Quality of Life 21/08/26

Police beats Fire, CHaD kids win

First responders played a back-and-forth game of baseball on Aug. 20 during the 10th CHaD Battle of the Badges at Delta Dental Stadium in Manchester, but after pulling away in the eighth inning, Team Police beat Team Fire 11-5, making it their fourth straight victory in the series and bringing their all-time record to 7-3 over Fire, according to a press release. And along with all the fun, the event raised more than $111,000 to support patients and critical programs at Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock.

Score: +1

Comment: Team Police also edged out a fundraising victory, bringing in $2,200 more than Fire, according to the release.

Look out for lanternflies

New Hampshire might have a new invasive species to worry about. According to a report from NHPR, the invasive spotted lanternfly can devastate fruit crops, and while it so far has not spread in New Hampshire, state officials said it will likely return. The spotted lanternfly is currently causing problems in the mid-Atlantic, where in states like New York, officials are telling people to kill any lanternflies they see. They’re about an inch long with black-spotted grey wings and red underwings, the report said, and they weaken plants and trees by sucking out their sap and leaving behind feces that attract other insects and can cause black sooty mold. State entomologist Piera Siegert said the bugs’ favorite host plant is the tree of heaven and is also considered invasive in the U.S. — locally, it grows in Manchester, Nashua and other “disturbed habitat” areas, such as along highways and rail corridors.

Score: -1

Comment: Siegert said in the NHPR report that New Hampshire residents should look out for the bugs and their waxy egg masses and send any sightings or specimens to the state.

A cookie to look forward to

A new brownie-inspired cookie with caramel-flavored crème and a hint of sea salt is being added to the 2022 Girl Scout cookie lineup. According to a press release from the Girl Scouts of the Green and White Mountains, Adventurefuls will “take cookie lovers on a delicious taste adventure just like Girl Scouts go on their own amazing adventures through the program.” Such adventures include earning new Cookie Business badges for running their own cookie businesses and selling online via the Digital Cookie platform. The badges range from goal setting and effective sales-pitching to using market research, creating business plans and implementing digital marketing campaigns, the release said.

Score: +1

Comment: New Hampshire’s cookie season kicks off Dec. 29; sign up at girlscoutcookies.org to be notified when Adventurefuls, plus favorites like Thin Mints and Samoas, go on sale.

QOL score: 89
Net change: +1
QOL this week: 90

What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at news@hippopress.com.

Why can’t you play two QB’s?

So the “Should it be Cam or Mac?” media soap opera raged on again all last week. It got a weird jolt when both played very well in the Patriots’ 35-0 pre-season rout of the Eagles. Though it should be noted it all came against the second team Philly D.

Depending on which camp the media member was in, the pontificators said the showing was further evidence their choice should be the Week 1 starter. Not that it matters, because with Coach B leaning toward the veteran, I suspect no matter what Mac Jones does, it’s Cam Newton’s job if he keeps playing like he did vs. Philly, when he had more mustard on his throws than he did all last year.

But here’s my question: why can’t the Patriots play both guys based on game circumstances and match-ups? Especially since their distinctly different skills are so complementary?

Say what you will about Cam’s puny eight TD passes last year, but he still ran for nearly 600 yards while scoring a QB team record 12 touchdowns to account for just four fewer touchdowns than Tom Brady threw for in 2019. As for Mac, his game is about quick, accurate, on the money short throws that move the chains and he’s run the no huddle in each game, which is something Newton never did in 2020.

Of course playing two quarterbacks challenges the old axiom that says if you have two quarterbacks you have none. And there’s also the same voices the likes of the Wright Brothers, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and others heard on their way to changing the world from folks with tiny brains who said, “We can’t do that, because we’ve never done that before.”

Except when it comes to NFL football it has been done already, and quite successfully at that, though admittedly not recently. Here are a few examples.

1950 L.A. Rams: I know this was 1950, but with two Hall of Fame quarterbacks and HoF wideouts in Crazy Legs Hirsch and Tom Fears this team chucked it all over the lot. So much so that their 38.3 points per game season scoring average is still the highest in NFL history. Norm Van Brocklin and Bob Waterfield each started six games and played in all 12 games, as NVB threw 233 passes for 2,061 yards and 18 touchdowns, while Waterfield managed to throw 213 for 1,540 and 11 while being married to ’50s Hollywood starlet Jane Russell. The combined 29 passes would have been a NFL record if done by one guy. They made it to the title game, where they lost to the Browns 30-28.

1956 Giants: Kind of a weird setup where Don Heinrich started all 12 games but Charlie Conerly came off the bench to play more snaps in every game as he threw twice as many passes (170-88) as Heinrich. It worked, though, as the G-Men went 8-3-1 and crushed the Bears 47-7 in the title game.

