Pop of Flavor — 12/19/2024

Time for snacks! Whether you’re gathering a crowd for a screening of Elf or catching up on Yellowstone in a quiet moment, you need snacks. And there is no better snack for kicking back than popcorn — a sometimes salty, sometimes sweet highly snackable treat. In this week’s issue, John Fladd talks to popcorn experts and does some recipe tinkering to create some corn delights.

Also on the cover And what goes better with popcorn than movies? Amy Diaz offers a look at new holiday films for kids, families, grown-ups and people who argue that Die Hard is a Christmas movie (page 28). John also checks out some seasonal brews from area beer makers (page 22). Or perhaps you want to enjoy the season’s lights? In this week’s Kiddie Pool (page 20) we list some of the spots to find holiday lights, and Michael Witthaus takes a closer look at LaBelle Lights on page 32.

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A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Baffling the beavers As reported in a Dec. 5 article by Nashua Ink Link (nashua.inklink.news) the City of Nashua is ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
18+ only According to a press release, The New Hampshire Lottery and the National Council on Problem Gambling collaborated for ...
man with two small boys in science museum looking at ball of electricity
SEE Science Center offers all ages science exploration Shana Hawrylchak is the Executive Director of SEE Science Center. She spoke ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Coach B Heads to Chapel Hill: Well, I was wrong — Bill Belichick was serious about ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Green light in the sky As reported by WMUR in a Dec.10 online article, a comet will be visible in ...
promotional image for event at movie theater, showing national lampoon character in wreath with words Merry Clarkmas
Thursday, Dec. 19 There will be a 21+ Ugly Sweater Party and screening of 1989’s classic holiday movie National Lampoon’s ...
An elderly woman painting a snowy landscape onto a bar of chocolate
Chocolate bars serve as a canvas for edible art Laurie Lowy sat at a small table in the corner of ...
A butcher and his wife pose and smile for a selfi
Hood is a butcher and co-owner of Old Boy’s Butcher Shop (707 Route 101A, Merrimack, 699-8014). Dave Hood has been ...
A cranberry margarita in a clear glass sits next to a pumpkin pie and a bowl of limes
Cranberry Margarita Everything was quiet, mostly. Very few houses are actually quiet at night. Every time the wind blows, a ...
Asian woman standing in front of popcorn maker, smiling
The perfect buttery, sweet and savory popcorn treats for your movie nights and TV binges Angie Lane spends a lot ...
four women, two wearing black shirts and two wearing red shirts, standing in library behind table decorated with ceramic Christmas village, holding ringing bell instruments.
Sounds of a handbell choir By Zachary [email protected] Experience what a bell can do at upcoming performances by one of ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Still some Nutcracker: The Nutcracker season is not over yet ...
pearl necklaces laid out on flat surface
Dear Donna, Can you possibly help to determine if any of these necklaces are real pearls? They belonged to my ...
Family fun for whenever Looking at lights • Drive around and check out the holiday lights in the Southern New ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Goodbye to an institution: Bakolas Market (110 Spruce St., Manchester, 669-2941) will close ...
glass of beer on table beside beer bottle label for christmas beer
Local breweries celebrate the season with holiday flavors Andy Day loves holiday beers. For a very short time. “It’s one ...
Two album covers: One showing an artistic pencil drawing of a band, and the other with Christmas wrapping paper and a red bow
Crayon, Home Safe (self-released) Lots to unpack from this French producer’s upcoming 2025 debut album, the first thing being the ...
A blue book cover with a gold and white depiction of a Christmas tree
Brightly Shining, by Ingvild Rishøi (Grove Press, 192 pages) It’s been 181 years since A Christmas Carol was published, and ...
A TSA worker wearing a blue jacket adjusts a microphone in his ear with a serious expression
A heretofore-mid TSA agent gets tangled up in a terrorist attack in Carry-On, Netflix’s attempt at a “Die Hard is ...
Local music news & events • Celebration time: Time again for the annual Buzz Ball, with the one constant being ...
A path at night covered in pretty purple, blue, and yellow Christmas lights
LaBelle Winery’s lights display glows with holiday cheer Created during the pandemic as a way to provide socially distanced family ...

Our Annual Gift Guide — 12/12/2024

It’s our annual gift guide. We have ideas for everyone on your list throughout this week’s issue. Head to a local art studio to make a one-of-a-kind gift (page 12) or check out a local craft fair for a handmade-by–someone-else item (see page 10). Henry Homeyer suggests gifts for gardeners (page 18). Find museum membership ideas with some fun gift shop items (page 20). Get advice on how to make some tasty gifts (page 26) or some ideas for kitchen must-haves (page 28). Find books (page 34) and gifts for film-lovers (page 38). And for the music-lover, check out Michael Witthaus’ recommendations (page 40).

