Glendi — 23/09/14

Both baklava and spanakopita (the spinach and feta pie pictured here and on the cover) make excellent breakfast foods — OK, maybe that’s not one of our Glendi “facts” (it’s true, though). To celebrate this year’s 44th Glendi, we present 44 facts about this annual festival of Greek food and culture and the community that puts it all together at St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Manchester.

It’s a celebration weekend! “Fandoms unite” is the headline of our story on the Granite State Comic Con — a celebration of not just comic books but all manner of pop culture (page 14). St. Mary and Michael the Archangel Coptic Church in Nashua will celebrate Egyptian food at its annual festival (page 28). The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord celebrates at its annual Aerospacefest (page 20).

A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Bus issues Since the start of the school year, the Manchester School District has grappled with transportation issues, including significant ...
collage of man's head on top of black ink drawing of intricate, cartoon style machine riding on one wheel
Demetri Martin and his multimedia comedy show Blending music and drawings with his signature one-liners and deadpan delivery, Demetri Martin ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story: If someone needed a working example for the term “beyond belief” they could use that all it ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Flu shot season In a WalletHub report studying vaccination rates among the 50 states and the District of Columbia, New ...
Image of Ribbon Dancer participating in Manchester NH Citywide Arts Festival. Courtesy photo.
Big Events September 14, 2023 and beyond Thursday, Sept. 14The Granite State Fair held at 72 Lafayette Road in Rochester ...
man wearing plastic gloves making gyro, ingredients in bins
44 facts about one of Manchester’s favorite food festivals and the community that keeps it going In honor of the ...
2 young women dressing in cosplay costumes, sitting on rock in grassy area outside of event center
Granite State Comicon returns for a weekend in Manchester From video and tabletop games to comics and pop culture, there ...
book cover for a hard silence by Melanie Brooks
Nashua author discusses her father’s illness We all are likely familiar with a variation of the saying “the truth will ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities September arts market: The Concord Arts Market, an outdoor artisan and ...
girl scouts making science projects at outdoor table at event
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center holds annual AerospaceFest By Jill The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center welcomes scientists, stargazers, explorers and learners of ...
Family fun for the whenever Season ender The New Hampshire Fisher Cats play their final home games of the season ...
Antique children's tin cooking toys
Hello, Donna.I’m trying to find out any information on these children’s toys. My main question is would they be safe ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene Fall fest: 603 Brewery (42 Main St. in Londonderry; will hold a Fall ...
Picture of Ed Barooney holding his product, Dandido Hot Sauce.
What is your must-have kitchen item?Dandido Hot Sauce. What would you have for your last meal?Rib-eye steak medium, mashed potatoes ...
Image of Steamer Trunk drink in a shorty glass.
I have had to face the harsh reality recently that I have aged out of some of my travel-related bucket ...
Mitski, The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We (Dead Oceans Records) Generally speaking, I’m late to the ball with ...
Image of book cover for The Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner
The Breakaway, by Jennifer Weiner (Atria, 387 pages) Not many novels get reviewed by Bicycling magazine, especially not ones by ...
Local music news & events Vegas visitors: Growing up in Burbank, California, The Edwards Twins — identical brothers Eddie and ...
Photo of Autumn Joy Perennial
Make room for raised beds and homemade cookies As a Certified Senior Citizen I sometimes wonder if I am too ...
Egyptian Food Festival, previous years. Courtesy photos.
Nashua church holds sixth Egyptian Food Festival From Friday, Sept. 15, through Sunday, Sept. 17, the Egyption Food Festival will ...
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Nia Vardalos and her My Big Fat Greek Wedding players travel to Greece for a vacation wherein they occasionally shoot ...
Shinedown. Photo by Sanjay Parikh.
Shinedown returns with concept album With the title track from 2022’s Planet Zero album, Shinedown brought its record-breaking total of ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene Wine bar reopened in Bedford: Corks, the wine bar in the Bedford Village Inn ...

