On The Job – Adrienne Austin


Adrienne Austin is an esthetician and owner of Moonlight Magic Esthetics in Bedford (moonlightmagicesthetics.com).

Explain your job and what it entails.

As an esthetician, I act as a skin therapist, helping people address and treat their skin concerns. I also provide waxing and lash services.

How long have you had this job?

I’ve been a licensed esthetician for over five years now. I’ve been at my current location for only about three months, but so far I’m really enjoying it.

What led you to this career field and your current job?

I wanted to become an esthetician to help people feel more confident in themselves and their skin. Skin can be a big point of self-consciousness and I love being able to provide people with results-driven skin care…

What kind of education or training did you need?

In order to become a licensed esthetician in New Hampshire, you’re required to take a 600-hour course focusing on safety, cleanliness, skin care, waxing and so much more. I have also taken three makeup certification courses including airbrush makeup, bridal makeup and general makeup application.

What is the most challenging thing about your work, and how do you deal with it?

I would say the most challenging thing about my work is when a client comes to me with a concern I’ve not encountered yet. I’ve gone through a lot of education and learned about many different skin concerns and conditions, but it can be different encountering something new in the treatment room and finding the best treatment for it.

What do you wish you’d known at the beginning of your career?

Something I wish I knew when I became an esthetician is the idea that at some point I wouldn’t need to work for someone else while also not owning an entire spa. Having my own space that’s not too big is the perfect fit for me. It’s just me and my room and I never feel overwhelmed.

What do you wish other people knew about your job?

Something I wish more people knew about being an esthetician is that we are not the same as dermatologists. I love helping people treat their skin concerns, but as an esthetician I cannot prescribe medications or issue a diagnosis.

What was the first job you ever had?

The first job I ever had was babysitting. My first job in esthetics was as a freelance makeup artist.

What’s the best piece of work-related advice you’ve ever received?

The best work advice I’ve ever received as a beauty industry professional is to always be learning. In the beauty industry, things are constantly changing, and it’s so important for us to continue our education throughout our careers to ensure we can offer the best treatments to our clients.

Five favorites

Favorite book:
The Great Gatsby
Favorite movie: Clueless
Favorite music: Taylor Swift and Sara Bareilles
Favorite food: Anything Italian
Favorite thing about NH: I love fall in New Hampshire — apple picking, foliage and the crisp autumn air.

Featured photo: Adrienne Austin. Courtesy photo.

Kiddie Pool 23/08/10

Family fun for the weekend


• The 11th Annual Friends of Aine Kids’ Try-athlon will be held Sunday, Aug. 13, in the morning at the Bedford Town Pool (County Road near the intersection with Nashua Road). The race features three events — swimming (25 or 50 yards, depending on age), running (½ mile or 1 mile) and biking (1 or 2 miles) — and is a fundraiser for the Friends of Aine Center for Grieving Children & Families (friendsofaine.com). Registration costs $40 per child. Race day registration starts at 6:30 a.m., Nashua and County roads close at 7:30 a.m. and all bikes must be in the swim-to-bike transition area by 7:45 p.m. A pre-race meeting is at 7:45 a.m. and then the older group (ages 11 to 15) begin the Try-Athlon at 8 a.m., adaptive athletes start at 8:25 a.m., ages 8 to 10 start at 8:30 a.m. and ages 4 to 7 start at 8:45 a.m., according to the schedule at friendsofaine.com, which also explains course details, where to park and what to bring.

Baseball & wizards

• The New Hampshire Fisher Cats were slated to begin a six-day stretch of games against the Fightin Phils (Reading, Pennsylvania.) on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Games on Thursday, Aug. 10, and Saturday, Aug. 12, (both beginning at 7:05 p.m.) will feature post-game Atlas Fireworks. Saturday is also “Wizards & Wands” night. The game on Friday, Aug. 11, at 7:05 p.m. celebrates UNH Men’s Soccer; on Sunday, Aug. 13, at 1:35 p.m. the first 1,000 fans receive a cooler courtesy of Coca-Cola Beverages Northeast.


• 2004’s Shark Tale(PG) will screen at all three area Chunky’s Cinema Pubs (707 Huse Road, Manchester; 151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua; 150 Bridge St., Pelham, chunkys.com) on Monday, Aug. 14, at 11:30 a.m. as part of the theater’s Little Lunch Date series, when the lights will be slightly dimmed. Reserve a seat with a $5 per person food voucher.

• O’neil Cinemas (Brickyard Square 24 Calef Hwy., Epping, 679-3529, oneilcinemas.com)will screen the final movie of its Summer Kids Series on Monday, Aug. 14, and Wednesday, Aug. 16, at 10 a.m. Catch 2016’sThe Secret Life of Pets (PG), which features the voices of Kevin Hart, Jenny Slate and Lake Bell. Tickets cost $3 and the theater also has an $8 popcorn-and-drink combo as well.

Registration is open!

• …for so many fall events but specifically for Girls on the Run, which opened its registration for the fall on Aug. 7. Find a location to register for the program (which puts you in a lottery for available slots) at girlsontherunnh.org. The after-school running program is open to 3rd through 5th graders and 6th through 8th graders, the website said. Registration is open through Aug. 17 with the season beginning Sept. 11. A culminating 5K takes place on Nov. 18. Girls age 16 to 18 can also register for a junior coach program.

• Looking for more afters-chool excitement for your kids? Check out next week’s issue, which will feature our annual guide to extracurriculars. If you know of a program featuring art, dance, sports or stop-motion animation (really!), let us know at adiaz@hippopress.com for possible inclusion in the listing.

Treasure Hunt 23/08/10

Good morning, Donna.

I’m wondering if you appraise 33 and 45 records. Or can you help with someone who can for me? They are earlier musicians from before the 1970s.

Thank you.


Dear Marie,

I thought your question was an important one. Even though records are not in my direct field, I have had many over the years through estates.

They seem to be collectible in this generation. Marie, I would start off by contacting a record store directly (I used to deal with The Music Connection in Manchester) to see if they could provide you info and possibly purchase as well. If not, they might have outside sources for that purpose.

My personal experience is that condition is important and prices for original ones with cover etc. can range from $1 to over $100.

I hope this was helpful, Marie, and good luck with your records.


Pick today? Pick tomorrow? Pick next week?

Start with the garlic, have patience with potatoes

Those of us who grow vegetables are faced with many questions each year: Will there be a late frost that will harm our tomatoes and peppers if we plant them on Memorial Day weekend? Is it time to harvest garlic now, since they produced their scapes early this year? When should we harvest broccoli — now, with heads still fairly small, or wait till they get bigger? Will the sun finally prevail and give all our veggies a big boost after all this rain?

We have seen more rain than usual — much more. Even a quick shower results in standing water in the walkways between my mounded raised beds. But in addition to the excess water, plants aren’t getting their usual allotment of sunshine. They need sun — strong, bright sun — to grow and produce fruits and leaves. The lack of sunshine is what is causing smaller veggies, yellowed leaves and later ripening.

