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New youth shelter to open in Manchester

Borja Alvarez de Toledo, president and CEO of Waypoint, talked about the social service agency’s latest expansion project, which includes the state’s first shelter specifically for youth experiencing homelessness.

What is Waypoint and who does it serve?

Waypoint is a social service agency … with more than 20 programs across the state. We basically serve [people through] the whole lifespan, from early childhood all the way to seniors. Waypoint has been the main provider of services for runaway and homeless youth for the last 25 years. We’ve had a program in Manchester on Lincoln Street, [which was] a youth drop-in center … where youth can actually come, take a shower, work on their resume on a computer, get food, get clothing, engage with case management. … We’ve also had a mobile team that works on the Seacoast, which is basically a van driving around to the different towns, and some housing and transitional living programs where youth can stay.

How many youth are experiencing homelessness in New Hampshire?

There was research done by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago that was the first real national study on the issue of youth homelessness. It became clear that, across the United States — and it’s the same in urban settings and in more rural settings in parts of New Hampshire — that one in 15 young adults ages 18 to 25, and one in 30 ages 14 to 17, experienced some level of homelessness every single year. … When you extrapolate that and look at how many youth of those ages are living in New Hampshire, we’re talking about 15,000 youths.

How has the pandemic affected youth homelessness?

‘Homelessness’ doesn’t always mean sleeping on the streets every day. It may mean housing instability. Sometimes, [the youth] are couchsurfing and are able to get a [place to stay] for a couple of weeks at a friend’s house or by staying with a family member. The pandemic made things much more complicated, because those houses that were hosting those youths closed [their doors] because of the fear and risk of Covid. We’ve found that, now, there are more youths who are sleeping in cars, in tents, in abandoned buildings.

What is involved in Waypoint’s expansion project?

Two years ago we had some internal focus meetings … and we realized that there was an increasing [number of] youth experiencing homelessness in Concord; that we really wanted to build a center in Rochester that was similar to the one we have in Manchester; and that we were the only state in New England without a shelter [exclusively] for youth. We decided to expand our services … and buy two buildings: one for a center in Rochester, and one on Hanover Street in Manchester, where we can actually have that first shelter for youth experiencing homelessness in New Hampshire. It’s a huge expansion. … Those three centers won’t cover the whole need — there are also homeless youth in the North Country and in more rural areas of the state — but we felt like we needed to continue to grow our services in these three areas for now.

What will the youth shelter be like?

The shelter is what’s really going to make a difference. The youth we have engaged in Manchester keep asking us every day, ‘When is that [shelter] going to be open?’ … It’s going to be housed in the same place where we’re going to have our youth resource drop-in center. It’s very possible that a youth is going to be receiving services during the day on one floor of the building, engaging with case management or groups or other activities, and then, [at the end of the day] when it’s time to transition, they’ll just go down to the floor where the shelter is and sleep there. There’s more continuity of services that way.

Why is it important for youth to have a youth-specific shelter?

Research has indicated that it’s not appropriate for youth to be actually housed in shelters for adults, especially shelters where there are some chronically homeless adults. The minute [the youth] walk into those spaces, there’s a sense of, ‘This is going to be the rest of my life. This is going to be me when I’m 50 or 60.’ They see that right in front of them, and it almost shatters any sense of hope or sense that [their circumstances] can change. There are also sometimes very rigid rules at those shelters that don’t always apply to the youth; it’s more complicated for youth.

What is the current status of the expansion project?

We’re in the process of renovating the buildings … and we are continuing to fundraise, because the cost to renovate these buildings is about three and a half million dollars. We’ve had a lot of support already for this specific project, from the city through HUD — Housing and Urban Development — funding and through congressionally directed funding by Sen. Shaheen. Many foundations and individual donors have contributed money. If people want to donate to help us get to the finish line on this project, that would be incredible. … My hope is that by the end of the summer [the facilities] will be ready to open and start [offering] services and serving youth.

Featured photo: Borja Alvarez de Toledo. Courtesy photo.

News & Notes 22/04/07

Covid-19 update As of March 28 As of April 4
Total cases statewide 302,181 303,010
Total current infections statewide 1,020 1,033
Total deaths statewide 2,447 2,452
New cases 873 (March 22 to March 28) 829 (March 29 to April 4)
Current infections: Hillsborough County 253 281 (as of Thurs., March 31)
Current infections: Merrimack County 86 87 (as of Thurs., March 31)
Current infections: Rockingham County 164 218 (as of Thurs., March 31)
Information from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.

