• Keep on brewing: Granite State craft breweries are among those across the country observing the third annual Small Brewery Sunday on Sunday, Nov. 28. The day was created by the Brewers Association as a way to encourage beer lovers to celebrate and support locally owned breweries, brewpubs and taprooms, according to a press release. The Association is inviting breweries everywhere, including those in New Hampshire, to share their Small Brewery Sunday experiences on their social media channels using the hashtags #SmallBrewerySunday and #SeekTheSeal. The industry as a whole is still working to recover from a 9 percent overall drop in craft beer sales in 2020, according to the release. The New Hampshire Brewers Association is also continuing its New Hampshire Pint Days fundraiser through Wednesday, Dec. 1, featuring limited-edition collectible 16-ounce pint glasses that are available for sale at more than 30 participating breweries statewide. Visit smallbrewerysunday.com.
• Bringing on the blueberries: Berrybogg Farm in Strafford will soon be selling a new blueberry cookbook, along with a 2022 calendar and other items like apparel and accessories, in commemoration of its 45th anniversary. According to its website, the online store will reopen on Friday, Nov. 26, with each of these items available for sale. The cookbook is expected to feature dozens of blueberry-based recipes, from simple jams and syrups to baked goods and desserts. Berrybogg Farm spans about 7 acres, growing nine varieties of blueberries over a period of roughly six weeks from mid- to late July into August. Visit berryboggfarm.com.
• Sweet deal: Loon Chocolate, a small-batch producer of handcrafted bean-to-bar chocolate based in Manchester, is moving its operations into The Factory on Willow (252 Willow St.), where it will expand its manufacturing space and add a retail space for its products. Construction on the product began earlier this month. According to Loon Chocolate owner and founder Scott Watson, he hopes to move into the space just after Christmas and have it open to the public around Jan. 29. Loon Chocolate features several types of flavored chocolate bars and has since diversified its product line into other offerings like hot cocoa bombs, cacao nibs, and a chocolate-infused elixir kit for spirits. Visit loonchocolate.com or follow them on Facebook and Instagram @loonchocolate for updates.
• Give thanks with beer: Join Northwoods Brewing Co. and its sister restaurant, Johnson’s Seafood & Steak (1334 1st New Hampshire Turnpike, Northwood) for a Northwoods Friendsgiving on Friday, Nov. 26, beginning at noon. The event will feature a variety of dark and seasonal brews from more than a dozen guest breweries on tap, including Great North Aleworks, To Share Brewing Co., Twin Barns Brewing Co. and Lithermans Limited, as well as live music from 5 to 7 p.m. with Cecil Abels and Rachel McCartney. Visit northwoodsbrewingcompany.com.
Jeff Paquin is the co-owner of The New England Holiday Light Co., a decorative lighting design and installation service based in Hooksett.
Explain your job and what it entails.
We put up lighting all year, but for different things, depending on the season. In the summertime, we do landscape lighting, wedding lighting and overhead lighting for restaurants and businesses. Then, May through October, it’s full-blown weddings. We did around 120 weddings this past year, and that number is growing quickly for next year. Starting in September we do holiday lighting.
How long have you had this job?
This is our fourth year in business.
What led you to this career field and job?
My family is huge into Christmas. When I was growing up our house was fully decked out with lights and artificial snow, and we would get an 8-foot Christmas tree and put a thousand ornaments on it. … A friend of mine, who owned a lighting company, encouraged me to start a tree lighting company. … I started out just lighting trees and bushes, and it evolved into lighting for residential homes, large commercial projects, holiday walkthroughs and experiences and stuff like that … and then, eventually, weddings and landscapes.
What kind of education or training did you need?
It’s on-the-job training and experience. … Licensing isn’t needed, but we did take courses … [that are offered] for lighting installation professionals to learn about lighting safety and regulations and how to install lighting the right way.
What is your typical at-work uniform or attire?
We dress for the elements. In the summertime I just wear shorts and a T-shirt. In the winter you’ll see us in all our snow gear — boots and Carhartts and long johns and hats and gloves.
How has your job changed over the course of the pandemic?
We actually grew considerably during the pandemic. … People were still doing small weddings and gatherings. … Since people were spending more time at home, they started turning their attention to making their home a more comfortable place. A lot of people asked us to do landscape and backyard lighting at their homes.