Is it time to harvest garlic yet? After the plants send up those curly stems we call “scapes,” it is generally fine to harvest garlic. Traditionally I pull mine in mid to late August. But it’s important to pull them at the right time, not sooner or later than needed.

Here’s what I do: I start by groping my garlic. I slip my hand into the soil and feel how big the bulbs are. I don’t pull them if they’re tiny. But to be on the safe side, I pull a few and look at the skin over the cloves. I want the skins to be strong and tight for good storage. If they are breaking down (due to all the rain), I pull my garlic. If not, I let them keep growing, but check them often.

What about potatoes? My advice is to wait. Yes, you will have some small potatoes as soon as they have blossomed. But I wait much longer than that to harvest mine, as I want big spuds. When leaves start to yellow and die back, then I dig them all. In the meantime, I slip my hand into the soil (without disturbing the plants) and grab a few “new” potatoes for a special treat.

Even though a healthy broccoli plant will produce more food from its side shoots than the main head, some of my plants are small and yellowed from lack of sun. I am pulling the feeble ones and planting a late crop of lettuce by seed in the space.

My Brussels sprouts plants are also much smaller than normal this year. Fortunately, they will continue to grow until the end of October or even later. If we get sunshine soon, they should recover. My normal advice is to cut the tops of the plants off on Labor Day weekend so that the plants don’t keep growing taller but instead send their energy into producing big “sprouts.” This year I’ll be lucky if they have stalks at all. So I will wait and see — and I accept that my harvest might be small or non-existent.

Carrots love the rain and are growing nicely. We thinned them in early July and are keeping them well-weeded. Still, little sunshine means they can’t bulk up as they would in a normal year.

Onions are ready to harvest when their tops flop over. Pull the onions, even if small, and allow them to dry for a week or so in a shady, breezy spot.

One bright spot in the garden this year is celery. I don’t usually grow it, as in the past mine has been tough to chew and a magnet for snails and slugs. This year I planted six plants, and although the stalks are not yet thick, the plants are big and so far have not seemed to attract pests. I ate a stalk, and it is tougher than store-bought. But tasty.

I usually grow celeriac instead of celery, and I did start some from seed indoors. Celeriac is also called celery root and has a big bulb that grows above the soil surface. It keeps in the refrigerator for up to six months, and when added in a soup or stew it has the same celery flavor. This year, with little sun? The bulbs are not showing yet.

All this rain inspired me to grow watercress! I got seeds, and the packet says plant in wet soil, preferably in a shady area. I have that. I only did that recently, but the plants have sprouted and seem happy.

The Cornish Fair is always on the third weekend of August and has competitions for everything: who can throw an ax most accurately, who can produce the best strawberry jam — and much more. For me it is a time to compete in the vegetable and flower categories in the gym of the school. Tomatoes generally are ripe by then, but this year — who knows?

Even though I have been picking off the many yellowed leaves on my tomato plants, they are still far behind their usual selves. Do pick off the yellow leaves — they will only spread fungal disease. But only do so when the leaves are dry — if they ever are!

I heard that a study at Harvard found that people who eat a cup of ice cream every day live longer than those that do not. I couldn’t find this study online, but I have my own theory: People who are happy live longer. If eating ice cream makes you happy, have some! Me? I think the study should have been focused on home-grown tomatoes and potatoes and garlic fresh from the garden. I know they keep me happy — and probably living longer than most!

Featured photo: This vegetable garden is soggy at best. Photo by Henry Homeyer.

Three days of film

The Manchester International Film Festival returns

The second Manchester International Film Festival will feature short films by independent and award-winning filmmakers at the Rex Theatre and Palace Theatre in Manchester from Thursday, Aug. 10, through Saturday, Aug. 12.

“Ever since the Rex Theatre opened we wanted to celebrate the history of the theater as a movie theater by showing films,” said festival director Warren O’Reilly “[The festival] came about because people love films and love to be able to go out and see films … together, so the idea was to do a film festival that would be able to combine the efforts of all the other amazing film festivals in the state and be a smaller celebration of the both the city of Manchester and a celebration of film. … It’s continuing the legacy of bringing movies back to the heart of Manchester.”

Each day of the festival will showcase a different type of film. Due to the popularity of animation at last year’s event, animation will kick things off with a night of its own on Thursday. Friday will feature New England short film and comedy, with a film and post-screening Q&A with director Roger Kabler. Saturday will close with documentaries, LGBTQ+ short films, international short film, television pilot and feature film scripts as well as audience choice. There will also be a career retrospective with actor Kevin Pollak, who will be in attendance.

“Having Kevin Pollak come has been a huge honor for us because he’s been involved in some really incredible movies,” O’Reilly said. “He’s been really supportive of our film festival … and having him involved has been really important.”

Among the featured animated films is Under the Endless Sky by award-winning Ukrainian illustrator and animator Alexandra Dzhiganskaya, who currently lives in Austria. Her film tells the story of her memories of growing up in Ukraine. Although she started working on this film, originally a short comic, before the war broke out, she says the memories captured in this film have since taken on a new level of meaning.

“With the medium of animation, I tried to show the fluidity of memory and that it can be fragmented, it can be very sharp … and our memories also change with time, so these were the kinds of thoughts that I put into the animation,” Dzhiganskaya said. “I also wanted to dedicate it to place where I grew up where my best memories came from, and when the full-scale invasion in Ukraine came it kind of became a new level for me because I think [that] all people have these places or people that they kind of go back to, but somehow it hurts especially when these places and people literally don’t exist anymore.”

The film is meant to encapsulate summer and childhood carelessness in Ukraine, something she says kids nowadays won’t likely experience in the same way she did. She hopes that people can relate to her story and think back on their own memories, maybe even unearthing ones long forgotten.

“We want it to be a fun weekend full of movies for everybody,” O’Reilly said. “Getting to work with New Hampshire filmmakers has been such a treat and we look forward to working closely with New Hampshire filmmakers in future years to come because at the end of the day we’re here to celebrate film and animation in New England.”

Manchester International Film Festival
When: Thursday, Aug. 10, 7 p.m.; Friday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 12, noon to 10 p.m.
Where: The Rex Theatre, 23 Amherst St., Manchester. The event will close on Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Palace Theatre, 80 Hanover St., Manchester, starting at 7 p.m.
Cost: Tickets are $10 or $25 for all three days and can be purchased at palacetheatre.org or at the box office at the Palace Theatre or the Rex Theatre.