Covid-19 news

On March 29, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a second booster dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccines for older and certain immunocompromised populations. According to a press release, these include people ages 50 and older at least four months after receiving their first booster dose, as well as people ages 12 and older (for Pfizer) and 18 and older (for Moderna) who have undergone solid organ transplantation, or who are living with conditions considered to have an equivalent level of immunocompromise. “Based on an analysis of emerging data, a second booster dose … could help increase protection levels for these higher-risk individuals,” Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. “Current evidence suggests some waning of protection over time.”

In New Hampshire, state health officials reported 102 new cases of Covid-19 on April 4. Last week, Covid-related hospitalizations fell to the single digits for the first time in more than a year — as of April 4 there were just six statewide.

Paid leave

The state is looking for a commercial insurance carrier to fully insure and administer the Granite State Paid Family and Medical Leave Plan. According to a press release, last week Gov. Chris Sununu and the New Hampshire Departments of Administrative Services and Employment Security, with assistance from the Insurance Department, released a Request for Proposal to administer the plan, which provides participating employees in New Hampshire with 60 percent of their average weekly wage for up to six weeks per year for specified leaves of absence. “A statewide, private-market, truly voluntary paid leave plan does not exist in any other state, and New Hampshire is leading the way,” Sununu said in the release. “After years of talk, we are finally moving forward with a viable paid leave product that is available to anyone who wants it and forced upon no one who does not.” The state is required to implement a voluntary paid family and medical leave plan as a provision of the 2022/2023 State Budget Trailer Bill, the release said. Any employer can choose to participate, and a business enterprise tax credit equal to 50 percent of the premium paid by those employers is available. “This is a critical program providing current and future workers here in the Granite State with the choice to take paid time away from work to care for family or care for themselves,” Deputy Commissioner Richard Lavers of Employment Security said in the release.

Queen City budget

Last week, Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig delivered her FY23 tax-cap budget address. According to a press release, the budget proposal includes a 3.57 percent property tax increase (resulting in a tax rate change of $0.63, from $17.68 to $18.31 per $1,000 of assessed property value), which equates to an increase in property tax revenues of $8.2 million. Approximately $4.3 million of that is allocated to the City and $3.9 million the Manchester School District. A significant increase in health insurance claims in the second half of FY22 prompted an increase of $1.5 million to health insurance in FY23, the release said, and an additional $1.4 million was allocated to merits, longevity and associated benefits — meaning 65 percent of all city employees will receive at least a 3 percent increase in pay. The budget also includes bonding renovations to Derryfield Park, and replacing the Livingston Park track and the playgrounds at Wolfe Park and Sheridan Emmett Park, as well as $4.1 million that will go toward improving 32.9 miles of streets and sidewalks. The budget also establishes a green streets tree canopy program that will cover half of a resident’s cost for a new tree if it’s adjacent to the street. It leverages private funds for upgrades to fields at Livingston, Precourt, Sheehan Basquil and Stevens parks. For Manchester’s schools, the budget covers current programming and staff, and costs associated with collective bargaining agreements, retirement and health insurance, the release said, and it supports the school district’s strategic plan to grow its learners, educators and systems. Approximately $4.4 million in bonding will be used for Capital Improvement Projects, including the purchase of five school buses, playground replacements at Bakersville and Webster Elementary and Cullerot Park access to green space for Northwest students.

Political poll

Sixty-eight percent of New Hampshire registered voters think the country is on the wrong track, according to a recent poll from the Saint Anselm College Survey Center at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics. That number is down from 74 percent in January, and according to a press release, the current political environment has led to slightly improved job approval for incumbents, though President Joe Biden’s handling of the economy is the same as January, with 58 percent of voters disapproving. His job approval has increased slightly: 43 percent approval, compared to 41 percent in January. Locally, Gov. Chris Sununu is up from his career low and is now at 62 percent approval, 36 percent disapproval, and, according to the release, he leads in a hypothetical matchup against his only announced challenger, State Sen. Tom Sherman, 51 to 24 percent. The approval rating for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen is at 48 percent; Sen. Maggie Hassan is at 46 percent; Congressman Chris Pappas is at 43 percent; and Congresswoman Annie Kuster is at 42 percent, the release said. Results from the Saint Anselm College Survey Center poll are based on online surveys of 1,265 New Hampshire registered voters collected on March 23 and March 24.