What do you wish you’d known at the beginning of your career?
You can’t do it all by yourself. … We used to do all of the work ourselves — sales, installation, trying to wear all of the different hats. … We’ve hired full-time employees now, but I wish we had hired people sooner.
What do you wish other people knew about your job?
How rewarding it is. Putting up lights may sound like a simple thing, but it’s so meaningful when you’re putting up Christmas lights for a mother whose husband passed away and the kids are running around all excited, thinking that elves put the lights up; or when you’re putting up lights at a wedding and making it a magical experience that people will never forget.
What was the first job you ever had?
Pushing carts at Shaw’s.
What’s the best piece of work-related advice you’ve ever received?
There’s always tomorrow. If something bad happens, treat it as a learning experience and do a better job than you did the day before.
Five favorites Favorite book: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Favorite movie:Star Wars series Favorite music: Christmas music Favorite food: My grandma’s mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli and meatloaf Favorite thing about NH: Hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing and skiing in the White Mountains
I was wondering if you could help me. I have a vanity that was my great-grandmother’s, but I just don’t have room to store it anymore. Do you have an idea of what it may be worth and where I could sell it?
Dear Cheryl,
Your walnut vanity was part of a bedroom set at one time. It is from the 1920s to the 1940s. It looks to be in great shape.
Furniture of this age can be a tough sell, even though you have the most desirable piece from a set. Nowadays people will buy them to paint, re-decorate, etc. The value would be in the $100 range. My suggestion for selling would be a local pick-up marketplace, or a consignment store, but then you would have to bring it there. Sometimes that’s not easy to do.
I hope this was helpful and you find a new home for your vanity. Or, if it was painted a new color, it might still fit in your home. It has family history.
Or send the family to the museum — whichever works for your long holiday weekend with people of various ages at home and in need of amusement.
• The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St. in Manchester; currier.org, 669-6144) is open Friday through Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (normally Thursdays as well, but not on Thanksgiving. Admission costs $15, $13 for 65+, $10 for students and $5 for ages 13 to 17 (children under 13 get in free). On Sundays, the Winter Garden Cafe offers a special brunch menu starting at 10 a.m. featuring mimosa flights, according to the website. Current exhibits include “As Precious As Gold: Carpets from the Islamic World,” “WPA in NH: Philip Guston and Musa McKim” and “Tomie dePaola at the Currier,” featuring the works of dePaola, writer and illustrator of 270 children’s books.
• SEE Science Center (200 Bedford St. in Manchester; see-sciencecenter.org, 669-0400) is open Tuesdays through Fridays (closed Thanksgiving) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Current displays and exhibits with hands-on examinations of science include BiologYou. Purchase reservations in advance via the website; admission costs $10 per person ages 3 and up. Or …
• On Saturdays, $13 admission price will get you admission to both the SEE Science Center and the Millyard Museum (200 Bedford St. in Manchester; 622-7531, manchesterhistoric.org/millyard-museum). Admission to just the Millyard Museum costs $8 for adults, $6 for 62+ and college students, $4 for children 12 to 18 and free for children under 12. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In addition to the permanent exhibits about Manchester’s history, the museum currently features the “New Hampshire Now” photography exhibit.
• The Aviation Museum of New Hampshire (27 Navigator Road in Londonderry; nhahs.org, 669-4820), featuring exhibits about the people and events of New Hampshire’s aviation history, is open Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.
• Find hands-on science and space-related exhibits at McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center (2 Institute Dr. in Concord; starhop.com, 271-7827), which is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays with sessions from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1:30 to 4 p.m. The center recommends purchasing timed tickets in advance; admission costs $11.50 for adults, $10.50 for students and seniors and $8.50 for kids ages 3 to 12 (admission is free for children 2 and under). Planetarium show tickets are also available and cost $5 per person (free for children 2 and under); see the website for the schedule of planetarium shows.
• The Children’s Museum of New Hampshire (2 Washington St. in Dover; childrens-museum.org, 742-2002) requires pre-purchased admission (which costs $11 per person, $9 for 65+ and no charge for children under 1). The museum will be closed Thanksgiving and Friday, Nov. 26, but will be open Saturday (from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m.) and Sunday (from 9 a.m. to noon). In addition to weekends, the museum is normally also open Tuesday through Friday with timed admission from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m.
