests remains stable. “We believe that this is, in part, due to the large increase in testing that is being conducted statewide in many communities, both PCR and antigen testing,” he said. Dr. Chan added that there is also, however, evidence of increased community transmission, especially in Hillsborough, Rockingham and Strafford counties, likely due to a decrease in the relaxation of social distancing restrictions in some areas of the state.

On Oct. 9, Sununu issued Executive Order 2020-20, extending the state of emergency in New Hampshire due to the Covid-19 pandemic for another three weeks through at least Oct. 30. It’s the 10th extension he has issued since originally declaring a state of emergency on March 13.

Details of Sununu’s Executive Orders, Emergency Orders and other announcements are available at

Voter alert

The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office is alerting voters that an unidentified source has sent out mailers that contain an absentee ballot application form, a return envelope addressed to the recipient’s town or city clerk, and an allegedly handwritten note that says, “You are needed please fill this out and mail it in.” According to a press release, state law requires that such mailings include the identity of the entity mailing and distributing the form, which is not the case with this mailer. The Attorney General’s Office emphasized that these mailers have not been sent by any New Hampshire town or city clerk or by any state agency, and anyone who received this mailer who had already requested or submitted an absentee ballot does not need to complete another form. Anyone with questions can call the Attorney General’s Election hotline at 1-866-868-3703 or send an email to

Opioid settlement

New Hampshire has joined a $1.6 billion global settlement agreement with Mallinckrodt, the biggest generic opioid manufacturer in the U.S., according to a press release from the office of New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon J. MacDonald. The settlement comes more than a year after the state filed a complaint in Merrimack County Superior Court against Mallinckrodt alleging that the company failed to disclose risks of addiction, misrepresented the abuse-deterrence qualities of its opioids and failed to report suspicious orders of opioids, all of which violated New Hampshire’s consumer protection laws. The state also claimed that the company allegedly created a public nuisance and that between 2006 and 2014 Mallinckrodt accounted for 21.81 percent of all opioid transactions in New Hampshire; in that time, the company “sold the equivalent of approximately 153.5 million 10 mg opioid pills in New Hampshire, with a population of roughly 1.35 million people. That was enough Mallinckrodt opioids to provide each man, woman, and child in the state with 114 pills,” the release reads. Mallinckrodt, which has filed for bankruptcy, will pay $1.6 billion in cash into a trust, and a large amount of that money will go toward abating the opioid crisis. How much each state will receive will be negotiated during the bankruptcy process. The global settlement agreement includes attorneys general from 50 states and territories and local subdivisions.

NHDRA online

Last week, the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration launched Phase 2 of its new online user portal and revenue management system, for taxpayers of the New Hampshire Business Profits Tax, Business Enterprise Tax, Interest & Dividends Tax and Communication Services Tax. According to a press release, that equates to approximately 139,000 taxpayers who will now have a better online experience. The online user portal, Granite Tax Connect, allows users to file taxes electronically, schedule automated payments, and check on the status of returns, payments, and refund and credit requests. The first phase launched about a year ago, which made the portal available to those who pay the Meals & Rentals Tax, Medicaid Enhancement Tax, and Nursing Facility Quality Assessment. The department expects that by the end of 2021 all tax types will be able to utilize the online portal.

Social Security

AARP NH is hosting a free online discussion about Social Security on Wednesday, Oct. 21, at 1 p.m., according to a press release. Local and national experts will talk about how Social Security affects New Hampshire and its residents, and there will be an opportunity for people to ask questions. The discussion is free but pre-registration is required at

SEE Science Center

The SEE Science Center in Manchester has received a CARES grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services — the only award given to a New Hampshire museum, according to a press release. Only 68 projects from museums and libraries throughout the country were awarded funding out of more than 1,700 entries. SEE’s project, Creating Flexible Field Trips: Reopening Programming by Designing for Uncertainty during the Covid-19 Pandemic, is an effort to transition the Science Center’s in-person field trips to other formats so that teachers and students can continue to use the museum’s educational offerings during and after the pandemic.

The New Hampshire Food Bank will host a drive-through mobile food pantry on Friday, Oct. 16, from noon to 2 p.m. at NHTI in Concord, according to a press release. The food bank will bring the food to people in their vehicles.

U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen was scheduled to visit Catholic Medical Center in Manchester on Tuesday to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the state’s health care providers, according to a press announcement. Shaheen also planned to talk about providing more resources to providers through relief legislation.