The Art Roundup 23/08/10

The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities

Celebration of fine craft: The League of NH Craftsmen Fair continues through Sunday, Aug. 13, at Mount Sunapee in Newbury. The fair is open daily, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. More than 200 craftsmen take part in the event, many offering demonstrations of their work, according to nhcrafts.org, the League’s website, where you can purchase tickets (general admission tickets cost $18, or $28 for a two-day pass). The fair also features music daily from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. This weekend, catch Decatur Creek (playing Americana, folk and bluegrass) on Saturday and Jordan Tirrell-Wysocki with Matt Jensen playing Celtic fiddle and guitar on Sunday, the website said. The fair features a food vendor area, special daily events and workshops and a Fair Craft Clues’ Scavenger Hunt for kids as well as a Kids Create tent, according to a press release (children under 12 get in free).

The fiber arts: Derry Public Library (64 E. Broadway in Derry; 432-6140, derrypl.org) will hold a knitting/crochet meet-up every other Tuesday — Tuesday, Aug. 15, and Tuesday, Aug. 29, this month — from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Bring a project to work on and talk with other crafters. Register online.

Beat night: Haitian American poet and educator (and frequent semi-finalist of the National Poetry Slam) will appear at Beat Night at the Portsmouth Book and Bar (40 Pleasant St. in Portsmouth) on Thursday, Aug. 17, at 7 p.m., according to a social media post about the event. See bookandbar.com.

Rock Mandala
Twiggs Gallery (254 King St. at the junction of Routes 3 and 4 in Boscawen; twiggsgallery.org, 975-0015) will hold a free Rock Mandala Make and Take activity this Saturday, Aug. 12, from 1 to 3 p.m. The gallery will offer all the supplies for the craft. Twiggs Gallery is open Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 4 p.m.

Four hands: Pianists (and longtime friends) Abigail Charbeneau and Susan Cobb will present a four hands piano concert at the Concord Community Music School (23 Wall St. in Concord; ccmusicschool.org, 228-1196) on Friday, Aug. 18, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the school’s Community Room. Admission is free but donations are appreciated, according to the website, which describes the concert as “consisting of a wide range of styles by Mozart, Grieg, Rachmaninoff, Beach and Ziffrin.”

At the Amato: Lots of upcoming events on the schedule for the Amato Center for the Performing Arts’ (56 Mont Vernon St. in Milford, amatocenter.org/riverbend-youth-company). Catch the Friends of the Amato Center production of Guys & Dolls on Friday, Aug. 18, at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 19, at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 20, at 2:30 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $12 for seniors and students.

The Riverbend Youth Company is holding auditions for its November production of Disney’s High School Musical on Monday, Aug. 21, and Tuesday, Aug. 22, for performers in 8th through 12th grades. Find details on auditioning, including the musical’s characters, requirements for auditions, how to submit a video audition and rehearsal information, via the website.

Tickets for an October production of The Big White House on Main Street are also on sale now. The original stage play by Ellen Cunis and Toby Tarnow (who also directs) is set in Woburn, Mass., about an Italian family in the early 20th century, according to thebigwhitehouseonmainstreet.com, where you can find more about the production and the authors. The show will be on stage Thursday, Oct. 19, through Sunday, Oct. 22, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday through Saturday and 2:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost $15, $12 for seniors, students and Woburn residents.

Mural Unveiling
Fifteen interns from MyTurn and Kimball Jenkins Summer Placemaking internship will present “Colors of Change: West High Mural Unveiling” on Thursday, Aug. 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Manchester West High School (9 Notre Dame in Manchester). The project’s goal is to have more than 2,000 square feet of mural segments at West, according to a press release. The event will feature live music from local string trio starring Nicholas So and food for sale by Don Quijotes, the release said. Find Kimball Jenkins on Facebook for more.

Celebrating local artistry

Manchester Arts & Crafts Fair returns for a second year

Back for its second year is the Manchester Arts & Crafts fair at Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with vendors, food trucks, children’s programming and more.

“This year’s arts and craft fair has three times more vendors as we did last year … featuring all kinds of fine art, painting, drawing, pottery, fabric art, woodworking, crocheting, all sorts of wonderful stuff,” said Kathy Daneman, organizer of the fair.

Among the 60 vendors is Melissa Goodman, an oil painter and illustrator. Growing up, Goodman enjoyed art in school. She went to university with the intention of studying science but quickly realized that something was missing.

“I couldn’t not be doing art,” She said. “Life just felt so much less colorful because art wasn’t involved in it. I would get jealous when I’d see kids walking on campus with their art portfolios and so I ended up taking a few art classes and realized this was what I really needed to do.”

While studying and exploring art, she developed preferences for some media over others. Now one of her media of choice is oil painting, which she originally hated.

This changed after she took a workshop taught by still life painter Jeff Legg years later.

“I took it and I ended up being like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is so much better. This is everything,’” Goodman said. “I had taken oil painting classes before and just disliked it so much, but when I took it from him it was like something clicked.”

During her time in college, she also discovered that she loved working with ink and became fascinated with still lifes.

“I really loved the idea of making objects that to most people feel really ordinary feel so extraordinary. I feel that’s what life is; a lot of ordinary moments, but to us those moments feel so extraordinary,” Goodman said. “The world is such a beautiful place and I’ll see something beautiful and I’ll just know … what I need to paint, even if it’s completely unrelated. Everything around me is inspirational.”

Fiber artist Emily Reilly will have a booth at the arts and crafts fair. A graduate student at the University of New Hampshire, she found that crocheting is a great way to cope with stress.

“About a year [or] year and a half ago I kept seeing all these videos pop up [of] these girls making the cutest crochet tops and I was like, ‘I would love to do that,” Reilly said. “I fell in love with it and I found that it was just a good outlet for me. I really like doing it when I’m stressed and it’s just really satisfying to see the finished project.”

The Manchester Arts & Crafts fair will be the first Reilly has participated in. People encouraged her to sell her work and despite being hesitant she applied for a spot, where she hopes to inspire others to pick up a craft one day. She says she couldn’t have done this without the help of her sister.

“My twin sister, Hannah, has been a huge help,” Reilly said. “I’ve been doing the crocheting but she has handled everything else.”

According to Daneman, other new additions to this year’s event include face painting, the Manchester City Library Bookmobile and a children’s art wall with Unchartered Tutoring.

“We really wanted to make sure that it was something that everybody could enjoy,” Daneman said. “It’s fun to get together in the summer and see our neighbors and celebrate the art they make and the thoughts they’re expressing through their work.”

Manchester Arts & Crafts Fair
When: Saturday, Aug. 12, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Veterans Memorial Park, 773 Elm St., Manchester
Cost: Free

Big Laughs

Michael Witthaus checks in with comedians and bookers about the state of the local comedy scene and looks at some upcoming shows

Comedy catch-up: Jimmy Dunn’s Beach Party

What began 14 years ago as a backyard barbecue for fellow comics at Jimmy Dunn’s beach house that ended with a show has now stretched out to five nights and become a midsummer fixture on the sandy shore. But the Hampton Beach Comedy Festival, beginning Wednesday, Aug. 16 at McGuirk’s Ocean View, has remained true to its origins. It’s a party first, with admission contingent on making the host laugh.