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Fall Guide 2023 — 23/09/07

It’s time to trade in the flip-flops of summer for fancier fall footwear, like maybe ruby slippers or shiny boots. Find those sparkly fashion statements at The Wizard of Oz, opening this weekend, and Kinky Boots in October — two theatrical productions you’ll find at the Palace Theatre in Manchester this fall. Find more theater, arts, music, festivals (such as the Children’s Museum of NH’s Toddlerfest, pictured at right), book events and more in this year’s fall guide.

Also on the cover The Manchester Citywide Arts Festival starts Monday, Sept. 11. Get the rundown of all the events on page 30. The annual Hampton Beach Seafood Festival will be serving up lobster and fun this weekend (page 38). And celebrate your furry friends at the Wags to Whiskers Festival next weekend (page 32).

A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Be prepared During National Preparedness Month this September, the New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of Homeland Security and Emergency ...
man and woman standing outside in field, man holding trophy
Concord grower discusses this year’s harvest Diane Souther of Apple Hill Farm in Concord provides insight into a frost’s devastating ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story: Football is back, and just in time, with the Red Sox season on life support after the ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Harvest season Gov. Chris Sununu and the New Hampshire Executive Council were slated to host a food drive in support ...
Big Events September 7, 2023 and beyond Friday, Sept. 8 The 11th annual New Hampshire Monarch Festival continues this weekend ...
2 men standing at grills outside beside event tent
A season of arts, theater, music, festivals, and more It’s time to trade in the flip-flops of summer for the ...
Image of Ribbon Dancer participating in Manchester NH Citywide Arts Festival. Courtesy photo.
The Palace Theatre hosts the second Manchester Citywide Arts Festival Art in all its forms will be celebrated during the ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities Get Stage Struck: The curtain rises on Friday, Sept. 8, for ...
Image of a woman smiling holding her dog, holding up a caricature portrait of her and her corgi.
Humane Society’s annual festival returns On Saturday, Sept. 16, humans and canines alike will gather by the thousands at Anheuser-Busch ...
Image of two people Shearing a sheep at Hillsborough County Agricultural fair
The Hillsborough County Agricultural Fair, among the oldest agricultural fairs in New Hampshire, opens its gates for the weekend of ...
Family fun for the whenever Music on the farm Mr. Aaron will perform on Sunday, Sept. 10, at 3 p.m ...
Image of a basil plant in garden bed
Grow basil, eat pesto, let the kids help out I love to cook, and I love to eat. I got ...
Image of a set of Victorian-Era childrens toy blocks
Dear Donna,Can you give me a reason to not toss this item? Found in the attic of my parents. Looks ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene Launch party for Botanica #9: Manchester Distillery (284 Manchester St., Manchester) launches Botanica #9 ...
seafood roll on toasted bun with lemon
Seafood Festival returns to Hampton Beach By Curt The Hampton Beach Seafood Festival keeps reaching higher. Now in its ...
woman cooking in food truck with door open, wearing baseball cap and apron, smiling
Originally from the Detroit area, Kerry Fay, owner of Kerry’s Culinary Creations & Curb Appeal Meals Food Truck, moved to ...
soup with dill garnish on plate next to bread roll
Ugh. We’ve been walking for days. Half an hour, actually. HONK!! Yeah! Same to YOU, buddy!” Actually, we probably just ...
album covers
Dijahsb, Tasty Raps Vol. 2 [self-released] This Toronto-based nonbinary rapper has a Polaris Music Prize to their credit, along with ...
book cover
Wifedom, by Anna Funder (Knopf, 464 pages) Never meet your heroes, goes the old adage. A corollary should be “Never ...
Still clip from the new movie Meg 2: The Trench
More sharks eat more people in Meg 2: The Trench, a sequel to 2018’s The Meg. Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) ...
Local music news & events Faux fighters: The Currier’s weekly Art After Work series continues with Foo! A Foo Fighters ...
Image of musician Jon Pousette-Dart on stage playing the acoustic guitar.
Jon Pousette-Dart Trio performing at the Rex In the second half of the 1970s, the Pousette-Dart Band was one of ...

