Kingdom of Bones, by James Rollins

Kingdom of Bones, by James Rollins (William Morrow, 435 pages)

Jim Czajkowski — you might know him by his pen name, James Rollins — writes about viruses with such authority you might think he has a secret medical degree. That’s almost right.

He was a veterinarian in California before his side gig as a novelist became so successful that he couldn’t do both anymore. He told a veterinary trade publication that at one point he was working 15 hours a day at his veterinary practice while writing a novel a year in between appointments.

Now he’s written 23 novels by himself and co-authored five others. His latest is Kingdom of Bones, the 16th in what is known as his “Sigma Force” series, named for the covert team of highly trained specialists — Rollins has called them “scientists with guns” — called in to save the world from various perils. (Think the Avengers, without the otherworldliness, and with a military war dog.)

The story involves a mysterious malady that emerges in Africa and threatens the human race, which Rollins is somewhat apologetic about, given the ongoing pandemic. He writes in an author’s note that he pitched the book before Covid-19 and had reservations about going forward with the project, saying “it felt insensitive to tackle such a subject at this moment, to seek to entertain with ‘plague fiction’ when the world was suffering.”

He worried needlessly; the book never once feels exploitative, and in fact is at its most interesting when Rollins expounds on topics with relevance to Covid, such as the fact that “Each hour, some thirty-three million viral particles cascade onto every square meter of this planet.” And the fact that some scientists believe that “ancient viral invasions” may comprise up to 80 percent of the human genome. (I could have done without this knowledge; it is far better to think we are made of stardust than viral mutations.)

This is the sort of information that Rollins scatters throughout the story, making Kingdom of Bones a thriller that is deeply intelligent.

It begins in the Congo, where a cadre of large, angry winged ants are floating in floodwater and making their way onto land, where they are attacking humans in a refugee camp with unusual ferocity. While some people who are bitten appear unaffected, others fall into a catatonic state. Before all of the people can be evacuated, the camp is also overrun by a band of aggressive baboons, creatures that had previously been shy around humans but suddenly seemed set on destroying them.

As if this isn’t chaos enough, a band of militants bursts onto the scene and abducts the handful of people that they don’t kill, including a mother and her now catatonic baby, who had been bitten by the ants. All this sets up the bat signal to flash for the Sigma Force and Commander Gray Pierce to step in and try to figure out why animals are suddenly becoming more bloodthirsty and cunning — even moths are turning deadly. As one young doctor says, “It’s as if all of Nature is about to turn against us.”

As the team tries to discover what is infecting the animals, they encounter killer bats, jackals, aardwolves (an animal that looks like a striped hyena and eats insects), and even hippopotamuses that seem to have been weaponized. This leads to snappy dialogue like “We’re about to play the worst game of Hungry Hungry Hippos,” but fortunately, that sort of banter is limited, as is the side story about a sinister mining executive who may or may not have a hand in what’s going on.

Rollins’ prose is generally sophisticated, certainly for the genre, although I confess there came a point where I started rolling my eyes every time a character’s eyes or face “shone.” But that’s more a problem of the editors, not the writer.

I should note that while many of the Sigma Force characters were featured in previous books, Kingdom of Bones works as a stand-alone novel; you don’t have to know the history of the force (I didn’t) although Rollins says the characters evolve throughout the series. I also suspect the book would be easier to digest knowing some backstories. Although the plot is easy enough to follow, the characters are many and complex.

Although the book is somewhat moralistic (ye climate deniers, stay away), and wanders slightly into The Overstory territory toward the end, it doesn’t feel preachy. It’s a solid summer read that raises interesting questions about whether the world at some point will rear back and retaliate for the damage we’ve done to it. (And here I’m not talking about climate but pesticides and exposed power lines.)

Also, it has an opening line that dares us not to read more: “The Reverend William Sheppard silently recited the Lord’s prayer as he waited for the cannibal to finish filing his teeth.” Five stars for that opener, four for the rest of the book. B

Book Notes

Endurance athlete Cameron Hanes is probably the opposite of what we think of when we hear the word “bookish.”