• And perhaps for the teen whose face is stuck to their phone: The New Hampshire Telephone Museum (1 Depot St. in Warner; nhtelephonemuseum.org, 456-2234) is open Fridays and Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission costs $7 for adults, $6 for 60+ and $3 for students (1st through 12th grade).
Movies for the family
Another means of getting out of the house: go to the movies.
Playing in theaters starting Tuesday, Nov. 23, is Encanto, a Disney animated movie that is rated PG and features songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Encanto joins other family-friendly offerings in theaters including Clifford the Big Red Dog (PG), which is also screening on Paramount+; Ron’s Gone Wrong (PG) and The Addams Family 2 (PG), which is also available for rent via VOD.
Story, craft & shopping
For you, Saturday, Nov. 27, is Small Business Saturday. For the kids, Saturday is also storytime at Bookery Manchester (844 Elm St.; 836-6600, bookerymht.com). The event is free and starts at 11:30 a.m. The book is Hershel and the Holiday Goblins by Eric A. Kimmel and the storytime will also include a wreath-making craft.
One of the reasons I garden is that I love to cook and to create wonderful, flavorful dishes that I might not get elsewhere. I think many gardeners share that inclination. One of the techniques I have not used much is roasting vegetables, but I recently did some roasting and will do some more. I find it sweetens and intensifies flavors.
It all started when I was baking some potatoes. I had the oven at 425 and decided to make some kale chips at the same time. I ran down to the garden and picked some leaves. I took four of them, sliced the leafy part off the stems, and chopped coarsely to one- to two-inch squares. Then I sprinkled them with olive oil, tossed them well and dusted them with salt. I put them on a cookie sheet and roasted until crisp — 10 minutes seemed just right.
I’ve made kale chips before but was never enamored of them. This kale had been hit by frost several times, which made the leaves sweeter. And I cooked them at a higher temperature than I’ve done before. I also made a small batch: Cindy and I ate them all before dinner. In the past I have stored kale chips in a well-sealed glass jar, but they got soggy anyway. Still got kale in the garden? Give it a try.
Baked potatoes are a classic dish and easy to make. A few tips: Grow some russets next year — they are best for baking — and brush them with a little melted butter or olive oil to help crisp up the skins. But plan ahead, because it takes 45 to 65 minutes at 400 degrees to bake a potato. The bigger the spud, the longer it takes. You should be able to poke a fork or knife in easily when cooked. Oh, and don’t forget to poke some holes in the skin when you start — I’m told they can explode if you don’t.
I usually freeze fresh bell peppers in the fall. I find they are great for cooking and can be tossed in a salad, too. No blanching: I just wash and wipe dry, then seed and slice them and freeze in a zipper bag. I decided to try roasting frozen peppers now to see how they would do.
Frozen peppers thawing before roasting. Courtesy photo.
I spread out a couple of cups of frozen sliced peppers on a clean cloth towel on the counter, while preheating the oven to 450 degrees. They thawed quickly, and I patted them dry. I put them in a bowl and tossed them with some olive oil. Then I removed one half and put on the cookie sheet for cooking; the other half I sprinkled with dried oregano flakes and a little salt before spreading on the pan. Put down parchment paper or aluminum foil to simplify cleanup.
The peppers needed 25 to 30 minutes until they were soft and slightly charred. I did not remove the skins, though people who roast them whole tend to do that. If you are roasting peppers as a side dish, be aware that roasting them reduces the size considerably — a cup of sliced peppers doesn’t make much of a dish.
A few days later I got a nice pork roast and cooked it at 350 degrees for over an hour. This gave me a medium-hot oven just begging to roast veggies. I roasted beets, carrots, onions and tomatoes, and all were delicious!
The beets were medium-sized, 2 inches in diameter or so, and took an hour or a little more to feel well-cooked. I wrapped them loosely in aluminum foil after cutting off the leaves. I left the tails (roots) on the beets, and an inch or so of the stem and leaves. Cut beets tend to bleed, and I didn’t want that.
The carrots I just tossed into the roasting pan after I cleaned them well and cut off the stems and tips. If you have small carrots they don’t take as long as beets, so you can put them in later in the cooking process. Onions I peeled and roasted whole. While roasting they caramelized, turning sweeter. Good used cold in sandwiches!