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Summer scrapbook — 23/08/31

We recognize that summer, in the calendar sense, might not be over but Labor Day does feel like the conclusion of the summer vibe. So in this week’s paper we look at a few of the events that made this mild, sometimes sunny, frequently rainy, summer unique. On the cover and above, kids attending the Currier Museum of the Art’s Summer Block Party in July get their faces painted by young artists from Manchester Central High School. Photo by Morgan Karanasios courtesy the Currier Museum.

Also on the cover It’s a long weekend, make the most of it with live music at area restaurants. Find our Music This Week listing on page 32. Concord is trying to make downtown the place to be on the first Fridays of each month (see page 24). Find some mystery and some family fun at the UFO Festival in Exeter (page 18).

The rain had been heavy through the night, but the morning dawned with brilliant sunshine, so I decided to have ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Peaches in 2024? Severe winter freezes have decimated New Hampshire’s peach crop this year, prompting growers to innovate. According to ...
2 women at desk working on computer, wearing masks
Telemonitoring patients at home Granite VNA, New Hampshire’s leading home health care provider, has launched a telemonitoring program for patients ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story: It was the return of Mookie Betts at Fenway. He picked up right where he left off ...
young girl sitting in small, plane in front of controls
Kids in flight The “Young Eagles” program, organized by EAA Chapter 106 from Lawrence, Massachusetts, recently provided 37 youngsters with ...
tween girl posing with a cow at an agricultural show
Big Events August 31, 2023 and beyond Thursday, Aug. 31 The Hopkinton State Fair starts today at 905 Park Ave ...
a girl and boy child posing with painted faces
A season in pictures Summer, at least in the unofficial vibe-y sense, comes to something of a close with Labor ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Singing for the holidays: The New Hampshire Gay Men’s Chorus ...
6 teenagers standing on lawn wearing UFO event shirts
Annual UFO Festival celebrates the “Incident at Exeter” It has been 58 years since the Incident at Exeter, when 18-year-old ...
Family fun for the weekend High-flying story time • The picture book Paper Planes by Jim Helmore and Richard Jones ...
hydrangea bush with large white flowers, in garden running alongside house
Choose the variety that works best for your garden Unlike the games of chance at our local fair, you always ...
old chair on sliding rocker
Hello, Donna — I’m trying to get any information that you may know about this rocker. I’m not positive what ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Try gourmet kettle popcorn and handmade wine: Visit Averill House Vineyard (21 Averill ...
women standing in parking lot in front of good truck, nightime
Intown Concord sponsors food trucks for First Friday This past May, Intown Concord started a new tradition with First Friday ...
woman, man and 3 teenagers holding up exotic fruit and posing on a beach
Heidi Piotrowicz created 603 Perfect Blend, a loose-leaf tea and spice company, two years ago with her husband, John, when ...
two tall glasses with cocktails and ice, on table beside pair of glasses and partially full alchohol bottles
You promised your therapist that you would try to take better care of yourself. And you really meant to. But ...
album covers
Beth Bombara, It All Goes Up (Black Mesa Records) This Missouri-based singer-songwriter’s trip tacks to a yodely Sarah MacLachlan-by-way-of-Christine McVie ...
book cover showing large black man on running track
Slow AF Run Club, by Martinus Evans (Avery, 239 pages) Desir must not get to the library much, because there’s ...
still shot from You are so not invited to my bat mitzvah
Two lifelong besties do the kind of brutal (psychological) violence to each other that only two middle school girls can ...
Local music news & events • Al fresco blues: A summer concert series ends with the Eric Lindberg Band, led ...
man wearing sunglasses, playing guitar on fire escape
Brooks Young counts his wins ahead of Thorogood tour Most people who meet their musical idols are grateful if they ...