His passion is bowhunting in Alaska and to be prepared for it he runs ultramarathons (200-plus miles) in the mountains. According to his publisher, his goal is to become the “ultimate predator.” In the zombie apocalypse, you want to be on this guy’s team. Somehow, however, he found time to sit down and type things, resulting in a book, Endure: How to Work Hard, Outlast and Keep Hammering (St. Martin’s Press, 336 pages), that’s selling well this month.

If you like to be outside in ways that are a little less extreme, check out Outdoor Kids in an Inside World (Random House, 208 pages) by Steven Rinella.

That’s not to say that Rinella isn’t a man of extremes; he is also the author of 2020’s The MeatEater Guide to Wilderness Skills and Survival (Random House, 464 pages) and host of a Netflix show called MeatEater. But his new book encourages families to get “radically engaged with nature.” I’m not a big fan of hunting, but the opening pages, wherein he describes butchering a deer his 10-year-old had shot, and then feeding the fat to the birds, was rather riveting.

Also out this month to help us channel our inner woodsman, there’s The Rugged Life: The Modern Guide to Self-Reliance (Rodale, 272 pages) by Clint Emerson, a retired Navy SEAL who reminds us of another Emerson (Ralph Waldo) and his call for a “greater self-reliance.”

Got to confess, the title of The Rugged Life is not nearly as compelling as that of Emerson’s first book, 2015’s 100 Deadly Skills. But he promises to teach three essential skills: how to build, how to farm and how to hunt. Pretty good for 272 pages.

And if you’re not too tired after all that, check out The Workout Bucket List (Running Press, 400 pages), Greg Pesto’s compilation of more than 300 “life-changing races, epic challenges and incredible hikes, bikes, lifts and runs” to do before you die. And yes, some are in New Hampshire: he recommends various Pinkham Notch hikes and a climb up Mount Washington.

If you haven’t already figured this out yet, one of these titles might make an excellent Father’s Day gift. Not that women won’t enjoy them, too.

Book Events

Author events

TAMMY SOLLENBERGER Author presents The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self. Bookery, 844 Elm St., Manchester. Wed., June 1, 6 p.m. Visit or call 836-6600.

JAMIE RASKIN Author and congressman presents Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth and the Trials of American Democracy. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Fri., June 3, 11 a.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

PAUL DOIRON Author presents Hatchet Island. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Wed., June 29, 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

PAUL BROGAN Author presents A Sprinkling of Stardust Over the Outhouse. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Thurs., June 30, 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

SARAH MCCRAW CROW Author presents The Wrong Kind of Woman. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Tues., July 19, 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

CASEY SHERMAN Author presents Helltown. Bookery, 844 Elm St., Manchester. Sun., Aug. 14, 1:30 p.m. Visit or call 836-6600.


DOWN CELLAR POETRY SALON Poetry event series presented by the Poetry Society of New Hampshire. Monthly. First Sunday. Visit

Writers groups

MERRIMACK VALLEY WRITERS’ GROUP All published and unpublished local writers who are interested in sharing their work with other writers and giving and receiving constructive feedback are invited to join. The group meets regularly Email [email protected].

Writer submissions

UNDER THE MADNESS Magazine designed and managed by an editorial board of New Hampshire teens under the mentorship of New Hampshire State Poet Laureate Alexandria Peary. features creative writing by teens ages 13 to 19 from all over the world, including poetry and short fiction and creative nonfiction. Published monthly. Submissions must be written in or translated into English and must be previously unpublished. Visit for full submission guidelines.

Book Clubs

BOOKERY Monthly. Third Thursday, 6 p.m. 844 Elm St., Manchester. Visit or call 836-6600.

GIBSON’S BOOKSTORE Online, via Zoom. Monthly. First Monday, 5:30 p.m. Bookstore based in Concord. Visit or call 224-0562.

TO SHARE BREWING CO. 720 Union St., Manchester. Monthly. Second Thursday, 6 p.m. RSVP required. Visit or call 836-6947.

GOFFSTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 High St., Goffstown. Monthly. Third Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Call 497-2102, email [email protected] or visit

BELKNAP MILL Online. Monthly. Last Wednesday, 6 p.m. Based in Laconia. Email [email protected].

NASHUA PUBLIC LIBRARY Online. Monthly. Second Friday, 3 p.m. Call 589-4611, email [email protected] or visit

Album Reviews 22/05/26

Ghostkeeper, Multidimensional Culture (Victory Pool Records)

I suppose I wasn’t prepared for how much a band said to combine “elements of ‘60s girl-group melodies, country music, ‘90s indie rock, African pop, and traditional Aboriginal pow wow music” would come off like the soundtrack band from a late 1970s no-budget hippie-horror film, but there it is. I mean, I like this record overall (which means nothing, really; it won’t be getting into my summer mix CD rotation, to be sure); it’s probably good for one’s soul to hear a dude singer pontificating over a retro soul beat that’s decorated in Mellotron keyboards right out of Donovan during his peak acid-trip era. This quartet is from Calgary, Canada, but it’s not like anything you might be imagining; in fact the scene there does seem to be heavy into psychedelica and such. To cut to the chase, this is like Woodstock vibe retrofitted for Generation iPhone. It’s not annoying at all, which is all that’s needed in this zeitgeist as far as I’m concerned. A

Devil Master, Ecstasies Of Never Ending Night (Relapse Records)

By now you know how much I enjoy bragging about the endless promo releases that land on this desk. It doesn’t take much to get my full attention (and while I’m at it, if you’re in a local band that has an official release and wants a review in this space, really, send a message to my Facebook, it’s the only reliable method), but, as you’ve seen, I do tend to go for albums that have some sort of horror angle, like this one. That said, normally I ignore albums that are just schlocky, but in this case the title and concept (real devil worship) just hit me with a Stupid Stick, and here we are. The title track opens up this one with ’60s surf guitar more or less, and then comes the Raging Speedhorn-style doom-thrashing and all the other stuff that’s made Relapse my by-far-favorite indie metal label. The balance forward is prototypical death metal with an early Mastodon edge, with un-ironic titles like “Golgotha’s Cruel Song.” Beelzebub music done right. A

If you’re in a local band, now’s a great time to let me know about your EP, your single, whatever’s on your mind. Let me know how you’re holding yourself together without being able to play shows or jam with your homies. Send a recipe for keema matar. Message me on Twitter (@esaeger) or Facebook (eric.saeger.9).

At the Sofaplex 22/05/19

Senior Year (R)

Rebel Wilson, Sam Richardson.

Also Mary Holland, Zoe Chao, Justin Hartley and Chris Parnell.

In 2002, cheer squad captain Stephanie Conway (Angourie Rice) is days away from achieving her vision of the perfect life: She’ll be going to prom with her handsome boyfriend, Blaine (Tyler Barnhardt), where she fully expects to win prom queen and then they’ll get married and move into her dream house and live happily ever after.

Except at the pre-prom pep rally, Stephanie’s rival Tiffany (Ana Yi Puig) causes a stunt to go wrong and Stephanie lands with such a thud that she’s sent into a coma for 20 years. When she wakes up she’s horrified to learn that the strange 37-year-old woman looking at her is actually Stephanie’s (Wilson) own reflection in the mirror and that the world around her has moved on. Uncertain of what to do with her life, she capitalizes on the fact that her childhood friend Martha (Holland) is now the high school’s principal and she goes back to school to finish the one month left of her senior year. While Martha and Seth (Richardson), another friend from the old days, are still around (Seth is now the school’s library), so is Tiffany (Chao), now married to Stephanie’s old boyfriend Blaine (Hartley) and the mom of Bri (Jade Bender), the school’s new queen bee.