I tried roasting my tomatoes by cutting tomatoes into half-inch slices and also just cutting them in half. I found the halves were easier to serve — the sliced tomatoes tended to fall apart. Later, when roasting peppers, I also roasted three more fresh tomatoes at 450 degrees after sprinkling them with dry basil. Even at 450 it takes an hour or so to get them to collapse and brown up.
Roasting tomatoes does give them a very nice, intense tomato flavor. Years ago I roasted quite a few with the idea of storing the results in the freezer. It worked well. I roasted them longer than I did just now: I roasted them until almost all the moisture was out, probably at a lower temperature. Then I put them in zipper bags and froze them for use in winter sandwiches. I took the frozen tomato pieces and thawed them in a toaster oven.
Each year I grow some winter squash. My favorite is the Waltham butternut. It is a light-brown squash with a bulbous, seed-filled distal end, and a narrower section with no seeds that extends to the attachment point on the vine. Mostly I peel them, remove the seeds and chop into cubes to include in stews and stir-fries.
Recently I roasted a butternut squash and was delighted not only by the flavor but also by the fact that I did not have to peel the skin. When serving (after an hour at 350 degrees) I scooped the cooked meat out of the skin. But later I tried a bite of the skin, and it was soft and delicious. Vegetable skins generally are full of vitamins and minerals, so I shall plan on eating squash skins from now on (with the exception of Blue Hubbard skins, which are so thick and leathery).
So as you plan your garden for next year, think about growing veggies you can roast. They are perfect comfort food for long winter nights.
Featured photo:Roasted tomatoes with basil. Courtesy photo.
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities
• Unique art and crafts: The Sanbornton Community Arts Festival will take place on Saturday, Nov. 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Old Town Hall (19 Meetinghouse Road, Sanbornton). More than 30 local artisans will be selling unique handmade items, including jewelry, stained glass, cards, quilted wall hangings, birdhouses, baby blankets and knitted clothing, home decor, soaps, tie dye shirts, gourmet treats, handbags and totes, candles, ornaments, flower arrangements and more. The festival will be held again on Saturday, Dec. 18, at the same time and location. Search “Sanbornton Community Arts Festival” on Facebook for more information.
A Novel Discussion The Bookery (844 Elm St., Manchester) welcomes Manchester author Ernesto Burden on Thursday, Dec. 2, at 5:30 p.m., for a reading and discussion of his new novel, Slate. The story centers on Mike Clayton and his personal journey from his high life in 1990s Boston back to his small hometown in Vermont after learning that his father is dying. The event is free and open to the public. Visit bookerymht.com or call 836-6600.
“Schooner at Sunset,” a photograph by NHAA artist Robert Morin, featured in an exhibit at Creative Framing Solutions in Manchester. Courtesy photo.
• Three NHAA artists in Manchester: The New Hampshire Art Association has three installations up at Creative Framing Solutions (89 Hanover St., Manchester) now through Nov. 30, showcasing work by NHAA artists. “Dawn to Dusk” is a collection of observational paintings by Lennie Mullaney exploring the therapeutic effects of natural light and being outdoors during the pandemic. “Light nourishes us, calming our anxiety and loneliness,” she said in a press release. “The healing powers of nature … guide us as we trod softly, finding our way back to what matters.” Robert Morin’s exhibition, “Gilded Images: Prints over Gold Leaf,” includes a mix of digital photography and scans from original photo negatives. “I have always had a great interest in alternative photographic processes,” Morin said in the release. “The final effect of the translucent vellum over the gold/silver leaf produces a print of unique and beautiful luminescence.” “Edge of the Ocean” features paintings by Barbara Adams that capture the ocean in various forms, including the way in which it meets the New Hampshire coast. “These paintings range from depicting the depths of the ocean to the beaches and rocks upon which the beautiful waves crash on the shore,” Adams said in the release. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call 320-5988 or visit nhartassociation.org.