Also on the cover A new night, a new take on A Christmas Carol (page 10). Find special holiday meals and special meals on a holiday (page 30). And take a break with local bands playing at area bars and restaurants (page 42).

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A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Hospital partnership According to a press release, the State of New Hampshire will enter a public-private partnership with Dartmouth Health ...
two women peeling bag of potatoes in industrial kitchen peelings on tray in front of them
Keeping Granite Staters fed at the New Hampshire Food Bank Nancy Mellitt is the Director of Development at the New ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Soto Goes to the Mets: The Juan Soto sweepstakes ended Sunday with him getting the highest ...
large blow-up kelpie at front of walking parade at night
Thursday, Dec. 12 The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St. in Manchester; currier.org) will stay open for Art After ...
group of actors in small room, posing for photo, half in costume
Improv fun with What the Dickens What would happen if Ebenezer Scrooge were not miserly but instead always looking at ...
Counter at Manchester Craft Market
Where to make your own one-of-a-kind gift Compiled by Zachary [email protected] Not sure what to give? Make an original gift ...
painting of floating woman in long robe, three faces, done in religious icon style, in frame resembling architectural column
Hannah Cole Dahar discusses her inspirations By Zachary Lewis [email protected] Hannah Cole Dahar is an artist and art educator whose ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Show reception: Glimpse Gallery’s (Patriot Building, 4 Park St., Concord) ...
two watering cane sitting on grass lawn on sunny day
Books, seeds and tools for digging in the dirt I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I believed ...
Santa arriving in helicopter in field, crowd of people waiting to greet him
Give memberships to local museums Compiled by Zachary [email protected] Give a year of experiences with membership to an area museum ...
Family fun for whenever Santa at the farm • Charmingfare Farm (774 High St., Candia, visitthefarm.com) will hold Santa’s Christmas ...
cut glass bowl on wooden table
Dear Donna, This bowl belonged to my mother’s mom. Inside was a paper saying ‘brilliant cut glass bowl.’ Also a ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • New Greek food spot: A new branch of The Great Greek Mediterranean Grill ...
wooden box filled with food and kitchen items
The art of designing a good charcuterie board The twin secrets to a successful charcuterie board, according to Tom Bellemore, ...
wooden box filled with food and kitchen items
How to put together a gift basket Your in-laws own too much stuff as it is, and you can’t think ...
large professional kitchen knife on white background
Gifts for all budgets and levels of culinary nerdery If you’ve been trying to think of a holiday gift for ...
Christmas table setting with christmas decorations,. Top view, copyspace.
Where to find holiday meals & meals on a holiday Here are a few of the places offering special holiday ...
plate on granite countertop, piled with rolled cookie pastries with jam filling
1 cup (120 g) all-purpose flour 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder ½ teaspoon salt 1/3 cup (66 g) sugar ½ cup ...
album covers
Candy Whips, Artificial Melodies (Kitten Robot Records) This northern California fivesome label their stuff ‘’post-glam” or “accidental goth,” the latter ...
book cover showing small cat figurine in grass beside fallen wooden cross
Faithful Unto Death, by Paul Koudounaris (256 pages, Thames & Hudson) Traveling in rural Ecuador a few years ago, I ...
book covers
Looking to gift a book? Here are some of the books our reviewers loved this year: William, by Mason Coile ...
film still of black woman wearing colonial dress and cloak, standing in woodes at night, man in colonial dress standing behind her with light torch
Filmmaker looks at colonial territories Jay Craven is an award-winning veteran New England filmmaker. He spoke with the Hippo about ...
scene from movie Juror #2, showing actors portraying jury sitting in the jury box during trial
Juror #2 (PG-13) A juror realizes he has a pretty significant connection to the case he’s on in the Clint ...
Local music news & events • Movement: When he’s not playing an eclectic mix of acoustic rock covers, Joel Begin ...
collage of six t-shirts with band names on them
Cool stuff to light up the season From vinyl to attire, books and trinkets, there are many ways to make ...
headshot of woman wearing furry hat, chin resting on her hands
A wintry afternoon with Mary Fahl in Concord Most musicians find their way to making a Christmas album, but for ...

Learn how to play — 12/05/2024

Want to be a rock star — or just play a few songs at your next gathering? In this week’s cover story, Michael Witthaus talks to some of the local music instructors helping music lovers of all ages achieve their guitar (and piano and more) dreams.