This comedy offers a blend of Big/13 Going On 30-type kid brain in adult body comedy, Strangers With Candy and its inappropriate adult in a high school setting, and the 21 Jump Street movie with its comedy about Gen X/elder millennial-types encountering modern high school culture. It is not quite as smart, funny or sharp as any of those properties, but it has its moments. What Wilson lacks in emotional range she makes up for, to some degree, in willingness to be as ridiculous as the scene requires.

Senior Year isn’t a good movie but it feels like the kind of movie that could hit you at the right moment and be a thoroughly satisfying movie, with its occasionally successful bits of silliness, multiple dance numbers, turn-of-the-millennium jokes and the affability of its cast. C+ Available on Netflix.

Out of the Corner, by Jennifer Grey

Out of the Corner, by Jennifer Grey (Ballantine, 335 pages)

She had the time of her life. I’m sorry, but it had to be said.

There’s no other way to sum up the gilded, glossy existence of actress Jennifer Grey (best-known for Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off), her much publicized problems with her nose notwithstanding.

I came to Grey’s new memoir, Out of the Corner, with exceedingly low expectations, having read too many celebrity memoirs that exist only because the authors are famous. Shockingly, it turns out that Grey can actually write and has entertaining things to say. Granted, some chapters are more riveting than others — she charges out of the starting gate with an essay on her plastic surgery that’s as good as anything I’ve read in months.

Things necessarily slow down when she fills us in on, say, middle school — there’s really no one famous enough to make me care about what their life was like when they had braces and acne. But even then her life was interesting enough (naked people in a hot tub at Larry Hagman’s house, anybody?) to drag us through the wonder years to return to the interesting stuff.

Grey is the daughter of Academy Award performer Joel Grey and Jo Wilder, and the granddaughter of Mickey Katz. She admits that this star lineage earned her “a certain degree of warmth right out of the gate” whenever she met someone in New York or L.A. In New York, she recalls her parents giving star-studded dinner parties and going to a grand Christmas party each year where famous musicians, actors and directors would stand around a grand piano robustly singing show tunes — accompanied by Stephen Sondheim.

“So even though we were Jews and didn’t have our own Christmas tree, we did okay,” she writes in an understated style.

Her parents led glamorous lives and were often gone for weeks, but were fiercely devoted to their family (which included Grey’s younger brother who was adopted). But for all of Grey’s fond memories, there are glimmers of dysfunction — her mother, for example, would at times walk around the house naked in front of her daughter, once told her that she’d tried to commit suicide by putting her head in an oven, and once told Grey that her brother was beautiful but she was “interesting looking.”

It seems like stuff you tell to a therapist, not put out in the world, but it makes for interesting reading, even though it’s unclear what Grey’s motives are, given that her parents, now divorced, are still alive and she doesn’t seem to hate them.

Side note: Grey’s father, who recently turned 90, came out as gay in 2015 at the age of 82. But in her memoir, Jennifer Grey explains how she and her mother found out years before: when the mother of Matthew Broderick, whom Grey was dating at the time, told her.

“It was like a sniper attack,” Grey writes, saying the knowledge “rattled me to my core” — not because of his sexuality, but because of the deception. It was heartache, she wrote, to know that he had to hide an important piece of his life from the people who loved him.

Out of the Corner is filled with deeply personal revelations like that — often wrapped in a tale about a Hollywood superstar. And she provides a backstage pass to all her movies, telling, for example, how she was cast before Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing and had not wanted him to get the part.

But that isn’t why the book is good. It’s good simply on the strength of its writing, which sent me digging through the acknowledgements to see if there was a hidden ghostwriter. Apparently there was not; although Grey credits an editor, Barbara Jones, who worked closely with her, she says that the novelist Dani Sharpiro told her she needed to write the book herself. (Is there anyone she doesn’t know?)

There are also surprisingly mature themes running through the memoir, such as Grey’s mother’s increasing unhappiness as she sets her own talent and ambition aside to support her husband’s career. “I come from a long line of women who became mothers and wives at the expense of the career they wanted.” That said, Grey herself got married and became a mother at the age of 41, an experience, she writes, “that far exceeded my wildest dreams.”