The state has a new partnership with TeachUNITED to provide five rural schools with individualized professional development. According to a press release, the schools were selected based on need and instructional improvement goals. The chosen schools are Northwood Elementary School in Northwood, Strong Foundations Charter School in Pembroke, Barnard Elementary School in South Hampton, Stevens High School in Claremont and Cornish Elementary School in Cornish. The program highlights strategies for growth mindset, data-driven instruction and personalized and blended learning. “This new partnership will support teachers and rural school leaders with strategies necessary to set and reach ambitious student goals,” Frank Edelblut, commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education, said in the release.

Help clean up any public area in Concord with the city’s Blue Bag Program. According to Concord’s monthly newsletter, residents can participate in the free program by filling out a release form, picking up free blue bags at the Concord General Services office at 311 N. State St., do the clean-up, leave the bags on the side of the road, and then notify General Services, which will come out and pick up the trash.

The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center will travel to the Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum in Warner on Saturday, April 9, from 7 to 9 p.m. for “Spemki Nib8iwi: The Heavens in the Nighttime.” According to a press release, the free outdoor program will feature stargazing with an Indigenous focus, a bonfire, hot drinks and telescopes set up in the field for sky viewing. Bring your own chairs; restrooms will be available.

Street sweeping is underway in Manchester. The Department of Public Works started sweeping on April 6, according to a press release, and sweeping will take place in various neighborhoods around the city on the first Wednesday and Thursday of the month. From 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on those days, vehicles will need to be parked on one side of the street on Wednesday and on the opposite side the following day. Signs will be posted, and the city has tried to inform all residents in these areas, the release said.

Hillsborough County Superior Court-South’s Adult Drug Court in Nashua has been named one of 10 national mentor treatment courts by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals and the U.S. Department of Justice. According to a press release, the drug court will serve a two-year term as a model program to assist new or growing courts around the country.

This Week 22/03/31

Big Events March 31, 2022 and beyond

Thursday, March 31

Get music and the art of Andy Warhol at Art After Work today from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester. Admission is free (as it is all Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m.) and Joel Cage (pictured) will be performing live. The Currier’s new exhibit, “Warhol Screen Tests,” opens today with 20 silent, black and white screen test films, according to currier.org. Other exhibits on display include “The Appeal of the Real: 19th Century Photographs of the Ancient World” and “WPA in NH: Philip Guston and Musa McKim.”

Thursday, March 31

Get nearly a month of movies when the New Hampshire Jewish Film Festival begins today with a screening of The Automat at the Rex Theatre in Manchester at 7 p.m. The festival runs through Sunday, April 10, with 16 films in all — 11 features, five shorts and four in-person screenings. Most of the movies will also be available virtually, either during the festival itself or during a bonus week, April 11 through April 24. Tickets start at $12 for individual screenings, or you can buy packages for screenings of all movies, virtual only ($118) or in-person and virtual ($130 for one person, $180 for two). See nhjewishfilmfestival.com for details and check out Meghan Siegler’s story on page 10 of the March 24 (last week’s) issue of the Hippo (which you can find at hippopress.com). Amy Diaz reviews a few of the films in this week’s film section, which starts on page 44.

Friday, April 1

The Palace Theatre’s production of Bye Bye Birdie kicks off its final weekend of performances. See the musical today at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 2, at 2 and 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 3, at noon at the Palace in Manchester. See palacetheatre.org.

Friday, April 1

Meanwhile, continuing its run tonight is the drama Places You Go presented by New World Theatre at the Hatbox Theatre in Concord. The play, which opened March 25, will run the next two weekends: Fridays and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $19 for students and seniors. See hatboxnh.com.

Saturday, April 2

Get some smooth jazz with Andrew Emmauel at Liquid Therapy in Nashua today at 6 p.m. Find more music at area bars, restaurants, breweries and more in the Music This Week listing, which starts on page 47.