1970 Raiders:Daryle Lamonica was the starter and backup George Blanda only threw 55 passes. But George, not Lamonica, was the 1970 Player of the Year because over a seven-week period he rallied Oakland from behind to win or tie six games in the final minute by throwing the winning TD pass or moving them in position to where he kicked the winning (or tying) FG.

1972 Washington Football Team: To this day I don’t know why George Allen played the wobble and win ex-halfback Billy Kilmer at QB over the great Sonny Jurgensen. But any time they were down by 10 or so in the second half, in came the relief-pitching Sonny to chuck spirals all over the yard. It was actually a multi-year thing, but in ’72 it took them all the way to the SB before they lost as the Dolphins completed their undefeated season.

Can it work? In a word, yes, but it’s likely up to Cam. QB controversies are most destructive when the locker room gets split over who should play. So if Cam fought it there might be issues. But then again, this is his last chance to show he can still win big as a starter, so if Bill wants the kid to play he may have to go along no matter what.

As for implementation, football is now a game of situational players and player groups. Long yardage, short yardage, red zone packages, down 14 in the fourth quarter, up 14 in the fourth, quarter etc. Just assign the appropriate QB to the appropriate package and their job will be to be ready when the call comes and produce when on the field. What’s the big deal?

How would it work? Given their knack for innovation I’m sure Josh McDaniels and Coach B could come up with plenty of ways to employ their combined skills, like these:

The change of pace:With Mac already showing he can handle the no huddle, they could pick up the pace to start the second half (and derail any adjustments) by running it for three or four series. Then bring Cam back in with a jumbo package to ground and pound a winded defense to control the ball and clock.

The wildcat: If the choice is to start with the pinpoint passer, then make Cam a Wildcat QB like New Orleans successfully did last year with Taysom Hill, who is neither the passer nor the runner Newton is.

Relief pitcher: If Jones turns out to be the more reliable passer, then he plays the Jurgensen/Blanda relief pitcher role if they fall behind and need to pass on most downs.

I’m not sure if Coach B would try this, but I am sure if they did they could pull it off. Plus it would be great to see the naysayers kill it until it worked and then spend the next few years pontificating about how they knew it would work from the start.

Got it.

To be continued

What to know about the Delta variant

Dr. Jose Mercado, associate hospital epidemiologist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, answered questions about the Delta variant of Covid.

How concerned should we be about the Delta variant?

The Delta variant [is] classified as a variant of concern [and] is now the predominantly circulating variant in the United States. One thing that we are quite sure of is the increased transmissibility of the disease the likelihood of one person infecting other individuals who are so susceptible to the disease compared to the original strain. The thing that we still don’t know is the likelihood of the Delta variant causing severe disease and hospitalizations. We assume that it is more likely, but we need more data around that.

How prevalent is it in New Hampshire?

We do not routinely test … each positive test to confirm the variant … [but] there is a proportion of [positive tests] that the state [has tested for the variant], just to confirm the epidemiology of the disease … and what we’re seeing thus far is consistent with what we’re seeing in the nation: The Delta variant appears to be becoming, if not already, the predominantly circulating variant in our communities.

Does it spread the same way as the original strain?

The belief is that it still is spread through respiratory droplets. You may catch it when you are close to an individual who has the infection who is breathing out air that you are then inhaling … or is coughing and sneezing around you … or if you have [infected] respiratory droplets in your hands that you then transfer to your nose and mouth. The debate is whether it has the ability to spread as an aerosol the difference between droplets and aerosol is the distance of how the virus can spread between individuals and I don’t think we have necessarily confirmed that.

Who is at the highest risk of contracting it?

Unvaccinated individuals are at highest risk for acquiring a virus … and our elderly population and those who may have a weak immune system remain at the highest risk of severe disease.

How effective is the vaccine at protecting against the Delta variant?

The most recent data that we have received [from] the CDC is that the vaccine [initially] provided greater than 90 percent protection, [but] for new infections over time, we did see a slight drop in vaccine effectiveness … to about 80 percent. What is reassuring is that vaccine effectiveness against hospitalizations and severe disease has remained above 90 percent over time and with the introduction of new variants.

Does that mean Covid cases are trending up overall?

Most counties in the state are … at high levels of transmission. If you compare where we were back in the spring, where we started to see a drop, we’re now seeing an uptick of cases as we go into the fall.

Should vaccinated individuals continue practicing mitigation strategies?

Yes. … Now is really not the time to completely relax our mitigation strategies. … Data [shows that] even vaccinated individuals have the same amount of viral loads, compared to unvaccinated individuals, meaning they can still transmit the disease. … Following the CDC guidelines of wearing our masks, [practicing] hand hygiene and physically distancing when we’re not able to wear our masks is important for protecting individuals who are not vaccinated or have weak immune systems.