About that nose — Grey writes that her mother’s attitude was “In case of emergency, break nose” and that when she was young, “I had always felt like my nose needed protection, like a kid sister who regularly got bullied on the schoolyard. I was my nose’s keeper.”

But Grey liked how she looked, and she only succumbed to pressure to have it altered after a surgeon told her that a deviated septum had her breathing at only 20 percent of normal capacity. Two procedures later, it did not go well; on a plane, Michael Douglas (there she goes again) didn’t recognize her. A woman working an airline counter looked at her ID and said, “I’ve seen Dirty Dancing a dozen times. I know Jennifer Grey. And you are not her.”

Grey now seems to be deeply at peace with her nose and her life, and for someone who has seen Larry Hagman naked in a hot tub, seems to be shockingly well adjusted, and even, dare I say, wise. Her book is an unexpected summer pleasure, though it helps if you’ve seen the movies. A

Book Notes

The fiction winner has a title that sounds like a Borat movie: The Netanyahus: An Account of A Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family (New York Review Books, 248 pages).

Joshua Cohen’s novel is described as historical fiction, which assigns way too much gravitas to a novel that looks more to be a merry romp through history enlivened by imagination. I plan to read it not because of the Pulitzer, but because of its title.

Yet someone left a one-star review on Amazon and wrote: “Clueless author.” That didn’t age well.

The Pulitzer for biography went to the late Winfred Rembert — and his “as told to” co-author Erin I. Kelly — forChasing Me to My Grave, an Artist’s Memoir of the Jim Crow South (Bloomsbury, 304 pages). The book intersperses photographs of Rembert’s art with his stories of growing up in Georgia in abject poverty amid undisguised racism, his time in prison and his evolution into an acclaimed artist.

No one could vilify this poignant remembrance or author, but there were only 80 ratings on Amazon, an astonishingly low number, compared to, say, 19,000-plus for Stephanie Myers’ Twilight and 23,800 for Jodi Picoult’s Wish You Were Here.

Finally, the prize for general nonfiction went to Andrea Elliott, a staff writer for The New York Times who spent eight years following the life of a homeless Brooklyn child named Dasani. The resulting book is Invisible Child, Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City(Random House, 624 pages).

This one fared better with Amazon readers — 910 ratings, many of whom followed Dasani’s story as it was serialized in the Times. And most found the book engrossing, despite its formidable length. There were Pulitzers awarded for history and poetry, as well, but these three merit your attention — no matter what anyone on Amazon says.

Book Events

Author events

JAMIE RASKIN Author and congressman presents Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth and the Trials of American Democracy. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Fri., June 3, 11 a.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

R.W.W. GREENE Author presents Mercury Rising. Bookery, 844 Elm St., Manchester. Fri., May 20, 5:30 p.m. Visit or call 836-6600.

TAMMY SOLLENBERGER Author presents The One Inside: 30 Days to Your Authentic Self. Bookery, 844 Elm St., Manchester. Wed., June 1, 6 p.m. Visit or call 836-6600.

PAUL DOIRON Author presents Hatchet Island. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Wed., June 29, 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

PAUL BROGAN Author presents A Sprinkling of Stardust Over the Outhouse. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Thurs., June 30, 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

SARAH MCCRAW CROW Author presents The Wrong Kind of Woman. Gibson’s Bookstore, 45 S. Main St., Concord. Tues., July 19, 6:30 p.m. Visit or call 224-0562.

CASEY SHERMAN Author presents Helltown. Bookery, 844 Elm St., Manchester. Sun., Aug. 14, 1:30 p.m. Visit or call 836-6600.


DOWN CELLAR POETRY SALON Poetry event series presented by the Poetry Society of New Hampshire. Monthly. First Sunday. Visit

Writers groups

MERRIMACK VALLEY WRITERS’ GROUP All published and unpublished local writers who are interested in sharing their work with other writers and giving and receiving constructive feedback are invited to join. The group meets regularly Email [email protected].