Sunday, April 3

The Strathspey and Reel Society of NH, described as “New Hampshire’s own Scottish orchestra” according to a press release, will perform a Scottish Concert in honor of Tartan Day today at 2 p.m. at the Wilton Collaborative Space (25 Gregg St. in Wilton). The event is free but reservations are required; call the Wilton Public and Gregg Free Library at 654-2581 or email sandyl@wiltonlibrarynh.org.

Save the Date! Saturday, May 7
Enjoy “The Music of James Bond” from Symphony NH on Saturday, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Keefe Center for the Arts in Nashua. In addition to music from the decades of Bond movies, the program will include music from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Mission Impossible and more. Tickets cost $20 to $60 for adults (children are free with an adult ticket, seniors get a discount). See symphonynh.org.

Featured photo. Joel Cage will be performing live at the Currier Museum of Art. Courtesy photo.

Quality of Life 22/03/31

Granite State innovates

New Hampshire is the 9th most innovative state, according to a new report on the country’s most and least innovative states from personal-finance website WalletHub. According to the report, the Granite State ranks 5th in eighth-grade math and science performance, 7th in projected STEM-job demand by 2028, 8th in share of STEM professionals, 9th in share of tech companies, and 10th in share of science and engineering graduates ages 25 and older.

Score: +1

Comment: District of Columbia, Massachusetts and Washington ranked highest in the report, while North Dakota, Louisiana and Mississippi were at the bottom of the list.

Donor milk needed

The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Women’s Health Resource Center has been providing pasteurized donor human milk for babies whose mothers might be having challenges producing a reliable milk supply since it opened in the summer of 2020. According to a press release, that milk supply is now running low, and the center is looking for donors. “When the donor milk depot and dispensary first opened, we were averaging 150 bottles of donor milk,” Krista Duval, women’s health manager of the WHRC and the Milk Depot, said in the release. “Today, the number has dropped to 50, which limits the number of bottles a family can receive and, in some cases, we are turning families away.” Pasteurized donor milk can be lifesaving for preterm infants, the release said.

Score: -1

Comment: Mothers interested in donating milk can contact the WHRC to arrange for free testing, which includes a phone screening, application and blood test. Call 650-2600 or email whrc@hitchcock.org.

Help for small businesses

The first round of grants through the Manchester Small Business Grant & Program Assistance has been distributed: Barre Life, Café la Reine, Jumpp Chiropractic, Caesario’s Pizza, Blackwood Law, Manchester Acupuncture Studio, Willows Florist, Hospitality Sports Club, Zapata Trucking Express, Studio Verne, and Patz Deli each received a $10,000 grant, according to a press release. The program is designed to help Queen City small business owners recover from the negative economic effects of the pandemic, using funds from the American Rescue Plan. Grants can be used for other fixed business costs as well, like transitioning to e-commerce business platforms and outdoor space upgrades, the release said.

Score: +1

Comment: “This grant program not only gives [these small businesses] the boost they need right now, but helps them plan for the future,” Mayor Joyce Craig said in the release.

Newman Civic Fellows

Students from five colleges and universities in New Hampshire have been named Newman Civic Fellows public problem solvers: Jonathan Cacatian of Hellenic American University, Emily Infinger of Plymouth State University, Jillian Barrett of Saint Anselm College, Kate Matthews of UNH and Aditi Gupta of Dartmouth College. The fellowship “recognizes students who stand out for their commitment to creating positive change in communities locally and around the world,” according to a press release, and provides recipients with a year of learning and networking opportunities that emphasize personal, professional and civic growth that helps prepare them to create large-scale positive change.

Score: +1

Comment: “Our state has a long history of community service and giving back to others. This fellowship advances our collective mission to work in areas of need to improve the lives of Granite Staters,” Debby Scire, executive director of Campus Compact for New Hampshire, which runs the fellowship program, said in the release.

QOL score: 68

Net change: +2

QOL this week: 70

What’s affecting your Quality of Life here in New Hampshire? Let us know at news@hippopress.com.

Brady bound for Miami next?

Idle thoughts today from an idle mind.

Given the Tom Brady-to-Miami rumor that surfaced last week, maybe we have a clue why TB’s retirement announcement seemed so botched. Maybe he quickly wanted the Bucs to contemplate life without him, to get leverage for forcing a trade to Miami. Where, oh by the way, he and Yoko are building their dream retirement home on billionaires row just off Miami Beach.