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Meet our raptors — 23/08/24

It’s a lovely time of year for bird watching — particularly for watching raptors, such as owls, hawks and falcons. Mya Blanchard talks to local experts about some of the birds of prey you may spot and what they look like. Photo at right is of a Peregrine falcon, photo by Al Hospers. Photo of bald eagles on the cover is by Joe Grande.

Also on the cover Mya Blanchard catches up with chef Keith Sarasin about his book Mastering Fermentation. John Fladd gives you an easy but impressive flourless chocolate cake. Michael Witthaus talks to Liam Spain about the NH Irish Festival.

Gov. Sununu made national headlines recently when he announced he would not seek reelection for a fifth term as governor ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Elder abuse Attorney General John M. Formella has introduced new resources aimed at addressing elder abuse and financial exploitation in ...
shape of NH state, four icons placed at bottom of state, on background image of books on shelves
University libraries lend to all state residents University libraries have traditionally been reserved for students and faculty. However, the University ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story: This weekend brings the return of Mookie Betts to Fenway Park for what should be a warm ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Fan gear Looking for something to wear to one of the remaining New Hampshire Fisher Cats home games this season? ...
young man and woman dressed in character costumes standing in hotel
Big Events August 24, 2023 and beyond Friday, Aug. 25 Chunky’s Cinema Pub (707 Huse Road in Manchester;, 206-3888) ...
2 bald eagles perching on branches of leafy tree
With fall around the corner, we will soon see the days get shorter, the temperatures cooler, and many hawks in ...
group of actors posing together in front of set
Actorsingers present Evil Dead The Musical HD While rehearsing the second act of Evil Dead The Musical HD, director Matty ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Learn from the best: Master Potter David MacDonald will visit ...
tall thin plants with thin leaves and small flowers along stems at top
Give a flat garden some height with these perennials If Jack, of Beanstalk fame, were to visit my garden, I ...
an iron bar, one side upturned with screw on end, crossing perpendicular with another iron bar topped with crescent moon shape
Hello, Donna, Can you help me identify this piece of iron? It looks to be all there but I can’t ...
Family fun for the weekend Birds! • If this week’s cover story has you inspired to do a little birding, ...
girl and 2 young women posing for photo together
Video booth rental providers Ivelis Rodriguez, Jeimy Rojas and Rose Viger are the family behind Take Two Visions, a 360 ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Gate City Brewfest: Gate City Brewfest is this Saturday, Aug. 26, from 1 ...
book cover for mastering fermentation
Chef Sarasin’s new cookbook features fun flavors According to local chef Keith Sarasin, humanity wouldn’t be where it is today ...
headshot of smiling young woman with hair pulled up
Amanda Baril is the owner of NH Doughnut Co., a small family-run doughnut shop with locations in Concord and Bedford ...
round chocolate cake with triangular piece cut out beside triangular piece on plate with scoop of vanilla ice cream
A lot of people seem to be deeply suspicious of my cooking. I like to cook interesting — and yes, ...
album covers
Mariion Christiian, “Still Water” / “The Weight of Things” (EMG Records) You’d file this new EP somewhere between Above & ...
book cover
Tom Lake, by Ann Patchett (Harper, 309 pages) The celebrated novelist Ann Patchett says that Thornton Wilder’s Our Town has ...
screenshot from Blue Beetle movie showing character in super hero beetle costume with wings
A recent college grad accidentally forms a symbiotic relationship with superpower-bestowing alien tech in Blue Beetle, a DC Comics movie ...
Local music news & events • Bringing it back: Among a multitude of tribute acts, The Frank White Experience is ...
4 female band members standing on small street, one holding guitar, one holding accordian
NH Irish Festival an indoor/outdoor bash According to the New England Historical Society, more than one in five of New ...

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The after school issue — 23/08/17

Back! To! School! While parents may be more excited about this season than their kids, kids likely will get excited about suiting up for ballet or soccer or karate. Or trying out art or climbing lessons. Or hanging with their buddies at an afterschool program. If you’re looking for a place for your kids to find new interests or build on their existing skills, check out this week’s extracurriculars spectacular!