Writer submissions

UNDER THE MADNESS Magazine designed and managed by an editorial board of New Hampshire teens under the mentorship of New Hampshire State Poet Laureate Alexandria Peary. features creative writing by teens ages 13 to 19 from all over the world, including poetry and short fiction and creative nonfiction. Published monthly. Submissions must be written in or translated into English and must be previously unpublished. Visit for full submission guidelines.

Book Clubs

BOOKERY Monthly. Third Thursday, 6 p.m. 844 Elm St., Manchester. Visit or call 836-6600.

GIBSON’S BOOKSTORE Online, via Zoom. Monthly. First Monday, 5:30 p.m. Bookstore based in Concord. Visit or call 224-0562.

TO SHARE BREWING CO. 720 Union St., Manchester. Monthly. Second Thursday, 6 p.m. RSVP required. Visit or call 836-6947.

Album Reviews 22/05/19

Curse Of Lono, People In Cars (Submarine Cat Records)

Well this is nice, even though I’m not big into Lou Reed. Now, that’s not to say it’s a whole lot like Lou Reed, but that’s the first tangible feel to the third LP from this London band, which, like so many U.K. collaborations, has an obvious fetish for the American South; there’s slide guitar on here, as well as a lot of really agreeable, quite pretty Americana vibe. I suppose I really need to elaborate on the Lou Reed reference, though, just to be clear; singer/bandleader Felix Bechtolsheimer’s voice evokes a dude serenading himself absently while noodling around with his bobblehead collection, in case you need an explainer. So it’s pleasant and unobtrusive in that way, and despite the indefatigably urban PR source that sent me this, it’s very, very accessible and should please fans of Wilco who wouldn’t mind a little more Amos Lee added to that core sound. Not a thing wrong here. A

Focus, “Aether”/”Sequinox” (Dissident Music)

I’m telling you, folks, I’m really trying to support good progressive-house music (and this stuff here isn’t just good, it’s great), but the assumed knowledge on the part of these Beatport-dependent artists (and their utterly incompetent PR flaks) is really getting on my last raw nerve. I’ve already been through two pages of Google trying to get the deets on exactly who this person or soundsystem is, but the only clue I remain left with is a count-’em 180-word blurb sheet that indicates this two-song upcoming-album-tease is the work of one guy who’s from somewhere in Florida, and that’s it. Is it something I’ve never heard before (and mind you, house DJ stuff was what kept me writing for the all-night-club-centric Miami New Times for about a year, like, I really do like it a lot when it’s done well)? No, it is not, but trust me when I say this is up there, meaning Above & Beyond/ Armand Van Helden-level. Beach vibes, lovely synth lines, sexy vocals, all the ingredients in place. Recommended of course, but man, this whole cult needs to lay down some entry-level carpet so that the genre ceases being so insular and unapproachable to newbies. Holy freaking crow. A+


• Uh-oh, it’s May 20 and you know what that means. I mean, I hope you do, because I don’t, all I know is that there will be new albums, and our purpose here is for me to try to hypnotize you so you’ll avoid the bad new albums and just buy the good ones, if there are any. Since my little Jedi mind trick never works anyway, let’s reverse-psychology this thing for once and kick things off with an album that I’d actually recommend, only because it is an album by farm-girl-turned-edgy-goth-queen Zola Jesus, and its title is Arkhon. I’ve talked about her before because I find her quite fascinating; her music combines electronic, industrial, classical and goth into a fricassee of weird, which has gotten her gigs doing her weird act at venues like urban museums and whatnot. She’s guested on songs by Orbital, M83 and Hollywood Vampires, so she’s like one of the coolest people ever born, but she spent a lot of her early life in North Dakota with literally no one around but her parents. I know, that’s how most people are living now anyway, but whatever, what I’m saying is she’s like a David Lynchian version of a ghost girl, and she causes trouble in the music industry whenever she can, so that makes her a good person no matter what this new single, “Lost,” might sound like. As is her habit, the video is a cinematic treasure, there she is, trudging around in the snow with a bunch of sticks, and there are all these weird mountains around, but it could be a scene from someplace that actually exists — yes, it does, the video was shot in Turkey, at Argos in Cappadocia. The music is really epic, a creepy industrial vibe, and she’s singing in a pretty chant style with the echo knob cranked all the way. So she puts down the bundle of sticks, picks up a torch and goes into this mountain cave, and she starts seeing visions of herself as some sort of Turkish goth goddess, and it makes no sense from there, but the song is really cool, kind of New Age-y but goth and spooky. You’ll probably dig it if there’s the slightest trace of cool in your DNA.