What is the current data on positive cases among children?

We are seeing more cases as well as more cases that lead to hospitalizations in children. This may be driven by [the fact that] kids younger than 12 years old are still part of our unvaccinated population. The hope is that, as the vaccine is approved for the younger population, that will start to help curb the rise in cases in younger individuals.

Are you anticipating a spike in cases among kids as they return to school?

Not if we’re able to follow the mitigation strategies. … When we resumed in-person learning, we were successful in keeping our kids safe, and it didn’t really result in a lot of outbreaks. … Data [showed] that exposures [among children] really came from community exposures, not exposures at school. … That’s why it’s important to continue to follow those mitigation strategies to reduce your risk of exposing yourself [and] potentially bringing it home.

Featured photo: Dr. Jose Mercado. Courtesy photo.

News & Notes 21/08/26

Covid-19 update As of August 16 As of August 23
Total cases statewide 103,462 105,302
Total current infections statewide 1,704 2,324
Total deaths statewide 1,395 1,402
New cases 1,345 (Aug. 10 to Aug. 16) 1,840 (Aug. 17 to Aug. 23)
Current infections: Hillsborough County 457 635
Current infections: Merrimack County 144 185
Current infections: Rockingham County 345 483
Information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services

Covid-19 news

State health officials announced 174 new positive cases of Covid-19 in New Hampshire on Aug. 23. The state averaged 281 new cases per day over the most recent seven-day period, an increase of nearly 50 percent over those from the previous week. As of Aug. 23, there were 2,324 active infections statewide and 107 current hospitalizations due to the virus.

On Aug. 23, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration fully approved the Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19 for people ages 16 and older, according to a press release. The vaccine, which will now be marketed as Comirnaty, also continues to be available under emergency use authorization for people ages 12 to 15, and for the administration of a third dose in immunocompromised recipients. “While millions of people have already safely received Covid-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval … may instill additional confidence to get vaccinated,” acting FDA commissioner Janet Woodcock said in a statement. “Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S.”

Affordable housing

The New Hampshire Housing Board of Directors approved funding for 16 affordable multi-family rental housing developments during the fiscal year ending June 30, which will produce or preserve almost 1,000 units of affordable rental housing in the state’s communities. According to a press release, Low-Income Housing Tax Credits — a federal program that encourages developers and investors to create affordable multi-family housing for low- and moderate-income families by using tax credits — and other federal and state funding will support these projects. LIHTC-funded housing accounts for about 95 percent of publicly funded workforce housing produced in New Hampshire, the release said. Other funding sources that New Hampshire Housing administers for affordable housing include the federal HOME program and Housing Trust Fund, the state Affordable Housing Fund and tax-exempt bond financing. “The state and federal funding sources that New Hampshire Housing provides are essential financing tools for public and private developers to create and renovate affordable rental housing throughout the state,” Dean Christon, executive director of New Hampshire Housing, said in the release. Local projects include 42 general occupancy units in six townhouse-style buildings on Village Street in Concord, with; 74 general-occupancy units in Woodland Village in Goffstown; and 11 supportive housing units in the Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter, an adaptive reuse of a former school into units that will provide housing for people experiencing homelessness.

Drive sober

New Hampshire has rolled out this year’s Labor Day impaired driving high-visibility enforcement campaign, where drivers can expect to see increased law enforcement on the road now through Sept. 6 specifically targeting impaired drivers. The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over initiative includes education efforts like messages on highway message boards, radio advertisements and social media public service campaigns, according to a press release. The New Hampshire State Police will work with 63 police departments for the border-to-border, statewide saturation patrol effort to reduce the number of crashes, injuries and fatalities due to impaired driving. Last year, 39 people died in alcohol-related crashes on New Hampshire roads, the release said. The New Hampshire Office of Highway Safety has several recommendations, including calling 911 if you see an impaired driver on the road; designating a sober driver or using a ride service; acknowledging that buzzed driving is drunk driving; and taking the keys of a friend who is about to drink and drive and making arrangements to get them home safely. The campaign is being funded by the New Hampshire Office of Highway Safety and grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Granite Tax Connect

The third and final phase of Granite Tax Connect — the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration’s new online user portal and revenue management system — is now up and running. According to a press release, Granite Tax Connect provides an improved online experience to approximately 148,000 New Hampshire taxpayers, tax preparers and customers of the Tobacco/Smokeless Tobacco Tax, Real Estate Transfer Tax, Private Car/Railroad Tax, Utility Property Tax and Low to Moderate Income Credit. The system allows people to complete tasks online, such as filing taxes electronically, scheduling automated online payments, checking on the status of returns, payments, refund and credit requests and more. It also allows customers of certain tax types to complete additional tasks; wholesalers, manufacturers, taxpayers, practitioners and all DRA customers associated with the Tobacco/Smokeless Tobacco Tax, for example, can renew licenses, pay taxes electronically, view reports such as the Tobacco License lookup and License Additions/Deletions and more, according to the release. The state’s e-file for counties will no longer be available as of Jan. 1, so it is imperative to create an account prior to that date, the release said.