• Poetry inspired by local history: The Literary Arts Guild of the Center for the Arts Lake Sunapee Region will host a poetry reading on Saturday, Nov. 27, at 4 p.m. at the Warner Town Hall (5 E. Main St., Warner). Poets will read their original poems featured in Visual Verse III: Snapshots in Time, a collection of poems written about historic photographs and objects found at town historical societies in New Hampshire, including Warner, Andover and Sutton. The photographs that inspired the poetry will also be on display at the event. Admission is free. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Masks are required. Visit literarynorth.org or call 456-2437.
Carpet art The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St., Manchester) has a special exhibition, “As Precious as Gold, Carpets from the Islamic World,” on view now through Feb. 27. On loan from the Saint Louis Art Museum, the exhibition features 32 carpets with various geographical origins, dating from the 15th century to the 19th century, including a Spanish rug, three Egyptian rugs, Lotto and Holbein patterned carpets, a 16th-century Ushak Medallion and a late 17th-century Small Medallion carpet. Museum admission costs $15 for adults, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, $10 for students, $5 for youth ages 13 through 17, and is free for members and children under age 13. Museum hours are Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Friday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.
• Youth theater audition for girls: The Peacock Players, a youth theater company based in Nashua, is holding auditions for its upcoming mainstage production of The Wolves on Tuesday, Nov. 30, with time slots from 6 to 9 p.m. The 2016 off-Broadway dramatic comedy by Sarah DeLappe follows six Saturday mornings in the lives of the nine teenage girls on the Wolves soccer team in suburban America. The audition is open to female-identifying actors ages 14 through 18. Actors should memorize and prepare a one-minute contemporary monologue in the style of the show that highlights their vocal and physical acting abilities, and bring a headshot and resume or list of theater experience, if any. Schedule an audition online in advance. Callbacks will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 1, with time slots from 7 to 10 p.m. Rehearsals will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 6 to 9 p.m., and Saturdays, from 2 to 8 p.m., beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 4. The show will run for two weekends from Feb. 11 through Feb. 20 in Nashua. Visit peacockplayers.com.
A picture of New Hampshire The New Hampshire Historical Society and New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists present “New Hampshire Now,” a collaborative photography project on display in eight exhibitions at museums and historical societies across the state, now through Feb. 12. Nearly 50 photographers participated in the project, taking more than 5,000 photos of New Hampshire people, places, culture and events from 2018 to 2020 to create a 21st-century portrait of life in the Granite State. Exhibition locations include Belknap Mill Society in Laconia; Colby-Sawyer College in New London; Portsmouth Historical Society; Historical Society of Cheshire County in Keene; the Manchester Historic Association; Museum of the White Mountains at Plymouth State University; and the Tillotson Center in Colebrook; with the flagship exhibition at the New Hampshire Historical Society in Concord. Visit newhampshirenow.org and nhhistory.org.
• JOAN L. DUNFEY EXHIBITION Features artwork in a variety of media by regional NHAA members and non-members that follows the theme “Portals.” On display at the New Hampshire Art Association’s Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery, 136 State St., Portsmouth. Now through Nov. 28. Visit nhartassociation.org or call 431-4230.
• “WPA IN NH: PHILIP GUSTON AND MUSA MCKIM” Exhibit features a pair of 14-foot monumental murals painted by artist Philip Guston and poet and painter Musa McKim for the Federal forestry building in Laconia, New Hampshire, in 1941. The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St., Manchester). On view now through Dec. 5. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.
• “AROUND NEW HAMPSHIRE” On exhibit at the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce’s Visitor Center, 49 S. Main St., Concord, on view now through Dec. 16. Featuring the work of New Hampshire Art Association member Elaine Farmer, the exhibit features her oil paintings embodying New Hampshire’s iconic views and ideals, ranging from mountain lakes and birch tree woods to historic landmarks. Visit concordnhchamber.com or nhartassociation.org.
• “SLEIGHBELL STUDIO” Annual holiday showcase at Twiggs Gallery featuring a wide selection of fine art, jewelry, cards, books, honeys, soaps and more, all locally made and priced affordably for gift buying. Now through Dec. 18. 254 King St., Boscawen. Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m. Visit twiggsgallery.wordpress.com or call 975-0015.
• “SMALL WORKS — BIG IMPACT” Creative Ventures Gallery presents its annual holiday exhibit in-person at the gallery (411 Nashua St., Milford) and virtually on the gallery’s website (creativeventuresfineart.com/product-category/small-works-show). The exhibit features non-juried small works of art in a variety of media and styles, created by area professional and nonprofessional artists, priced affordably for holiday gift buying. Now through Dec. 31. Visit creativeventuresfineart.com or call 672-2500.