“It’s my real comedy friends,” Dunn said by phone recently. “I’ve been working with them forever, and the show almost becomes secondary. We just have so much fun up here at the house … we hang out, then go down there and have a blast.”

Dunn has thought about letting fans eavesdrop on the offstage action, but it hasn’t happened. “I pitched it; I made a demo of it as a cartoon, trying to film our poker game,” he said. “But when you threaten to do that, a lot of the guys dummy up. They don’t want people hearing the real stuff that we’re saying.”

The gang ventures out for fried dough on the boardwalk; kayaking and surfing are popular as well. Given the prevalence of rip currents and other ocean dangers, Dunn does a safety check first. “Every time anybody gets to the house, before I take them in the water, I go, all right, what’s your swim level? Let’s see what we’re dealing with — how many life jackets I gotta put on you?”

That said, the wake of a storm is a magnet for Dunn and his daredevil buddies. One year he and Mark Riley hit the water after a coastal hurricane. “We went off the north beach, rode into a monster wave, and then we flipped; it was so big that people on the beach called the cops,” he said. “I heard from one of my cop buddies later, he said, ‘We got a call that two idiots were out in a kayak.’ I said, ‘Yeah, that was us.’”

Riley is back for this year’s festival, so the Coast Guard should be advised. Opening night has Harrison Stebbins, whose credits include Comedy Central and Dave Attel’s Insomniac Tour. He’s joined by Carolyn Plummer, who last year did her first Comics Come Home benefit at Boston’s TD Garden. Kelly MacFarland, Jimmy Cash and ​Ryan Gartley round things out, plus Dunn and Dave Rattigan, who are at all five shows.

Thursday includes Jim Colliton, who has a new Dry Bar Comedy special, and Mike Donovan, a Boston mainstay and published author. Dunn is looking forward to Friday’s show, which is a multigenerational affair.

“Tony V’s son Gus has turned into a great comedian,” he said. The young comic spent last winter in Southern California, working with Dunn on a television project that he’s not allowed to discuss due to the current actors and writers strikes.

“Everybody in L.A. is getting shut down and it’s tough,” he said. Dunn is in both guilds. “I support them a ton. Whatever they’re doing, they need to be paid fairly. I feel badly for professional actors and TV writers … they’re fighting for their livelihoods. I do what I can to support them. I am very lucky that I got to go back to stand-up comedy when those doors got closed out there.”

Dunn cautioned comedy fans about actors who might decide to jump into his livelihood to make ends meet.

“This is going to draw a lot of people who aren’t stand-up comics out to the comedy rooms, so buyer beware,” he said. “People that are funny on a show have writers. Standup is a different thing, man. You gotta be out doing it all the time. Anybody with a little bit of background can make the show look good, but do your homework before you go spend an evening with a comedian you never heard of.”

He points to a few comics that embody his ideal.

“Every time you see Gary Gulman, you’re going to see a whole new hour. Bob Marley’s got an unparalleled work ethic. He makes it look so easy on stage, but he works harder than anybody I know. I was talking to Juston McKinney a few weeks back, same deal. These are guys that every time you see them it’s a new thing.”

To that end, Dunn has some new material.

“My uncle used to be a bookie. That’s how I learned to gamble at a young age. But now you can bet pretty much anywhere legally. So one of my favorite new bits explores those two different worlds and what Uncle Sully would see if he walked into Draft Kings today. He ran his book out of a sandwich shop in Beverly. Guys would come in and buy a cheese steak and then give him $609. I’d be sitting there going, ‘I think he overpaid you, Uncle Sully.’”

While in California, Dunn encountered another new normal, the many marijuana stores that are now open. He’s less focused on weed’s new ubiquity than on whoever’s in charge of branding. “I will not do business with anyone that uses a ‘Z’ as a plural,” he said. “That means that someone already beat them to the S, and they’re hacks. Hair salons do it all the time. Now all the weed places have a Z as a plural too. It seems like every weed pun has been written, trademarked and put on a sign. I know they think it’s funny because they’re high, but these are bad puns.”

Hampton Beach Comedy Festival
When: Wednesday, Aug. 16, through Sunday, Aug. 20, 8 p.m.
Where: McGuirk’s Ocean View Hotel, 95 Ocean Boulevard, Hampton Beach
Tickets: $20 per show at eventbrite.com
Lineup: Aug. 16 Carolyn Plummer, Kelly MacFarland, Jimmy Cash, ​Ryan Gartley, Harrison Stebbins; Aug. 17 Mike Donovan, James Dorsey, Ken Rogerson, Paul Nardizzi, Jim Colliton; Aug. 18 Tony V, Gus V, Steve Scarfo, Jason Merrill, Tony Moschetto; Aug. 19 Karen Morgan, Will Noonan, Casey Crawford, Dan Miller, Chris Zito; Aug. 20 Andrew Della Volpe, Mitch Stinson, Mark Riley, Steve Bjork, Dan Crohn. Jimmy Dunn and Dave Rattigan appear all nights.

Female forward: Mother of a Comedy Show

woman holding microphone on stage in front of comedy club sign, making weird facial expression
Kerri Louise. Courtesy photo.

Like the Hampton Beach Comedy Festival, camaraderie is the guiding force for three women performing Mother of a Comedy Show, an occasional event happening Friday, Aug.18, at Nashua Center for the Arts and Saturday, Sept. 23, at Laconia’s Colonial Theatre. Its slate of standups ― Kelly MacFarland, Kerri Louise and Christine Hurley ― have equal star power; each is a headliner.

For the shows, MacFarland opens and Hurley closes, which suits Kerri Louise just fine.

“The middle spot is the sweet spot,” Louise said by phone recently. “Everybody’s warmed up, no one’s coming in late, they’re all set up. I hit it out of the park and then go home … they’ve laughed for a whole hour nonstop and then Christine goes up, but she kills it. We’ve done it for so many years now and it’s just like clockwork.”

The fully female lineup is unique in the comedy world, she continued. “Usually, you don’t ever work with other women. I’m always the one woman on the show, the token woman, and when I get to go and work with these girls, it is so fun. We just bring energy and excitement; we’re like little kids.”

Audiences do tend to be more female. “It depends on the market and what time of year we’re in,” Kerri Louise said. “In September, it’s mostly women. The kids get back in school, they’re out and about and they can come to shows.” Jokes lean in that direction as well; one of Kerri Louise’s best deals with something she calls a “period bump” being confused with early pregnancy.

The three don’t need a target audience for their material to land, though. There’s a frustratingly enduring notion that female comics aren’t as funny as men, but it’s more self-fulfilling prophecy than anything supported by data. In Kerri Louise’s view, the situation is improving, but the battle is far from over.