Also on the cover Take a cookie road trip! Tickets are on sale now for next Saturday’s Currier & Ives Cookie Tour in the Monadnock region and for next weekend’s Inn to Inn Cookie Tour up north (see page 22). Symphony New Hampshire celebrates the season with a concert highlighting brass instruments (page 14). And Michael Witthaus talks with Seán Heely about his Celtic Christmas concert (page 32).

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A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Veggie recalls Connected to the recall of organic carrots from Grimmway Farms, 4Earth Farms of California recalled “multiple brands of ...
weathered metal plaque with raised text, attached to brick wall
Looking through the artifacts of NH history Ashley Miller is New Hampshire’s State Archivist and Director of the New Hampshire ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Will Jerod Mayo Be Back? Expect that to be the talk until Bob Kraft decides to ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Just hang up If you feel like you get more phone calls from robots than from actual humans, you’re probably ...
orchestra on stage, conductor at front, man dressed as Santa Claus waving to audience
Thursday, Dec. 5 A new exhibit, “Manchester Inspired: The Life and Works of Marylou Ashooh Lazos,” officially opens at the ...
long haired woman sitting in chair in dimly lit room holding guitar on lap, looking upwards while playing
Discover — or rediscover — your love of making music with help from the experts “So you wanna be a ...
middle aged man with white hair, wearing blue plaid shirt, sitting on couch, portrait
Celebrating the holidays with horns By Zachary [email protected] Executive Director Deanna Hoying is sounding the horn on New Hampshire Symphony’s ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Small works: Pillar Gallery + Projects’ newest exhibit is “NANO” ...
wooden a-frame in garden during fall
Final garden chores to do before winter Winter is fast upon us. The shortest days of the year are ahead, ...
Family fun for whenever Holiday happenings • Zach Umperovitch, builder of contraptions of all shapes and sizes, is inviting everyone ...
circular silver bracelet with single silver bead
Dear Donna, Could you give me some advice? I’m looking to market my Cape Cod bracelet. I have worn it ...
headshot of young woman with large smile
Business Systems Analyst Granite Stater Samantha McKeon is a Business Systems Analyst for A.W. Chesterton and spoke to the Hippo ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Holiday wine tasting: WineNot Boutique (25 Main St., Nashua, 204-5569, winenotboutique.com) will host ...
christmas cookies with coconut in a tin box
Tour inns, eat cookies at a Currier and Ives Cookie Tour It is time for one of the most delicious ...
long table with bins of vegetables for sale
Where to find farmers markets in colder months One of the great joys of summer is shopping for fresh local ...
Susan Chung, owner of Sue’s Kimbap House (Bank of NH Stage, 16 S. Main St., Concord, 731-9085, Sueskimbaphouse.com) is Capitol ...
Cocktail in stemmed glass on counter surrounded by lemon, bottle of apple cider, an egg, cocktail shaker
1½ ounces bourbon 1 ounce apple cider 1 ounce fresh squeezed lemon juice ½ ounce simple syrup 1 egg white ...
album covers
Kodak Black, Trill Bill (Capitol Records) This Florida-based rapper boasts the necessary cachet to make him relevant to the current ...
Book cover
How to Winter, by Kari Leibowitz (Penguin Life, 272 pages) When Kari Leibowitz was looking for a research opportunity that ...
screenshot from Moana 2
Moana takes another trip, but this time without the songs of Lin-Manuel Miranda, in Moana 2, a serviceable animated movie ...
Local music news & events • Seasonal standard: Get in the holiday spirit as the Heather Pierson Trio returns to ...
group of people dressed in scottish style garb, standing in front of large rocks outside, holding instruments
Seán Heely’s Celtic Christmas comes to Nashua In 2019, Seán Heely staged his first Celtic Christmas show for a few ...

2024 Holiday Guide — 11/28/2024

10 It’s our annual Holiday Guide! We’ve got all the fun happening from Thanksgiving Eve through New Year’s Day. Find all the theater, music, arts, food, movies and more to fill your schedule with seasonal excitement.

Also on the cover Michael Witthaus takes a look at one of this season’s many A Christmas Carol productions (page 40). Find a new take on Indian takeout in Milford (page 44). And for this long weekend we have So. Much. Music. Check out the supersized Music This Week starting on page 50.