• EMILY NOELLE LAMBERT Solo exhibition by New York City artist Emily Noelle Lambert. Dana Center for the Humanities at Saint Anselm College (100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester). On view now through Jan. 9. Masks required inside the gallery. Visit anselm.edu/dana-center-humanities or call 641-7700.
• “SALON 2021” Exhibition features offbeat and experimental works in a variety of media by regional artists with diverse studio practices and artistic approaches. The Kimball Jenkins Estate (266 N. Main St., Concord, 225-3932, kimballjenkins.com). Now through Jan. 14. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with evening and weekend visits available by request.
• “BIG GIFTS IN SMALL PACKAGES” The Seacoast Artist Association’s annual holiday exhibit, featuring a variety of small works of art priced under $100 for gift buying. Now through Jan. 7. 130 Water St., Exeter. Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, from 1 to 4 p.m. Visit seacoastartist.org or call 778-8856.
• “AS PRECIOUS AS GOLD: CARPETS FROM THE ISLAMIC WORLD” Exhibit features 32 carpets dating from the 15th century to the 19th century. The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St., Manchester). On view now through Feb. 27, 2022. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.
• “1,000 CRANES FOR NASHUA” Featuring more than 1,000 origami paper cranes created by hundreds of Nashua-area kids, adults and families since April. On display now at The Atrium at St. Joseph Hospital, 172 Kinsley St., Nashua. Visit nashuasculpturesymposium.org.
• “NEW HAMPSHIRE NOW” A collaborative photography project presented by the New Hampshire Historical Society and the New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists, on display in eight exhibitions at museums and historical societies across the state. Nearly 50 photographers participated in the project, taking more than 5,000 photos of New Hampshire people, places, culture and events from 2018 to 2020 to create a 21st-century portrait of life in the Granite State. Exhibition locations include Belknap Mill Society in Laconia; Colby-Sawyer College in New London; Portsmouth Historical Society; Historical Society of Cheshire County in Keene; the Manchester Historic Association; Museum of the White Mountains at Plymouth State University; and the Tillotson Center in Colebrook; with the flagship exhibition at the New Hampshire Historical Society in Concord. Visit newhampshirenow.org and nhhistory.org.
• GALLERY ART A new collection of art by more than 20 area artists on display now in-person and online. Creative Ventures Gallery (411 Nashua St., Milford). Call 672-2500 or visit creativeventuresfineart.com.
• “TOMIE DEPAOLA AT THE CURRIER” Exhibition celebrates the illustrator’s life and legacy through a collection of his original drawings. On view now. Currier Museum of Art, 150 Ash St., Manchester. Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.
• ART ON MAIN The City of Concord and the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce present a year-round outdoor public art exhibit in Concord’s downtown featuring works by professional sculptors. All sculptures will be for sale. Visit concordnhchamber.com/creativeconcord, call 224-2508 or email [email protected].
• “9/11” Exhibit features images of the September 11 attacks and the aftermath, taken by war photographer Jim Nachtwey. On view now. The Currier Museum of Art (150 Ash St., Manchester). Museum admission tickets cost $15, $13 for seniors age 65 and up, and must be booked online. Call 669-6144 or visit currier.org.
• “THE DYSFUNCTION OF SOCIAL PRACTICE” Kelley Stelling Contemporary presents an exhibition featuring paintings, sculpture and performance works by five New Hampshire artists. Kimball Jenkins Estate (266 N. Main St., Concord). Nov. 20 through Jan. 14. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with evening and weekend visits available by request. Experiential dance performance presented in partnership with the New Hampshire Dance Collaborative at the mansion on Thurs., Dec. 2, at 5:30 p.m. Event will include catered hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Tickets cost $50. Attendees must be fully vaccinated. Visit kelleystellingcontemporary.com.
• NASHUA PUBLIC ART AUDIO TOUR Self-guided audio tours of the sculptures and murals in downtown Nashua, offered via the Distrx app, which uses Bluetooth iBeacon technology to automatically display photos and text and provides audio descriptions at each stop on the tour as tourists approach the works of art. Each tour has 10 to 15 stops. Free and accessible on Android and iOS on demand. Available in English and Spanish. Visit downtownnashua.org/nashua-art-tour.