Loved Jimmy Kimmel’s assessment for the Rams’ woefully sparse Super Bowl victory parade turnout: “honestly, I think there were more football fans on the street cheering for OJ during the slow-motion chase.”

Speaking of L.A., so much for it being the center of the basketball universe. Just two summers ago when the Clippers signed Kawhi Leonard and traded for Paul George after the Lakers slimily, albeit legally, tampered to pair Anthony Davis with LeBron James it looked like that city was going to dominate the NBA for several years. But with the Clips 36-39 and the Lakers 31-43, both are fighting to barely make the play-in round.

And while the Lakers did win the title in the abbreviated bubble year, they’re just 162-137 in LeBron’s time in L.A., with that lowly play-in-round finish ahead, after being bounced in Round 1 last year and missing them all together in Year 1. And with the Clips even worse, it’s turned out to be a colossal failure considering the expectations. Especially when they collectively still owe the Pelicans and Thunder an astonishing seven more first-round picks through 2026. And none are protected as both trend down!

The Lakers predicament is good news for the Celtics. They’re tied with a most-ever 17 league titles, and with the C’s suddenly surging as Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum enter their prime, they look a lot more likely to get No. 18 first than I would have thought possible as late as New Year’s Day.

Anyone else notice that the Hornets have gone 8-2 since signing Isaiah Thomas when he scored 9.2 points per in 13 minutes a game off the bench? That includes their 119-110 win over the Nets in Sunday’s battle for the top seed in the play-in round that starts the playoffs.

Incidentally, with the mask mandate lifted, that game was the first one in Brooklyn for the guy Danny Ainge stupidly traded Isaiah (and the draft pick that turned out to be Collin Sexton) for — Kyrie Irving. The loss made the Nets 9-13 in the 22 games played by their so-called difference maker.

Hearing Deion Sanders say it was “disrespectful” when media people called him by his first name at a recent press conference instead of “coach” was comical. Pretty rich for a guy who showboated everyone anytime he did something big. As for not calling him by his title, you’re a football coach, Deion, not the president. Get a grip.

Speaking of pretty rich, how about ex-Patriot LeGarrette Blount recently lambasting college coach at Oregon Chip Kelly for “not supporting” him after he delivered an unprovoked sucker punch to an unsuspecting Boise State player after the first game of his senior season? So much for maturity helping him take responsibility.

Got to love ex-Trinity hooper Wenyen Gabriel getting another NBA chance in L.A. He’s started in four of his 11 games with the Lakers, while averaging 6 points and 4 rebounds a game.

I don’t get HBO, so I haven’t seen any of its 1980s Showtime Lakers series. But I saw a clip of the first meeting between Jerry Buss and a made to be the villain Red Auerbach as an over-the-top (even for him) arrogant adversary. John C. Reilly as Buss looked more like a porn king than an NBA owner. Not sure I’m interested in seeing Jerry West as a bitter drunk either.

I crossed paths with Dr. Buss one time, just outside the Kingdome during the 1989 Final Four in Seattle. True to form, he came walking toward me before the Saturday afternoon games with a gorgeous 20-something blonde on each arm.

Loved the recent line from Will Clark, whose swing was often compared to Ted Williams during his 80s/90s heyday, while talking about today’s three-outcome — walk, strike out, homer — launch angle approach to hitting: it must have “Rogers Hornsby and Ty Cobb rolling over in their graves.”

When you hear Jermaine Wiggins say on WEEI the Patriots should trade Mac Jones for (before they were) Russell Wilson or Deshaun Watson, don’t listen. Remember his suggestion to fix the 2017 dumpster fire Celtics was signing ball hog Carmelo Anthony. Wiggy’s a likable fellow, but a dope.

For what it’s worth, no matter how good he is I wouldn’t want Watson with 22 sexual misconduct complaints against him. (He has denied all the allegations, according to the New York Times.) However, since I don’t have much faith in mankind when sports is involved, I think the hoo-ha around him will disappear with a win or two as football-crazed Cleveland is win-hungry since it hasn’t won a playoff game since Bill Belichick bested Bill Parcells and the Patriots in 1994!