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A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
E-ZPass scam alert The New Hampshire Department of Transportation reported that a smishing scam targeted New Hampshire residents by texting ...
Father and son filmmakers talk about their newest documentary The Ride Ahead is a documentary from the father-son director team ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Football on Thanksgiving Weekend: It’s the best weekend of the regular season in the NFL and ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Some rain, some drought The U.S. Drought Monitor for New Hampshire reported on Nov. 21 that a small section of ...
picture from the godmode tour
Saturday, Nov. 30 Brookford Farm (250 West Road, Canterbury, 742-4084, brookfordfarm.com) will host Christmas with the Cows today and Sunday, ...
Time for the Hippo’s Holiday Guide! Let your season of holiday fun start with our annual listing of events from ...
A Christmas Carol returns to Palace By Michael [email protected] A sure sign of the holiday season’s arrival is the return ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Open house: The New Hampshire Antique Co-op will host its ...
Jan Brett’s new book tour By Zachary [email protected] Jan Brett is releasing a new book, Alice in a Winter Wonderland, ...
Family fun for whenever Trip to the museum Looking for an out-of-the-house thing to do this long weekend? • The ...
Hello, Donna, Can you provide any information on this black plastic pin? I have provided a few photos to try ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Last bit of recipe: In the Nov. 21 issue of the Hippo, the ...
Aatma Curry House offers your Saturday dinner By John [email protected] According to Chef Keith Sarasin, opening a restaurant can feel ...
Jonathan Buatti, owner and head baker at Bearded Baking Co. (819 Union St., Manchester, 647-7150, beardedbaking.com) Jon started his culinary ...
Blue Moods, Force and Grace (Posi-Tone Records) American jazz trumpet legend Freddie Hubbard has been gone since 2008, and of ...
Every Valley, by Charles King (Doubleday, 277 pages) George Frideric Handel was not the only inspired composer to emerge during ...
Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande make for a winning pair in the thoroughly charming Wicked. As you probably know from ...
Local music news & events • Holiday junk: Throwing open the doors of its theater for Thanksgiving, Recycled Percussion performs ...
Original songwriters at BNH Stage By Michael [email protected] An eight-week competition at Patrick’s Pub in Gilford sponsored by NH Music ...

Pie! — 11/21/2024

It’s pie season! Apple, pumpkin, chocolate cream, something fancy with maple and pecans? Whatever your pie preferences, John Fladd helps you make the perfect crust and then offers some new ideas for the season’s signature dessert.

Also, Community Players of Concord get ready for “One Last Kiss” with Bye Bye Birdie (page 18). Pie gets competitive at Goffstown’s Once Upon a Pie (page 26). Let someone else do all that Thanksgiving turkey prep and clean-up; check out our list of restaurants serving up Thanksgiving day meals (page 27).

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A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Carrot concerns Grimmway Farms issued a recall of select organic whole carrots and baby carrots that may have been contaminated ...
elderly man wearing warm winter hat, winter coat, standing outside in snowy lawn, holding old ski poll
A look at the history of ski season in the Granite State Professor Emeritus of History at Plymouth State University ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Education of Drake Maye: They lost another tight one where he again was driving in the ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Sad news for local music fans The sudden passing of Brooks Young on Nov. 8 shocked the local music-loving community ...
women behind table stacked with children's books, handing bag to female customer at event
Thursday, Nov. 21 Jazz and R&B fusion artist RaJon Marshal of Black Pumas will take the stage at the Capitol ...
Tasty homemade American cherry pie. Delicious Homemade Cherry Pie with a Flaky Crust
The time between Thanksgiving and the end of the year is pie season. “That is true,” Alison Ladman confirmed. She ...
actor dressed in black pants and old fashioned plaid suit jacket, holding guitar, reaching out hand toward viewer
Bye Bye Birdie revisits rock’s early times Long before there was streaming and hundreds of cable channels, three networks ruled, ...
simple, light wooden dresser seen from above
Dear Donna, I am looking for information on this Heywood Wakefield dresser. It’s got a stamp in the top drawer ...
Family fun for whenever Stories Local authors David J. Preece and Jim Webber will hold a special Saturday storytime at ...
head shot of older man with full beard, wearing glasses and sweater.
Author & Historian J. Dennis Robinson is a columnist, lecturer and public historian raised in the Granite State. He has ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Wine for the holidays: WineNot Boutique (25 Main St., Nashua, 204-5569, winenotboutique.com) will ...
Thanksgiving autumn place setting with cutlery and arrangement of colorful fall leaves.
Where to dine out on Thanksgiving Have your Thanksgiving dinner at a table you don’t have to clear with dishes ...
people standing around long table with rows of pies
Apple takes on Key lime and more at Once Upon a Pie It sounds like a nice problem to have, ...
triangular piece of pie sitting on plate beside dollop of whipped cream, pie pan in background
At its best, Thanksgiving is the most relaxing of holidays. You wake up, watch the parade, offer to help whoever ...
album covers
Peggy Lee and Cole Schmidt, Forever Stories of: Moving Parties (Earshift Music) Meanwhile, out past Pluto into the Kuiper Belt, ...
book cover with orange cover, black and white photo of man in center, words What I ate in one year overlapping his face
What I Ate in One Year, by Stanley Tucci (Gallery, 348 pages) Fame enables so much. If you or I ...
still from Martha Stewart documentary showing young Martha Stewart in kitchen with wooden cabinets, chopping onions
Martha Stewart is a hoot in Martha, the documentary from R.J. Cutler that she apparently has some issues with. I’ve ...
Local music news & events • Denver-bound: Forget that it’s another week until Thanksgiving and just enjoy Rocky Mountain High ...
three men on stage during rock concert
British Invasion Years revisits ’60s When The Beatles debuted on American television in February 1964, it was a shot heard ...