Workshops and classes
• WINTER ART CLASSES Art classes for teens and adults, including Pottery, Stained Glass, Intermediate Watercolor and Clay Hand Building. Studio 550 Art Center (550 Elm St., Manchester). Five-week sessions begin Nov. 29. Classes met for two hours a week. Call 232-5597 or visit 550arts.com for the full schedule and cost details.
• GENERAL ART CLASSES In-person art classes for all levels and two-dimensional media. held with small groups of two to five students. Private classes are also available. Diane Crespo Fine Art Gallery (32 Hanover St., Manchester). Students are asked to wear masks in the gallery. Tuition costs $20 per group class and $28 per private class, with payment due at the beginning of the class. Call 493-1677 or visit dianecrespofineart.com for availability.
• DRAWING & PAINTING CLASSES Art House Studios, 66 Hanover St., Suite 202, Manchester. Classes include Drawing Fundamentals, Painting in Acrylic, Drawing: Observation to Abstraction, Exploring Mixed Media, and Figure Drawing. Class sizes are limited to six students. Visit arthousestudios.org.
• PETER PAN The Seacoast Repertory Theatre (125 Bow St., Portsmouth) presents. Now through Dec. 23, with showtimes on Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $32 to $50. Visit seacoastrep.org.
• DICKENS’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL The Hatbox Theatre (Steeplegate Mall, 270 Loudon Road, Concord). Dec. 3 through Dec. 19. Showtimes are on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $19 for students, seniors and members and $16 for senior members. Visit hatboxnh.com.
• THE TOYMAKER’S APPRENTICE The Players’ Ring Theatre presents. 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth. Dec. 4 through Dec. 19, with showtimes on Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and noon. Tickets cost $25 for adults, $22 for students and seniors age 65 and up and $15 for kids under age 12. Visit playersring.org or call 436-8123.
• CONEY ISLAND CHRISTMAS The Pinkerton Players present. Stockbridge Theatre (5 Pinkerton St., Derry). Fri., Dec. 10, and Sat., Dec. 11, at 7 p.m., and Sun., Dec. 12, at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $15 for adults and $10 for students and seniors. Visit stockbridgetheatre.com.
• SCROOGE IN LOVEThe Majestic Theatre presents. Derry Opera House (29 W. Broadway, Derry). Fri., Dec. 10, at 7 p.m., Sat., Dec. 11, at 2 and 7 p.m., and Sun., Dec. 12, at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $20 for adults and $15 for seniors age 65 and up and students age 17 and under. Visit majestictheatre.net.
• RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER The Palace Youth Theatre presents. Palace Theatre (80 Hanover St., Manchester). Tues., Dec. 14, and Wed., Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $12 to $15. Visit palacetheatre.org or call 668-5588.
• TRUE TALES LIVE Monthly showcase of storytellers. Held virtually via Zoom. Last Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Now through December. Visit truetaleslivenh.org.
• LIFESPAN OF A FACT Produced by Lend Me a Theater. The Hatbox Theatre (270 Loudon Road, Concord). Feb. 18 through March 6. Showtimes are on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $19 for students, seniors and members and $16 for senior members. Visit hatboxnh.com.
• HOLIDAY BRASS Symphony NH performs holiday brass music. Sat., Nov. 27, 7:30 p.m. St. Mary and Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church, 39 Chandler St., Nashua. Tickets range from $20 to $60 for adults, from $18 to $55 for seniors age 65+ and are free for children. Visit symphonynh.org.
• GRANITE STATE RINGERS Handbell choir presents its holiday concert series. Shows on Sun., Nov. 28, 3 p.m., at LaBelle Winery (14 Route 111, Derry); Sun., Dec. 5, 2:30 p.m., at St. Paul’s Methodist Church (335 Smyth Road, Manchester); and Sat., Dec. 11, 2 p.m., at 320 Main St. in Sandown. Tickets $20 for adults and $15 for 10 and under for the Nov. 28 show and $10 in advance and $12 at the door for the Dec. 5 show. The Dec. 11 show is free, but reservations are required. Visit granitestateringers.org.