There should be no shortage of golden retrievers in Amherst on Sunday, Oct. 18, as the town holds its Goldens on the Green event from 1 to 3 p.m. on the town green. According to a press release, there will be a kissing booth, pool diving and a parade of goldens. Donations will be accepted, with the money raised going to animals awaiting adoption at the Humane Society for Greater Nashua. Everyone is welcome, including people who don’t own golden retrievers.

Starting in the fall of 2021, Rivier University in Nashua will have men’s and women’s ice hockey, according to a press release. The school plans to launch a national search for head coaches this month.

Be aware

How to help in the fight against domestic violence

How to help in the fight against domestic violence

Bruce Miner is a volunteer for Bridges, a Nashua-based chapter of the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. With October being National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Miner talked about why raising awareness is so important and how people can join the fight against domestic violence in New Hampshire.

What does domestic violence look like?
[The abuser] is usually an intimate partner — a lover, a dating partner or an ex — who wants to have power and control over the victim. The forms of domestic violence are many. Obviously, there’s physical and sexual abuse, but there’s also economic control, stalking, intimidation and threats, the use of isolation, psychological pressure, possessiveness, the abuse of pets and even the destruction of household items.

How prevalent is domestic violence in New Hampshire?
It’s definitely a problem. Just to give you an idea, in New Hampshire, there are 13 [domestic violence centers], and they handle about 15,000 calls a year, and 9,000 of those calls are directly related to a domestic violence situation.

What is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month about?
It’s … [about] trying to open people’s eyes and bring awareness and attention to the pervasiveness and severity of domestic violence, and then have action taken as a result of the awareness. … It’s also about getting the message out there [to victims]. States do fatality review studies and have found that, in both New Hampshire and across the country, of the women killed [by their abusers], only four percent had availed services provided by domestic violence centers. That’s why it’s so huge that we make sure they know that these centers and services exist, and that they’re totally free and confidential.

What happens when someone calls the Helpline?
First, we ascertain that the person is safe and can talk safely. Then, we ask if there are any injuries, if they need to go to the hospital or if they need emergency services. If they’re in a safe spot and there are no injuries, we’ll have a conversation about what’s going on and discuss and explore what they would like to do.

Has the pandemic made it more difficult for crisis centers to help victims, or for victims to seek help?
It’s been a huge issue. Police departments have had significant increases in domestic violence calls. Women have been more reluctant to leave the house or go to the hospital for fear of catching the virus or bringing it back home to their kids. … We’ve had to cancel fundraisers. We’ve had to postpone training for new advocates. Support groups have had to be done remotely. The impact has been horrible.

What are the effects of domestic violence on the victim?
There are traumatic effects. They have a sense of helplessness, fear, lack of control and despair. Depression is a big issue. It also tends to bring on physical ailments. If a victim has children, the ability to parent becomes significantly compromised as well.

What are the effects of domestic violence on a community at large?
Money is a big one. … I’m talking about medical costs; hospitalization costs; lost wages from time out of work, since it’s difficult for a person being abused to concentrate on work, and they may not show up to work at all; and the cost of the legal system and prosecution. Homelessness is another one. Studies indicate 67 percent of women who are homeless have been victims of domestic violence.

Does domestic violence affect men?
There are situations where the woman is the abuser and the man is the victim, or there’s a man abusing a man or a woman abusing a woman, but it’s a small fraction. Nationally, in 85 percent of domestic violence situations, a woman is the victim and a man is the abuser. In New Hampshire, it’s closer to 95 percent. But we [crisis centers] treat everyone the same and provide services to anyone in a domestic violence situation.

How can [people] help?
New Hampshire chapters can always use additional volunteers to work the support lines. They’ll have to go through very intensive and comprehensive training that allows them to handle those calls, but I can say that, from my own experience, it’s tough to put into words the gratification you get when you can take someone’s tears and despair and turn them into hope and a plan going forward. … Additionally, we have shelters in all 13 chapters, and those shelters can always use household items. They could also use people to work in the shelters.

New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
Crisis centers are located in Concord, Manchester, Nashua, Durham, Portsmouth, Laconia, Berlin, Littleton, Conway, Plymouth, Lebanon, Claremont and Keene.
24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-866-644-3574; 24-hour Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-277-5570. Visit

Featured photo: Bruce Miner. Courtesy photo.

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