I give ESPN’s Tom BradyCharles Woodson 30 for 30 on the Tuck Rule play a C- at best. It was 15 minutes (maybe) of new content stretched (endlessly) into 60. How many of the 900 replays shown did we really need to see? Six? How many times did we need to hear Woodson, Jon Gruden and Lincoln Kennedy say it was a fumble and they got screwed? Or Brady and Bob Kraft saying good call? All it did was remind me how close that call was, and that the play on the field would have stood because the replay was inconclusive. Bad rule. Right call.

Also, the notion Brady would have gone back to backing up Drew Bledsoe for fumbling was ridiculous. The season turned when TB replaced Drew.

Running the rules

State’s first female deputy enforcement, licensing chief

Meet Danielle Ellston, the new deputy chief and deputy director of the New Hampshire Liquor Commission’s Division of Enforcement and Licensing, and the first woman to assume the role.

What does your job as deputy chief and deputy director entail?

Within the Division of Enforcement and Licensing, we have field operations, which [consist of] all of our sworn police officers — their official title is ‘investigators’ — who provide our regulatory function throughout the state, [with] a primary mission of preventing youth access to alcohol and tobacco. We also have our administrative services, which includes our licensing, help desk, auditing and direct shipping units, as well as our training units, which provide training to our licensees and our store employees. I’m second in command to the chief, who runs the whole operation. I’m kind of the middleman; I’m a support for the chief … and I also oversee some of the day-to-day operations of the division, making sure that we’re staying on track with our mission to ensure that we’re complying with our policies, rules and regulations.

What is your background in this kind of work?

I have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Endicott College. I was hired right out of school by Liquor Enforcement in September 2008. … In January 2009, I received my police certification from the New Hampshire Police Academy, representing the [liquor] division at the academy. I’ve been here [in New Hampshire] for my entire adult career, and that’s something that’s important to me. … There’s a lot that has happened in the amount of time I’ve been here. It’s really cool that I got to see and be a part of the agency’s development and progression.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’re up against?

It’s very tough for the licensees right now. They were just getting their footing back from everything that happened during Covid. At the end of last year and even last summer, we saw people out and about, feeling comfortable going to public places again. Now, with some of the inflation issues … people are going out less and spending less money … and the industry is starting to feel the impact of that. The industry is also still dealing with staffing issues. Covid created a lot of job opportunities for people to work remotely, which is good, but the industry is feeling the impact of people … moving on to different jobs. We feel that on our end, too, because they’re trying to manage more patrons with less staff. The way we combat that is through our educational platform; education … is a primary function of our investigators. They’re out there educating these licensees, giving them ways to run their business with less staff and ways to be more diligent with checking IDs and over-serving. … We have to look at what’s going on around us and really change the way we [communicate] our goals to the licensees. It’s a partnership where we have to listen to them and hear what their issues are, then educate them on what the best ways to stay in compliance are. It really is a give and take.

What do you hope to accomplish as deputy chief and deputy director, short-term and long-term?

My big goal here is to keep us moving forward and to be progressive … and to really try to streamline everything we do, to work with the industry and to make it a great, very successful relationship. … When I say ‘be progressive,’ it’s [referring to] everything — technology, education, community outreach. How can we make our processes more efficient for the licensees? How can we make our internal procedures more efficient for our employees? … There’s a mentality to say, ‘This is the way we’ve always done things,’ … but there are so many opportunities for us to partner with the industry and our coalition groups to really step forward.

What does being the first woman in this position mean to you?

I’m very honored and grateful. It’s a very cool situation to be in. … Going back to [the idea of] being progressive, we’re seeing … a movement throughout law enforcement of more females getting into the profession. I’m the first female deputy chief, but we have a pretty big group of females working here, and we have some female supervisors. … If I can help show that [women] can be successful in it, then that’s a very cool opportunity.

What do you find rewarding about this work?

The cool thing about our agency is that there are so many people you get to interact with. We’re interacting with licensees who are just trying to have a successful business. We’re interacting with our coalition groups, which have such an outstanding mission they’re trying to achieve, and they like including us in that. We get to work with local law enforcement agencies and help them be successful in establishing their business relationships with their licensees. We get to interact with youth. For me, that’s the best part — getting to interact with all these different people and to really be a part of their mission and bring them in to be a part of our mission.

Featured photo: Danielle Ellston being sworn in. Courtesy photo.

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