Police oversight

A commission at the New Hampshire State House has formed to try to create an independent police oversight body that would process reports of police misconduct in the state, according to WMUR. The effort has been backed by Gov. Chris Sununu and the Law Enforcement Accountability Commission established last year, but has not yet made it through the Legislature. Chaired by Attorney General John Formella, the commission has until Nov. 1 to work on the proposal.


The Town of Peterborough had $2.3 million stolen in two cases of cybertheft, according to NHPR. First $1.2 million was intercepted while being transferred from the Town to the ConVal School District. Investigation by the U.S. Secret Service Cyber Fraud Task Force revealed that the thieves had posed as school district staff and used forged documents and email accounts to access the transfer. Several weeks later, the thieves used a similar tactic to intercept funds being transferred to contractors for construction on the Main Street Bridge project. The money cannot be recovered by reversing the transactions as it was converted to cryptocurrency, and it has not yet been determined whether insurance will cover any of the losses. The Town’s total budget for this fiscal year is a little over $15.8 million, according to the article.

Downtown Concord has two new art pieces on North Main Street. According to a press release, “Into the Wind” and “Sunflower from Mars,” both created by Chris Plaisted, have been installed in front of The Works Cafe and near The POST Downtown and Parlor Salon, respectively. The sculptures are part of the 4th Annual Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit, Art on Main, a free, open-air, 24/7 year-round outdoor art exhibition, the release said.

All online processing fees, including fees for vehicle registrations, taxes and parking tickets, will be waived for Manchester residents for the next year, according to a press release. “By waiving online service fees, we’re hoping more residents who may be nervous about the rise in Covid cases take advantage of the convenience of engaging in city services online, rather than coming into City Hall in person,” Mayor Joyce Craig said in the release.

More than 275 children swam, biked and ran in the annual Kid’s Try-athlon at the Bedford Town Hall and Bedford High School on Aug. 15, according to a press release. The event benefited Friends of Aine, a nonprofit organization providing bereavement support services to grieving children, teens and families.

New Hampshire’s first finding of West Nile virus this year was detected in a mosquito batch in Salem on Aug. 3. According to a press release, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services has elevated the risk from the baseline level to low.

Primary care

Some of us may remember Marcus Welby, M.D., the TV show that highlighted the general practitioner who made house calls. I have vivid early childhood memories of my own family’s doctor, Dr. Gerry, coming to the house to tend to a sick family member. Years later I learned to make house calls, first as a medical student and then in my family medicine residency training. I can recall important moments visiting patients in their homes when I practiced in Lawrence, Massachusetts. My husband, also a family physician, recently mentioned a house call he made; this got me wondering why the thought of house calls provokes such strong and fond memories. I believe it is that they highlight the trust I had — first with my family doc, and then the trust I engendered with my patients.

Amid the flurry of misleading claims and disinformation about the Covid vaccine, we’re hearing recommendations to speak to one’s primary care provider for information we can trust about the Covid vaccine. A survey by the Larry A. Green Center revealed that people who were previously vaccine hesitant who then got vaccinated reported that receiving advice from their own doctor is what changed their mind. It makes sense that receiving advice tailored to one’s own health profile in one-on-one conversations provides a supportive and caring space to address questions and concerns in a way that results in increased confidence.

A robust primary care system is important for having better health as a country overall, and the essential elements of primary care are that it be comprehensive, continuous, accessible and coordinated. In other words, they’re always there for me when I need them, no matter what the complaint or concern, they can address most of my needs directly, and when additional help is needed they can connect me with who I need to see while keeping track of the various providers and recommendations to address my needs — all while supporting my ability to understand and take care of myself. These essential elements together contribute to building authentic relationship, and relationship is foundational to trust.

When people are talking about complex things like the Covid-19 virus and the pandemic we’re in, it’s important to have a trusting relationship with a health care provider with true expertise in medical science — whether an individual person or a practice — to help us sort through the noise presented to us by social media and politics. While house calls are less common today, trust is still at the center of the doctor-patient relationship. Your primary care provider stands ready to give it to you straight about the Covid-19 vaccine and is prepared to answer any questions you might have with your best interests at heart.

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