“We’re getting better, but we’re not past it,” she said. “I think there’s just not enough of us and that’s why. Bookers usually are men and they’re afraid to headline women because they feel the numbers aren’t going to be there, but men are so dumb. Women decide what they’re doing for the weekend, and they tell their husbands. ‘We’re going to go to a comedy show.’ Why not headline a woman?”

The success of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Amazon’s popular show about a housewife stumbling into standup, may have a halo effect, she agreed, but she offered a caveat. “They can’t be it if they can’t see it, so I think it helped for younger women to glorify being a comedian,” she said. “I love the show. I love the outfits. I love the ’50s. Here’s what I didn’t like about it ― it’s not easy. They make it look that way; I mean, she was a mother.”

Her husband is also a comedian. She and Tom Cotter have three sons, including a set of twins. One night she told a crowd that her twins were outside in the car while she did her set. “The reason why that’s a joke is it was true,” she said. “I didn’t have time to drop my kids off because I was in major traffic…. I did have someone in the car watching them, but I ran up on stage and I’m like, ‘Hey, how are you? I have twins in the car,’ and it got a huge laugh. I use it all the time, and now they’re 21.”

Another time, she played Atlantic City for a week. Through the casino she was working at, she hired an overpriced babysitter, who was unavailable at the last minute. “Then they got this crack addict,” she said. The show is minutes from starting and she’s telling her new care provider to please leave her sons in the bathroom in their pack-and-play for the 15 minutes she needs to open. She comes back and the kids are up and jumping on the bed, watching a movie that the babysitter has purchased.

Here’s the problem: Kerri Louise has another set to do, and for the moment this ne’er-do-well is her sole child care option.

“The only saving grace is I’m in a casino and there are cameras everywhere,” she continues. “I ran downstairs, and I said to the security guy, ‘If a woman comes with two babies, they are mine, stop her.’ I don’t know how I got through my set. I just put it on autopilot, ran back and said, ‘You’re fired.’ It wasn’t even her fault but whatever. I called the agency and then the next day I had to look for another babysitter situation. So that’s my real Marvelous Mrs. Maisel story.”

Booker report: Big rooms are back (mostly)

man with white hair, holding microphone, gesturing to the side with outstretched hand as he speaks on stage
Lenny Clarke. Courtesy photo.

Beginning with booking a 1989 Lenny Clarke show in the back room of a Nashua gym, Jim Roach has been a force in New England’s comedy scene. His involvement began earlier; Roach worked a Henny Youngman show in 1984. He’s had a hand in appearances including George Carlin, Jay Leno, Sam Kinison, Denis Leary and an early ’90s Jerry Seinfeld/Adam Sandler double bill in Lowell, Mass.

His “all-time best” night was comedy legend Don Rickles’ show at Manchester’s Palace Theatre in 2006, when Rickles, his musical director and his road manager — who had a similar job with Frank Sinatra — took him to dinner. The evening produced some great stories.

Roach still books comedy at the Palace, along with a long list of opera houses and showcase rooms in New Hampshire. He’s got upcoming shows at Nashua’s new Center for the Arts, the Capitol Center in Concord, the Lebanon Opera House and both Colonial Theatres, in Keene and Laconia.

So Jim Roach is a good person to take the pulse of professional comedy. A recent phone interview began at a familiar point, the transition from socially distanced events to something approaching normal: “Two summers ago, when the Colonial in Laconia opened up with Bob Marley, we did seven shows and we sold them all out. That was when we felt like, OK, we’re on the right side of this.”

Demand was met with an onslaught that included some subpar efforts.

“Everybody was doing comedy shows, little bars and little places,” Roach said. “Not all of it was great … people that weren’t ready to do even those small rooms were doing it, but it gave them stage time and that’s the most important thing for any comedian.”

Overall, Roach remains cautiously optimistic.

“It really has jumped up quite a bit,” he said. “I don’t know if we’re exactly back where we were before the pandemic where everybody’s feeling like coming out, but we’re very close and I think it’s going to continue to grow over the next couple of years.”

Time-worn patterns with his client comics Bob Marley, Juston McKinney and Jimmy Dunn haven’t fully returned. “I like to be on a calendar circuit; every November Marley is at the Capitol Center, every spring he’s at the Palace. Then we’ll usually do the spring in Keene and the fall in Lebanon,” Roach said. “We’re not back in the routine yet.”

On the other hand, he said, “There’s also a lot of rooms that took time to do work on the venues, like the Lebanon Opera House is in their second phase.” Keene added its Showroom, to complement midsize spots like Manchester’s Rex Theatre and Bank of New Hampshire Stage in Concord; Lebanon Opera House is reportedly working on a second room.

“It really does help; when you’re booking big national artists, agents love it when you can book their smaller acts,” Roach said. “I love working with a lot of young comics, and I’ve worked with a bunch of young kids recently.”

He names Kathy Ferris, Emily Ruskowski, Carolyn Cook and Kristy Kielbasinski as some of his recent favorites. The latter is a working mother of three who published her first children’s book in 2022.

“Nick Hoff is a national comedian, he was at the Rex for me, what a great kid. He’s on the road with his family, his wife and three kids. They’re touring the country trying to do as many states as possible this summer. What a cool thing — they’re experiencing America, he’s getting to work and they’re doing it together.”

Justin Hoff is another up and comer, a mid-30s comic Roach booked to open for Marley’s recent run of shows at Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury Beach, Mass.

“There’s a lot of good stuff coming out and there are so many tools now for comics to get their message out there,” he said.

Roach is also pleased with the response to the all-female, all-headliner Mother of a Comedy Show. “I love the Mothers, getting and putting that together with them and working with them closely on it,” he said. “However, I will tell you than when I go to the show, I can’t get a word in edgewise, because they’re all brilliant and extremely funny, and all they want to do is torture me.”

On balance, “I think comedy is in a good place right now,” Roach said, adding that a plethora of venues may be a double-edged sword, but it’s good that aspirants have time and space to experiment and learn.

“They need to figure out who they are on stage, what their particular brand of comedy is,” he said. “Listen, we’re all messed up … when you go on stage, you’re able to talk about stuff that’s real in your life. Maybe exaggerate it, build it up a little bit, but if you’re coming from a place of love in your heart and the craziness that’s in your life, people in the audience are going to get it, they’re going to understand it — because we’re all messed up.”

The fan: Alt comedy has a new producer

young woman wearing glasses and printed dress, sitting on outdoor patio on street
Geneva Gonzales. Courtesy photo.

When it debuted as Laugh Free or Die 15 years ago in the back room of Shaskeen Pub in Manchester, weekly standup was an open mic affair. When cofounder Nick Lavallee and Dave Carter took it over in 2013, it evolved into an alt comedy hub, with national performers like W. Kamau Bell, Kyle Kinane, Dan Soder and Emma Willmann often stopping by. Local comics like Jay Chanoine and Drew Dunn parlayed early open mic success at the Shaskeen onto bigger stages.