Also on the cover Meanwhile, the summer festivals continue. This weekend, Manchester is home to two of its tasty annual events: Mahrajan, a festival of Middle Eastern food, and We Are One, celebrating African, Caribbean and Latin American cultures. Find both stories starting on page 30. And in Nashua it’s the annual Greeley Park Art Show; see page 22.

A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Funds for schools The Manchester School District has received a $7.6 million federal grant to enhance its Multi-Tiered System of ...
man standing in field of flowers on sunny day
Wildflower Festival celebrates pollinators The inaugural Wildflower Festival, set for Saturday, Aug. 19, at Keyes Field on Elm Street, Milford, ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story – Reinforcements Arrive: Those poo-pooing the idea that Chaim Bloom didn’t do much at the trade deadline ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Seek replacement scoops The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has issued a press release warning against ...
small 2 person plane sitting on tarmac on lot
Big Events August 17, 2023 and beyond Thursday, Aug. 17 Enjoy a little “yes, and” at the Queen City Improv ...
youth hockey team posing on ice rink in uniforms with sticks
Your guide to Martial arts, Sports, Dance, Music and More spectacular extracurriculars Soccer practice, theater rehearsals, painting class, guitar lessons, ...
painting of a black and white dog
This art show is a walk in the park By Deborah The Nashua Area Artists’ Association presents the Greeley ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • After work and outdoors: The Currier Museum of Art (150 ...
flower window garden box on ground with viney plant growing up trellis at side of house
Did you know those little styrofoam-looking beads in potting soil are actually volcanic glass? You may not have the time ...
row of vintage cars in old parking lot, trees and houses behind, sunny day
Car show raises money for automotive students When 23-year-old AJ Dodge passed away six years ago, friends and family created ...
Family fun for the weekend Summer shows • The 2023 Bank of New Hampshire Children’s Summer Series has two shows ...
flower shaped metal bowl things sitting on old table outside
Dear Donna, My wife and I spotted this set of items at an estate sale in Manchester. They were in ...
woman wearing sweater standing outside storefront with banner hanging, her arms raised in victory
Quilt shop owner Francine Ruel owns and runs Paradise Quilting in Concord. Explain your job and what it entails. Our ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Brookford Farm’s International Food Festival: Don’t miss the International Food Festival at Brookford ...
meat on a stick, flatbread, and rice on styrofoam leftovers container
Mahrajan returns to Our Lady of the Cedars Church With food, music, dancing, games and even a petting zoo, Our ...
male musician outside playing large drums with his hands, wearing conical hat, dreadlocks and sunglasses, sunny day
Cultural fest brings food, music and dance By Jill African/Caribbean and Latino cultures come together for a multi-sensory celebration ...
cocktail in martini glass on table with decorative flowers and cocktail shaker
I think that it’s fair to say that Florida doesn’t have the best reputation. Take, for example, the “Florida Man” ...
album covers
Bluphoria, Bluphoria (Edgeout Records/UMe) I’m late to the ball by a couple of months on this one, the debut LP ...
book cover for Ultra-Processed People
Ultra-Processed People, by Chris van Tulleken (W.W. Norton & Co., 313 pages) Is there anyone on the planet who doesn’t ...
Local music news & events • Active rock: A triple bill in Concord is topped by Any Given Sin, a ...
3 band members carrying instruments while walking over train tracks in promotional photo
No More Blue Tomorrows celebrates debut LP Anyone searching for hope in the regional music scene will be heartened by ...

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Big Laughs — 23/08/10

Did you hear the one about the comedy show on Hampton Beach? OK, there’s no punchline to that — just a whole lotta information about where to find big comedy shows, weekly comedy shows and a whole fall calendar full of comedy shows. Michael Witthaus catches up with comedians and show organizers to help you find out where to go to have a laugh. Photo above and on the cover is of comedian Kerri Louise; photo by Karl Baierlein.