Hoops Season — 11/14/2024

Can’t get to Boston for your basketball? You can find nearby college basketball games — often with low cost or free admission — that make it easy to cheer on a local team. We take a look at five area colleges as they consider the basketball season and what you can expect if you decide to check out some games. On the cover, the photo is by SNHU Athletic Communications/Josh Gibney of Penmen player Royce Williams, who graduated from Trinity High School in 2020.

Also on the cover Get a rundown of where to find everything from pies and sides to the whole turkey dinner to bring home for Thanksgiving starting on page 22. Find art shows, artisan fairs and craft fairs catering to the holiday shopper: on page 6 find a look at Mosaic Art Collective miniature art show, and on page 14 get the details on 3S Artspace’s Form + Function Artisan Fair and check out the listings of area craft fairs this weekend. And the Junior Service League celebrates Festivus in denim (page 16).

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Local music news & events • Country star: Led by a Grammy-winning Country Music Hall of Famer, Marty Stuart & ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Health insurance help The NH Navigator Program offers free health insurance navigation services to New Hampshire residents looking to apply ...
Ink drawing using negative space to portray a moth wing
Mosaic Art Collective holds a show focused on mini Founder and Volunteer Executive Director of Mosaic Art Collective (66 Hanover ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Patriots’ 10-Week Update: After Sunday’s 19-3 domination of Chicago they stand 3-7 in Week 10. Here’s ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Good news for coyotes, bad news for outdoor pets The University of New Hampshire announced in a Nov. 6 press ...
Thursday, Nov. 14 Country Music Hall of Famer, five-time Grammy-winner and AMA Lifetime Achievement honoree Marty Stuart and His Fabulous ...
black basketball player dribbling ball on court during a game
Get close to the action with local college basketball By Zachary [email protected] Welcome to hoops season! Basketball fans don’t have ...
Early holiday shopping at Form + Function Artisan Fair By Michael [email protected] For anyone shopping for a special gift and ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Twiggs closing: Twiggs Gallery will celebrate its art instructors with ...
The Junior Service League of Concord celebrates Festivus early By Zachary [email protected] The 7th Annual Junior Service League of Concord ...
Family fun for whenever Bubbles! • The Stockbridge Theatre (44 N. Main St. in Derry; stockbridgetheatre.showare.com, 358-5210) will present BubbleMania ...
smaller brooms
Hello, Donna. Can you shed some light on these paintbrushes? Possibly for stenciling. They belonged to a member of my ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • New poké: Poké BonBon (232-2464, pokebonbon.com) has opened in Manchester at 1000 Elm ...
Thanksgiving Turkey
Where to get pies, sides and the gravy By John [email protected] Here are some of the spots offering dessert, sides ...
My child texted me from college: “Thank you.” I really couldn’t remember what I had done to be thanked, so ...
Ron Carter & Art Farmer, Live At Sweet Basil (Arkadia Records) This release, newly pressed in 180-gram premium virgin vinyl, ...
Bambi, by Felix Salten (Knopf, 211 pages) If all you know of Bambi is what Disney served up, you don’t ...
A newly minted 18-year-old is suddenly confronted with her 39-year-old self in My Old Ass, a very sweet coming-of-age comedy ...
Willie Nile on making the best music of his life By Michael [email protected] “The Benjamin Button of rock ’n’ roll” ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Chorale concerts: NH Master Chorale Director Dan Perkins planned this ...

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