Geneva Gonzales began attending shows there around 2016 and quickly became a regular. As live comedy returned after the pandemic, Lavallee announced he was leaving his role as a comedy producer, along with Carter. A worried Gonzales begged him to not let shows end permanently. His response surprised her.

“He was like, ‘Why don’t you run it?’” she recalled while sitting outside the Shaskeen, where headliner Ryan Donahue and three other comics would perform later. “I was like, OK, I will.’” Her company, Ruby Room Comedy, produced its first show on Sept. 8, 2021, and has been operating steadily since.

It turned out that Gonzales was just getting started as a comedy producer.

Last year she was approached by Don’t Tell Comedy, a national effort that sponsors pop-up shows at mystery locations, to be its lead producer in New Hampshire. More recently she began running weekly comedy shows at BLEND.603, a Portsmouth art gallery. Her new goal is “balancing those three rooms and getting them to work together,” she said.

Gonzales sounds like a seasoned pro as she discusses luring comics from New York City with the promise of routing them to gigs in multiple rooms, but seven years ago she hadn’t even seen live standup.

“I just heard people at work talking about it, and I wanted to see a comedy show,” she said about venturing to the Shaskeen that first time. “I always loved SNL, Mad TV…. When I came to this one, the level of talent opened my eyes to a whole world that I went head over heels into.”

Among the shows Gonzales has booked at the Shaskeen are Eddie Pepitone, Mary Mack, Daniel Simonsen, Mo Mussa, Shaun Murphy, Jenny Zigrino and Andrew Della Volpe. Many have performed multiple times, and the Irish pub’s beloved back room hasn’t lost a step in the transition. It continues to offer a brand of national comedy unlike anywhere else in the region.

Most unique is Don’t Tell Comedy and its unconventional way of luring fans to shows. It’s reminiscent of the movie Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, where a couple search for a private location where a band named Where’s Fluffy is playing, but it’s a bit easier than that, Gonzales said.

The next one happens Friday, Aug. 11, an early and late show somewhere in Portsmouth ($25 at donttellcomedy.com), and the 21+ event is BYOB. “You buy a ticket, but you don’t know who the comics are until the day of show, when you get an email with the location. We’ve done the Bookery, the Currier, yoga studios, art spaces, usually places where you wouldn’t expect to have a comedy show, and it could be a huge comic from L.A. or a local guy.”

As far as her favorite comedians, Dunn and Chanoine are high on the list, but Gonzales is hesitant to name a top moment in her two years as a producer. It’s electricity that’s happened many times.

“When you get those loud moments of laughter, you feel the energy shift in a room of people that are enjoying themselves and letting themselves go,” she said. “There’s no control sometimes when you laugh and there’s that wave … that’s the best thing. I crave it; it’s dopamine for me.”

Gonzales tries to keep an open mind with her booking. She tries to offer enough variety to please everyone, not just herself. She does try to be inclusive. “As a Hispanic female in comedy it’s been really important to me to promote diversity in my shows,” she said. “In the past we’ve celebrated different cultures with shows that include all Hispanic and all Asian line-ups and I hope to do more in the future.”

She’s also part of a group that runs monthly mental health meetups. These are “conversations about the importance of maintaining mental health and supporting each other in the New England comedy community,” she said. “In past meetings we’ve had guest speakers from NAMI, and guided meditations.”

Through it all Gonzales is still the same fan who showed up at the Shaskeen back when looking for laughter.

“Honestly, I enjoy comedy,” she said. “I’m putting on shows that I want to see, but I try and make sure that I’m getting well-rounded talent. I may not find all of them funny, but I know other people will find them funny. Ultimately I want to put on a good show. As a fan, I have that perspective where I’m playing the politics that a comedian would need to play … then at the end of the day, I sit down and watch the show and I’m ready to laugh.”

Just a joke?: cancel or consequence

There’s a growing sentiment among fans and some purveyors of comedy that goes a bit like this: “Almost anything a comic says on stage these days might get them canceled.” Most comedians get it, though — the trick is don’t be more mean than funny.

Comedy veteran and national touring standup Steve Hofstetter, who will perform in October at Nashua’s Center for the Arts, has a formula for whether a bit has crossed the line. “Jokes need to be more than fifty-one percent funny than whatever else they are, or it’s not a joke,” he said. “If there’s a joke about race that is less than fifty-one percent funny, it’s not a joke at all, it’s just a racist thing…. If something is so funny that it eclipses the subject matter that a comic is talking about, that’s what makes it a joke. If something is a little bit funny, but overwhelmingly something else, then the funny of it doesn’t matter at all.”

Two of the comics interviewed for this story offered their takes on how far is too far.

Jimmy Dunn: “There are certain things that no matter who you are you’re not going to make it funny, but people will try to make it funny. The No. 1 rule is it must be funny. Look, people are not coming out to be challenged or for you to insult their sensibilities. They’re just coming out for a good time. My attitude is usually I can write a joke that would have a point and would piss half the audience off. I have no interest in doing that. My job is to make everybody laugh, have everybody leave and have a good time. I don’t want controversy. That’s not what I do. There’s some great comics that do that that I follow and some of my friends have made great livings being the ‘I can’t believe he said that’ guy, you know? Not what I want to do. I want the husband and wife to have a great time and have a couple of drinks. I want the guy who owns the club to hand me a big bag of money and say, ‘Thanks for coming in. We’ll see you next week.’”

Kerri Louise: “I do think there is a line, but mine is so far north it’s unbelievable. The line has come down so far where you can’t even talk about a black crayon and someone’s gonna be like, ‘Wait, that’s racist.’ That’s where I get so angry and sad for every comedian. It does make you work harder; it makes you think, but it shouldn’t. Years ago, there was a line. You’re not going to be mean but you’re going to make fun of what everybody else makes fun of. When you make fun of a stereotype, everybody can get the joke at the same time. If no one has that common knowledge, how can we make fun? We’re all making fun and having a good time, so relax. Kathy Griffin, I read her book, and she’s like, ‘Find your audience, because I know I’m not for everybody.’ It’s true. But what’s happening is people are seeking you out just to cancel you. I can only wish to be canceled; that means I’m popular. But no one’s canceled me right now, so I don’t have to worry about it.”

Steve Hofstetter, again: “I happen to think that cancel culture doesn’t exist. I cannot name a single comedian who has been canceled. I can name some who have been fired. I can name some who have been arrested. But anyone that someone holds up as a canceled icon, like Louis C.K.? He hosted SNL; that doesn’t sound canceled. Shane Gillis was canceled? No, he was fired from SNL. But now he’s playing venues twice the size that he was playing before that happened. There’s no one that’s gotten canceled, because the entertainment industry is direct to consumer these days. They determine whether or not you work. So the people who are worried about getting canceled or complaining that they’ve been canceled are either liars or people who don’t want to bother writing a new joke.”