Also on the cover Fests all over! Leave your Saturday meal plans to the Great New England BBQ & Food Truck Fest in Milford (see page 24). Do some shopping at the Manchester Arts & Crafts Fair, also on Saturday (page 15). And if you’re looking for more movies, check out the Manchester International Film Festival (page 17).

A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Lead protection Manchester’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen recently approved the creation of a Lead Exposure Prevention Commission. According to ...
book cover for born on a good friday, small text over photo of child standing next to tree
Nathan Graziano talks about his latest project Manchester author Nathan Graziano discusses his new collection of poetry, Born on Good ...
Photo of assorted sports equipment for football, soccer, tennis, golf, baseball, and basketball
The Big Story: There were dueling big stories. There was the vocal grumbling over the Red Sox doing virtually nothing ...
A graphic the shape of the state of New Hampshire, filled in with the New Hampshire flag made up of the crest of New Hampshire on a blue field.
Ewww New Hampshire waters are experiencing a record number of cyanobacteria blooms this summer due to recent weather conditions, WMUR ...
Big Events August 10, 2023 and beyond Thursday, Aug. 10 The 66th Annual New Hampshire Antiques Show begins today and ...
man wearing straw boater hat, arms raised in wide gesture, standing in front of microphone on sidewalk, fried dough stand behind him, beach town
Michael Witthaus checks in with comedians and bookers about the state of the local comedy scene and looks at some ...
artists and crafts vendors set up wares under event tents in row along grassy field on sunny day
Manchester Arts & Crafts Fair returns for a second year Back for its second year is the Manchester Arts & ...
The latest from NH’s theater, arts and literary communities • Celebration of fine craft: The League of NH Craftsmen Fair ...
film still from animated short film with sketchy drawing of girl in courtyard, people sitting around table behind her
The Manchester International Film Festival returns The second Manchester International Film Festival will feature short films by independent and award-winning ...
vegetable garden with mounded rows layered with straw, raised wooden bed, vegetables growing, large puddles
Start with the garlic, have patience with potatoes Those of us who grow vegetables are faced with many questions each ...
close up of row of record albums seen from the side, record leaning against them
Good morning, Donna. I’m wondering if you appraise 33 and 45 records. Or can you help with someone who can ...
Family fun for the weekend Try-athalon • The 11th Annual Friends of Aine Kids’ Try-athlon will be held Sunday, Aug ...
young woman with long hair, smiling, cutting ceremonial ribbon in front of shelf containing beauty products
Esthetician Adrienne Austin is an esthetician and owner of Moonlight Magic Esthetics in Bedford ( Explain your job and what ...
Red round icon that reads Weekly Dish
News from the local food scene • Food truck fest and car show: The town of Windham hosts a food ...
chicken souvlaki on trays
Assumption holds its Greekfest Express By Grace On Saturday, Aug. 26, Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Manchester will serve ...
Find a variety of flavor at the BBQ & Food Truck Fest Great New England Craft & Artisan Shows is ...
man holding up bag of snacks and giving thumbs up sign
Triet Le is the owner of Holy Moly Snacks, a beef chip company. All products are made from scratch and ...
small plate of watermelon pickles sitting on table covered in embroidered table cloth, half full jar behind it
I could tell that it was an old journal or a scrapbook. It was about 8” by 10”, though it ...
album covers
Huey Lewis & The News, Sports [vinyl reissue] (Capitol Records) I know right, 40 years late, but hey man, this ...
book cover for Save What's Left
Save What’s Left, by Elizabeth Castellano (Anchor, 304 pages) When Kathleen Deane’s cardiologist husband of 30 years decides to move ...
screen shot from animated teenage mutant ninja turtles movie
The pizza-loving turtles dream of a Ferris Bueller-like high school experience and hope heroics that go viral will help them ...
Local music news & events • Treble effort: There’s history and the occasional “Blue Rondo a La Turk” in Chris ...
band members on stage in front of crowd, outdoor venue, colorful mandala on back wall of stage
Gov’t Mule plays Pink Floyd; Led Zeppelin opens In terms of bang for buck, it’s hard to beat the upcoming ...

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