• Half the people who saw the movie The Eternals thought it was stupid and had no character development, and the other half were all like, “Cool, another excuse for me to wear my Captain America jammies!” I’m totally sick of Marvel movies and just wish they’d stop, but if you saw The Eternals, you got to see Harry Styles for two seconds, during one of those stupid mid-credits things at the end, you know, when your date really needs to use the bathroom but you can’t because maybe if you don’t wait for the credits to rattle off the 42,858 animators it took to make another one of Marvel’s glorified Popeye cartoons, you’ll miss extra footage. Anyway, Styles is also a boyband tin idol, and he has a new album on the way, called Harry’s House. Since Harry has a fondness for selling out, he loves him some ’80s music (for now), so the first single, “As It Was” commits petty theft against A-ha’s “Take On Me” and then, even with that brainless pop tune serving as its, ahem, template, becomes tedious and trite. OK.

• Wait a second, some good local-ish news, as Methuen, Mass., band Cave In releases its newest LP, Heavy Pendulum, through the mighty Relapse Records label! The singer is kind of normal, kind of Alice in Chains-ish, but the music is doomy and maniacally heavy, think Crowbar and whatnot. Good for these guys.

• We’ll close up shop this week with another actual-good album, Raw Data Feel, from U.K. art-rock band Everything Everything! The song “Bad Friday” is pure genius, a fast-paced vocal thing that reads like a cross between Bone Thugs and Bruno Mars. You should go check this out this instant.

If you’re in a local band, now’s a great time to let me know about your EP, your single, whatever’s on your mind. Let me know how you’re holding yourself together without being able to play shows or jam with your homies. Send a recipe for keema matar. Message me on Twitter (@esaeger) or Facebook (eric.saeger.9).

At the Sofaplex 22/05/12

The Bubble (R)

Karen Gillan, Pedro Pascal.

Also Peter Serafinowicz, Rob Delaney, Maria Bakalova, Leslie Mann, Iris Apatow, Keegan-Michael Key, David Duchovny, Fred Amisen, Kate McKinnon and so many more in this Judd Apatow-directed and co-written endeavor. Gillan, Mann, Duchovny, Key, Pascal and young Apatow play the central characters shooting the sixth movie of a dinosaur-based action franchise in a pandemic movie-set bubble at an English estate. Their time on the shoot begins with a 14-day quarantine wherein we watch actress Carol (Gillan) nearly lose her mind. Then the actors continue to drive each other crazy while they begin the movie itself, what with all the jockeying for a better lines, the various dramas of their personal lives and the cabin fever of being confined to a hotel.

Coming in at more than two hours, The Bubble very much feels like an extended director’s cut on a concept that was still being worked out even as the movie was being shot, with lots of flabbiness and seemingly every idea that anyone had depicted on screen. Particularly in the first half or even first two thirds, you almost feel like you’re watching a collection of sketches on a theme more than a straightforward narrative. The movie pulls itself together toward the end, finding a (relatively) tighter pacing and more laughs.

While I would be happy to never watch another pandemic-related bit of content ever again, The Bubble is more of a “movie set” movie than a “pandemic” movie and its affability builds as it goes along. And it helps that the cast is full of people who seem to understand the assignment and are having fun. It’s a perfectly serviceable bit of comedy to have on when you are looking to devote 40 to 63 percent of your attention to something. B- Available on Netflix.

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