Comedy shows

Chunky’s Cinema Pub in Manchester
707 Huse Road, Manchester; chunkys.com. Most shows start at 8:30 p.m. Ticket prices vary.
Friday, Aug. 11 Lenny Clarke
Saturday, Aug. 12 Harrison Stebbins
Saturday, Aug. 19 Jody Sloane
Saturday, Aug. 26 Phillip Anthony
Saturday, Sept. 2 Tim McKeever
Saturday, Sept. 9 Brad Mastrangelo
Saturday, Sept. 16 Steve Bjork
Saturday, Sept. 23 Chris D
Saturday, Sept. 30 Kyle Crawford
Friday, Oct. 6 and Saturday, Oct. 7 Greg Fitzsimmons
Saturday, Oct. 14 Marty Caproni
Saturday, Oct. 21 Pat Napoli
Sat., Oct. 28 Harrison Stebbins

Don’t Tell Comedy
Donttellcomedy.com. Shows are at locations and with comedians announced after you obtain tickets. Upcoming shows include Aug. 11, Aug. 19 and Aug. 25, with 7 and 9 p.m. shows in a Portsmouth location.

Palace Theatre
80 Hanover St., Manchester; palacetheatre.org
Saturday, Aug. 12, 7:30 p.m., Kevin Pollak (in conjunction with the Manchester International Film Festival)
Sunday, Sept. 17, 7 p.m. Colin & Brad: Scared Scriptless
Saturday, Oct. 7, 5 and 8 p.m. Juston McKinney

Tupelo Music Hall
10 A St., Derry; tupelomusichall.com
Saturday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m. Lenny Clarke
Friday, Aug. 25, 8 p.m. Tupelo Night of Comedy: Tony V, Sean Sullivan and Dave Decker
Saturday, Sept. 23, 8 p.m. Paula Poundstone
Saturday, Oct. 7, 8 p.m. Tupelo Night of Comedy: Paul Gilligan, Paul Landwehr
Thursday, Nov. 2, 8 p.m. Brad Mastrangelo, Steve Bjork and Kennedy Richard (NH Chiefs of Police Fundraiser)

Murphy’s Taproom, Manchester
494 Elm St., Manchester; scampscomedy.com/shows. Shows are Saturdays at 8 p.m. See website for tickets.
Aug. 12 Janet McNamara
Aug. 19 & Aug. 26 TBA
Sept. 2 Dave Rattigan

Headliners Manchester
At the DoubleTree Hilton Manchester (700 Elm St. in downtown Manchester); headlinersnh.com. Tickets cost $20. Saturday shows start at 8:30 p.m. Ticket sales at the door begin at 6 p.m.
Aug. 12 Jody Sloane
Aug. 19 Dan Crohn
Aug. 26 Steve Bjork
Sept. 2 Chris D
Sept. 9 Amy Tee
Sept. 16 Skip Daniels
Sept. 23 Kyle Crawford
Sept. 30 Cory Gee
Oct. 7 Tim McKeever
Oct. 14 Amy Tee
Oct. 21 Brad Mastrangelo
Oct. 28 James Dorsey

BLEND.603 Gallery
82 Fleet St., Portsmouth; blend603.com. Tickets start at $20.
Saturday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m. Jason Cordova
Friday, Aug.18, 8 p.m. Gary Petersen
Saturday, Aug. 26, 8 p.m. BLEND.comedy TBA

Shaskeen Pub
909 Elm St. in Manchester; shaskeenirishpub.com. Comedy by Ruby Room Comedy, rubyroomcomedy.com. Find them on EventBrite for tickets to Wednesday, 9 p.m., shows. Tickets start at $10.
Aug. 16 Ashton Womack
Aug. 23 Matt Lopes
Aug. 30 Jon Tillson

Colonial Theatre of Laconia
609 Main St., Laconia; coloniallaconia.com
Thursday, Aug. 17, 8 p.m. Tony V, Steve Scarfo and Ryan Gartley (Franklin Animal Shelter Comedy Night)
Saturday, Sept. 23, 8 p.m. Mother of a Comedy Show
Thursday, Oct. 12, 8 p.m. Daniel Sloss
Friday, Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. Brad Upton

Nashua Center for the Arts
201 Main St., Nashua; nashuacenterforthearts.com, 800-657-8774.
Friday, Aug. 18, 8 p.m. Mother of a Comedy Show
Saturday, Oct. 7, 8 p.m. Steve Hofstetter
Saturday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m., Chelcie Lynn

Rex Theatre
23 Amherst St., Manchester; palacetheatre.org. Most Friday Night at the Rex shows start at 7:30 p.m. and ticket prices are generally $25.
Aug. 18 Al Park
Sept. 15 Tony V. and Friends
Sept. 22 Brian Glowacki and Friends
Sept. 29 Robert Dubac’s The Book of Moron

Bank of NH Stage
16 S. Main St., Concord; ccanh.com
Saturday, Aug. 26, at 8 p.m. Jimmy Dunn

Music Hall
The Music Hall Historic Theater is at 28 Chestnut St., Portsmouth; the Lounge is at 131 Congress St., Portsmouth. themusichall.org.
Sunday, Aug. 27, 8 p.m. Jen Kober (Lounge)
Saturday, Sept. 2, 8:30 p.m. Nick Callas (Lounge)
Thursday, Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m. Pinky Patel (Theater)
Friday, Sept. 29, at 6 and 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 30, at 6 and 9 p.m. Bassem Yousef (Lounge)
Friday, Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m. Michael Carbonaro (theater)
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m. Howie Mandel (Theater)
Saturday, Nov. 4, 6 and 8:30 p.m. David Koechner: The Office Trivia with “Todd Packer” (Lounge)
Thursday, Nov. 9, 6 and 8:30 p.m. Ben Bailey (Lounge)
Saturday, Nov. 11, 6 and 8:30 p.m., Brian Glowaki (Lounge)
Tuesday, Dec. 26, at 7 p.m.; Wednesday, Dec. 27, at 7 p.m., and Thursday, Dec. 28, at 8 p.m. Juston McKinney’s Comedy Year in Review (Theater)

Chunky’s Cinema Pub in Nashua
151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua; Chunkys.com. See website for Saturday show times and ticket prices.
Sept. 2 Al Ghanekar
Sept. 9 Mike Hanley
Sept. 16 Peter Lui
Sept. 23 Brian Beaudion
Sept. 30 Tim McKeever
Oct. 7 Steve Bjork
Oct. 14 Ace Aceto
Oct. 21 Kyle Crawford
Oct. 28 Brad Mastrangelo

Amato Center
56 Mont Vernon St., Milford. See bmarley.com for tickets.
Friday, Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m. Bob Marley

Capitol Center for the Arts
Chubb Theatre, 44 S. Main St., Concord; ccanh.com
Saturday, Sept.16, 8 p.m. Demetri Martin
Thursday, Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m. Jonathan Van Ness
Saturday, Sept. 23, 8 p.m. Nurse Blake
Sunday, Oct.15, 7 p.m. Penn & Teller Present: The Foolers
Friday, Nov. 3, and Saturday, Nov. 4, 8 p.m. Bob Marley

SNHU Arena
555 Elm St., Manchester; snhuarena.com
Saturday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m. Bill Burr

Murphy’s Taproom, Bedford
393 Route 101, Bedford
Sunday, Oct. 29 Lenny Clarke

Featured photo: Jimmy Dunn. Courtesy photo.

This Week 23/08/10

Big Events August 10, 2023 and beyond

Thursday, Aug. 10

The 66th Annual New Hampshire Antiques Show begins today and runs today and tomorrow (Friday, Aug. 11) from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the DoubleTree by Hilton (700 Elm St. in Manchester). Admission costs $15 on Thursday, $10 on Friday or Saturday with free return visits after initial admission and free admission to anyone under 30 with ID, according to nhada.org/new-hampshire-antiques-show. This year’s show will feature 67 exhibitors from around the country with items including folk art, fine porcelain, country and formal furniture, paintings, prints, glassware, metalware, pottery and more, according to a press release.

The event comes at the end of a series of shows and events during NH Antiques Week (antiquesweeknh.com). Today is also the final day of Antiques in Manchester: The Collector’s Fair, which runs today from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Sullivan Arena on the campus of Saint Anselm College (101 St. Anselm Drive in Manchester). Admission costs $15. The show features free parking, a cafe and an on-site shipper, according to the website. The offerings include antiques, Americana and art from 64 dealers, the website said. See the event’s website, antiquesinmanchester.com,.

Thursday, Aug. 10

The Delta Dental/Elliot Corporate 5K Road Race starts today at 6:20 p.m. on a loop that starts at Stark and Elm streets and circles through the northern end of Manchester’s downtown to finish on Elm Street near Veterans Park, according to millenniumrunning.com, which said race-day registration was available at noon at the tent in Veterans Park (723 Elm St. in Manchester).

Saturday, Aug. 12

The Sunflower Bloom Festival hosted by Sun Fox Farm (sunfoxfarm.org) begins today and runs through Sunday, Aug. 20. Parking is available at NHTI (31 College Drive in Concord); bicycle and accessible parking is at 6 Loudon Road in Concord, according to sunfoxfarm.org, where you can purchase tickets for $10. The festival is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends, when the festival will also feature vendors, food trucks and live music from New Hampshire Music Collective.

Saturday, Aug. 12

Catch the 1980 Dan Aykroyd/Jim Belushi movie The Blues Brotherstonight at 7 p.m. at the Rex Theatre (23 Amherst St. in Manchester; palacetheatre.org) followed by live music. The event is part of the final night of the Manchester International Film Festival and a $29 ticket to this event will get you in to most of the rest of the festival events. See page 17.

Wednesday, Aug. 16

Hey you guys! All three area Chunky’s Cinema Pubs (707 Huse Road, Manchester; 151 Coliseum Ave., Nashua; 150 Bridge St., Pelham, chunkys.com) will screen 1985’s classic The Goonies tonight at 7 p.m. Doors open an hour before showtime and during that time attendees can search for treasure boxes. Admission costs $5.99.

Save the Date! For Poutine!
The New Hampshire PoutineFest will take place on Saturday, Oct. 14, midday, at Anheuser-Busch Biergarten in Merrimack, but clear your schedule this Saturday, Aug. 12, at 10 a.m. when tickets go on sale at nhpoutinefest.com. Tickets cost $54.99 for general admission (with a 12:45 p.m. entry and a T-shirt as well as poutine samples from participating vendors, described as a “healthy scoop”), $74.99 for premiere (11:30 a.m. entry with a T-shirt, winter hat and the samples) and $14.99 for kids (ages 6 to 12, which includes two samples, a cookie and a shirt).

Featured photo: The 66th Annual New Hampshire Antiques Show.

Quality of Life 23/08/10


New Hampshire waters are experiencing a record number of cyanobacteria blooms this summer due to recent weather conditions, WMUR reported. Environmental officials indicate that the heavy rainfall has enriched the waters with nutrients, promoting the growth of the bacteria. Following the rains, the sunny, warm weather allows the bacteria to thrive. Cyanobacteria manifest as clouds of material, surface scums, or ribbons or flecks floating on the water surface. They can pose health threats to humans and pets, including symptoms like gastrointestinal distress and eye, nose and mouth irritation. More intense reactions might include numbness, seizures and, in extreme cases, organ failure and death.

QOL score: -2

Comment: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services offers a safe swimming map to alert residents about the water quality in various locations throughout the region; visit des.nh.gov/water/healthy-swimming/healthy-swimming-mapper.


WalletHub recently released a report on the best and worst states to have a baby in 2023. When evaluating the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on 31 key measures, such as costs, health care accessibility, and overall baby-friendliness, it found New Hampshire to be the sixth best state to have a baby in 2023. Specifically, New Hampshire excelled in several categories: it ranked 1st in Hospital Conventional-Delivery Charges, 2nd in Hospital Cesarean-Delivery Charges, 7th in the Rate of Low Birth-Weight, and 9th in Infant Mortality Rate. Additionally, the state was 13th in Pediatricians & Family Medicine Physicians per Capita and 15th in both Midwives and OB-GYNs per Capita and Child-Care Centers per Capita.

QOL score: +1

Comment: The average conventional birth costs over $2,600 for mothers with insurance and nearly $15,000 for mothers without insurance, according to the report.

Athletes and scholars

The University of New Hampshire (UNH) women’s soccer team showcased its academic prowess in the 2022-23 year by placing 25 student-athletes on the America East Academic Honor Roll, according to a press release. Of these students, 20 were awarded the Commissioner’s Honor Roll, which requires a GPA of 3.50 or above in fall 2022, while the remaining five made the Honor Roll for GPAs between 3.0 and 3.49. The team’s academic achievements rose this year, with 86 percent of the members receiving an honor, marking a 1 percent improvement from the prior year. Notably, seven Wildcats, Ande Allison, Emily Bini, Ashley Buchheit, Cassie Jones, Abbi Maier, Sally Rainey and Whitney Wiley, secured a 4.0 GPA. On the field, the team triumphed by winning the 2022 America East Championship. They also maintained team GPAs of 3.6 in the Fall and 3.64 in the Spring, with Cassie Jones earning the Elite 18 Award for the highest GPA during the championship game.

QOL score: +1

Comment: Across all sports sponsored by America East in 2022-23, a commendable 77 percent of student-athletes achieved the Honor Roll standard, according to the release, with a total of 2,694 student-athletes being honored for their academic commitment and success throughout the conference.

QOL score: 82

Net change: 0

QOL this week: 82

What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at news@hippopress.com.

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